Provided by: libpmemkv-dev_1.1-1_amd64 

pmemkv - Key/Value Datastore for Persistent Memory
#include <libpmemkv.h> typedef int pmemkv_get_kv_callback(const char *key, size_t keybytes, const char *value, size_t valuebytes, void *arg); typedef void pmemkv_get_v_callback(const char *value, size_t valuebytes, void *arg); int pmemkv_open(const char *engine, pmemkv_config *config, pmemkv_db **db); void pmemkv_close(pmemkv_db *kv); int pmemkv_count_all(pmemkv_db *db, size_t *cnt); int pmemkv_count_above(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, size_t *cnt); int pmemkv_count_below(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, size_t *cnt); int pmemkv_count_between(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k1, size_t kb1, const char *k2, size_t kb2, size_t *cnt); int pmemkv_get_all(pmemkv_db *db, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); int pmemkv_get_above(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); int pmemkv_get_below(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); int pmemkv_get_between(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k1, size_t kb1, const char *k2, size_t kb2, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); int pmemkv_exists(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb); int pmemkv_get(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_v_callback *c, void *arg); int pmemkv_get_copy(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *value_size); int pmemkv_put(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, const char *v, size_t vb); int pmemkv_remove(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb); int pmemkv_defrag(pmemkv_db *db, double start_percent, double amount_percent); const char *pmemkv_errormsg(void); For pmemkv configuration API description see libpmemkv_config(3). For general pmemkv information, engine descriptions and bindings details see libpmemkv(7).
Keys and values stored in a pmemkv database can be arbitrary binary data and can contain multiple null characters. Every function which accepts key expects const char *k pointer to data and its size as size_t. Some of the functions (mainly range-query API) are not guaranteed to be implemented by all engines. If an engine does not support a certain function, it will return PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. int pmemkv_open(const char *engine, pmemkv_config *config, pmemkv_db **db); Opens the pmemkv database and stores a pointer to a pmemkv_db instance in *db. The engine parameter specifies the engine name (see libpmemkv(7) for the list of available engines). The config parameter specifies configuration (see libpmemkv_config(3) for details). Pmemkv takes ownership of the config parameter - this means that pmemkv_config_delete() must NOT be called after successful open. void pmemkv_close(pmemkv_db *kv); Closes pmemkv database. int pmemkv_count_all(pmemkv_db *db, size_t *cnt); Stores in *cnt the number of records in db. int pmemkv_count_above(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, size_t *cnt); Stores in *cnt the number of records in db whose keys are greater than the key k of length kb. int pmemkv_count_below(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, size_t *cnt); Stores in *cnt the number of records in db whose keys are less than the key k of length kb. int pmemkv_count_between(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k1, size_t kb1, const char *k2, size_t kb2, size_t *cnt); Stores in *cnt the number of records in db whose keys are greater than key k1 (of length kb1) and less than key k2 (of length kb2). int pmemkv_get_all(pmemkv_db *db, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); Executes function c for every record stored in db. Arguments passed to the function are: pointer to a key, size of the key, pointer to a value, size of the value and arg specified by the user. Function c can stop iteration by returning non-zero value. In that case pmemkv_get_all() returns PMEMKV_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_CB. Returning 0 continues iteration. int pmemkv_get_above(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); Executes function c for every record stored in db whose keys are greater than key k (of length kb). Arguments passed to c are: pointer to a key, size of the key, pointer to a value, size of the value and arg specified by the user. Function c can stop iteration by returning non-zero value. In that case pmemkv_get_above() returns PMEMKV_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_CB. Returning 0 continues iteration. int pmemkv_get_below(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, oid *arg); Executes function c for every record stored in db whose keys are less than key k (of length kb). Arguments passed to c are: pointer to a key, size of the key, pointer to a value, size of the value and arg specified by the user. Function c can stop iteration by returning non-zero value. In that case pmemkv_get_below() returns PMEMKV_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_CB. Returning 0 continues iteration. int pmemkv_get_between(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k1, size_t kb1, const char *k2, size_t kb2, pmemkv_get_kv_callback *c, void *arg); Executes function c for every record stored in db whose keys are greater than key k1 (of length kb1) and less than key k2 (of length kb2). Arguments passed to c are: pointer to a key, size of the key, pointer to a value, size of the value and arg specified by the user. Function c can stop iteration by returning non-zero value. In that case pmemkv_get_between() returns PMEMKV_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_CB. Returning 0 continues iteration. int pmemkv_exists(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb); Checks existence of record with key k of length kb. If record is present PMEMKV_STATUS_OK is returned, otherwise PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_FOUND is returned. Other possible return values are described in the ERRORS section. int pmemkv_get(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, pmemkv_get_v_callback *c, void *arg); Executes function c on record with key k (of length kb). If record is present and no error occurred the function returns PMEMKV_STATUS_OK. If record does not exist PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_FOUND is returned. Other possible return values are described in the ERRORS section. Function c is called with the following parameters: pointer to a value, size of the value and arg specified by the user. Value points to the location where data is actually stored (no copy occurs). This function is guaranteed to be implemented by all engines. int pmemkv_get_copy(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *value_size); Copies value of record with key k of length kb to user provided buffer. buffer points to the value buffer, buffer_size specifies its size and *value_size is filled in by this function. If the value doesn’t fit in the provided buffer then this function returns PMEMKV_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR. Otherwise, in absence of any errors, PMEMKV_STATUS_OK is returned. Other possible return values are described in the ERRORS section. This function is guaranteed to be implemented by all engines. int pmemkv_put(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb, const char *v, size_t vb); Inserts a key-value pair into pmemkv database. kb is the length of key k and vb is the length of value v. When this function returns, caller is free to reuse both buffers. This function is guaranteed to be implemented by all engines. int pmemkv_remove(pmemkv_db *db, const char *k, size_t kb); Removes record with key k of length kb. This function is guaranteed to be implemented by all engines. int pmemkv_defrag(pmemkv_db *db, double start_percent, double amount_percent); Defragments approximately `amount_percent' percent of elements in the database starting from `start_percent' percent of elements. const char *pmemkv_errormsg(void); Returns a human readable string describing the last error. ERRORS Each function, except for pmemkv_close() and pmemkv_errormsg(), returns one of the following status codes: • PMEMKV_STATUS_OK – no error • PMEMKV_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR – unknown error • PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_FOUND – record not found • PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED – function is not implemented by current engine • PMEMKV_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT – argument to function has wrong value • PMEMKV_STATUS_CONFIG_PARSING_ERROR – parsing data to config failed • PMEMKV_STATUS_CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR – config item has different type than expected • PMEMKV_STATUS_STOPPED_BY_CB – iteration was stopped by user’s callback • PMEMKV_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY – operation failed because there is not enough memory (or space on the device) • PMEMKV_STATUS_WRONG_ENGINE_NAME – engine name does not match any available engine • PMEMKV_STATUS_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_ERROR – an error with the scope of the libpmemobj transaction • PMEMKV_STATUS_DEFRAG_ERROR – the defragmentation process failed (possibly in the middle of a run) Status returned from a function can change in a future version of a library to a more specific one. For example, if a function returns PMEMKV_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, it is possible that in future versions it will return PMEMKV_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT. Recommended way to check for an error is to compare status with PMEMKV_STATUS_OK.
#include <assert.h> #include <libpmemkv.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define LOG(msg) puts(msg) #define MAX_VAL_LEN 64 static const uint64_t SIZE = 1024UL * 1024UL * 1024UL; int get_kv_callback(const char *k, size_t kb, const char *value, size_t value_bytes, void *arg) { printf(" visited: %s\n", k); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* See libpmemkv_config(3) for more detailed example of config creation */ LOG("Creating config"); pmemkv_config *cfg = pmemkv_config_new(); assert(cfg != NULL); int s = pmemkv_config_put_string(cfg, "path", argv[1]); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); s = pmemkv_config_put_uint64(cfg, "size", SIZE); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); s = pmemkv_config_put_uint64(cfg, "force_create", 1); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); LOG("Opening pmemkv database with 'cmap' engine"); pmemkv_db *db = NULL; s = pmemkv_open("cmap", cfg, &db); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); assert(db != NULL); LOG("Putting new key"); const char *key1 = "key1"; const char *value1 = "value1"; s = pmemkv_put(db, key1, strlen(key1), value1, strlen(value1)); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); size_t cnt; s = pmemkv_count_all(db, &cnt); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); assert(cnt == 1); LOG("Reading key back"); char val[MAX_VAL_LEN]; s = pmemkv_get_copy(db, key1, strlen(key1), val, MAX_VAL_LEN, NULL); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); assert(!strcmp(val, "value1")); LOG("Iterating existing keys"); const char *key2 = "key2"; const char *value2 = "value2"; const char *key3 = "key3"; const char *value3 = "value3"; pmemkv_put(db, key2, strlen(key2), value2, strlen(value2)); pmemkv_put(db, key3, strlen(key3), value3, strlen(value3)); pmemkv_get_all(db, &get_kv_callback, NULL); LOG("Removing existing key"); s = pmemkv_remove(db, key1, strlen(key1)); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); assert(pmemkv_exists(db, key1, strlen(key1)) == PMEMKV_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); LOG("Defragmenting the database"); s = pmemkv_defrag(db, 0, 100); assert(s == PMEMKV_STATUS_OK); LOG("Closing database"); pmemkv_close(db); return 0; }
libpmemkv(7), libpmemkv_config(3) and <>