jammy (1) cloud_sql_proxy.1.gz

cloud_sql_proxy - connect securely to a 2nd generation cloud sql database
The Cloud SQL Proxy allows simple, secure connectivity to Google Cloud SQL. It is a long-running process that opens local sockets (either TCP or Unix sockets) according to the parameters passed to it. A local application connects to a Cloud SQL instance by using the corresponding socket. Authorization By default, the proxy will authenticate under the default service account of the Compute Engine VM it is running on. Therefore, the VM must have at least the sqlservice.admin API scope ⟨https://www.googleapis.com/auth/sqlservice.admin⟩ and the associated project must have the SQL Admin API enabled. The default service account must also have at least WRITER/EDITOR privileges to any projects of target SQL instances. • On Google Compute Engine, the default service account is used. The Cloud SQL API must be enabled for the VM. • When the gcloud command-line tool is installed on the local machine, the active account is used for authentication. Run 'gcloud auth list' to see which accounts are installed on your local machine and 'gcloud config list account' to view the active account. • To configure the proxy using a service account, pass the -credential_file parameter or set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. This will override gcloud or GCE (Google Compute Engine) credentials, if they exist.
General -quiet Disable log messages (e.g. when new connections are established). WARNING: this option disables ALL logging output (including connection errors), which will likely make debugging difficult. The -quiet flag takes precedence over the -verbose flag. -verbose When explicitly set to false, disable log messages that are not errors nor first-time startup messages (e.g. when new connections are established or closed without errors). -version Print the version of the proxy and exit Connection -credential_file If provided, this json file will be used to retrieve Service Account credentials. You may set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable for the same effect. -token When set, the proxy uses this Bearer token for authorization -max_connections If provided, the maximum number of connections to establish before refusing new connections. Defaults to 0 (no limit) -instances To connect to a specific list of instances, set the instances parameter to a comma-separated list of ully qualified instance connection strings (project:region:name). For example: -instances=my-project:my-region:my-instance For connectivity over TCP, you must specify a tcp port as part of the instance string. For example, the following example opens a loopback TCP socket on port 3306, which will be proxied to connect to the instance 'my-instance' in project 'my-project': -instances=my-project:my-region:my-instance=tcp:3306 When connecting over TCP, the -instances parameter is required. Supplying INSTANCES environment variable achieves the same effect. One can use that to keep k8s manifest files constant across multiple environments. If the name has the suffix '=tcp:port', a TCP server is opened on the specified port to proxy to that instance. Otherwise, one socket file per instance is opened in dir. You may use INSTANCES environment variable for the same effect. Using both will use value from flag. Not compatible with -fuse -instances_metadata When running on GCE (Google Compute Engine) you can avoid the need to specify the list of instances on the command line by using the Metadata server. This parameter specifies a path to a metadata value which is then polled for a comma-separated list of fully qualified instances (project:region:name) to connect to in the exactly the same way as the -instances parameter. Updates to the metadata value will be observed and acted on by the Proxy. For example, to use the instance metadata value named cloud-sql-instances you would provide instance/attributes/cloud-sql- instances. -check_region If specified, the region portion of the connection string is required for Unix socket-based connections. -projects To direct the proxy to open connections for each Cloud SQL Instance in the comma-separated list of projects specified, set the projects parameter: -projects=my-project -refresh_config_throttle If set, this flag specifies the amount of forced sleep between successive API calls in order to protect client API quota. Minimum allowed value is 1s -dir When using Unix sockets (the default for systems which support them), the Proxy places the sockets representing database instances in the directory specified by the -dir parameter. -fuse If your local environment has FUSE installed, you can specify the -fuse flag to avoid the requirement to specify instances in advance. Mount a directory at dir using FUSE for accessing instances. Note that the directory at dir must be empty before this program is started. With FUSE, any attempts to open a Unix socket in the directory specified by -dir automatically creates that socket and connects to the corresponding instance. -fuse_tmp Used as a temporary directory if -fuse is set. Note that files in this directory can be removed automatically by this program. Automatic instance discovery If the Google Cloud SQL is installed on the local machine and no instance connection flags are specified, the proxy connects to all instances in the gcloud tool's active project. Run 'gcloud config list project' to display the active project.
Credentials By default user account credentials are acquired by gcloud auth login and stored locally on the system. gcloud auth activate-service-account authorizes access using a service account. As with gcloud init and gcloud auth login, this command saves the service account credentials to the local system on successful completion and sets the specified account as the active account in your Cloud SDK configuration. To configure the proxy using a service account, pass the -credential_file parameter or set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. This will override gcloud or GCE (Google Compute Engine) credentials, if they exist. sockets directory When using Unix sockets (the default for systems which support them), the Proxy places the sockets rep‐ resenting database instances in the directory specified by the -dir parameter. With FUSE one can also interact with the proxy using thius directory to specify instances of cloud SQL databases to connect to on the fly. /dev/fuse Optional functionality can be enabled ( --fuse ) with access to /dev/fuse as well as the fusermount binary.
fusermount(1), mount(8), mount.fuse(8), ulockmgr_server(1), mysql(1), postgres(1).
The upstream issue reporting system is at github ⟨https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloudsql- proxy/issues⟩
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@google.com>