jammy (3) MouseX::NativeTraits::HashRef.3pm.gz

MouseX::NativeTraits::HashRef - Helper trait for HashRef attributes
package Stuff; use Mouse; has 'options' => ( traits => ['Hash'], is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[Str]', default => sub { {} }, handles => { set_option => 'set', get_option => 'get', has_no_options => 'is_empty', num_options => 'count', delete_option => 'delete', pairs => 'kv', }, );
This module provides a Hash attribute which provides a number of hash-like operations.
These methods are implemented in MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::HashRef. get($key, $key2, $key3...) Returns values from the hash. In list context return a list of values in the hash for the given keys. In scalar context returns the value for the last key specified. set($key => $value, $key2 => $value2...) Sets the elements in the hash to the given values. delete($key, $key2, $key3...) Removes the elements with the given keys. exists($key) Returns true if the given key is present in the hash. defined($key) Returns true if the value of a given key is defined. keys Returns the list of keys in the hash. sorted_keys Returns the list of sorted keys in the hash. values Returns the list of values in the hash. kv Returns the key/value pairs in the hash as an array of array references. for my $pair ( $object->options->pairs ) { print "$pair->[0] = $pair->[1]\n"; } elements Returns the key/value pairs in the hash as a flattened list. clear Resets the hash to an empty value, like "%hash = ()". count Returns the number of elements in the hash. Also useful for not empty: "has_options => 'count'". is_empty If the hash is populated, returns false. Otherwise, returns true. accessor If passed one argument, returns the value of the specified key. If passed two arguments, sets the value of the specified key.
meta method_provider_class helper_type