jammy (3) Rex::Test::Base.3pm.gz

Rex::Test::Base - Basic Test Module
This is a basic test module to test your code with the help of local VMs. You can place your tests in the "t" directory.
use Rex::Test::Base; use Data::Dumper; use Rex -base; test { my $t = shift; $t->name("ubuntu test"); $t->base_vm("http://box.rexify.org/box/ubuntu-server-12.10-amd64.ova"); $t->vm_auth(user => "root", password => "box"); $t->run_task("setup"); $t->has_package("vim"); $t->has_package("ntp"); $t->has_package("unzip"); $t->has_file("/etc/ntp.conf"); $t->has_service_running("ntp"); $t->has_content("/etc/passwd", qr{root:x:0:}ms); run "ls -l"; $t->ok($? == 0, "ls -l returns success."); $t->finish; }; 1; # last line
new(name => $test_name) Constructor if used in OO mode. my $test = Rex::Test::Base->new(name => "test_name"); name($name) The name of the test. A VM called $name will be created for each test. If the VM already exists, Rex will try to reuse it. memory($amount) The amount of memory the VM should use, in Megabytes. cpus($number) The number of CPUs the VM should use. vm_auth(%auth) Authentication options for the VM. It accepts the same parameters as "Rex::Box::Base->auth()". base_vm($vm) The URL to a base image to be used for the test VM. redirect_port($port) Redirect local $port to the VM's SSH port (default: 2222). run_task($task) The task to run on the test VM. You can run multiple tasks by passing an array reference.
has_content($file, $regexp) Test if the content of $file matches against $regexp. has_dir($path) Test if $path is present and is a directory. has_file($file) Test if $file is present. has_package($package, $version) Test if $package is installed, optionally at $version. has_service_running($service) Test if $service is running. has_service_stopped($service) Test if $service is stopped. has_stat($file, $stat) Test if $file has properties described in hash reference $stat. List of supported checks: group owner