Provided by: apt-clone_0.4.1ubuntu3_all 

apt-clone - manual page for apt-clone 0.2
usage: apt-clone [-h] [--debug] {info,clone,restore,restore-new-distro} ... Clone/restore package info of a debian based system or chroot environment. optional arguments: -h, --help show help message for apt-clone. Alternatively --help will output command specific help for any of the {info,clone,restore,restore-new-distro} commands. --debug enable debug output Commands: {info,clone,restore,restore-new-distro} info Show info about a apt-clone archive. clone Create a clone-file into <destination>. A alternative source dir can be specified with --source. restore Restore a clone file from <source>. A alternative destination can be given with --destination. restore-new-distro Restore a clone file from <source> to <destination> and try upgrading along the way. this can be used so that the current release is cloned, a new install is done and then the old clone is installed.