jammy (3) Gtk2::SimpleList.3pm.gz

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       Gtk2::SimpleList - A simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget


         use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
         use Gtk2 '-init';
         use Gtk2::SimpleList;

         my $slist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new (
                       'Text Field'    => 'text',
                       'Markup Field'  => 'markup',
                       'Int Field'     => 'int',
                       'Double Field'  => 'double',
                       'Bool Field'    => 'bool',
                       'Scalar Field'  => 'scalar',
                       'Pixbuf Field'  => 'pixbuf',

         @{$slist->{data}} = (
                 [ 'text', 1, 1.1,  TRUE, $var, $pixbuf ],
                 [ 'text', 2, 2.2, FALSE, $var, $pixbuf ],

         # (almost) anything you can do to an array you can do to
         # $slist->{data} which is an array reference tied to the list model
         push @{$slist->{data}}, [ 'text', 3, 3.3, TRUE, $var, $pixbuf ];

         # mess with selections
         $slist->get_selection->set_mode ('multiple');
         $slist->select (1, 3, 5..9); # select rows by index
         $slist->unselect (3, 8); # unselect rows by index
         @sel = $slist->get_selected_indices;

         # simple way to make text columns editable
         $slist->set_column_editable ($col_num, TRUE);

         # Gtk2::SimpleList derives from Gtk2::TreeView, so all methods
         # on a treeview are available.
         $slist->set_rules_hint (TRUE);
         $slist->signal_connect (row_activated => sub {
                 my ($sl, $path, $column) = @_;
                 my $row_ref = $sl->get_row_data_from_path ($path);
                 # $row_ref is now an array ref to the double-clicked row's data.

         # turn an existing TreeView into a SimpleList; useful for
         # Glade-generated interfaces.
         $simplelist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new_from_treeview (
                           $glade->get_widget ('treeview'),
                           'Text Field'    => 'text',
                           'Int Field'     => 'int',
                           'Double Field'  => 'double',


       SimpleList is a simple interface to the powerful but complex Gtk2::TreeView and
       Gtk2::ListStore combination, implementing using tied arrays to make thing simple and easy.


       Gtk2 has a powerful, but complex MVC (Model, View, Controller) system used to implement
       list and tree widgets.  Gtk2::SimpleList automates the complex setup work and allows you
       to treat the list model as a more natural list of lists structure.

       After creating a new Gtk2::SimpleList object with the desired columns you may set the list
       data with a simple Perl array assignment. Rows may be added or deleted with all of the
       normal array operations. You can treat the "data" member of the list simplelist object as
       an array reference, and manipulate the list data with Perl's normal array operators.

       A mechanism has also been put into place allowing columns to be Perl scalars.  The scalar
       is converted to text through Perl's normal mechanisms and then displayed in the list. This
       same mechanism can be expanded by defining arbitrary new column types before calling the
       new function.


        +--- Gtk2::Object
             +--- Gtk2::Widget
                  +--- Gtk2::TreeView
                       +--- Gtk2::SimpleList


       $slist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new ($cname, $ctype, ...)
               ·   $cname (string)

               ·   $ctype (string)

           Creates a new Gtk2::SimpleList object with the specified columns. The parameter
           "cname" is the name of the column, what will be displayed in the list headers if they
           are turned on. The parameter ctype is the type of the column, one of:

            text    normal text strings
            markup  pango markup strings
            int     integer values
            double  double-precision floating point values
            bool    boolean values, displayed as toggle-able checkboxes
            scalar  a perl scalar, displayed as a text string by default
            pixbuf  a Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf

           or the name of a custom type you add with "add_column_type".  These should be provided
           in pairs according to the desired columns for your list.

       $slist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new_from_treeview ($treeview, $cname, $ctype, ...)
               ·   $treeview (Gtk2::TreeView)

               ·   $cname (string)

               ·   $ctype (string)

           Like "Gtk2::SimpleList->new()", but turns an existing Gtk2::TreeView into a
           Gtk2::SimpleList.  This is intended mostly for use with stuff like Glade, where the
           widget is created for you.  This will create and attach a new model and remove any
           existing columns from treeview.  Returns treeview, re-blessed as a Gtk2::SimpleList.

       $slist->set_data_array ($arrayref)
               ·   $arrayref (array reference)

           Set the data in the list to the array reference $arrayref. This is completely
           equivalent to @{$list->{data}} = @{$arrayref} and is only here for convenience and for
           those programmers who don't like to type-cast and have static, set once data.

       @indices = $slist->get_selected_indices
           Return the indices of the selected rows in the ListStore.

       $slist->get_row_data_from_path ($path)
               ·   $path (Gtk2::TreePath) the path of the desired row

           Returns an array ref with the data of the row indicated by $path.

       $slist->select ($index, ...);
       $slist->unselect ($index, ...);
               ·   $index (integer)

           Select or unselect rows in the list by index.  If the list is set for multiple
           selection, all indices in the list will be set/unset; otherwise, just the first is
           used.  If the list is set for no selection, then nothing happens.

           To set the selection mode, or to select all or none of the rows, use the normal
           TreeView/TreeSelection stuff, e.g.  $slist->get_selection and the TreeSelection
           methods "get_mode", "set_mode", "select_all", and "unselect_all".

       $slist->set_column_editable ($index, $editable)
               ·   $index (integer)

               ·   $editable (boolean)

       boolean = $slist->get_column_editable ($index)
               ·   $index (integer)

           This is a very simple interface to Gtk2::TreeView's editable text column cells.  All
           columns which use the attr "text" (basically, any text or number column, see
           "add_column_type") automatically have callbacks installed to update data when cells
           are edited.  With "set_column_editable", you can enable the in-place editing.

           "get_column_editable" tells you if column index is currently editable.

       Gtk2::SimpleList->add_column_type ($type_name, ...)
               $type_name (string)

           Add a new column type to the list of possible types. Initially six column types are
           defined, text, int, double, bool, scalar, and pixbuf. The bool column type uses a
           toggle cell renderer, the pixbuf uses a pixbuf cell renderer, and the rest use text
           cell renderers. In the process of adding a new column type you may use any cell
           renderer you wish.

           The first parameter is the column type name, the list of six are examples.  There are
           no restrictions on the names and you may even overwrite the existing ones should you
           choose to do so. The remaining parameters are the type definition consisting of key
           value pairs. There are three required: type, renderer, and attr. The type key
           determines what actual datatype will be stored in the underlying model representation;
           this is a package name, e.g.  Glib::String, Glib::Int, Glib::Boolean, but in general
           if you want an arbitrary Perl data structure you will want to use 'Glib::Scalar'. The
           renderer key should hold the class name of the cell renderer to create for this column
           type; this may be any of Gtk2::CellRendererText, Gtk2::CellRendererToggle,
           Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf, or some other, possibly custom, cell renderer class.  The
           attr key is magical; it may be either a string, in which case it specifies the
           attribute which will be set from the specified column (e.g. 'text' for a text
           renderer, 'active' for a toggle renderer, etc), or it may be a reference to a
           subroutine which will be called each time the renderer needs to draw the data.

           This function, described as a GtkTreeCellDataFunc in the API reference, will receive 5
           parameters: $treecol, $cell, $model, $iter, $col_num (when SimpleList hooks up the
           function, it sets the column number to be passed as the user data).  The data value
           for the particular cell in question is available via $model->get ($iter, $col_num);
           you can then do whatever it is you have to do to render the cell the way you want.
           Here are some examples:

             # just displays the value in a scalar as
             # Perl would convert it to a string
             Gtk2::SimpleList->add_column_type( 'a_scalar',
                     type     => 'Glib::Scalar',
                     renderer => 'Gtk2::CellRendererText',
                     attr     => sub {
                          my ($treecol, $cell, $model, $iter, $col_num) = @_;
                          my $info = $model->get ($iter, $col_num);
                          $cell->set (text => $info);

             # sums up the values in an array ref and displays
             # that in a text renderer
             Gtk2::SimpleList->add_column_type( 'sum_of_array',
                     type     => 'Glib::Scalar',
                     renderer => 'Gtk2::CellRendererText',
                     attr     => sub {
                          my ($treecol, $cell, $model, $iter, $col_num) = @_;
                          my $sum = 0;
                          my $info = $model->get ($iter, $col_num);
                          foreach (@$info)
                              $sum += $_;
                          $cell->set (text => $sum);


       After creating a new Gtk2::SimpleList object there will be a member called "data" which is
       a tied array. That means data may be treated as an array, but in reality the data resides
       in something else. There is no need to understand the details of this it just means that
       you put data into, take data out of, and modify it just like any other array. This
       includes using array operations like push, pop, unshift, and shift. For those of you very
       familiar with perl this section will prove redundant, but just in case:

         Adding and removing rows:

           # push a row onto the end of the list
           push @{$slist->{data}}, [col1_data, col2_data, ..., coln_data];
           # pop a row off of the end of the list
           $rowref = pop @{$slist->{data}};
           # unshift a row onto the beginning of the list
           unshift @{$slist->{data}}, [col1_data, col2_data, ..., coln_data];
           # shift a row off of the beginning of the list
           $rowref = shift @{$slist->{data}};
           # delete the row at index $n, 0 indexed
           splice @{ $slist->{data} }, $n, 1;
           # set the entire list to be the data in a array
           @{$slist->{data}} = ( [row1, ...], [row2, ...], [row3, ...] );

         Getting at the data in the list:

           # get an array reference to the entire nth row
           $rowref = $slist->{data}[n];
           # get the scalar in the mth column of the nth row, 0 indexed
           $val = $slist->{data}[n][m];
           # set an array reference to the entire nth row
           $slist->{data}[n] = [col1_data, col2_data, ..., coln_data];
           # get the scalar in the mth column of the nth row, 0 indexed
           $slist->{data}[n][m] = $rowm_coln_value;


       Perl(1), Glib(3pm), Gtk2(3pm), Gtk2::TreeView(3pm), Gtk2::TreeModel(3pm),

       Note: Gtk2::SimpleList is deprecated in favor of Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List, part of the
       Gtk2-Perl-Ex project at http://gtk2-perl-ex.sf.net .


        muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>
        Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 at neces dot com>
        Gavin Brown <gavin dot brown at uk dot com>

       Copyright 2003-2004 by the Gtk2-Perl team.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
       either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this
       library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
       Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.