jammy (3) Mojo::Message.3pm.gz

Mojo::Message - HTTP message base class
package Mojo::Message::MyMessage; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Message'; sub cookies {...} sub extract_start_line {...} sub get_start_line_chunk {...} sub start_line_size {...}
Mojo::Message is an abstract base class for HTTP message containers, based on RFC 7230 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230>, RFC 7231 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231> and RFC 2388 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388>, like Mojo::Message::Request and Mojo::Message::Response.
Mojo::Message inherits all events from Mojo::EventEmitter and can emit the following new ones. finish $msg->on(finish => sub ($msg) {...}); Emitted after message building or parsing is finished. my $before = time; $msg->on(finish => sub ($msg) { $msg->headers->header('X-Parser-Time' => time - $before) }); progress $msg->on(progress => sub ($msg) {...}); Emitted when message building or parsing makes progress. # Building $msg->on(progress => sub ($msg, $state, $offset) { say qq{Building "$state" at offset $offset} }); # Parsing $msg->on(progress => sub ($msg) { return unless my $len = $msg->headers->content_length; my $size = $msg->content->progress; say 'Progress: ', $size == $len ? 100 : int($size / ($len / 100)), '%'; });
Mojo::Message implements the following attributes. content my $msg = $msg->content; $msg = $msg->content(Mojo::Content::Single->new); Message content, defaults to a Mojo::Content::Single object. default_charset my $charset = $msg->default_charset; $msg = $msg->default_charset('UTF-8'); Default charset used by "text" and to extract data from "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" message body, defaults to "UTF-8". max_line_size my $size = $msg->max_line_size; $msg = $msg->max_line_size(1024); Maximum start-line size in bytes, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE" environment variable or 8192 (8KiB). max_message_size my $size = $msg->max_message_size; $msg = $msg->max_message_size(1024); Maximum message size in bytes, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE" environment variable or 16777216 (16MiB). Setting the value to 0 will allow messages of indefinite size. version my $version = $msg->version; $msg = $msg->version('1.1'); HTTP version of message, defaults to 1.1.
Mojo::Message inherits all methods from Mojo::EventEmitter and implements the following new ones. body my $bytes = $msg->body; $msg = $msg->body('Hello!'); Slurp or replace "content". body_params my $params = $msg->body_params; "POST" parameters extracted from "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" message body, usually a Mojo::Parameters object. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received. Parts of the message body need to be loaded into memory to parse "POST" parameters, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large. There's a 16MiB limit for requests and a 2GiB limit for responses by default. # Get POST parameter names and values my $hash = $msg->body_params->to_hash; body_size my $size = $msg->body_size; Content size in bytes. build_body my $bytes = $msg->build_body; Render whole body with "get_body_chunk". build_headers my $bytes = $msg->build_headers; Render all headers with "get_header_chunk". build_start_line my $bytes = $msg->build_start_line; Render start-line with "get_start_line_chunk". cookie my $cookie = $msg->cookie('foo'); Access message cookies, usually Mojo::Cookie::Request or Mojo::Cookie::Response objects. If there are multiple cookies sharing the same name, and you want to access more than just the last one, you can use "every_cookie". Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before all headers have been received. # Get cookie value say $msg->cookie('foo')->value; cookies my $cookies = $msg->cookies; Access message cookies. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. dom my $dom = $msg->dom; my $collection = $msg->dom('a[href]'); Retrieve message body from "text" and turn it into a Mojo::DOM object, an optional selector can be used to call the method "find" in Mojo::DOM on it right away, which then returns a Mojo::Collection object. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received. The whole message body needs to be loaded into memory to parse it, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large. There's a 16MiB limit for requests and a 2GiB limit for responses by default. # Perform "find" right away say $msg->dom('h1, h2, h3')->map('text')->join("\n"); # Use everything else Mojo::DOM has to offer say $msg->dom->at('title')->text; say $msg->dom->at('body')->children->map('tag')->uniq->join("\n"); error my $err = $msg->error; $msg = $msg->error({message => 'Parser error'}); Get or set message error, an "undef" return value indicates that there is no error. # Connection or parser error $msg->error({message => 'Connection refused'}); # 4xx/5xx response $msg->error({message => 'Internal Server Error', code => 500}); every_cookie my $cookies = $msg->every_cookie('foo'); Similar to "cookie", but returns all message cookies sharing the same name as an array reference. # Get first cookie value say $msg->every_cookie('foo')->[0]->value; every_upload my $uploads = $msg->every_upload('foo'); Similar to "upload", but returns all file uploads sharing the same name as an array reference. # Get content of first uploaded file say $msg->every_upload('foo')->[0]->asset->slurp; extract_start_line my $bool = $msg->extract_start_line(\$str); Extract start-line from string. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. finish $msg = $msg->finish; Finish message parser/generator. fix_headers $msg = $msg->fix_headers; Make sure message has all required headers. get_body_chunk my $bytes = $msg->get_body_chunk($offset); Get a chunk of body data starting from a specific position. Note that it might not be possible to get the same chunk twice if content was generated dynamically. get_header_chunk my $bytes = $msg->get_header_chunk($offset); Get a chunk of header data, starting from a specific position. Note that this method finalizes the message. get_start_line_chunk my $bytes = $msg->get_start_line_chunk($offset); Get a chunk of start-line data starting from a specific position. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. header_size my $size = $msg->header_size; Size of headers in bytes. Note that this method finalizes the message. headers my $headers = $msg->headers; Message headers, usually a Mojo::Headers object. # Longer version my $headers = $msg->content->headers; is_finished my $bool = $msg->is_finished; Check if message parser/generator is finished. is_limit_exceeded my $bool = $msg->is_limit_exceeded; Check if message has exceeded "max_line_size", "max_message_size", "max_buffer_size" in Mojo::Content or "max_line_size" in Mojo::Headers. json my $value = $msg->json; my $value = $msg->json('/foo/bar'); Decode JSON message body directly using Mojo::JSON if possible, an "undef" return value indicates a bare "null" or that decoding failed. An optional JSON Pointer can be used to extract a specific value with Mojo::JSON::Pointer. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received. The whole message body needs to be loaded into memory to parse it, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large. There's a 16MiB limit for requests and a 2GiB limit for responses by default. # Extract JSON values say $msg->json->{foo}{bar}[23]; say $msg->json('/foo/bar/23'); parse $msg = $msg->parse('HTTP/1.1 200 OK...'); Parse message chunk. save_to $msg = $msg->save_to('/some/path/index.html'); Save message body to a file. start_line_size my $size = $msg->start_line_size; Size of the start-line in bytes. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. text my $str = $msg->text; Retrieve "body" and try to decode it with "charset" in Mojo::Content or "default_charset". to_string my $str = $msg->to_string; Render whole message. Note that this method finalizes the message, and that it might not be possible to render the same message twice if content was generated dynamically. upload my $upload = $msg->upload('foo'); Access "multipart/form-data" file uploads, usually Mojo::Upload objects. If there are multiple uploads sharing the same name, and you want to access more than just the last one, you can use "every_upload". Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message body has been received. # Get content of uploaded file say $msg->upload('foo')->asset->slurp; uploads my $uploads = $msg->uploads; All "multipart/form-data" file uploads, usually Mojo::Upload objects. # Names of all uploads say $_->name for @{$msg->uploads};
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