focal (3) mongoc_installing.3.gz

mongoc_installing - Installing the MongoDB C Driver (libmongoc) and BSON library (libbson) The following guide will step you through the process of downloading, building, and installing the current release of the MongoDB C Driver (libmongoc) and BSON library (libbson).
The MongoDB C Driver is continuously tested on variety of platforms including: • Archlinux • Debian 9.2 • macOS 10.12 • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 • RHEL 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 • Clang 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8 • GCC 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 5.4, 6.3 • MinGW-W64 • Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015 • x86, x86_64, ARM (aarch64), Power8 (ppc64le), zSeries (s390x)
Several Linux distributions provide packages for libmongoc and its dependencies. One advantage of installing libmongoc with a package manager is that its dependencies (including libbson) will be installed automatically. The libmongoc package is available on recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu. $ apt-get install libmongoc-1.0-0 On Fedora, a mongo-c-driver package is available in the default repositories and can be installed with: $ dnf install mongo-c-driver On recent Red Hat systems, such as CentOS and RHEL 7, a mongo-c-driver package is available in the EPEL repository. To check which version is available, see The package can be installed with: $ yum install mongo-c-driver
The libbson package is available on recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu. If you have installed libmongoc, then libbson will have already been installed as a dependency. It is also possible to install libbson without libmongoc. $ apt-get install libbson-1.0 On Fedora, a libbson package is available in the default repositories and can be installed with: $ dnf install libbson On recent Red Hat systems, such as CentOS and RHEL 7, a libbson package is available in the EPEL repository. To check which version is available, see The package can be installed with: $ yum install libbson
Prerequisites for libmongoc OpenSSL is required for authentication or for SSL connections to MongoDB. Kerberos or LDAP support requires Cyrus SASL. To install all optional dependencies on RedHat / Fedora: $ sudo yum install cmake openssl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel On Debian / Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install cmake libssl-dev libsasl2-dev On FreeBSD: $ su -c 'pkg install cmake openssl cyrus-sasl' Prerequisites for libbson The only prerequisite for building libbson is cmake. The command lines above can be adjusted to install only cmake. Building from a release tarball Unless you intend to contribute to mongo-c-driver and/or libbson, you will want to build from a release tarball. The most recent release of libmongoc and libbson, both of which are included in mongo-c-driver, can be downloaded here. The instructions in this document utilize cmake's out-of-source build feature to keep build artifacts separate from source files. The following snippet will download and extract the driver, and configure it: $ wget $ tar xzf mongo-c-driver-x.y.z.tar.gz $ cd mongo-c-driver-x.y.z $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF .. The -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF option is recommended, see init-cleanup. Another useful cmake option is -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release for a release optimized build and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for a debug build. For a list of all configure options, run cmake -L ... If cmake completed successfully, you will see a considerable amount of output describing your build configuration. The final line of output should look something like this: -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/mongo-c-driver-x.y.z/cmake-build If cmake concludes with anything different, then there is likely an error or some other problem with the build. Review the output to identify and correct the problem. mongo-c-driver contains a copy of libbson, in case your system does not already have libbson installed. The build will detect if libbson is not installed and use the bundled libbson. Additionally, it is possible to build only libbson by setting the -DENABLE_MONGOC=OFF option: $ cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DENABLE_MONGOC=OFF .. A build configuration description similar to the one above will be displayed, though with fewer entries. Once the configuration is complete, the selected items can be built and installed with these commands: $ sudo make install There are two ways to uninstall the components that have been installed. The first is to invoke the uninstall program directly. On Linux/Unix: $ sudo /usr/local/share/mongo-c-driver/ On Windows: $ C:\mongo-c-driver\share\mongo-c-driver\uninstall.bat The second way to uninstall is from within the build directory, assuming that it is in the exact same state as when the install command was invoked: $ sudo make uninstall The second approach simply invokes the uninstall program referenced in the first approach. Building from git Clone the repository and build the current master or a particular release tag: $ git clone $ cd mongo-c-driver $ git checkout x.y.z # To build a particular release $ python build/ > VERSION_CURRENT $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF .. $ sudo make install Generating the documentation Install Sphinx, then: $ cmake -DENABLE_MAN_PAGES=ON -DENABLE_HTML_DOCS=ON .. $ make mongoc-doc To build only the libbson documentation: $ cmake -DENABLE_MAN_PAGES=ON -DENABLE_HTML_DOCS=ON .. $ make bson-doc The -DENABLE_MAN_PAGES=ON and -DENABLE_HTML_DOCS=ON can also be added as options to a normal build from a release tarball or from git so that the documentation is built at the same time as other components.
Install the XCode Command Line Tools: $ xcode-select --install The cmake utility is also required. First install Homebrew according to its instructions, then: $ brew install cmake Download the latest release tarball: $ curl -LO $ tar xzf mongo-c-driver-x.y.z.tar.gz $ cd mongo-c-driver-x.y.z Build and install the driver: $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF .. $ make install All of the same variations described above (e.g., building only libbson, building documentation, etc.) are available when building on macOS.
Building on Windows requires Windows Vista or newer and Visual Studio 2010 or newer. Additionally, cmake is required to generate Visual Studio project files. Let's start by generating Visual Studio project files. The following assumes we are compiling for 64-bit Windows using Visual Studio 2015 Express, which can be freely downloaded from Microsoft. We will be utilizing cmake's out-of-source build feature to keep build artifacts separate from source files. $ cd mongo-c-driver-x.y.z $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" \ "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\mongo-c-driver" \ "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\mongo-c-driver" \ .. (Run cmake -LH .. for a list of other options.) Now that we have project files generated, we can either open the project in Visual Studio or compile from the command line. Let's build using the command line program msbuild.exe: $ msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo ALL_BUILD.vcxproj Visual Studio's default build type is Debug, but we recommend a release build with debug info for production use. Now that libmongoc and libbson are compiled, let's install them using msbuild. It will be installed to the path specified by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. $ msbuild.exe INSTALL.vcxproj You should now see libmongoc and libbson installed in C:\mongo-c-driver To use the driver libraries in your program, see visual-studio-guide.
Install MSYS2 from Choose the x86_64 version, not i686. Open the MingGW shell with c:\msys64\ming64.exe (not the msys2_shell). Install dependencies: $ pacman --noconfirm -Syu $ pacman --noconfirm -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake $ pacman --noconfirm -S mingw-w64-x86_64-extra-cmake-modules make tar $ pacman --noconfirm -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cyrus-sasl Download and untar the latest tarball. $ curl -LO $ tar xzf mongo-c-driver-x.y.z.tar.gz $ cd mongo-c-driver-x.y.z Create a build directory and build and install with cmake: $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ CC=/mingw64/bin/gcc.exe /mingw64/bin/cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/mongo-c-driver" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1" .. $ make install
In the event that you are building the BSON library and/or the C driver to embed with other components and you wish to avoid the potential for collision with components installed from a standard build or from a distribution package manager, you can make use of the BSON_OUTPUT_BASENAME and MONGOC_OUTPUT_BASENAME options to cmake. $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -DBSON_OUTPUT_BASENAME=custom_bson -DMONGOC_OUTPUT_BASENAME=custom_mongoc .. The above command would produce libraries named and (or with the extension appropriate for the build platform). Those libraries could be placed in a standard system directory or in an alternate location and could be linked to by specifying something like -lcustom_mongoc -lcustom_bson on the linker command line (possibly adjusting the specific flags to those required by your linker).
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc