jammy (3) IO::Pager::Perl.3pm.gz

Provided by: libio-pager-perl_2.10-1_all bug


       IO::Pager::Perl - Page text a screenful at a time, like more or less


           use Term:ReadKey; #Optional, but recommended
           use IO::Pager::Perl;

           my $t = IO::Pager::Perl->new( rows => 25, cols => 80 );
           $t->add_text( $text );


       This is a module for paging through text one screenful at a time.  It supports the features you expect
       using the shortcuts you expect.

       IO::Pager::Perl is an enhanced fork of Term::Pager.


   Create the Pager
           $t = IO::Pager::Perl->new( option => value, ... );

       If no options are specified, sensible default values will be used.  The following options are recognized,
       and shown with the default value:

       rows =>25?
           The number of rows on your terminal.  The terminal is queried directly with Term::ReadKey if loaded
           or "stty" or "tput", and if these fail it defaults to 25.

       cols =>80?
           The number of columns on your terminal. The terminal is queried directly with Term::ReadKey if loaded
           or "stty" or "tput", and if these fail it defaults to 80.

       speed =>38400?
           The speed (baud rate) of your terminal. The terminal is queried directly with Term::ReadKey if loaded
           or "stty", and if these fail it defaults to a sensible value.

       eof =>0
           Exit at end of file.

       fold =>1
           Fold long lines with Text::Wrap.

       lineNo =>0
           If true, line numbering is added to the output.

       pause =>0
           If defined, the pager will pause when the this character sequence is encountered in the input text.
           Set to ^L i.e; "\cL" to mimic traditional behavior of "1" in more.

       raw =>0
           Pass control characters from input unadulterated to the terminal.  By default, chracters other than
           tab and newline will be converted to caret notation e.g; ^@ for null or ^L for form feed.

       scrollBar =>0
           Display an interactive scrollbar in the right-most column.

       squeeze =>0
           Collapse multiple blank lines into one.

       statusCol =>0
           Add a column with markers indicating which row match a search expression.

       visualBell =>0
           Flash the screen when beeping.


       There are accessors for all of the above properties, however those for rows, cols, speed, fold and
       squeeze are read only.

         #Is visualBell set?

         #Enable line numbering

   Adding Text
       You will need some text to page through. You can specify text as as a parameter to the constructor:

           text => $text

       Or even add text later:

           $t->add_text( $text );

       If you wish to continuously add text to the pager, you must setup your own event loop, and indicate to
       "more" that it should relinquish control e.g;

               while( $t->more(RT=>.05) ){
                 $t->add_text("More text to page");

       The eval block captures the exception thrown upon termination of the pager so that your own program may
       continue. The RT parameter indicates that you wish to provide content in real time. This value is also
       passed to "ReadKey" in Term::ReadKey as the maximum blocking time per keypress and should be between 0
       and 1, with larger values trading greater interface responsiveness for slight delays in output. A value
       of -1 may also be used to request non-blocking polls, but likely will not behave as you would hope.

       NOTE: If Term::ReadKey is not loaded but RT is true, screen updates will only occur on keypress.


       You can also pass a code reference to the text attribute of the constructor which will be called when
       reaching the "end of file"; consequently, it is not possible to set the eof flag to exit at end of file
       if doing so.

           $t->new( text=>sub{ } ); #eof=>0 is implied

       Alternatively, you may supply a reference to a two element array. The first is an initial chunk of text
       to load, and the second the callback.

           my($m, $n)=(1,1);
           $t->new( text=> ["1\n", sub{ ($m,$n)=($n,$m+$n); return "$n\n"} ] );

   User Interface
       There are multiple special bookmarks (marks) that can be used in navigation.

       ^ Beginning of file
       $ End of file
       ' Previous location
       " List user-created marks

       "add_text" will automatically create special numeric marks when it encounters a special character
       sequence, allowing the user to jump to predetermined points in the buffer. Sequence that match the
       following regular expression

            /\cF\c]\cL\cE \[(\d+)\// #e.g; ^F^]^L^E [3/4]

       will have marks matching $1 created that point at the line of the buffer the sequence occurs on.


       It is possible to extend the features of IO::Pager::Perl by supplying the "add_func" method with a hash
       of character keys and callback values to be invoked upon matching keypress; where \c? represents
       Control-? and \e?  represents Alt-? The existing mappings are listed below, and lengthier descriptions
       are available in tp.


       &help - "h" or "H"
       &close - "q" or "Q" or ":q" or ":Q"
       &refresh - "r" or "C-l" or "C-R"
       &flush_buffer - "R"
       &write_buffer - ":w"
       &open_file - ":e"


       &downline - "ENTER" or "e" or "j" or "J" or "C-e" or "C-n" or "down arrow"
       &downhalf - "d" or "C-d"
       &downpage - "SPACE" "f" or "z" or "C-f" or "C-v" or "M-space" or "PgDn"
       &uppage - "b" or "w" or "C-b" or "M-v" or "PgUp"
       &uphalf - "u" or "C-u"
       &upline - "k" or "y" or "K" or "Y" or "C-K" or "C-P" or "C-Y" or "up arrow"
       &to_bott - "G" or "$" or ">" or "M->" or "End"
       &to_top - "g" or "<" or "M-<"
       &tab_left - "left arrow"
       &shift_left - "S-left arrow"
       &tab_right - "right arrow"
       &shift_right - "S-right arrow"
       &next_file - ":n" or "S-M-right arrow"
       &prev_file - ":p" or "S-M-left arrow"

       And a special sequence of a number followed by enter analogous to:

               '/(\d+)/'   => \&jump(\1)

       if the value for that key is true.


       &save_mark - "m" or "Ins"
       &goto_mark - "'"


       &search - /
       &hcraes - ?
       &next_match - n or P
       &prev_match - p or N
       &grep - &


       &toggle_num - #
       &toggle_fold - S
       &toggle_raw - C

       The "dialog" method may be particularly useful when enhancing the pager.  It accepts a string to display,
       and an optional timeout to sleep for before the dialog is cleared. If the timeout is missing or 0, the
       dialog remains until a key is pressed.

           my $t = IO::Pager::Perl->new();
           $t->add_text("Text to display");

           sub boo{ my $self = shift; $self->dialog("BOO!", 1); }

       Should you add additional functionality to your pager, you will likely want to change the contents of the
       help dialog or possibly the status line. Use the "I18N" method to replace the default text or save text
       for your own interface.

           #Get the default help text
           my $help = $t->I18N('help');

           #Minimal status line
           $t->I18N('minihelp', "<h> help");

       Current text elements available for customization are:

           404        - search text not found dialog
           continue   - text to display at the bottom of the help dialog
           help       - help dialog text, a list of keys and their functions
           minihelp   - basic instructions displayed at the bottom of the screen
           status     - brief message to include in the status line
           top        - start of file prompt
           bottom     - end of file prompt
           searchwrap - message that pager is about to loop for more matches

       prompt is intended for sharing short messages not worthy of a dialog e.g; when debugging. You will need
       to call the "status" method after setting it to refresh the status line of the display, then void prompt
       and call "status" again to clear the message.


       The help text will be split in two horizontally on a null character if the text is wider than the
       display, and shown in two sequential dialogs.

       Similarly, the status text will be cropped at a null character for narrow displays.


       This modules currently only works in a UN*X-like environment.

       For simplicity, the current implementation loads the entire message to view at once; thus not requiring a
       distinction between piped contents and files.  This may require significant memory for large files.

       This module uses Termcap, which has been deprecated the Open Group, and may not be supported by your
       operating system for much longer.

       If the termcap entry for your ancient esoteric terminal is wrong or incomplete, this module may either
       fill your screen with unintelligible gibberish, or drop back to a feature-free mode.

       Eventually, support for Terminfo may also be added.

       IO::Pager::Perl sets a global signal handler for SIGWINCH, this is the only way it can effectively detect
       and accommodate changes in terminal size.  If you also need notification of this signal, the handler will
       trigger any callback assigned to the WINCH attribute of the "new" method.

       WINCH is not available on Windows. You will need to manually refresh your screen ^L if you resize the
       terminal in Windows to clean up the text however, this will not change the size of the pager itself.


       IO::Pager::Perl checks the TERM and TERMCAP variables.


       IO::Pager, Term::Cap, Term::ReadKey, termcap(5), stty(1), tput(1), less(1)


           Jerrad Pierce jpierce@cpan.org

           Jeff Weisberg - http://www.tcp4me.com


       This software may be copied and distributed under the terms found in the Perl "Artistic License".

       A copy of the "Artistic License" may be found in the standard Perl distribution.