focal (3) dpm_getstatus_copyreq.3.gz

dpm_getstatus_copyreq - get status for a dpm_copy request
#include <sys/types.h> #include "dpm_api.h" int dpm_getstatus_copyreq (char *r_token, int nbsurls, char **fromsurls, char **tosurls, int *nbreplies, struct dpm_copyfilestatus **filestatuses)
dpm_getstatus_copyreq gets status for a dpm_copy request. The input arguments are: r_token specifies the token returned by a previous copy request. nbsurls specifies the number of files for which the status is requested. If zero, the status of all files in the copy request is returned. fromsurls specifies the array of source file names. tosurls specifies the array of target file names. The output arguments are: nbreplies will be set to the number of replies in the array of file statuses. filestatuses will be set to the address of an array of dpm_copyfilestatus structures allocated by the API. The client application is responsible for freeing the array when not needed anymore. struct dpm_copyfilestatus { char *from_surl; char *to_surl; u_signed64 filesize; int status; char *errstring; time_t f_lifetime; };
This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, serrno is set appropriately.
EFAULT nbsurls is strictly positive and fromsurls or tosurls is NULL or r_token, nbreplies or filestatuses is a NULL pointer. ENOMEM Memory could not be allocated for marshalling the request. EINVAL nbsurls is not positive, the token is invalid/unknown or all file requests have errors. SENOSHOST Host unknown. SEINTERNAL Database error. SECOMERR Communication error.