jammy (3) Config::Model::AnyId.3pm.gz

Config::Model::AnyId - Base class for hash or list element
version 2.149
use Config::Model; # define configuration tree object my $model = Config::Model->new; $model->create_config_class( name => "Foo", element => [ [qw/foo bar/] => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' }, ] ); $model->create_config_class( name => "MyClass", element => [ plain_hash => { type => 'hash', index_type => 'string', cargo => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string', }, }, bounded_hash => { type => 'hash', # hash id index_type => 'integer', # hash boundaries min_index => 1, max_index => 123, max_nb => 2, # specify cargo held by hash cargo => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' }, }, bounded_list => { type => 'list', # list id max_index => 123, cargo => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' }, }, hash_of_nodes => { type => 'hash', # hash id index_type => 'string', cargo => { type => 'node', config_class_name => 'Foo' }, }, ], ); my $inst = $model->instance( root_class_name => 'MyClass' ); my $root = $inst->config_root; # put data my $steps = 'plain_hash:foo=boo bounded_list=foo,bar,baz bounded_hash:3=foo bounded_hash:30=baz hash_of_nodes:"foo node" foo="in foo node" - hash_of_nodes:"bar node" bar="in bar node" '; $root->load( steps => $steps ); # dump resulting tree print $root->dump_tree;
This class provides hash or list elements for a Config::Model::Node. The hash index can either be en enumerated type, a boolean, an integer or a string.
AnyId object should not be created directly.
Hash or list model declaration
A hash or list element must be declared with the following parameters: type Mandatory element type. Must be "hash" or "list" to have a collection element. The actual element type must be specified by "cargo => type". index_type Either "integer" or "string". Mandatory for hash. ordered Whether to keep the order of the hash keys (default no). (a bit like Tie::IxHash). The hash keys are ordered along their creation. The order can be modified with swap, move_up or move_down. duplicates Specify the policy regarding duplicated values stored in the list or as hash values (valid only when cargo type is "leaf"). The policy can be "allow" (default), "suppress", "warn" (which offers the possibility to apply a fix), "forbid". Note that duplicates check cannot be performed when the duplicated value is stored: this happens outside of this object. Duplicates can be check only after when the value is read. write_empty_value By default, hash entries without data are not saved in configuration files. Without data means the cargo of the hash key is empty: either its value is undef or all the values of the contained node are also empty. Set this parameter to 1 if the key must be saved in the configuration file even if the hash contains no value for that key. Note that writing hash entries without value may not be supported by all backends. Use with care. Supported only for hash elements. cargo Hash ref specifying the cargo held by the hash of list. This has must contain: type Can be "node" or "leaf" (default). config_class_name Specifies the type of configuration object held in the hash. Only valid when "cargo" "type" is "node". <other> Constructor arguments passed to the cargo object. See Config::Model::Node when "cargo->type" is "node". See Config::Model::Value when "cargo->type" is "leaf". min_index Specify the minimum value (optional, only for hash and for integer index) max_index Specify the maximum value (optional, only for list or for hash with integer index) max_nb Specify the maximum number of indexes. (hash only, optional, may also be used with string index type) default_keys When set, the default parameter (or set of parameters) are used as default keys hashes and created automatically when the "keys" or "exists" functions are used on an empty hash. You can use "default_keys => 'foo'", or "default_keys => ['foo', 'bar']". default_with_init To perform special set-up on children nodes you can also use default_with_init => { foo => 'X=Av Y=Bv', bar => 'Y=Av Z=Cv' } When the hash contains leaves, you can also use: default_with_init => { def_1 => 'def_1 stuff', def_2 => 'def_2 stuff' } migrate_keys_from Specifies that the keys of the hash are copied from another hash in the configuration tree only when the hash is read for the first time after initial load (i.e. once the configuration files are completely read). migrate_keys_from => '- another_hash' migrate_values_from Specifies that the values of the hash (or list) are copied from another hash (or list) in the configuration tree only when the hash (or list) is read for the first time after initial load (i.e. once the configuration files are completely read). migrate_values_from => '- another_hash_or_list' follow_keys_from Specifies that the keys of the hash follow the keys of another hash in the configuration tree. In other words, the created hash always has the same keys as the other hash. follow_keys_from => '- another_hash' allow_keys Specifies authorized keys: allow_keys => ['foo','bar','baz'] allow_keys_from A bit like the "follow_keys_from" parameters. Except that the hash pointed to by "allow_keys_from" specified the authorized keys for this hash. allow_keys_from => '- another_hash' allow_keys_matching Keys must match the specified regular expression. For instance: allow_keys_matching => '^foo\d\d$' auto_create_keys When set, the default parameter (or set of parameters) are used as keys hashes and created automatically. (valid only for hash elements) Called with "auto_create_keys => ['foo']", or "auto_create_keys => ['foo', 'bar']". warn_if_key_match Issue a warning if the key matches the specified regular expression warn_unless_key_match Issue a warning unless the key matches the specified regular expression auto_create_ids Specifies the number of elements to create automatically. E.g. "auto_create_ids => 4" initializes the list with 4 undef elements. (valid only for list elements) convert => [uc | lc ] The hash key are converted to uppercase (uc) or lowercase (lc). warp See "Warp: dynamic value configuration" below.
Warp: dynamic value configuration
The Warp functionality enables an HashId or ListId object to change its default settings (e.g. "min_index", "max_index" or "max_nb" parameters) dynamically according to the value of another "Value" object. (See Config::Model::Warper for explanation on warp mechanism) For instance, with this model: $model ->create_config_class ( name => 'Root', 'element' => [ macro => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'enum', name => 'macro', choice => [qw/A B C/], }, warped_hash => { type => 'hash', index_type => 'integer', max_nb => 3, warp => { follow => '- macro', rules => { A => { max_nb => 1 }, B => { max_nb => 2 } } }, cargo => { type => 'node', config_class_name => 'Dummy' } }, ] ); Setting "macro" to "A" means that "warped_hash" can only accept one "Dummy" class item . Setting "macro" to "B" means that "warped_hash" accepts two "Dummy" class items. Like other warped class, a HashId or ListId can have multiple warp masters (See "Warp follow argument" in Config::Model::Warper: warp => { follow => { m1 => '- macro1', m2 => '- macro2' }, rules => [ '$m1 eq "A" and $m2 eq "A2"' => { max_nb => 1}, '$m1 eq "A" and $m2 eq "B2"' => { max_nb => 2} ], } Warp and auto_create_ids or auto_create_keys When a warp is applied with "auto_create_keys" or "auto_create_ids" parameter, the auto_created items are created if they are not already present. But this warp never removes items that were previously auto created. For instance, when a tied hash is created with "auto_create => [a,b,c]", the hash contains "(a,b,c)". Then, once a warp with "auto_create_keys => [c,d,e]" is applied, the hash then contains "(a,b,c,d,e)". The items created by the first auto_create_keys are not removed. Warp and max_nb When a warp is applied, the items that do not fit the constraint (e.g. min_index, max_index) are removed. For the max_nb constraint, an exception is raised if a warp leads to a number of items greater than the max_nb constraint.
Content check
By default, this class provides an optional content check that checks for duplicated values (when "duplicates" parameter is set). Derived classes can register more global checker with the following method. add_check_content This method expects a sub ref with signature "( $self, $error, $warn, $apply_fix )". Where $error and $warn are array ref. You can push error or warning messages there. $apply_fix is a boolean. When set to 1, the passed method can fix the warning or the error. Please make sure to weaken $self to avoid memory cycles. Example: package MyId; use Mouse; extends qw/Config::Model::HashId/; use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/; sub setup { my $self = shift; weaken($self); $self-> add_check_content( sub { $self->check_usused_licenses(@_);} ) }
Introspection methods
The following methods returns the current value stored in the Id object (as declared in the model unless they were warped): min_index max_index max_nb index_type default_keys default_with_init follow_keys_from auto_create_ids auto_create_keys ordered morph config_model get_cargo_type Returns the object type contained by the hash or list (i.e. returns "cargo -> type"). get_cargo_info Parameters: "( < what > )" Returns more info on the cargo contained by the hash or list. "what" may be "value_type" or any other cargo info stored in the model. Returns undef if the requested info is not provided in the model. get_default_keys Returns a list (or a list ref) of the current default keys. These keys can be set by the "default_keys" or "default_with_init" parameters or by the other hash pointed by "follow_keys_from" parameter. name Returns the object name. The name finishes with ' id'. config_class_name Returns the config_class_name of collected elements. Valid only for collection of nodes. This method returns undef if "cargo" "type" is not "node". has_fixes Returns the number of fixes that can be applied to the current value.
Information management
fetch_with_id Parameters: "( index => $idx , [ check => 'no' ])" Fetch the collected element held by the hash or list. Index check is 'yes' by default. Can be called with one parameter which is used as index. get Get a value from a directory like path. Parameters are: path Poor man's version of XPath style path. This string is in the form: /foo/bar/4 Each word between the '/' is either an element name or a hash key or a list index. mode Either "default", "custom", "user",... See "mode" parameter in <Config::Model::Value/"fetch( ... )"> check Either "skip", "no" get_obj If the path leads to a leaf, this parameter tell whether to return the stored value or the value object. autoadd Whether to create missing keys dir_char_mockup When the hash key used contains '/', (for instance a directory value), the key cannot be used as is with this method. Because '/' is already used to separate configuration items (this is also important with Config::Model::FuseUI). This parameter specifies how the forbidden '/' char is shown in the path. Default is "<slash>" set Parameters: "( path, value )" Set a value with a directory like path. copy Parameters: "( from_index, to_index )" Deep copy an element within the hash or list. If the element contained by the hash or list is a node, all configuration information is copied from one node to another. fetch_all Returns an array containing all elements held by the hash or list. fetch_value Parameters: "( idx => ..., mode => ..., check => ...)" Returns the value held by the "idx" element of the hash or list. This method is only valid for hash or list containing leaves. See fetch_all_values for "mode" argument documentation and "fetch" in Config::Model::Value for "check" argument documentation. fetch_summary Arguments: "( idx => ..., mode => ..., check => ...)" Like "fetch_value", but returns a truncated value when the value is a string or uniline that is too long to be displayed. fetch_all_values Parameters: "( mode => ..., check => ...)" Returns an array containing all defined values held by the hash or list. (undefined values are simply discarded). This method is only valid for hash or list containing leaves. With "mode" parameter, this method returns either: custom The value entered by the user preset The value entered in preset mode standard The value entered in preset mode or checked by default. default The default value (defined by the configuration model) See "fetch" in Config::Model::Value for "check" argument documentation. fetch Similar to "fetch_all_values", with the same parameters, Returns the result as a string with comma separated list values. fetch_all_indexes Returns an array containing all indexes of the hash or list. Hash keys are sorted alphabetically, except for ordered hashed. children Like fetch_all_indexes. This method is polymorphic for all non-leaf objects of the configuration tree. defined Parameters: "( index )" Returns true if the value held at "index" is defined. exists Parameters: "( index )" Returns true if the value held at "index" exists (i.e the key exists but the value may be undefined). This method may not make sense for list element. has_data Return true if the array or hash is not empty. delete Parameters: "( index )" Delete the "index"ed value clear Delete all values (also delete underlying value or node objects). clear_values Delete all values (without deleting underlying value objects). warning_msg Parameters: "( [index] )" Returns warnings concerning indexes of this hash. Without parameter, returns a string containing all warnings or undef. With an index, return the warnings concerning this index or undef. has_warning Returns the current number of warning. error_msg Returns the error messages of this object (if any)
Dominique Dumont, ddumont [AT] cpan [DOT] org
Config::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::Node, Config::Model::WarpedNode, Config::Model::HashId, Config::Model::ListId, Config::Model::CheckList, Config::Model::Value
Dominique Dumont
This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by Dominique Dumont. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999