Provided by: libpgobject-util-pseudocsv-perl_2-1.1_all 

PGObject::Util::PseudoCSV - Tuple/Array parsing and serialization for PGObject
Version 2
This is a parser and constructor for PostgreSQL text representations of tuples and arrays. To parse: For a tuple, we'd typically: my @list = pseudocsv_parse($text_representation); We can then arrange the hash as: my $hashref = pseudocsv_to_hash(\@list, \@col_list); Which we can combine as: my $hashref = pseudocsv_to_hash( pseudocsv_parse($text_representation), \@col_list );
PostgreSQL can represent tuples and arrays in a text format that is almost like CSV. Unfortunately this format has a number of gotchas which render existing CSV-parsers useless. This module provides basic parsing functions to other programs for db interface purposes. With this module you can both parse pseudocsv representations of tuples and arrays and you can create them from a list. The API's here assume you send one (and only one) pseudo-csv record to the API at once. These may be nested, so a single tuple can contain arrays of tuples which can contain arrays of tuples ad infinitum but the parsing only goes one layer deep tuple-wise so that handling classes have an opportunity to re- parse with appropriate type information. Naturally this has performance implications, so depth in SQL structures passed should be reasonably limited. As of 2.0, we no longer automatically call deserialization functions from the parser itself. At his point the calling classes MUST call the deserializer themselves but this is far easier since this has been moved to a separate service in PGObject 2.0. This avoids an unnecessary dependency on PGObject and ensures that the module is more geneally useful.
pseudocsv_to_hash pseudocsv_parse to_pseudocsv
pseudocsv_parse This does a one-level deep parse of the pseudo-csv, with additional levels in arrays. When a tuple is encountered it is instantiated as its type but a subarray is parsed for more entities. Only one pseudocsv record can be passed in at once, but embedded newlines are properly handled. pcsv2hash($literal_string, @cols); Returns a hash from a tuple literal or array literal. hash2pcsv($hashref, @cols) Takes an ordered list of columns and a hashref and returns a tuple literal pseudocsv_tohash($coldata, $colnames) DEPRECATED Takes an arrayref of column data and an arrayref of column names and returns a hash. This is mostly a helper function designed to help with tuple types. This interface is deprecated and will go away in 2.0. Use pcsv2hash instead. to_pseudocsv($datalist, $is_tuple) Takes a list of data and an is_tuple argument and creates a pseudocsv. Note: this does not check for array sanity. If you are not careful you can get arrays returned which are not valid SQL arrays. Remember that SQL arrays have every item being the same size, and all SQL arrays are are regular in size (so all 1 and 2d arrays follow the same form as mathematical matrices).
Chris Travers, "<chris.travers at>"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-pgobject-util-pseudocsv at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc PGObject::Util::PseudoCSV You can also look for information at: • RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) <> • AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> • CPAN Ratings <> • Search CPAN <>
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