focal (8) smcss.8.gz

smcss - print information about the AF_SMC sockets and link groups.
smcss [--debug|-d] [--smcd|-D] [--wide|-W] smcss {--all|-a} [--debug|-d] [--smcd|-D] [--wide|-W] smcss [--debug|-d] [--smcr|-R] [--wide|-W] smcss {--all|-a} [--debug|-d] [--smcr|-R] [--wide|-W] smcss {--listening|-l} [--wide|-W] smcss {--version|-v} smcss {--help|-h}
smcss prints information about the Linux AF_SMC sockets and link groups. The type of information printed is controlled by the first argument, as follows: (none) displays a list of connecting, closing, or connected SMC sockets with basic information. -a, --all displays all types of SMC sockets: listening, opening, closing, and connected. -l, --listening shows listening sockets only. These are omitted by default.
-d, --debug displays additional debug information, such as shutdown state. -D, --smcd displays additional SMC-D specific information. Shows SMC-D sockets only. -R, --smcr displays additional SMC-R specific information. Shows SMC-R sockets only. -W, --wide do not truncate IP addresses.
State The state of the socket. The state can be one of these values: INIT The SMC socket is being initialized. It is not connected nor listening yet. CLOSED The SMC socket is closed. It is not connected nor listening anymore. LISTEN The SMC socket is a listening socket, waiting for incoming connection requests. ACTIVE The SMC socket has an established connection. In this state, the TCP connection is fully established, rendezvous processing has been completed, and SMC peers can exchange data via RDMA. PEERCLW1 No further data will be sent to the peer. PEERCLW2 No further data will be sent to or received from the peer. APPLCLW1 No further data will be received from the peer. APPLCLW2 No further data will be received from or sent to the peer. APPLFINCLW The peer has closed the socket. PEERFINCLW The socket is closed locally. PEERABORTW The socket was abnormally closed locally. PROCESSABORT The peer has closed the socket abnormally. UID User ID of the SMC socket. Inode Inode attribute of the socket. Local Address Address and port number of the local end of the SMC socket. The displayed address is truncated when it ends with '..'. -W, --wide can be used to display addresses untruncated. Peer Address Address and port number of the remote end of the socket. Analogous to "Local Address". Intf When the socket is explicitly bound with setsockopt option SO_BINDTODEVICE then Intf shows the interface number of the Ethernet device to which the socket is bound. Mode SMCD The SMC socket uses SMC-D for data exchange. SMCR The SMC socket uses SMC-R for data exchange. TCP The SMC socket uses the TCP protocol for data exchange, because an SMC connection could not be established. ShutD <-> The SMC socket has not been shut down. R-> The SMC socket is shut down one-way and cannot receive data. <-W The SMC socket is shut down one-way and cannot send data. R-W The SMC socket is shut down in both ways and cannot receive or send data. Token Unique ID of the SMC socket connection. Sndbuf Size of the to-be-sent window of the SMC socket connection. Rcvbuf Size of the receiving window of the SMC socket connection (filled by peer). Peerbuf Size of the peer receiving window of the SMC socket connection (to fill during RDMA-transfer). rxprod-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Rcvbuf" for data to be received from the peer. rxcons-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Peerbuf" for data sent to peer and confirmed by the peer. rxFlags SMC socket connection flags set by and received from the peer. txprod-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Peerbuf" for data sent to peer. txcons-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Rcvbuf" for data received from the peer and confirmed to the peer. txFlags SMC socket connection flags set locally and sent to the peer. txprep-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Sndbuf" for data to be sent. The data is to be moved to the "Peerbuf". txsent-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Sndbuf" for data sent. The data was moved to the "Peerbuf". txfin-Cursor Describes the current cursor location of the "Sndbuf" for data sent and send completion confirmed. The data was moved to the "Peerbuf" and completion was confirmed. Role CLNT The link group of the SMC socket is used for client connections. SERV The link group of the SMC socket is used for server connections. IB-Device Name of the RoCE device used by the link group to which the SMC socket belongs. Port Port of the RoCE device used by the link group to which the SMC socket belongs. Linkid Unique link ID of the link within the link group to which the SMC socket belongs. GID Gid of the RoCE port used by the link group to which the SMC socket belongs. Peer-GID Gid of the Foreign RoCE port used by the link group to which the SMC socket belongs. VLAN tbd.
Successful smcss commands return 0 and display the requested socket state table or link group information. If an error occurs, smcss writes a message to stderr and completes with a return code other than 0.
af_smc(7), smc_rnics(8), smc_run(8), smc_pnet(8)