jammy (3) Math::GSL::Multifit.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmath-gsl-perl_0.42-1build1_amd64 bug


       Math::GSL::Multifit - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple


           use Math::GSL::Multifit qw /:all/;


       NOTE: This module requires GSL 2.1 or higher.

       The functions in this module perform least-squares fits to a general linear model, y = X c
       where y is a vector of n observations, X is an n by p matrix of predictor variables, and
       the elements of the vector c are the p unknown best-fit parameters which are to be

       Here is a list of all the functions in this module :

       "gsl_multifit_linear_alloc($n, $p)" - This function allocates a workspace for fitting a
       model to $n observations using $p parameters.
       "gsl_multifit_linear_free($work)" - This function frees the memory associated with the
       workspace w.
       "gsl_multifit_linear($X, $y, $c, $cov, $work)" - This function computes the best-fit
       parameters vector $c of the model y = X c for the observations vector $y and the matrix of
       predictor variables $X. The variance-covariance matrix of the model parameters vector $cov
       is estimated from the scatter of the observations about the best-fit. The sum of squares
       of the residuals from the best-fit, \chi^2, is returned after 0 if the operation
       succeeded, 1 otherwise. If the coefficient of determination is desired, it can be computed
       from the expression R^2 = 1 - \chi^2 / TSS, where the total sum of squares (TSS) of the
       observations y may be computed from gsl_stats_tss. The best-fit is found by singular value
       decomposition of the matrix $X using the preallocated workspace provided in $work. The
       modified Golub-Reinsch SVD algorithm is used, with column scaling to improve the accuracy
       of the singular values. Any components which have zero singular value (to machine
       precision) are discarded from the fit.
       "gsl_multifit_linear_svd($X, $y, $tol, $c, $cov, $work)" - This function computes the
       best-fit parameters c of the model y = X c for the observations vector $y and the matrix
       of predictor variables $X. The variance-covariance matrix of the model parameters vector
       $cov is estimated from the scatter of the observations about the best-fit. The sum of
       squares of the residuals from the best-fit, \chi^2, is returned after 0 if the operation
       succeeded, 1 otherwise. If the coefficient of determination is desired, it can be computed
       from the expression R^2 = 1 - \chi^2 / TSS, where the total sum of squares (TSS) of the
       observations y may be computed from gsl_stats_tss. In this second form of the function the
       components are discarded if the ratio of singular values s_i/s_0 falls below the user-
       specified tolerance $tol, and the effective rank is returned after the sum of squares of
       the residuals from the best-fit.
       "gsl_multifit_wlinear($X, $w, $y, $c, $cov, $work" - This function computes the best-fit
       parameters vector $c of the weighted model y = X c for the observations y with weights $w
       and the matrix of predictor variables $X. The covariance matrix of the model parameters
       $cov is computed with the given weights. The weighted sum of squares of the residuals from
       the best-fit, \chi^2, is returned after 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. If the
       coefficient of determination is desired, it can be computed from the expression R^2 = 1 -
       \chi^2 / WTSS, where the weighted total sum of squares (WTSS) of the observations y may be
       computed from gsl_stats_wtss. The best-fit is found by singular value decomposition of the
       matrix $X using the preallocated workspace provided in $work. Any components which have
       zero singular value (to machine precision) are discarded from the fit.
       "gsl_multifit_wlinear_svd($X, $w, $y, $tol, $rank, $c, $cov, $work) " This function
       computes the best-fit parameters vector $c of the weighted model y = X c for the
       observations y with weights $w and the matrix of predictor variables $X. The covariance
       matrix of the model parameters $cov is computed with the given weights. The weighted sum
       of squares of the residuals from the best-fit, \chi^2, is returned after 0 if the
       operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. If the coefficient of determination is desired, it can
       be computed from the expression R^2 = 1 - \chi^2 / WTSS, where the weighted total sum of
       squares (WTSS) of the observations y may be computed from gsl_stats_wtss. The best-fit is
       found by singular value decomposition of the matrix $X using the preallocated workspace
       provided in $work. In this second form of the function the components are discarded if the
       ratio of singular values s_i/s_0 falls below the user-specified tolerance $tol, and the
       effective rank is returned after the sum of squares of the residuals from the best-fit..
       "gsl_multifit_linear_est($x, $c, $cov)" - This function uses the best-fit multilinear
       regression coefficients vector $c and their covariance matrix $cov to compute the fitted
       function value $y and its standard deviation $y_err for the model y = x.c at the point $x,
       in the form of a vector. The functions returns 3 values in this order : 0 if the operation
       succeeded, 1 otherwise, the fittes function value and its standard deviation.
       "gsl_multifit_linear_residuals($X, $y, $c, $r)" - This function computes the vector of
       residuals r = y - X c for the observations vector $y, coefficients vector $c and matrix of
       predictor variables $X. $r is also a vector.
       "gsl_multifit_gradient($J, $f, $g)" - This function computes the gradient $g of \Phi(x) =
       (1/2) ||F(x)||^2 from the Jacobian matrix $J and the function values $f, using the formula
       $g = $J^T $f. $g and $f are vectors.
       "gsl_multifit_test_gradient($g, $epsabas)" - This function tests the residual gradient
       vector $g against the absolute error bound $epsabs. Mathematically, the gradient should be
       exactly zero at the minimum. The test returns $GSL_SUCCESS if the following condition is
       achieved, \sum_i |g_i| < $epsabs and returns $GSL_CONTINUE otherwise. This criterion is
       suitable for situations where the precise location of the minimum, x, is unimportant
       provided a value can be found where the gradient is small enough.
       "gsl_multifit_test_delta($dx, $x, $epsabs, $epsrel)" - This function tests for the
       convergence of the sequence by comparing the last step vector $dx with the absolute error
       $epsabs and relative error $epsrel to the current position x. The test returns
       $GSL_SUCCESS if the following condition is achieved, |dx_i| < epsabs + epsrel |x_i| for
       each component of x and returns $GSL_CONTINUE otherwise.

       The following functions are not yet implemented. Patches Welcome!

       "gsl_multifit_covar "
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_alloc($T, $n, $p)"
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_free "
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_set "
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_iterate "
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_name "
       "gsl_multifit_fsolver_position "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_free "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_name "
       "gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_position "

       For more information on the functions, we refer you to the GSL offcial documentation:



       Jonathan "Duke" Leto <jonathan@leto.net> and Thierry Moisan <thierry.moisan@gmail.com>

       Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Jonathan "Duke" Leto and Thierry Moisan

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.