focal (3) configfile.3bobcat.gz

Provided by: libbobcat-dev_5.02.00-1build1_amd64 bug


       FBB::ConfigFile - A class processing standard unix-like configuration files


       #include <bobcat/configfile>
       Linking option: -lbobcat


       ConfigFile  objects  read  standard  unix-style  configuration  files.   Lines  are  stored  with initial
       white-space (blanks and tabs) removed.  If a line ends in \, then  the  next  line  (initial  white-space
       removed) is appended to the current line.

       If  the rmComment flag is set to true blanks lines and information on lines from the first # are removed.
       If the comment character (#) is prefixed by a backslash (i.e., \#) it  is  not  considered  comment,  but
       replaced  by  a  single  #  character.  Likewise, if the rmComment flag was set two consecutive backslash
       characters are replaced by a single backslash character, In the retrieved  configuration  information  it
       appears  as  a single # character. If the configuration file should contain \# write \\#, this results in
       replacing \# by #, leaving \#.

       All non-empty lines of the configuration file (when comment is ignored comment is not  considered  to  be
       line-content) are stored in the ConfigFile object.  When line indices should be stored the (0-based) line
       indices of lines are available as well.

       At construction  time  comment  handling  (keep  comment  /  remove  comment),  case-sensitive  searching
       (sensitive / insensitive) and index storage (store / don’t store) can be specified.

       It can’t be modified using the open member, but overloaded assignment is supported and comment and letter
       case handling can be modified by set-members.


       All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page,  are  defined  in  the
       namespace FBB.




       The following enumerations are defined by the class ConfigFile:

       o      Comment:
              This enumeration has two values:
              ConfigFile::KeepComment is used to indicate that comment on lines must be kept;
              ConfigFile::RemoveComment is used to indicate that comment on lines must be removed;

       o      SearchCasing:
              This enumeration also has two values:
              ConfigFile::SearchCaseSensitive is used to do case sensitive searches for targets;
              ConfigFile::SearchCaseInsensitive is used to do case insensitive searches for targets.

       o      Indices:
              This enumeration also has two values:
              ConfigFile::IgnoreIndices  when  used, the line numbers of the original configuration file are not
              ConfigFile::StoreIndices when used, the line numbers of the original configuration file  are  also


       The following types are defined by the class ConfigFile:

       o      const_iterator:
              a const_iterator is an iterator pointing to a line (std::string) of the configuration file;

       o      const_RE_iterator:
              a  const_RE_iterator  is  an iterator pointing to lines matching a regular expression. It supports
              the following operations:

       o      const_RE_iterator &operator++(): the prefix increment operator increments the iterator to point to
              the next line in the configuration file matching the iterator’s regular expression;

       o      std::string  const  &operator*(): the dereferencing operator returns the line of the configuration
              file the iterator refers to;

       o      std::string const *operator->(): the pointer operator returns the  address  of  the  line  of  the
              configuration file the iterator refers to; const_RE_iterators can be compared for (in)equality and
              they can be copy-constructed; const_RE_iterator objects are returned by the ConfigFile::beginEndRE
              member and cannot otherwise be constructed.

              When  two  const_RE_iterator  objects  are  subtracted  the number of lines matching their regular
              expression is returned. E.g., (see below for a description of  the  functions  used  in  the  next

                  ConfigFile cf(...)
                  auto iters = cf.beginEndRE("^hello");
                  cout << "There are " << (iters.second - iters.first) <<
                          " lines starting with hello\n";

              The  two  const_RE_iterator  objects  should  refer  to  the same regular expression. The provided
              example illustrates how this is realized using beginEndRE.

              FBB::Pattern is used to perform the regular expression pattern matching.


       o      ConfigFile(Comment cType = KeepComment, SearchCasing sType = SearchCaseSensitive, Indices iType  =
              This  constructor is used to create an empty ConfigFile object. It is not associated with an input
              stream: the open member can be used for that. The parameters  can  be  used  to  specify  specific
              handling of comment, letter-casing and storage of line numbers in the original configuration file.

       o      ConfigFile(std::string   const   &fname,   Comment  cType  =  KeepComment,  SearchCasing  sType  =
              SearchCaseSensitive, Indices iType = IgnoreIndices):
              This constructor is used to create a ConfigFile object, which is filled with the information  from
              a  file  whose name is provided as the constructor’s first argument. The other parameters are used
              as described with the first constructor. It throws an FBB::Exception exception if the  file  could
              not be opened.


       o      std::string const &operator[](size_t idx) const:
              This member returns the (0-based) idx-th line of the configuration file.

       Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are available.


       o      ConfigFile::const_iterator begin() const:
              This member returns a const_iterator to the first line of the configuration file.

       o      ConfigFile::const_iterator end() const:
              This member returns a const_iterator pointing beyond the last line of the configuration file.

       o      std::pair<ConfigFile::const_RE_iterator,   ConfigFile::const_RE_iterator>   beginEndRE(std::string
              const &target) const:
              A pair of const_RE_iterators is returned. The first field of the pair is a const iterator  to  the
              first  element  (i.e.,  line)  of  the ConfigFile object in which the regular expression target is

              The second field is a const iterator marking the end of the series of lines  started  at  the  the
              first line matching the regular expression specified by target.

              If the RemoveComment flag was specified, then comment-text is not searched.  The iterator returned
              in the pair’s first field can be incremented until the iteratr returned in the pair’s second field
              is  reached;  all iterators (unequal the iterator in second) point to lines matching the specified
              regular expression.

              The  iterator’s  increment  operator  searches  the  next  line  matching  the  specified  regular

              Although  the  difference  between  two  const_RE_iterators  can  be  computed  it is a relatively
              expensive operation.  The  difference  is  obtained  by  performing  repeated  regular  expression
              matchings  rather  than the mere algebraic subtraction of pointer values. If the difference cannot
              be computed std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() is returned.

              This member also interprets the SearchCasing flag.

       o      std::pair<ConfigFile::const_RE_iterator, ConfigFile::const_RE_iterator> beginEndRE() const:
              A pair of const_RE_iterators is returned, both marking the end of a regular expression search.

       o      ConfigFile::const_iterator find(std::string const &target) const:
              This member returns an iterator to the first element (i.e., line) of the FBB::ConfigFile object in
              which  target  is  found. Note that target may appear anywhere within a line. If the RemoveComment
              flag was specified, then comment-text is not  searched.  Use  the  end  member  to  determine  the
              end-iterator.  It  is  not guaranteed that all lines between the returned iterator and end contain
              target.  This member also interprets the SearchCasing flag.

       o      std::string findKey(std::string const &keyPattern, size_t count = 1) const:
              This member can be used to retrieve information from lines having the general pattern  `keyPattern
              value’.  Initial  and  trailing  white  space  on  lines are ignored. keyPattern itself should not
              contain initial or trailing white space. At least one white space character  must  appear  between
              keyPattern  and  value.  If  at  least  count lines were found matching keyPattern value then this
              member returns the first sequence  of  non  white  space  characters  following  keyPattern  after
              matching  count  lines matching keyPattern value (i.e., `value’ is returned). If value is empty or
              if fewer than count lines  match  keyPattern  an  empty  string  is  returned.  An  FBB::Exception
              exception is thrown if count equals 0.

       o      std::string findKeyTail(std::string const &keyPattern, size_t count = 1) const:
              This  member can be used to retrieve information from lines having the general pattern `keyPattern
              value’, merely followed by white space. Initial and trailing white space  on  lines  are  ignored.
              keyPattern  itself  should  not  contain initial or trailing white space. At least one white space
              character must appear between keyPattern and value.  If at least count lines were  found  matching
              keyPattern  value  then this member returns the information beyond keyPattern after matching count
              lines matching keyPattern (i.e., `value’ is returned). This function differs from findKey in  that
              all  information  trailing  keyPattern  is  returned in value.  If value is empty or if fewer than
              count lines match keyPattern an empty string is returned. An FBB::Exception exception is thrown if
              count equals 0.

       o      ConfigFile::const_iterator findRE(std::string const &target) const:
              This  member  returns  an iterator to the first line of the ConfigFile object matching the regular
              expression target. After calling this function beginEndRE returns an  iterator  pair  whose  first
              field  is  an  iterator  to  the  same  line  and whose second field is the end-iterator for lines
              matching target. If the RemoveComment flag was specified, then comment-text is not searched.   The
              inherited  end  member  can  be  used to determine the end-iterator. It is not guaranteed that all
              lines between the returned iterator and end also contain target.

       o      size_t index(size_t idx):
              This function should only be used when the parameter StoreIndices was  specified  at  construction
              time. In that case it returns the original 0-based line index in the configuration file associated
              with the idx (0-based) index in the current Configuration object.

       o      size_t index(const_iterator const &iter):
              This function should only be used when the parameter StoreIndices was  specified  at  construction
              time. In that case it returns the original 0-based line index in the configuration file associated
              with the configuration line in the current Configuration object pointed to by iter. This may  also
              be an (incremented version of the) iterator returned by the member findRE.

       o      void open(std::string const &fname):
              This  member reads the configuration file having name fname.  It redefines the current contents of
              the ConfigFile object, destroying any information previously stored in it. The configuration  file
              is read according to the latest setting of the comment-flag. It throws an FBB::Exception exception
              if the file cannot be opened.

              This member clears previously available information and reinitializes the object with  information
              read from the new file.

       o      void setCommentHandling(Comment type):
              This  member can be used to change the comment-handling type originally set by the constructor, or
              set by earlier calls of this function. When called it won’t affect the  current  contents  of  the
              ConfigFile  object, but new calls of its open member reads the configuration file according to the
              last setting of the comment flag.

       o      void setSearchCasing(SearchCasing type):
              This member can be used to change  the  handling  of  the  letter-casing  originally  set  by  the
              constructor,  or  set  by  earlier calls of this function. When called it won’t affect the current
              contents of the ConfigFile object, but new calls of its open member reads the  configuration  file
              according to the last setting of the letter-casing flag.

       o      size_t size() const:
              This member returns the number of lines in the configuration file.


       Assume the configuration file is called config.rc and contains the following lines:

       # this is ignored

       noline: this one too

       line: this is found

       this is not a line containing line: at the beginning of the line

       line: this one is

           line: what about this one? \
               it’s extending over multiple lines

       and there may, of course, be more lines in this file

       The following program may be compiled and run as a.out config.rc:

       #include <iostream>
       #include <iterator>
       #include <algorithm>
       #include <string>
       #include <bobcat/configfile>

       using namespace std;
       using namespace FBB;

       int main(int argc, char **argv)
           ConfigFile cf(argv[1]);

           cout << *cf.find("this one") << ’\n’; // find text within a line

                                                // find all lines matching
           auto [begin, end] = cv.beginEndRE("^line:"); // `^line:’

           copy(begin, end, ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));

       Producing the output:

       noline: this one too
       line: this is found
       line: this one is
       line: what about this one? it’s extending over multiple lines


       bobcat/configfile - defines the class interface


       argconfig(3bobcat), bobcat(7), exception(3bobcat), pattern(3bobcat)


       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_5.02.00-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_5.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_5.02.00-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.

       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (