jammy (3) fi_av.3.gz

Provided by: libfabric-dev_1.11.0-3_amd64 bug


       fi_av - Address vector operations

       fi_av_open / fi_close
              Open or close an address vector

              Associate an address vector with an event queue.

       fi_av_insert / fi_av_insertsvc / fi_av_remove
              Insert/remove an address into/from the address vector.

              Retrieve an address stored in the address vector.

              Convert an address into a printable string.


              #include <rdma/fi_domain.h>

              int fi_av_open(struct fid_domain *domain, struct fi_av_attr *attr,
                  struct fid_av **av, void *context);

              int fi_close(struct fid *av);

              int fi_av_bind(struct fid_av *av, struct fid *eq, uint64_t flags);

              int fi_av_insert(struct fid_av *av, void *addr, size_t count,
                  fi_addr_t *fi_addr, uint64_t flags, void *context);

              int fi_av_insertsvc(struct fid_av *av, const char *node,
                  const char *service, fi_addr_t *fi_addr, uint64_t flags,
                  void *context);

              int fi_av_insertsym(struct fid_av *av, const char *node,
                  size_t nodecnt, const char *service, size_t svccnt,
                  fi_addr_t *fi_addr, uint64_t flags, void *context);

              int fi_av_remove(struct fid_av *av, fi_addr_t *fi_addr, size_t count,
                  uint64_t flags);

              int fi_av_lookup(struct fid_av *av, fi_addr_t fi_addr,
                  void *addr, size_t *addrlen);

              fi_addr_t fi_rx_addr(fi_addr_t fi_addr, int rx_index,
                    int rx_ctx_bits);

              const char * fi_av_straddr(struct fid_av *av, const void *addr,
                    char *buf, size_t *len);


       domain Resource domain

       av     Address vector

       eq     Event queue

       attr   Address vector attributes

              User specified context associated with the address vector or insert operation.

       addr   Buffer containing one or more addresses to insert into address vector.

              On  input,  specifies  size  of  addr  buffer.   On output, stores number of bytes written to addr

              For insert, a reference to an array where returned fabric addresses will be written.  For  remove,
              one or more fabric addresses to remove.

       count  Number of addresses to insert/remove from an AV.

       flags  Additional flags to apply to the operation.


       Address  vectors  are used to map higher level addresses, which may be more natural for an application to
       use, into fabric specific addresses.  The mapping of addresses is fabric and provider specific,  but  may
       involve  lengthy  address  resolution  and fabric management protocols.  AV operations are synchronous by
       default, but may be set to operate asynchronously by specifying the FI_EVENT flag  to  fi_av_open.   When
       requesting  asynchronous  operation,  the  application  must  first  bind an event queue to the AV before
       inserting addresses.

       fi_av_open allocates or opens an address vector.  The properties and behavior of the address  vector  are
       defined by struct fi_av_attr.

              struct fi_av_attr {
                  enum fi_av_type  type;        /* type of AV */
                  int              rx_ctx_bits; /* address bits to identify rx ctx */
                  size_t           count;       /* # entries for AV */
                  size_t           ep_per_node; /* # endpoints per fabric address */
                  const char       *name;       /* system name of AV */
                  void             *map_addr;   /* base mmap address */
                  uint64_t         flags;       /* operation flags */

       type   An  AV  type  corresponds to a conceptual implementation of an address vector.  The type specifies
              how an application views data stored in the AV, including how it may be  accessed.   Valid  values

       - FI_AV_MAP
              Addresses  which  are  inserted  into  an  AV are mapped to a native fabric address for use by the
              application.  The use of FI_AV_MAP requires that an application store the returned fi_addr_t value
              that  is  associated  with  each  inserted  address.  The advantage of using FI_AV_MAP is that the
              returned fi_addr_t value may contain encoded address data, which  is  immediately  available  when
              processing  data  transfer  requests.   This  can eliminate or reduce the number of memory lookups
              needed when initiating a transfer.  The disadvantage of FI_AV_MAP is the increase in memory  usage
              needed  to store the returned addresses.  Addresses are stored in the AV using a provider specific
              mechanism, including, but not limited to a tree, hash table, or maintained on the heap.

       - FI_AV_TABLE
              Addresses which are inserted into an AV of type FI_AV_TABLE are accessible using a  simple  index.
              Conceptually,  the  AV  may be treated as an array of addresses, though the provider may implement
              the AV using a variety of mechanisms.  When FI_AV_TABLE is used,  the  returned  fi_addr_t  is  an
              index, with the index for an inserted address the same as its insertion order into the table.  The
              index of the first address inserted into an FI_AV_TABLE will be 0, and successive insertions  will
              be  given  sequential  indices.  Sequential indices will be assigned across insertion calls on the
              same AV.

       - FI_AV_UNSPEC
              Provider will choose its preferred AV type.  The AV type used will be returned  through  the  type
              field in fi_av_attr.

       Receive Context Bits (rx_ctx_bits)
              The  receive  context bits field is only for use with scalable endpoints.  It indicates the number
              of bits reserved in a returned fi_addr_t, which will be used to identify a specific target receive
              context.   See  fi_rx_addr()  and  fi_endpoint(3) for additional details on receive contexts.  The
              requested number of bits should be selected such that  2  ^  rx_ctx_bits  >=  rx_ctx_cnt  for  the

       count  Indicates  the  expected number of addresses that will be inserted into the AV.  The provider uses
              this to optimize resource allocations.

              This field indicates the number of endpoints that will be associated with a  specific  fabric,  or
              network,  address.  If the number of endpoints per node is unknown, this value should be set to 0.
              The provider uses this value to optimize resource allocations.  For example, distributed, parallel
              applications  may  set  this  to  the  number of processes allocated per node, times the number of
              endpoints each process will open.

       name   An optional system name associated with the address vector to create or open.  Address vectors may
              be shared across multiple processes which access the same named domain on the same node.  The name
              field allows the underlying provider to identify a shared AV.

       If the name field is non-NULL and the AV is not opened for read-only access, a named AV will be  created,
       if it does not already exist.

              The  map_addr  determines the base fi_addr_t address that a provider should use when sharing an AV
              of type FI_AV_MAP between processes.  Processes that provide the same  value  for  map_addr  to  a
              shared AV may use the same fi_addr_t values returned from an fi_av_insert call.

       The  map_addr  may  be  used  by the provider to mmap memory allocated for a shared AV between processes;
       however, the provider is not required to use the map_addr in this fashion.  The only requirement is  that
       an  fi_addr_t  returned as part of an fi_av_insert call on one process is usable on another process which
       opens an AV of the same name at the same map_addr value.  The relationship between the map_addr  and  any
       returned fi_addr_t is not defined.

       If  name  is  non-NULL and map_addr is 0, then the map_addr used by the provider will be returned through
       the attribute structure.  The map_addr field is ignored if name is NULL.

       flags  The following flags may be used when opening an AV.

       - FI_EVENT
              When the flag FI_EVENT is specified, all insert operations on this AV will  occur  asynchronously.
              There  will  be  one  EQ  error entry generated for each failed address insertion, followed by one
              non-error event indicating that the insertion operation has completed.  There will always  be  one
              non-error  completion  event  for  each insert operation, even if all addresses fail.  The context
              field in all completions will be the context specified to the insert call, and the data  field  in
              the final completion entry will report the number of addresses successfully inserted.  If an error
              occurs during the asynchronous insertion, an error completion entry is returned (see fi_eq(3)  for
              a  discussion  of  the  fi_eq_err_entry  error completion struct).  The context field of the error
              completion will be the context that was specified in the insert call; the data field will  contain
              the  index  of  the  failed address.  There will be one error completion returned for each address
              that fails to insert into the AV.

       If an AV is opened with FI_EVENT, any insertions attempted before an EQ is bound to the AV will fail with

       Error  completions  for failed insertions will contain the index of the failed address in the index field
       of the error completion entry.

       Note that the order of delivery of insert completions may not match the  order  in  which  the  calls  to
       fi_av_insert  were  made.   The  only  guarantee  is  that  all  error  completions  for  a given call to
       fi_av_insert will precede the single associated non-error completion.  • .RS 2

              Opens an AV for read-only access.  An AV opened for read-only access must be named (name attribute
              specified), and the AV must exist.
       • .RS 2

              Indicates  that each node will be associated with the same number of endpoints, the same transport
              addresses will be allocated on each node, and the transport addresses will  be  sequential.   This
              feature  targets distributed applications on large fabrics and allows for highly-optimized storage
              of remote endpoint addressing.

       The fi_close call is used to release all resources associated with an  address  vector.   Note  that  any
       events  queued  on  an event queue referencing the AV are left untouched.  It is recommended that callers
       retrieve all events associated with the AV before closing it.

       When closing the address vector, there must be no opened endpoints associated with the AV.  If  resources
       are still associated with the AV when attempting to close, the call will return -FI_EBUSY.

       Associates  an event queue with the AV.  If an AV has been opened with FI_EVENT, then an event queue must
       be bound to the AV before any insertion calls are attempted.  Any calls to  insert  addresses  before  an
       event queue has been bound will fail with -FI_ENOEQ.  Flags are reserved for future use and must be 0.

       The  fi_av_insert  call  inserts zero or more addresses into an AV.  The number of addresses is specified
       through the count parameter.  The addr parameter references an array of addresses to insert into the  AV.
       Addresses  inserted  into  an  address  vector must be in the same format as specified in the addr_format
       field of the fi_info struct provided when opening the corresponding domain.  When using  the  FI_ADDR_STR
       format, the addr parameter should reference an array of strings (char **).

       For  AV's of type FI_AV_MAP, once inserted addresses have been mapped, the mapped values are written into
       the buffer referenced by fi_addr.  The fi_addr buffer must  remain  valid  until  the  AV  insertion  has
       completed  and  an  event  has  been  generated  to an associated event queue.  The value of the returned
       fi_addr should be considered opaque by the application for AVs of type FI_AV_MAP.  The returned value may
       point to an internal structure or a provider specific encoding of low-level addressing data, for example.
       In the latter case, use of FI_AV_MAP may  be  able  to  avoid  memory  references  during  data  transfer

       For  AV's  of  type FI_AV_TABLE, addresses are placed into the table in order.  An address is inserted at
       the lowest index that corresponds to an unused table location, with indices starting at 0.  That is,  the
       first address inserted may be referenced at index 0, the second at index 1, and so forth.  When addresses
       are inserted into an AV table, the assigned fi_addr values will be simple indices  corresponding  to  the
       entry  into  the  table where the address was inserted.  Index values accumulate across successive insert
       calls in the order the calls are made, not necessarily in the order the insertions complete.

       Because insertions occur at a pre-determined index, the fi_addr parameter may be  NULL.   If  fi_addr  is
       non-NULL,  it  must reference an array of fi_addr_t, and the buffer must remain valid until the insertion
       operation completes.  Note that if fi_addr is NULL and synchronous operation is requested  without  using
       FI_SYNC_ERR  flag,  individual  insertion  failures cannot be reported and the application must use other
       calls, such as fi_av_lookup to learn which specific addresses failed to insert.   Since  fi_av_remove  is
       provider-specific,  it  is recommended that calls to fi_av_insert following a call to fi_av_remove always
       reference a valid buffer in the fi_addr parameter.  Otherwise it may be difficult to determine  what  the
       next assigned index will be.

       flags  The  following  flag  may  be  passed  to  AV  insertion  calls: fi_av_insert, fi_av_insertsvc, or

       - FI_MORE
              In order to allow optimized address insertion, the application may specify the FI_MORE flag to the
              insert  call to give a hint to the provider that more insertion requests will follow, allowing the
              provider to aggregate insertion requests if desired.   An  application  may  make  any  number  of
              insertion  calls  with  FI_MORE  set, provided that they are followed by an insertion call without
              FI_MORE.  This signifies to the provider that the insertion list is complete.  Providers are  free
              to ignore FI_MORE.

       - FI_SYNC_ERR
              This  flag applies to synchronous insertions only, and is used to retrieve error details of failed
              insertions.  If set, the context parameter of insertion calls references  an  array  of  integers,
              with context set to address of the first element of the array.  The resulting status of attempting
              to insert each address will be written to the corresponding array location.  Successful insertions
              will be updated to 0.  Failures will contain a fabric errno code.

       The  fi_av_insertsvc call behaves similar to fi_av_insert, but allows the application to specify the node
       and service names, similar to the fi_getinfo inputs, rather  than  an  encoded  address.   The  node  and
       service  parameters are defined the same as fi_getinfo(3).  Node should be a string that corresponds to a
       hostname or network address.  The service string corresponds to a textual representation of  a  transport
       address.   Applications may also pass in an FI_ADDR_STR formatted address as the node parameter.  In such
       cases, the service parameter must be NULL.  See fi_getinfo.3 for details on using FI_ADDR_STR.  Supported
       flags are the same as for fi_av_insert.

       fi_av_insertsym  performs  a  symmetric  insert  that  inserts a sequential range of nodes and/or service
       addresses into an AV.  The svccnt parameter indicates the number of  transport  (endpoint)  addresses  to
       insert  into  the  AV for each node address, with the service parameter specifying the starting transport
       address.  Inserted transport addresses will be of the range {service, service + svccnt -  1},  inclusive.
       All service addresses for a node will be inserted before the next node is inserted.

       The  nodecnt  parameter  indicates the number of node (network) addresses to insert into the AV, with the
       node parameter specifying the starting node address.  Inserted node addresses will be of the range {node,
       node  +  nodecnt - 1}, inclusive.  If node is a non-numeric string, such as a hostname, it must contain a
       numeric suffix if nodecnt > 1.

       As an example, if node = "", nodecnt = 2, service  =  "5000",  and  svccnt  =  2,  the  following
       addresses  will  be inserted into the AV in the order shown:,,,  If node were replaced by the hostname "host10",  the  addresses  would  be:  host10:5000,
       host10:5001, host11:5000, host11:5001.

       The total number of inserted addresses will be nodecnt x svccnt.

       Supported flags are the same as for fi_av_insert.

       fi_av_remove  removes  a  set  of  addresses  from  an address vector.  All resources associated with the
       indicated addresses are released.  The removed address - either  the  mapped  address  (in  the  case  of
       FI_AV_MAP) or index (FI_AV_TABLE) - is invalid until it is returned again by a new fi_av_insert.

       The behavior of operations in progress that reference the removed addresses is undefined.

       The  use  of  fi_av_remove  is  an  optimization  that applications may use to free memory allocated with
       addresses that will no  longer  be  accessed.   Inserted  addresses  are  not  required  to  be  removed.
       fi_av_close  will  automatically cleanup any resources associated with addresses remaining in the AV when
       it is invoked.

       Flags are reserved for future use and must be 0.

       This call returns the address stored in the address vector that corresponds to the  given  fi_addr.   The
       returned  address  is  the same format as those stored by the AV.  On input, the addrlen parameter should
       indicate the size of the addr buffer.  If the actual address is larger than what can fit into the buffer,
       it  will  be truncated.  On output, addrlen is set to the size of the buffer needed to store the address,
       which may be larger than the input value.

       This function is used to convert an endpoint address, returned by  fi_av_insert,  into  an  address  that
       specifies a target receive context.  The specified fi_addr parameter must either be a value returned from
       fi_av_insert, in the case of FI_AV_MAP, or  an  index,  in  the  case  of  FI_AV_TABLE.   The  value  for
       rx_ctx_bits must match that specified in the AV attributes for the given address.

       Connected  endpoints  that support multiple receive contexts, but are not associated with address vectors
       should specify FI_ADDR_NOTAVAIL for the fi_addr parameter.

       The fi_av_straddr function converts the provided address into a printable string.  The specified  address
       must  be  of the same format as those stored by the AV, though the address itself is not required to have
       been inserted.  On input, the len parameter should specify the size of the buffer referenced by buf.   On
       output,  addrlen  is  set to the size of the buffer needed to store the address.  This size may be larger
       than the input len.  If the provided buffer is too small, the results will be  truncated.   fi_av_straddr
       returns a pointer to buf.


       Providers may implement AV's using a variety of mechanisms.  Specifically, a provider may begin resolving
       inserted addresses as soon as they have been added to an AV, even  if  asynchronous  operation  has  been
       specified.  Similarly, a provider may lazily release resources from removed entries.


       Insertion  calls for an AV opened for synchronous operation will return the number of addresses that were
       successfully inserted.  In the case of failure, the  return  value  will  be  less  than  the  number  of
       addresses that was specified.

       Insertion  calls for an AV opened for asynchronous operation (with FI_EVENT flag specified) will return 0
       if the operation was successfully initiated.  In the case of failure, a negative  fabric  errno  will  be
       returned.   Providers  are allowed to abort insertion operations in the case of an error.  Addresses that
       are not inserted because they were aborted will fail with an error code of FI_ECANCELED.

       In both the synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation, the fi_addr buffer associated with a  failed
       or aborted insertion will be set to FI_ADDR_NOTAVAIL.

       All  other calls return 0 on success, or a negative value corresponding to fabric errno on error.  Fabric
       errno values are defined in rdma/fi_errno.h.


       fi_getinfo(3), fi_endpoint(3), fi_domain(3), fi_eq(3)

