jammy (3) IO::Capture::Overview.3pm.gz

Provided by: libio-capture-perl_0.05-4_all bug


       IO::Capture -- Overview of "IO::Capture" Module, and classes derived from it.


       The modules in this distribution are designed to allow you to capture and process output sent to STDOUT
       and/or STDERR.

       I initial created the modules to use in building module tests.  I wanted to be able to intentionally
       cause errors, and insure the module responded correctly.  E.g., Call a class method without a required
       argument.  Using IO::Capture keeps the user from seeing these intentional errors when running 'make

       I have also found this useful on occasion in Perl Tk apps, where I wanted to capture output from a Perl
       module I was using.  I could then capture, then put the text into a log or message window.

       Note:  None of the modules currently distributed will capture from the 'system' Perl function, or the
       like.  It could be done, but generally, if you would like to capture from a system command, you don't
       need this module, just use the backticks operators.

               my $output = '/usr/bin/ls';

       They are small, lightweight modules.  Instead of designing in a lot of features, we designed it to be
       easily reusable and adaptable.  A module can be quickly built, that incorporates custom methods, but
       reuses all existing features of one of the derived classes. See the section on "ADDING FEATURES"  Or, if
       you need to change the actual capture mechanism, "WRITING YOUR OWN DERIVED CLASS".  (Don't worry, it's a
       piece of cake)


       There are several classes derived from "IO::Capture".

       Module to capture "STDOUT" from program.  See IO::Capture::Stdout.

       Module to capture "STDERR" from program.  See IO::Capture::Stderr.

       This method has been depreciated.  The only difference between this one and Stderr.pm was the trap for
       WARN.  I found it was fixed in 5.8 so just check in Stderr now.  I.e., Just use Stderr now. It (Stderr)
       will detect what version of perl you are using, and act accordingly.  The two
       ("IO::Capture::ErrorMessages" and "IO::Capture::Stderr") are currently identical, and
       "IO::Capture::ErrorMessages" will be removed in a future release.

       If you would like to add features to any of these, or build your own module using "IO::Capture" as a
       base, read on.


       If one of these modules takes care of your problem, install it and have fun!

       But let's say you would like to add a feature to one of the derived classes, say IO::Capture::Stdout.  No
       need to re-write the whole module, just use it as the base, and write your one feature. Here is a
       somewhat simplified example.

           # Example module to add a grep_it method
           # Give your package a name
           package MyPackage;

           #use IO:Capture:Stdout as the base
           use base 'IO::Capture::Stdout';

           #define your method
           sub grep_it {
               my $self = shift;
               my $string = shift;
               my @found_lines;

               # Making a ref to the array makes it easier to read  :-)
               my $arrayref = \@{$self->{'IO::Capture::messages'}};

               for my $line (@$arrayref) {
                   push @found_lines, $line if $line =~ /$string/;
               return wantarray ? @found_lines : scalar(@found_lines);

       Using it in this script

           use strict;
           use warnings;
           use MyPackage;

           my $capture = MyPackage->new();
           print "The quick brown fox jumped over ...";
           print "garden wall";
           print "The quick red fox jumped over ...";
           print "garden wall";
           for my $line ($capture->grep_it("fox")) {
               print "$line\n";

       Results in

           $ grep_it
           The quick brown fox jumped over ...
           The quick red fox jumped over ...


       Before starting your own sub-class, be sure to read through IO::Capture.  Pay special attention to the
       internal methods that are only defined as abstract methods in "IO::Capture".  For examples, look at the
       sub-classes included with this distribution. ("IO::Capture::Stdout", "IO:Capture::Stderr".  You can start
       by copying one of these and using it as a template.  They have the required private methods defined
       already, and you may very well be able to use them as is.  Change any methods, and add any new ones, as

       For example, here is a commented copy of "IO::Capture::Stderr".

           # Example module using abstract class IO::Capture
           # Change this to give your class it's own name
           package IO::Capture::Stderr;

           # Make IO::Capture the base class
           use base qw/IO::Capture/;

           # If using included utility module in '_start()'
           use IO::Capture::Tie_STDx;

           # Override the three abstract methods needed to make a valid
           # module. See IO::Capture manpage
           #  1) _start - Starts the data capture. Is run from public method
           #     start();
           #  2) _retrieve_captured_text() - Move the captured text into the
           #  object hash key, "IO::Capture::messages". Called by public method
           #  3) _stop - Stop the data capture. Called by public method 'stop()'
           #    after private method '_retrieve_captured_text()' returns.
           sub _start {
               tie *STDERR, "IO::Capture::Tie_STDx";

           sub _retrieve_captured_text {
               my $self = shift;
               # making a reference to it makes it more readable ;-)
               my $messages = \@{$self->{'IO::Capture::messages'}};

               @$messages = <STDERR>;

           sub _stop {
               untie *STDERR;
                       return 1;

       Lets say you don't want to capture all the text.  You just want to grab the lines that have the word
       "Error" in them.  The only thing you need to change is _retrieve_captured_text. (Besides the package

       Something like:

           sub _retrieve_captured_text {
               my $self = shift;
               # making a reference to it makes it more readable ;-)
               my $messages = \@{$self->{'IO::Capture::messages'}};

               while (<STDERR>) {
                   push @$messages, $_ if /error/i;

       Yes. You could do this easier by just using "IO::Capture::Stderr" as the base and overriding
       "_retrieve_captured_text" like in "ADDING FEATURES", but hey, we needed an easy example.  :-)

       If you want your class to have arguments that users can pass in, just use the default "new()" method and
       have the arguments passed in as an anonymous array.  See the "IO::Capture::Stderr" module for an example.


       Please report bugs on http://rt.cpan.org/


       Special thanks to  James E Keenan for many bug fixes and tests he provided.


       Mark Reynolds reynolds<at>sgi.com

       Note: "Change <at" to 'at' sign.>

       Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Mark Reynolds. All Rights Reserved.  This module is free software. It may be
       used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.