jammy (3) Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmail-imapclient-perl_3.43-1_all bug


       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure - parse fetched results


         use Mail::IMAPClient;
         use Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure;

         my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
             Server => $server, User => $login, Password => $pass

         $imap->select("INBOX") or die "Could not select INBOX: $@\n";

         my @recent = $imap->search("recent") or die "No recent msgs in INBOX\n";

         foreach my $id (@recent) {
             my $bsdat = $imap->fetch( $id, "bodystructure" );
             my $bso   = Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure->new( join("", $imap->History) );
             my $mime  = $bso->bodytype . "/" . $bso->bodysubtype;
             my $parts = map( "\n\t" . $_, $bso->parts );
             print "Msg $id (Content-type: $mime) contains these parts:$parts\n";


       This extension will parse the result of an IMAP FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE command into a perl data structure.
       It also provides helper methods to help pull information out of the data structure.

       This module requires Parse::RecDescent.

Class Methods

       The following class method is available:

       This class method is the constructor method for instantiating new Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure
       objects.  The new method accepts one argument, a string containing a server response to a FETCH
       BODYSTRUCTURE directive.

       The module Mail::IMAPClient provides the get_bodystructure convenience method to simplify use of this
       module when starting with just a messages sequence number or unique ID (UID).

Object Methods

       The following object methods are available:

       The bodytype object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodytype for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodysubtype object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodysubtype for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodyparms object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodyparms for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodydisp object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodydisp for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodyid object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodyid for the message whose structure is
       described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodydesc object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodydesc for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodyenc object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodyenc for the message whose structure
       is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodysize object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodysize for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodylang object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodylang for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The bodystructure object method requires no arguments.  It returns the bodystructure for the message
       whose structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The envelopestruct object method requires no arguments.  It returns a
       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope object for the message from the calling
       Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.

       The textlines object method requires no arguments.  It returns the textlines for the message whose
       structure is described by the calling Mail::IMAPClient::Bodystructure object.


       The IMAP standard specifies that output from the IMAP FETCH ENVELOPE command will be an RFC2060 envelope
       structure.  It further specifies that output from the FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE command may also contain
       embedded envelope structures (if, for example, a message's subparts contain one or more included
       messages).  Objects belonging to Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope are Perl representations of
       these envelope structures, which is to say the nested parenthetical lists of RFC2060 translated into a
       Perl datastructure.

       Note that all of the fields relate to the specific part to which they belong.  In other words, output
       from a FETCH nnnn ENVELOPE command (or, in Mail::IMAPClient, "$imap-"fetch($msgid,"ENVELOPE")> or "my
       $env = $imap-"get_envelope($msgid)>) are for the message, but fields from within a bodystructure relate
       to the message subpart and not the parent message.

       An envelope structure's Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope representation is a hash of thingies
       that looks like this:

            subject   => "subject",
            inreplyto => "reference_message_id",
            from      => [ addressStruct1 ],
            messageid => "message_id",
            bcc       => [ addressStruct1, addressStruct2 ],
            date      => "Tue, 09 Jul 2002 14:15:53 -0400",
            replyto   => [ adressStruct1, addressStruct2 ],
            to        => [ adressStruct1, addressStruct2 ],
            sender    => [ adressStruct1 ],
            cc        => [ adressStruct1, addressStruct2 ],

       The ...::Envelope object also has methods for accessing data in the structure. They are:

           Returns the date of the message.

           Returns the message id of the message to which this message is a reply.

           Returns the subject of the message.

           Returns the message id of the message.

       You can also use the following methods to get addressing information.  Each of these methods returns an
       array of Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address objects, which are perl data structures representing
       RFC2060 address structures.  Some of these arrays would naturally contain one element (such as from,
       which normally contains a single "From:" address); others will often contain more than one address.
       However, because RFC2060 defines all of these as "lists of address structures", they are all translated
       into arrays of ...::Address objects.

       See the section on Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address, below, for alternate (and preferred) ways of
       accessing these data.

       The methods available are:

       bcc Returns an array of blind cc'ed recipients' address structures.  (Don't expect much in here unless
           the message was sent from the mailbox you're poking around in, by the way.)

       cc  Returns an array of cc'ed recipients' address structures.

           Returns an array of "From:" address structures--usually just one.

           Returns an array of "Reply-to:" address structures.  Once again there is usually just one address in
           the list.

           Returns an array of senders' address structures--usually just one and usually the same as from.

       to  Returns an array of recipients' address structures.

       Each of the methods that returns a list of address structures (i.e. a list of
       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address arrays) also has an analogous method that will return a list of
       E-Mail addresses instead.  The addresses are in the format "personalname <mailboxname@hostname>" (see the
       section on Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address, below) However, if the personal name is 'NIL' then
       it is omitted from the address.

       These methods are:

           Returns a list (or an array reference if called in scalar context) of blind cc'ed recipients' email
           addresses.  (Don't expect much in here unless the message was sent from the mailbox you're poking
           around in, by the way.)

           Returns a list of cc'ed recipients' email addresses.  If called in a scalar context it returns a
           reference to an array of email addresses.

           Returns a list of "From:" email addresses.  If called in a scalar context it returns the first email
           address in the list.  (It's usually a list of just one anyway.)

           Returns a list of "Reply-to:" email addresses.  If called in a scalar context it returns the first
           email address in the list.

           Returns a list of senders' email addresses.  If called in a scalar context it returns the first email
           address in the list.

           Returns a list of recipients' email addresses.  If called in a scalar context it returns a reference
           to an array of email addresses.

       Note that context affects the behavior of all of the above methods.

       Those fields that will commonly contain multiple entries (i.e. they are recipients) will return an array
       reference when called in scalar context.  You can use this behavior to optimize performance.

       Those fields that will commonly contain just one address (the sender's) will return the first (and
       usually only) address.  You can use this behavior to optimize your development time.

Addresses and the Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address

       Several components of an envelope structure are address structures.  They are each parsed into their own
       object, Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address, which looks like this:

             mailboxname  => 'somebody.special',
             hostname     => 'somplace.weird.com'
             personalname => 'Somebody Special
             sourceroute  => 'NIL'

       RFC2060 specifies that each address component of a bodystructure is a list of address structures, so
       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure parses each of these into an array of
       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address objects.

       Each of these objects has the following methods available to it:

           Returns the "mailboxname" portion of the address, which is the part to the left of the '@' sign.

           Returns the "hostname" portion of the address, which is the part to the right of the '@' sign.

           Returns the "personalname" portion of the address, which is the part of the address that's treated
           like a comment.

           Returns the "sourceroute" portion of the address, which is typically "NIL".

       Taken together, the parts of an address structure form an address that will look something like this:

       "personalname <mailboxname@hostname>"

       Note that because the Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Address objects come in arrays, it's generally
       easier to use the methods available to Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope to obtain all of the
       addresses in a particular array in one operation.  These methods are provided, however, in case you'd
       rather do things the hard way.  (And also because the aforementioned methods from
       Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Envelope need them anyway.)


       Original author: David J. Kernen; Reworked by: Mark Overmeer; Maintained by Phil Pearl.


       perl(1), Mail::IMAPClient, Parse::RecDescent, and RFC2060.