focal (3) nvmlSetVgpuVersion.3.gz

vGPU Migration - Data Structures struct nvmlVgpuVersion_t struct nvmlVgpuMetadata_t struct nvmlVgpuPgpuMetadata_t struct nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibility_t Enumerations enum nvmlVgpuVmCompatibility_t { NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_NONE = 0x0, NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_COLD = 0x1, NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_HIBERNATE = 0x2, NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_SLEEP = 0x4, NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_LIVE = 0x8 } enum nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibilityLimitCode_t { NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_NONE = 0x0, NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_HOST_DRIVER = 0x1, NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_GUEST_DRIVER = 0x2, NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_GPU = 0x4, NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_OTHER = 0x80000000 } Functions nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlVgpuInstanceGetMetadata (nvmlVgpuInstance_t vgpuInstance, nvmlVgpuMetadata_t *vgpuMetadata, unsigned int *bufferSize) nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetVgpuMetadata (nvmlDevice_t device, nvmlVgpuPgpuMetadata_t *pgpuMetadata, unsigned int *bufferSize) nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlGetVgpuCompatibility (nvmlVgpuMetadata_t *vgpuMetadata, nvmlVgpuPgpuMetadata_t *pgpuMetadata, nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibility_t *compatibilityInfo) nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlGetVgpuVersion (nvmlVgpuVersion_t *supported, nvmlVgpuVersion_t *current) nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlSetVgpuVersion (nvmlVgpuVersion_t *vgpuVersion)
Detailed Description
This chapter describes NVML operations that are associated with vGPU Migration.
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibilityLimitCode_t vGPU-pGPU compatibility limit codes Enumerator: NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_NONE Compatibility is not limited. NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_HOST_DRIVER ompatibility is limited by host driver version. NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_GUEST_DRIVER Compatibility is limited by guest driver version. NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_GPU Compatibility is limited by GPU hardware. NVML_VGPU_COMPATIBILITY_LIMIT_OTHER Compatibility is limited by an undefined factor. enum nvmlVgpuVmCompatibility_t vGPU VM compatibility codes Enumerator: NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_NONE vGPU is not runnable NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_COLD vGPU is runnable from a cold / powered-off state (ACPI S5) NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_HIBERNATE vGPU is runnable from a hibernated state (ACPI S4) NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_SLEEP vGPU is runnable from a sleeped state (ACPI S3) NVML_VGPU_VM_COMPATIBILITY_LIVE vGPU is runnable from a live/paused (ACPI S0)
Function Documentation
nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlDeviceGetVgpuMetadata (nvmlDevice_t device, nvmlVgpuPgpuMetadata_t * pgpuMetadata, unsigned int * bufferSize) Returns a vGPU metadata structure for the physical GPU indicated by device. The structure contains information about the GPU and the currently installed NVIDIA host driver version that's controlling it, together with an opaque data section containing internal state. The caller passes in a buffer via pgpuMetadata, with the size of the buffer in bufferSize. If the pgpuMetadata structure is too large to fit in the supplied buffer, the function returns NVML_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE with the size needed in bufferSize. Parameters: device The identifier of the target device pgpuMetadata Pointer to caller-supplied buffer into which pgpuMetadata is written bufferSize Pointer to size of pgpuMetadata buffer Returns: • NVML_SUCCESS GPU metadata structure was successfully returned • NVML_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE pgpuMetadata buffer is too small, required size is returned in bufferSize • NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if bufferSize is NULL or device is invalid; if pgpuMetadata is NULL and the value of bufferSize is not 0. • NVML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED vGPU is not supported by the system • NVML_ERROR_UNKNOWN on any unexpected error nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlGetVgpuCompatibility (nvmlVgpuMetadata_t * vgpuMetadata, nvmlVgpuPgpuMetadata_t * pgpuMetadata, nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibility_t * compatibilityInfo) Takes a vGPU instance metadata structure read from nvmlVgpuInstanceGetMetadata(), and a vGPU metadata structure for a physical GPU read from nvmlDeviceGetVgpuMetadata(), and returns compatibility information of the vGPU instance and the physical GPU. The caller passes in a buffer via compatibilityInfo, into which a compatibility information structure is written. The structure defines the states in which the vGPU / VM may be booted on the physical GPU. If the vGPU / VM compatibility with the physical GPU is limited, a limit code indicates the factor limiting compatibility. (see nvmlVgpuPgpuCompatibilityLimitCode_t for details). Note: vGPU compatibility does not take into account dynamic capacity conditions that may limit a system's ability to boot a given vGPU or associated VM. Parameters: vgpuMetadata Pointer to caller-supplied vGPU metadata structure pgpuMetadata Pointer to caller-supplied GPU metadata structure compatibilityInfo Pointer to caller-supplied buffer to hold compatibility info Returns: • NVML_SUCCESS vGPU metadata structure was successfully returned • NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if vgpuMetadata or pgpuMetadata or bufferSize are NULL • NVML_ERROR_UNKNOWN on any unexpected error nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlGetVgpuVersion (nvmlVgpuVersion_t * supported, nvmlVgpuVersion_t * current) Query the ranges of supported vGPU versions. This function gets the linear range of supported vGPU versions that is preset for the NVIDIA vGPU Manager and the range set by an administrator. If the preset range has not been overridden by nvmlSetVgpuVersion, both ranges are the same. The caller passes pointers to the following nvmlVgpuVersion_t structures, into which the NVIDIA vGPU Manager writes the ranges: 1. supported structure that represents the preset range of vGPU versions supported by the NVIDIA vGPU Manager. 2. current structure that represents the range of supported vGPU versions set by an administrator. By default, this range is the same as the preset range. Parameters: supported Pointer to the structure in which the preset range of vGPU versions supported by the NVIDIA vGPU Manager is written current Pointer to the structure in which the range of supported vGPU versions set by an administrator is written Returns: • NVML_SUCCESS The vGPU version range structures were successfully obtained. • NVML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED The API is not supported. • NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT The supported parameter or the current parameter is NULL. • NVML_ERROR_UNKNOWN An error occurred while the data was being fetched. nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlSetVgpuVersion (nvmlVgpuVersion_t * vgpuVersion) Override the preset range of vGPU versions supported by the NVIDIA vGPU Manager with a range set by an administrator. This function configures the NVIDIA vGPU Manager with a range of supported vGPU versions set by an administrator. This range must be a subset of the preset range that the NVIDIA vGPU Manager supports. The custom range set by an administrator takes precedence over the preset range and is advertised to the guest VM for negotiating the vGPU version. See nvmlGetVgpuVersion for details of how to query the preset range of versions supported. This function takes a pointer to vGPU version range structure nvmlVgpuVersion_t as input to override the preset vGPU version range that the NVIDIA vGPU Manager supports. After host system reboot or driver reload, the range of supported versions reverts to the range that is preset for the NVIDIA vGPU Manager. Note: 1. The range set by the administrator must be a subset of the preset range that the NVIDIA vGPU Manager supports. Otherwise, an error is returned. 2. If the range of supported guest driver versions does not overlap the range set by the administrator, the guest driver fails to load. 3. If the range of supported guest driver versions overlaps the range set by the administrator, the guest driver will load with a negotiated vGPU version that is the maximum value in the overlapping range. 4. No VMs must be running on the host when this function is called. If a VM is running on the host, the call to this function fails. Parameters: vgpuVersion Pointer to a caller-supplied range of supported vGPU versions. Returns: • NVML_SUCCESS The preset range of supported vGPU versions was successfully overridden. • NVML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED The API is not supported. • NVML_ERROR_IN_USE The range was not overridden because a VM is running on the host. • NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT The vgpuVersion parameter specifies a range that is outside the range supported by the NVIDIA vGPU Manager or if vgpuVersion is NULL. nvmlReturn_t DECLDIR nvmlVgpuInstanceGetMetadata (nvmlVgpuInstance_t vgpuInstance, nvmlVgpuMetadata_t * vgpuMetadata, unsigned int * bufferSize) Returns vGPU metadata structure for a running vGPU. The structure contains information about the vGPU and its associated VM such as the currently installed NVIDIA guest driver version, together with host driver version and an opaque data section containing internal state. nvmlVgpuInstanceGetMetadata() may be called at any time for a vGPU instance. Some fields in the returned structure are dependent on information obtained from the guest VM, which may not yet have reached a state where that information is available. The current state of these dependent fields is reflected in the info structure's nvmlVgpuGuestInfoState_t field. The VMM may choose to read and save the vGPU's VM info as persistent metadata associated with the VM, and provide it to GRID Virtual GPU Manager when creating a vGPU for subsequent instances of the VM. The caller passes in a buffer via vgpuMetadata, with the size of the buffer in bufferSize. If the vGPU Metadata structure is too large to fit in the supplied buffer, the function returns NVML_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE with the size needed in bufferSize. Parameters: vgpuInstance vGPU instance handle vgpuMetadata Pointer to caller-supplied buffer into which vGPU metadata is written bufferSize Size of vgpuMetadata buffer Returns: • NVML_SUCCESS vGPU metadata structure was successfully returned • NVML_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE vgpuMetadata buffer is too small, required size is returned in bufferSize • NVML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if bufferSize is NULL or vgpuInstance is 0; if vgpuMetadata is NULL and the value of bufferSize is not 0. • NVML_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if vgpuInstance does not match a valid active vGPU instance on the system • NVML_ERROR_UNKNOWN on any unexpected error
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