jammy (3) machineparameters.3tcl.gz

Provided by: tcllib_1.20+dfsg-1_all bug


       tclrep/machineparameters - Compute double precision machine parameters.


       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require snit

       package require math::machineparameters  0.1

       machineparameters create objectname ?options...?

       objectname configure ?options...?

       objectname cget opt

       objectname destroy

       objectname compute

       objectname get key

       objectname tostring

       objectname print



       The  math::machineparameters  package  is  the Tcl equivalent of the DLAMCH LAPACK function.  In floating
       point systems, a floating point number is represented by

              x = +/- d1 d2 ... dt basis^e

       where digits satisfy

              0 <= di <= basis - 1, i = 1, t

       with the convention :

       •      t is the size of the mantissa

       •      basis is the basis (the "radix")

       The compute method computes all machine parameters.  Then, the  get  method  can  be  used  to  get  each
       parameter.  The print method prints a report on standard output.


       In  the  following  example,  one  compute the parameters of a desktop under Linux with the following Tcl
       8.4.19 properties :

              % parray tcl_platform
              tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
              tcl_platform(machine)   = i686
              tcl_platform(os)        = Linux
              tcl_platform(osVersion) = 2.6.24-19-generic
              tcl_platform(platform)  = unix
              tcl_platform(tip,268)   = 1
              tcl_platform(tip,280)   = 1
              tcl_platform(user)      = <username>
              tcl_platform(wordSize)  = 4

       The following example creates a machineparameters object, computes the properties and displays it.

                   set pp [machineparameters create %AUTO%]
                   $pp compute
                   $pp print
                   $pp destroy

       This prints out :

                   Machine parameters
                   Epsilon : 1.11022302463e-16
                   Beta : 2
                   Rounding : proper
                   Mantissa : 53
                   Maximum exponent : 1024
                   Minimum exponent : -1021
                   Overflow threshold : 8.98846567431e+307
                   Underflow threshold : 2.22507385851e-308

       That compares well with the results produced by Lapack 3.1.1 :

                   Epsilon                      =   1.11022302462515654E-016
                   Safe minimum                 =   2.22507385850720138E-308
                   Base                         =    2.0000000000000000
                   Precision                    =   2.22044604925031308E-016
                   Number of digits in mantissa =    53.000000000000000
                   Rounding mode                =   1.00000000000000000
                   Minimum exponent             =   -1021.0000000000000
                   Underflow threshold          =   2.22507385850720138E-308
                   Largest exponent             =    1024.0000000000000
                   Overflow threshold           =   1.79769313486231571E+308
                   Reciprocal of safe minimum   =   4.49423283715578977E+307

       The following example creates a machineparameters object, computes the properties and  gets  the  epsilon
       for the machine.

                   set pp [machineparameters create %AUTO%]
                   $pp compute
                   set eps [$pp get -epsilon]
                   $pp destroy


       •      "Algorithms  to  Reveal  Properties  of  Floating-Point  Arithmetic", Michael A. Malcolm, Stanford
              University, Communications of the ACM, Volume 15 ,  Issue 11  (November 1972), Pages: 949 - 951

       •      "More on Algorithms that Reveal  Properties  of  Floating,  Point  Arithmetic  Units",  W.  Morven
              Gentleman,  University  of  Waterloo,  Scott B. Marovich, Purdue University, Communications of the
              ACM, Volume 17 ,  Issue 5  (May 1974), Pages: 276 - 277


       machineparameters create objectname ?options...?
              The command creates a new machineparameters object and returns the fully  qualified  name  of  the
              object command as its result.

              -verbose verbose
                     Set  this option to 1 to enable verbose logging.  This option is mainly for debug purposes.
                     The default value of verbose is 0.


       objectname configure ?options...?
              The command configure the options of the object objectname. The options are the same as the static
              method create.

       objectname cget opt
              Returns  the  value of the option which name is opt. The options are the same as the method create
              and configure.

       objectname destroy
              Destroys the object objectname.

       objectname compute
              Computes the machine parameters.

       objectname get key
              Returns the value corresponding with given key.  The following is the list of available keys.

              •      -epsilon : smallest value so that 1+epsilon>1 is false

              •      -rounding : The rounding mode used on the machine.  The rounding occurs when  more  than  t
                     digits  would  be  required  to represent the number.  Two modes can be determined with the
                     current system : "chop" means than only t digits are kept,  no  matter  the  value  of  the
                     number  "proper" means that another rounding mode is used, be it "round to nearest", "round
                     up", "round down".

              •      -basis : the basis of the floating-point representation.  The  basis  is  usually  2,  i.e.
                     binary  representation  (for  example  IEEE  754  machines),  but  some  machines  (like HP
                     calculators for example) uses 10, or 16, etc...

              •      -mantissa : the number of bits in the mantissa

              •      -exponentmax :  the largest positive exponent before overflow occurs

              •      -exponentmin : the largest negative exponent before (gradual) underflow occurs

              •      -vmax : largest positive value before overflow occurs

              •      -vmin : largest negative value before (gradual) underflow occurs

       objectname tostring
              Return a report for machine parameters.

       objectname print
              Print machine parameters on standard output.


       This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and  other  problems.   Please
       report  such  in the category math of the Tcllib Trackers [http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/reportlist].  Please
       also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

       Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments  can  be  made  by
       going  to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most button
       in the secondary navigation bar.

       Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Baudin <michael.baudin@sourceforge.net>