jammy (3) File::Util::Cookbook.3pm.gz

Provided by: libfile-util-perl_4.201720-1_all bug


       File::Util::Cookbook - File::Util in Action


       version 4.201720


       The following are fully functional programs using File::Util to accomplish some common tasks.  Note that
       not nearly everything helpful use of File::Util could be covered here, but the following are examples
       showing answers to the questions commonly asked.

       For a simple reference on File::Util, take a look at the manual at File::Util::Manual.


       These are included in the standalone scripts that come in the "examples" directory as part of this

   Batch File Rename
          # This code changes the file suffix of all files in a directory
          # ending in *.log so that they end in *.txt
          # Note - This example is NOT recursive.

          use strict;
          use warnings;
          use vars qw( $dir );

          # Regarding "SL" below: On Win/DOS, it is "\" and on Mac/BSD/Linux it is "/"
          # File::Util will automatically detect this for you.
          use File::Util qw( NL SL );

          my $ftl   = File::Util->new();
          my $dir   = 'some/log/directory';
          my @files = $ftl->list_dir( $dir => { files_only => 1 } );

          foreach my $file ( @files ) {

             # don't change the file suffix unless it is *.log
             next unless $file =~ /log$/;

             my $newname = $file;
                $newname =~ s/\.log$/\.txt/;

             if ( rename $dir . SL . $file, $dir . SL . $newname ) {

                print qq($file -> $newname), NL
             else {

                warn qq(Couldn't rename "$_" to "$newname" - $!)


   Recursively remove a directory and all its contents
          # This code removes a directory and everything in it

          use strict;
          use warnings;
          use File::Util qw( NL );

          my $ftl = File::Util->new();
          my $removedir = '/path/to/directory/youwanttodelete';

          my @gonners = $ftl->list_dir( $removedir => { recurse => 1 } );

          # remove directory and everything in it
          @gonners = reverse sort { length $a <=> length $b } @gonners;

          foreach my $gonner ( @gonners, $removedir ) {

             print "Removing $gonner ...", NL;

             -d $gonner ? rmdir $gonner || die $! : unlink $gonner || die $!;

          print 'Done!', NL;


   Try opening a file, falling back to a failsafe file if there's an error
          use strict;
          use warnings;

          use File::Util qw( NL );

          my $ftl = File::Util->new();

          my $might_not_work     = '/this/might/not/work.txt';
          my $will_work_for_sure = '/tmp/file.txt';
          my $used_backup_plan   = 0;

          my $file_handle = $ftl->open_handle
             $might_not_work =>
                mode   => 'write',
                onfail => sub
                   my ( $err, $stack_trace ) = @_;

                   warn "Couldn't open first choice, trying a backup plan...";

                   $used_backup_plan = 1;

                   return $ftl->open_handle
                      $will_work_for_sure => { mode => 'write' }

          print $file_handle 'Hello World!  The time is now ' . scalar localtime;

          print $file_handle NL; # portably add a new line to the end of the file

          close $file_handle or die $!;

          # print out whichever file we were able to successfully write
          print $ftl->load_file
                ? $will_work_for_sure
                : $might_not_work


   Wrap the lines in a file at 72 columns, then save it
          # This code opens a file, wraps its lines, and saves the file with
          # the newly formatted content

          use strict; # always
          use warnings;

          use File::Util qw( NL );
          use Text::Wrap qw( wrap );

          $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; # wrap text at this many columns

          my $f = File::Util->new();
          my $textfile = 'myreport.txt'; # file to wrap and save

            filename => $textfile,
            content => wrap('', '', $f->load_file($textfile))

          print 'Done.', NL x 2;

   Read and increment a counter file, then save it
          # This code opens a file, reads a number value, increments it,
          # then saves the newly incremented value back to the file

          # For the sake of simplicity, this code assumes:
          #   * the counter file already exist and is writeable
          #   * the counter file has one line, which contains only numbers

          use strict; # always
          use warnings;

          use File::Util;

          my $ftl = File::Util->new();
          my $counterfile = 'counter.txt'; # the counter file needs to already exist

          my $count = $ftl->load_file( $counterfile );

          # convert textual number to in-memory int type, -this will default
          # to a zero if it encounters non-numerical or empty content
          chomp $count;
          $count = int $count;

          print "Count value from file: $count.";

          $count++; # increment the counter value by 1

          # save the incremented count back to the counter file
          $ftl->write_file( filename => $counterfile, content => $count );

          # verify that it worked
          print ' Count is now: ' . $ftl->load_file( $counterfile );


   Batch Search & Replace
          # Code does a recursive batch search/replace on the content of all files
          # in a given directory
          # Note - this code skips binary files

          use strict;
          use warnings;
          use File::Util qw( NL SL );

          # will get search pattern from file named below
          use constant SFILE => './sr/searchfor';

          # will get replace pattern from file named below
          use constant RFILE => './sr/replacewith';

          # will perform batch operation in directory named below
          use constant INDIR => '/foo/bar/baz';

          # create new File::Util object, set File::Util to send a warning for
          # fatal errors instead of dying
          my $ftl   = File::Util->new( onfail => 'warn' );
          my $rstr  = $ftl->load_file( RFILE );
          my $spat  = quotemeta $ftl->load_file( SFILE ); $spat = qr/$spat/;
          my $gsbt  = 0;
          my $opts  = { files_only => 1, with_paths => 1, recurse => 1 };
          my @files = $ftl->list_dir( INDIR => $opts );

          for (my $i = 0; $i < @files; ++$i) {

             next if $ftl->is_bin( $files[$i] );

             my $sbt = 0; my $file = $ftl->load_file( $files[$i] );

             $file =~ s/$spat/++$sbt;++$gsbt;$rstr/ge;

             $ftl->write_file( file => $files[$i], content => $file );

             print $sbt ? qq($sbt replacements in $files[$i]) . NL : '';

          print NL . <<__DONE__ . NL;
          $gsbt replacements in ${\ scalar @files } files.


   Pretty-Print A Directory Recursively
       This is the fool-proof, dead-simple way to pretty-print a directory tree.  Caveat: This isn't a method
       for massive directory traversal, and is subject to the limitations inherent in stuffing an entire
       directory tree into RAM.  Go back and use bare callbacks (see the other example scripts that came in the
       "examples" subdirectory of this distribution) if you need a more efficient, streaming (real-time) pretty-
       printer where top-level sorting is less important than resource constraints and speed of execution.

          # set this to the name of the directory to pretty-print
          my $treetrunk = '.';

          use warnings;
          use strict;

          use lib './lib';
          use File::Util qw( NL SL );

          my $ftl = File::Util->new( { onfail => 'zero' } );

          walk( $ftl->list_dir( $treetrunk => { as_tree => 1, recurse => 1 } ) );


          sub walk
             my ( $branch, $depth ) = @_;

             $depth ||= 0;

             talk( $depth - 1, $branch->{_DIR_SELF_} . SL ) if $branch->{_DIR_SELF_};

             delete @$branch{ qw( _DIR_SELF_  _DIR_PARENT_ ) };

             talk( $depth, $branch->{ $_ } ) for sort { uc $a cmp uc $b } keys %$branch;

          sub talk
             my ( $indent, $item ) = @_;

             return walk( $item, $indent + 1 ) if ref $item;

             print(  ( ' ' x ( $indent * 3 ) ) . ( $item || '' ) . NL );


       Tommy Butler <http://www.atrixnet.com/contact>

       Copyright(C) 2001-2013, Tommy Butler.  All rights reserved.


       This library is free software, you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself. For more details, see the full text of the LICENSE file that is included in this distribution.


       This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even
       the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

