focal (4) modulefile.4.gz

Provided by: environment-modules_4.4.1-1_amd64 bug


       modulefile - files containing Tcl code for the Modules package


       modulefiles  are  written  in  the Tool Command Language, Tcl(n) and are interpreted by the modulecmd.tcl
       program via the module(1) user interface. modulefiles can be loaded,  unloaded,  or  switched  on-the-fly
       while  the  user  is  working; and can be used to implement site policies regarding the access and use of

       A modulefile begins with the magic cookie, '#%Module'. A version number may be placed after this  string.
       The  version number is useful as the modulefile format may change thus it reflects the minimum version of
       modulecmd.tcl required to interpret the modulefile. If a version number doesn't exist, then modulecmd.tcl
       will assume the modulefile is compatible. Files without the magic cookie or with a version number greater
       than the current version of modulecmd.tcl will not be interpreted.

       Each modulefile contains the changes to a user's environment needed to access an application.  Tcl  is  a
       simple  programming  language  which  permits  modulefiles  to be arbitrarily complex, depending upon the
       application's and the modulefile writer's needs. If support for extended tcl (tclX) has  been  configured
       for  your  installation  of  the Modules package, you may use all the extended commands provided by tclX,

       A typical modulefile is a simple bit of code that set or add entries  to  the  PATH,  MANPATH,  or  other
       environment  variables.  A  Modulefile  is  evaluated against current modulecmd.tcl's mode which leads to
       specific evaluation results. For instance if the modulefile sets a value to an environment variable, this
       variable is set when modulefile is loaded and unset when modulefile is unloaded.

       Tcl  has  conditional  statements  that  are  evaluated  when the modulefile is interpreted. This is very
       effective for managing path or environment changes due to different OS  releases  or  architectures.  The
       user  environment  information  is  encapsulated into a single modulefile kept in a central location. The
       same modulefile is used by every user on any machine.  So,  from  the  user's  perspective,  starting  an
       application is exactly the same irrespective of the machine or platform they are on.

       modulefiles  also hide the notion of different types of shells. From the user's perspective, changing the
       environment for one shell looks exactly the same as changing the environment for another shell.  This  is
       useful  for  new  or  novice  users and eliminates the need for statements such as "if you're using the C
       Shell do this ..., otherwise if you're using the Bourne shell do this ...". Announcing and accessing  new
       software  is  uniform and independent of the user's shell. From the modulefile writer's perspective, this
       means one set of information will take care of every type of shell.


       The Modules Package uses commands which are extensions to the "standard"  Tool  Command  Language  Tcl(n)
       package.  Unless  otherwise  specified, the Module commands return the empty string. Some commands behave
       differently when a modulefile is loaded or unloaded. The command descriptions assume  the  modulefile  is
       being loaded.

          This  is  not a Modules-specific command, it's actually part of Tcl, which has been overloaded similar
          to the continue and exit commands to have the effect of causing the module not to be listed as  loaded
          and not affect other modules being loaded concurrently. All non-environment commands within the module
          will be performed up to this point and processing will continue on to the next module on  the  command
          line. The break command will only have this effect if not used within a Tcl loop though.

          An  example:  Suppose  that  a  full  selection  of  modulefiles  are  needed  for  various  different
          architectures, but some of the modulefiles are not needed and the user should be alerted.  Having  the
          unnecessary  modulefile  be  a  link  to  the  following  notavail modulefile will perform the task as

              ## notavail modulefile
              proc ModulesHelp { } {
                  puts stderr "This module does nothing but alert the user"
                  puts stderr "that the [module-info name] module is not available"

              module-whatis "Notifies user that module is not available."
              set curMod [module-info name]
              if { [ module-info mode load ] } {
                  puts stderr "Note: '$curMod' is not available for [uname sysname]."

       chdir directory
          Set the current working directory to directory.

          This is not a modules specific command but another overloaded Tcl command and is similar to the  break
          or  exit  commands except the module will be listed as loaded as well as performing any environment or
          Tcl commands up to this point and then continuing on to the next  module  on  the  command  line.  The
          continue command will only have this effect if not used within a Tcl loop though.

       exit [N]
          This  is not a modules specific command but another overloaded Tcl command and is similar to the break
          or continue commands. However, this command will cause the immediate cessation of this module and  any
          additional  ones  on  the  command  line. This module and the subsequent modules will not be listed as
          loaded. No environment commands will be performed in the current module.

       setenv variable value
          Set environment variable to value. The setenv command will also change  the  process'  environment.  A
          reference  using  Tcl's  env  associative  array  will reference changes made with the setenv command.
          Changes made using Tcl's env associative array will NOT change the user's  environment  variable  like
          the  setenv  command. An environment change made this way will only affect the module parsing process.
          The setenv command is also useful for changing the environment prior to the exec  or  system  command.
          When  a  modulefile is unloaded, setenv becomes unsetenv. If the environment variable had been defined
          it will be overwritten while loading the modulefile. A subsequent unload will  unset  the  environment
          variable - the previous value cannot be restored! (Unless you handle it explicitly ... see below.)

       unsetenv variable [value]
          Unsets  environment variable. However, if there is an optional value, then when unloading a module, it
          will set variable to value. The unsetenv command changes the process' environment like setenv.

       getenv variable [value]
          Returns value of environment variable. If variable is not defined value is returned if set _UNDEFINED_
          is  returned  elsewhere.  getenv  command  should  be  preferred over Tcl global variable env to query
          environment variables.

       append-path [-d C|--delim C|--delim=C] [--duplicates] variable value...
          See prepend-path.

       prepend-path [-d C|--delim C|--delim=C] [--duplicates] variable value...
          Append or prepend value to environment variable. The variable is a colon, or delimiter, separated list
          such as PATH=directory:directory:directory. The default delimiter is a colon ':', but an arbitrary one
          can be given by the --delim option. For example a space can be used instead (which  will  need  to  be
          handled in the Tcl specially by enclosing it in " " or { }). A space, however, can not be specified by
          the --delim=C form.

          A reference counter environment variable is also set to increase the number of times  value  has  been
          added  to  environment  variable.  This  reference  counter environment variable is named by suffixing
          variable by _modshare.

          When value is already defined in environement variable, it is not added again except  if  --duplicates
          option is set.

          If the variable is not set, it is created. When a modulefile is unloaded, append-path and prepend-path
          become remove-path.

          If value corresponds to the concatenation of multiple  elements  separated  by  colon,  or  delimiter,
          character, each element is treated separately.

       remove-path [-d C|--delim C|--delim=C] [--index] variable value...
          Remove value from the colon, or delimiter, separated list in variable. See prepend-path or append-path
          for further explanation of using an arbitrary delimiter. Every string between colons,  or  delimiters,
          in  variable  is  compared to value. If the two match, value is removed from variable if its reference
          counter is equal to 1 or unknown.

          When --index option is set, value refers to an index in variable list.  The string element pointed  by
          this index is set for removal.

          Reference  counter  of value in variable denotes the number of times value has been added to variable.
          This information is stored in environment variable_modshare. When  attempting  to  remove  value  from
          variable,  relative reference counter is checked and value is removed only if counter is equal to 1 or
          not defined. Elsewhere value is kept in variable and reference counter is decreased by 1.

          If value corresponds to the concatenation of multiple  elements  separated  by  colon,  or  delimiter,
          character, each element is treated separately.

       prereq modulefile...
          See conflict.

       conflict modulefile...
          prereq  and  conflict  control  whether or not the modulefile will be loaded. The prereq command lists
          modulefiles which must have been previously loaded before  the  current  modulefile  will  be  loaded.
          Similarly,  the  conflict  command  lists modulefiles which conflict with the current modulefile. If a
          list contains more than one modulefile, then each member of the list acts as a Boolean  OR  operation.
          Multiple  prereq  and  conflict  commands may be used to create a Boolean AND operation. If one of the
          requirements have not been satisfied, an error is reported and the current modulefile makes no changes
          to the user's environment.

          If  an  argument for prereq is a directory and any modulefile from the directory has been loaded, then
          the prerequisite is met. For example, specifying X11 as a prereq means that any version of X11, X11/R4
          or X11/R5, must be loaded before proceeding.

          If  an  argument  for  conflict  is  a directory and any other modulefile from that directory has been
          loaded, then a conflict will occur. For example, specifying X11 as a conflict  will  stop  X11/R4  and
          X11/R5 from being loaded at the same time.

          The  parameter  modulefile  may  also be a symbolic modulefile name or a modulefile alias. It may also
          leverage a specific syntax to finely select module version (see  Advanced  module  version  specifiers
          section below).

       is-loaded [modulefile...]
          The  is-loaded command returns a true value if any of the listed modulefiles has been loaded or if any
          modulefile is loaded in case no argument is provided. If a list contains  more  than  one  modulefile,
          then  each  member acts as a boolean OR operation. If an argument for is-loaded is a directory and any
          modulefile from the directory has been loaded is-loaded would return a true value.

          The parameter modulefile may also be a symbolic modulefile name or a modulefile  alias.  It  may  also
          leverage  a  specific  syntax  to finely select module version (see Advanced module version specifiers
          section below).

       is-saved [collection...]
          The is-saved command returns a true value if any of the listed collections exists or if any collection
          exists  in case no argument is provided. If a list contains more than one collection, then each member
          acts as a boolean OR operation.

          If MODULES_COLLECTION_TARGET is set, a suffix equivalent to the value of this variable is appended  to
          the  passed  collection  name.  In  case no collection argument is provided, a true value will only be
          returned if a collection matching currently set target exists.

       is-used [directory...]
          The is-used command returns a true value if  any  of  the  listed  directories  has  been  enabled  in
          MODULEPATH  or  if  any  directory is enabled in case no argument is provided. If a list contains more
          than one directory, then each member acts as a boolean OR operation.

       is-avail modulefile...
          The is-avail command returns a true  value  if  any  of  the  listed  modulefiles  exists  in  enabled
          MODULEPATH.  If  a  list  contains  more  than  one  modulefile, then each member acts as a boolean OR
          operation. If an argument for is-avail is a  directory  and  a  modulefile  exists  in  the  directory
          is-avail would return a true value.

          The  parameter  modulefile  may  also be a symbolic modulefile name or a modulefile alias. It may also
          leverage a specific syntax to finely select module version (see  Advanced  module  version  specifiers
          section below).

       module [sub-command] [sub-command-args]
          Contains  the  same  sub-commands  as  described  in the module(1) man page in the Module Sub-Commands
          section. This command permits a modulefile to load or unload other modulefiles. No checks are made  to
          ensure that the modulefile does not try to load itself. Often it is useful to have a single modulefile
          that performs a number of module load commands. For example, if every user on the  system  requires  a
          basic  set  of  applications  loaded,  then  a core modulefile would contain the necessary module load

          Command line switches --auto, --no-auto and --force are ignored when passed to a module command set in
          a modulefile.

       module-info option [info-args]
          Provide  information  about  the modulecmd.tcl program's state. Some of the information is specific to
          the internals of modulecmd.tcl. option is the type of information to be provided,  and  info-args  are
          any arguments needed.

          module-info type
              Returns  either  "C"  or  "Tcl" to indicate which module command is being executed, either the "C"
              version or the Tcl-only version, to allow the modulefile writer to handle any differences  between
              the two.

          module-info mode [modetype]
              Returns the current modulecmd.tcl's mode as a string if no modetype is given.

              Returns  1  if  modulecmd.tcl's  mode  is modetype. modetype can be: load, unload, remove, switch,
              display, help, test or whatis.

          module-info command [commandname]
              Returns the currently running modulecmd.tcl's command as a string if no commandname is given.

              Returns 1 if modulecmd.tcl's command is commandname. commandname can  be:  load,  unload,  reload,
              source, switch, display, avail, aliases, list, whatis, search, purge, restore, help or test.

          module-info name
              Return  the  name of the modulefile. This is not the full pathname for modulefile. See the Modules
              Variables section for information on the full pathname.

          module-info specified
              Return the name of the modulefile specified on the command line.

          module-info shell [shellname]
              Return the current shell under which modulecmd.tcl was invoked  if  no  shellname  is  given.  The
              current  shell  is  the  first  parameter of modulecmd.tcl, which is normally hidden by the module

              If a shellname is given, returns 1 if  modulecmd.tcl's  current  shell  is  shellname,  returns  0
              elsewhere.  shellname  can be: sh, bash, ksh, zsh, csh, tcsh, fish, tcl, perl, python, ruby, lisp,
              cmake, r.

          module-info shelltype [shelltypename]
              Return the family of the shell under which modulefile was invoked if no shelltypename is given. As
              of  module-info  shell this depends on the first parameter of modulecmd.tcl. The output reflects a
              shell type determining the shell syntax of the commands produced by modulecmd.tcl.

              If a shelltypename is given, returns 1 if modulecmd.tcl's current  shell  type  is  shelltypename,
              returns 0 elsewhere. shelltypename can be: sh, csh, fish, tcl, perl, python, ruby, lisp, cmake, r.

          module-info alias name
              Returns the full modulefile name to which the modulefile alias name is assigned

          module-info version modulefile
              Returns  the  physical  module  name  and  version of the passed symbolic version modulefile.  The
              parameter modulefile might either be a full qualified modulefile with name  and  version,  another
              symbolic modulefile name or a modulefile alias.

          module-info symbols modulefile
              Returns  a  list  of  all  symbolic  versions  assigned  to  the passed modulefile.  The parameter
              modulefile might either be a full qualified modulefile with name  and  version,  another  symbolic
              modulefile name or a modulefile alias.

          module-info loaded modulefile
              Returns  the  names  of  currently  loaded  modules  matching  passed  modulefile.   The parameter
              modulefile might either be a fully qualified modulefile with name and version or just a  directory
              which in case all loaded modulefiles from the directory will be returned. The parameter modulefile
              may also be a symbolic modulefile name or a modulefile alias.

       module-version modulefile version-name...
          Assigns the symbolic version-name to the modulefile. This command should  be  placed  in  one  of  the
          modulecmd.tcl rc files in order to provide shorthand invocations of frequently used modulefile names.

          The  special  version-name default specifies the default version to be used for module commands, if no
          specific version is given. This  replaces  the  definitions  made  in  the  .version  file  in  former
          modulecmd.tcl releases.

          The parameter modulefile may be either

          • a  fully  or  partially  qualified  modulefile  with name / version. If name is '.' then the current
            directory name is assumed to be the module name. (Use this for deep modulefile directories.)

          • a symbolic modulefile name

          • another modulefile alias

       module-alias name modulefile
          Assigns the modulefile to the alias name. This command should be placed in one of the modulecmd.tcl rc
          files in order to provide shorthand invocations of frequently used modulefile names.

          The parameter modulefile may be either

          • a fully qualified modulefile with name and version

          • a symbolic modulefile name

          • another modulefile alias

       module-virtual name modulefile
          Assigns  the modulefile to the virtual module name. This command should be placed in rc files in order
          to define virtual modules.

          A virtual module stands for a module name associated to a modulefile. The  modulefile  is  the  script
          interpreted  when  loading  or  unloading  the  virtual  module which appears or can be found with its
          virtual name.

          The parameter modulefile corresponds to the relative or absolute file location of a modulefile.

       module-whatis string
          Defines a string which is displayed in case of the invocation of the module whatis command. There  may
          be  more  than  one module-whatis line in a modulefile. This command takes no actions in case of load,
          display, etc. invocations of modulecmd.tcl.

          The string parameter has to be enclosed in double-quotes if there's  more  than  one  word  specified.
          Words are defined to be separated by whitespace characters (space, tab, cr).

       set-alias alias-name alias-string
          Sets  an  alias  or  function  with  the  name  alias-name  in  the  user's  environment to the string
          alias-string. For some shells, aliases are not  possible  and  the  command  has  no  effect.  When  a
          modulefile is unloaded, set-alias becomes unset-alias.

       unset-alias alias-name
          Unsets an alias with the name alias-name in the user's environment.

       set-function function-name function-string
          Creates  a  function  with  the  name  function-name  in the user's environment with the function body
          function-string. For some shells, functions are not possible and the command has  no  effect.  When  a
          modulefile is unloaded, set-function becomes unset-function.

       unset-function function-name
          Removes a function with the name function-name from the user's environment.

       system string
          Run  string  command through shell. On Unix, command is passed to the /bin/sh shell whereas on Windows
          it is passed to cmd.exe.  modulecmd.tcl redirects stdout to stderr since stdout would be parsed by the
          evaluating shell. The exit status of the executed command is returned.

       uname field
          Provide lookup of system information. Most field information are retrieved from the tcl_platform array
          (see tclvars(n) man page). Uname will return the string "unknown" if information  is  unavailable  for
          the field.

          uname  will  invoke uname(1) command in order to get the operating system version and domainname(1) to
          figure out the name of the domain.

          field values are:

          • sysname: the operating system name

          • nodename: the hostname

          • domain: the name of the domain

          • release: the operating system release

          • version: the operating system version

          • machine: a standard name that identifies the system's hardware

       x-resource [resource-string|filename]
          Merge resources into the X11 resource database. The resources are used to control look and behavior of
          X11  applications.  The  command will attempt to read resources from filename. If the argument isn't a
          valid file name, then string will be interpreted as a resource. Either filename or resource-string  is
          then passed down to be xrdb(1) command.

          modulefiles  that  use  this  command, should in most cases contain one or more x-resource lines, each
          defining one X11 resource. The DISPLAY environment variable should be properly set and the X11  server
          should  be  accessible.  If x-resource can't manipulate the X11 resource database, the modulefile will
          exit with an error message.


          x-resource /u2/staff/leif/.xres/Ileaf
              The content of the Ileaf file is merged into the X11 resource database.

          x-resource [glob ~/.xres/ileaf]
              The Tcl glob function is used to have the modulefile read different resource files  for  different

          x-resource {Ileaf.popup.saveUnder: True}
              Merge the Ileaf resource into the X11 resource database.


       The ModulesCurrentModulefile variable contains the full pathname of the modulefile being interpreted.


       Every  directory  in MODULEPATH is searched to find the modulefile. A directory in MODULEPATH can have an
       arbitrary number of sub-directories. If the user names a modulefile to be  loaded  which  is  actually  a
       directory,  the  directory  is  opened and a search begins for an actual modulefile. First, modulecmd.tcl
       looks for a file with the name .modulerc in the directory. If this file  exists,  its  contents  will  be
       evaluated  as  if  it  was  a  modulefile  to  be  loaded. You may place module-version, module-alias and
       module-virtual commands inside this file.

       Additionally, before seeking for .modulerc files in the module directory, the global  modulerc  file  and
       the  .modulerc  file  found  at the root of the modulepath directory are sourced, too. If a named version
       default now exists for the modulefile to  be  loaded,  the  assigned  modulefile  now  will  be  sourced.
       Otherwise the file .version is looked up in the module directory.

       If  the  .version  file  exists,  it  is  opened  and interpreted as Tcl code and takes precedence over a
       .modulerc file in the same directory. If the Tcl variable ModulesVersion is set  by  the  .version  file,
       modulecmd.tcl  will  use the name as if it specifies a modulefile in this directory. This will become the
       default modulefile in this case. ModulesVersion cannot refer to  a  modulefile  located  in  a  different

       If  ModulesVersion is a directory, the search begins anew down that directory. If the name does not match
       any files located in the current directory, the search continues through  the  remaining  directories  in

       Every  .version and .modulerc file found is Tcl interpreted. The difference is that .version only applies
       to the current directory, and the .modulerc applies to the  current  directory  and  all  subdirectories.
       Changes made in these files will affect the subsequently interpreted modulefile.

       If  no  default version may be figured out, an implicit default is selected when this behavior is enabled
       (see MODULES_IMPLICIT_DEFAULT in module(1)). If disabled, module names should be fully qualified when  no
       explicit  default is defined for them, elsewhere no default version is found and an error is returned. If
       enabled, then the highest numerically sorted  modulefile,  virtual  module  or  module  alias  under  the
       directory  will be used.  The dictionary comparison method of the lsort(n) Tcl command is used to achieve
       this sort. If highest numerically sorted element is an alias, search continues on its modulefile target.

       For example, it is possible for a user to have a directory named X11 which  simply  contains  a  .version
       file specifying which version of X11 is to be loaded. Such a file would look like:

          ##  The desired version of X11
          set ModulesVersion "R4"

       The equivalent .modulerc would look like:

          ##  The desired version of X11
          module-version "./R4" default

       If  the  extended  default  mechanism  is  enabled (see MODULES_EXTENDED_DEFAULT in module(1)) the module
       version specified is matched against starting portion of existing module versions,  where  portion  is  a
       substring separated from the rest of version string by a . character.

       If  user  names  a  modulefile that cannot be found in the first modulepath directory, modulefile will be
       searched in next modulepath directory and so on until a matching modulefile  is  found.  If  search  goes
       through  a  module  alias or a symbolic version, this alias or symbol is resolved by first looking at the
       modulefiles in the modulepath where this alias or symbol is defined. If not found,  resolution  looks  at
       the other modulepaths in their definition order.

       When  locating modulefiles, if a .modulerc, a .version, a directory or a modulefile cannot be read during
       the search it is simply ignored with no error message produced. Visibility of  modulefiles  can  thus  be
       adapted  to  the  rights  the  user  has been granted. Exception is made when trying to directly access a
       directory or a modulefile. In this case, the access issue is returned as an error message.

       A modulefile whose name or element in its name starts  with  a  '.'  dot  is  considered  hidden.  Hidden
       modulefile  is  not  displayed  or taken into account except if it is explicitly named. By inheritance, a
       symbolic version-name assigned to a hidden  modulefile  is  displayed  or  taken  into  account  only  if
       explicitly named. Module alias targeting a hidden modulefile appears like any other module alias.


       When  the  advanced  module version specifiers mechanism is enabled (see MODULES_ADVANCED_VERSION_SPEC in
       module(1)), the specification of modulefile passed on Modules specific Tcl commands  changes.  After  the
       module  name a version constraint prefixed by the @ character may be added. It could be directly appended
       to the module name or separated from it with a space character.

       Constraints can be expressed to refine the selection of module version to:

       • a single version with the @version syntax, for instance foo@1.2.3 syntax will select module foo/1.2.3

       • a list of versions with the @version1,version2,...  syntax,  for  instance  foo@1.2.3,1.10  will  match
         modules foo/1.2.3 and foo/1.10

       • a  range  of  versions  with  the  @version1:, @:version2 and @version1:version2 syntaxes, for instance
         foo@1.2: will select all versions of module foo greater than or equal to 1.2, foo@:1.3 will select  all
         versions  less  than or equal to 1.3 and foo@1.2:1.3 matches all versions between 1.2 and 1.3 including
         1.2 and 1.3 versions

       Advanced specification of single version or list of versions may  benefit  from  the  activation  of  the
       extended  default  mechanism  (see  MODULES_EXTENDED_DEFAULT in module(1)) to use an abbreviated notation
       like @1 to refer to more precise version numbers like 1.2.3.  Range of  versions  on  its  side  natively
       handles abbreviated versions.

       In  order  to  be  specified in a range of versions or compared to a range of versions, the version major
       element should corresponds to a number. For instance 10a, 1.2.3,  are  versions  valid  for  range
       comparison whereas default or foo.2 versions are invalid for range comparison.


       Users  can  request  help  about  a specific modulefile through the module(1) command. The modulefile can
       print helpful information or start help oriented programs  by  defining  a  ModulesHelp  subroutine.  The
       subroutine will be called when the module help modulefile command is used.


       Users can request test of a specific modulefile through the module(1) command. The modulefile can perform
       some sanity checks on its definition or on its underlying programs by defining a ModulesTest  subroutine.
       The  subroutine  will  be  called  when the module test modulefile command is used. The subroutine should
       return 1 in case of success. If no or any other value is returned, test is considered failed.


       The module display modulefile command will detail all changes that will be made to the environment. After
       displaying  all  of  the  environment  changes modulecmd.tcl will call the ModulesDisplay subroutine. The
       ModulesDisplay subroutine is a good place to put additional descriptive information about the modulefile.


          Path of directories containing modulefiles.


       module(1), Tcl(n), TclX(n), xrdb(1), exec(n), uname(1), domainname(1), tclvars(n), lsort(n)


       Tcl was developed by John Ousterhout at the University of California at Berkeley.

       TclX was developed by Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.

       1996-1999 John L. Furlani & Peter W. Osel, 1998-2017 R.K.Owen,  2002-2004  Mark  Lakata,  2004-2017  Kent
       Mein, 2016-2020 Xavier Delaruelle