jammy (3) Mojo::Message::Request.3pm.gz

Mojo::Message::Request - HTTP request
use Mojo::Message::Request; # Parse my $req = Mojo::Message::Request->new; $req->parse("GET /foo HTTP/1.0\x0d\x0a"); $req->parse("Content-Length: 12\x0d\x0a"); $req->parse("Content-Type: text/plain\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"); $req->parse('Hello World!'); say $req->method; say $req->headers->content_type; say $req->body; # Build my $req = Mojo::Message::Request->new; $req->url->parse(''); $req->method('GET'); say $req->to_string;
Mojo::Message::Request is a container for HTTP requests, based on RFC 7230 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230>, RFC 7231 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231>, RFC 7235 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235> and RFC 2817 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2817>.
Mojo::Message::Request inherits all events from Mojo::Message.
Mojo::Message::Request inherits all attributes from Mojo::Message and implements the following new ones. env my $env = $req->env; $req = $req->env({PATH_INFO => '/'}); Direct access to the "CGI" or "PSGI" environment hash if available. # Check CGI version my $version = $req->env->{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}; # Check PSGI version my $version = $req->env->{'psgi.version'}; method my $method = $req->method; $req = $req->method('POST'); HTTP request method, defaults to "GET". proxy my $url = $req->proxy; $req = $req->proxy(Mojo::URL->new('')); Proxy URL for request. reverse_proxy my $bool = $req->reverse_proxy; $req = $req->reverse_proxy($bool); Request has been performed through a reverse proxy. trusted_proxies my $proxies = $req->trusted_proxies; $req = $req->trusted_proxies(['', '', '', '', 'fc00::/7']); Trusted reverse proxies, addresses or networks in CIDR form. request_id my $id = $req->request_id; $req = $req->request_id('aee7d5d8'); Request ID, defaults to a reasonably unique value. url my $url = $req->url; $req = $req->url(Mojo::URL->new); HTTP request URL, defaults to a Mojo::URL object. # Get request information my $info = $req->url->to_abs->userinfo; my $host = $req->url->to_abs->host; my $path = $req->url->to_abs->path; via_proxy my $bool = $req->via_proxy; $req = $req->via_proxy($bool); Request can be performed through a proxy server.
Mojo::Message::Request inherits all methods from Mojo::Message and implements the following new ones. clone my $clone = $req->clone; Return a new Mojo::Message::Request object cloned from this request if possible, otherwise return "undef". cookies my $cookies = $req->cookies; $req = $req->cookies(Mojo::Cookie::Request->new); $req = $req->cookies({name => 'foo', value => 'bar'}); Access request cookies, usually Mojo::Cookie::Request objects. # Names of all cookies say $_->name for @{$req->cookies}; every_param my $values = $req->every_param('foo'); Similar to "param", but returns all values sharing the same name as an array reference. # Get first value say $req->every_param('foo')->[0]; extract_start_line my $bool = $req->extract_start_line(\$str); Extract request-line from string. fix_headers $req = $req->fix_headers; Make sure request has all required headers. get_start_line_chunk my $bytes = $req->get_start_line_chunk($offset); Get a chunk of request-line data starting from a specific position. Note that this method finalizes the request. is_handshake my $bool = $req->is_handshake; Check "Upgrade" header for "websocket" value. is_secure my $bool = $req->is_secure; Check if connection is secure. is_xhr my $bool = $req->is_xhr; Check "X-Requested-With" header for "XMLHttpRequest" value. param my $value = $req->param('foo'); Access "GET" and "POST" parameters extracted from the query string and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" message body. If there are multiple values sharing the same name, and you want to access more than just the last one, you can use "every_param". Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire request body has been received. Parts of the request body need to be loaded into memory to parse "POST" parameters, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large. There's a 16MiB limit for requests by default. params my $params = $req->params; All "GET" and "POST" parameters extracted from the query string and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" message body, usually a Mojo::Parameters object. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire request body has been received. Parts of the request body need to be loaded into memory to parse "POST" parameters, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large. There's a 16MiB limit for requests by default. # Get parameter names and values my $hash = $req->params->to_hash; parse $req = $req->parse('GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1'); $req = $req->parse({PATH_INFO => '/'}); Parse HTTP request chunks or environment hash. query_params my $params = $req->query_params; All "GET" parameters, usually a Mojo::Parameters object. # Turn GET parameters to hash and extract value say $req->query_params->to_hash->{foo}; start_line_size my $size = $req->start_line_size; Size of the request-line in bytes. Note that this method finalizes the request.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <https://mojolicious.org>.