Provided by: bwctl-server_1.5.4+dfsg1-1build1_amd64 bug


       bwctld.conf - Bandwidth Control daemon configuration file


       The  bwctld.conf  file  is  the configuration file for the bwctld(8) program. It is used to configure the
       basic operation of the server. For example, what addresses and ports it should listen on, where it should
       send error messages, and where it should save files.

       The  policy  rules  for  bwctld  are configured using the bwctld.limits file; the details for configuring
       those policies are described in the bwctld.limits(5) manual page.

       The format of this file is:

              •      Comment lines are any line where the first non-whitespace character is  '#'.   These  lines
                     are  counted for the purposes of returning line numbers in error messages but are otherwise
                     ignored by the spawned bwctld.

              •      Lines may be continued using the semi-standard '\'  character  followed  immediately  by  a
                     newline  character.  This  is  the  only  valid place for the '\' character. If it is found
                     elsewhere, a syntax error is reported.

              •      Blank lines are treated as comment lines.

              •      All other lines are used to set configuration options. The format  of  these  lines  is  an
                     initial keyword followed by a variable list of arguments, separated by whitespace.


       access_priority priority
              Syslog priority to log access messages.


              Directs  bwctld to continue accepting valid requests for throughput tests when the system clock is
              not synchronized. bwctld prefers to have an NTP  synchronized  system  clock  to  ensure  the  two
              endpoints  of the test are actually agreeing to the same scheduled time window for test execution.
              This option is used to bypass this requirement for systems that either do not have the NTP  system
              calls, or prefer not to configure NTP.

              Note:  if the difference between the system clocks on the two endpoints is too great, the eventual
              throughput test will fail when the endpoints attempt to run  the  test  at  different  times.  The
              threshold for this difference is controlled using the sync_fuzz option.  (If you set allow_unsync,
              you should set sync_fuzz to a reasonable value for your system.)

                     unset (set if the operating system does have the NTP system calls)

       auth_mode authmode
              Specify the authentication modes the server is willing to use for communication. auth_mode  should
              be set as a character string, with any or all of the characters "AEO". The modes are:

              A      [A]uthenticated. This mode encrypts the control connection.

              E      [E]ncrypted.  This  mode  encrypts the control connection. If the test supports encryption,
                     this mode will additionally encrypt the test stream. (Encryption of the test stream is  not
                     currently supported, so this mode is currently identical to authenticated.)

              O      [O]pen. No encryption of any kind is done.

              The server can specify all the modes with which it is willing to communicate. The most strict mode
              that both the server and the client are willing to use will be selected.


       bottleneck_capacity bottleneckcapacity
              This value is used in the algorithm to dynamically set the TCP send/recv window sizes. This option
              is likely to be removed in the future once a dynamic bottleneck_capacity algorithm is incorporated
              into the code. (This option only really works when the local  NIC  is  the  bottleneck.)  If  this
              option is not specified, the dynamic window calculation requested by the -W option to bwctl is not
              done and the advisory value is used.


       control_timeout controltimeout
              Number of seconds to  wait  for  protocol  messages  before  timing  out.  This  value  should  be
              significantly  larger  than what typical users specify for the -I flag of bwctl or bwctl will have
              to open a new control connection for each new test it requests.

                     7200 (Picked to be the same as the default for TCP keepalive)

       die_by dieby
              Number of seconds to wait for child processes to gracefully terminate  before  killing  them  with
              SIGKILL. This is in response to the master process receiving SIGTERM or SIGHUP.


              Prevent bwctl from executing Iperf tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Iperf3 tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Nuttcp tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Owamp tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Ping tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Tracepath tests


              Prevent bwctl from executing Traceroute tests


       facility facility
              Syslog facility to log messages.


       group group
              Specifies  the  gid  the  bwctld process should run as. group can be specified using a valid group
              name on the system or by using -gid.  This option is only used if bwctld is started as root.


       iperf_cmd iperfcmd
              The path to the Iperf command on the system. If the iperf_cmd does not contain  a  '/'  character,
              then the PATH of the bwctld environment will be searched to find the Iperf executable.


       iperf_port iperfport
              The  port  number(s)  that Iperf receivers will use.  Currently, bwctld simply cycles through this
              range linearly.  iperf_port can be specified as a single valid  port  number  or  as  a  range  as
              low-high.  The range must be specified as two valid port numbers with the '-' character separating
              them. Whitespace is not allowed within the iperf_port. For example, "5001-5004"  would  be  valid,
              but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This  value  should  be set to a range because it can take a few minutes for a port to become free
              after a test has run. If the port is not free when the next test starts, the test  will  fail.  If
              set to a range, the daemon will cycle through them when starting tests, decreasing the chance that
              a port will still be open when the test starts. For  best  results,  ensure  that  this  range  is
              different from that of nuttcp_port and thrulay_port.


       iperf3_port iperf3port
              The  port  number(s) that Iperf3 receivers will use.  Currently, bwctld simply cycles through this
              range linearly.  iperf3_port can be specified as a single valid port  number  or  as  a  range  as
              low-high.  The range must be specified as two valid port numbers with the '-' character separating
              them. Whitespace is not allowed within the iperf3_port. For example, "5001-5004" would  be  valid,
              but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This  value  should  be set to a range because it can take a few minutes for a port to become free
              after a test has run. If the port is not free when the next test starts, the test  will  fail.  If
              set to a range, the daemon will cycle through them when starting tests, decreasing the chance that
              a port will still be open when the test starts. For  best  results,  ensure  that  this  range  is
              different from that of nuttcp_port and thrulay_port.


              Directs  the  bwctld  process  to  report  source code file and line number information with error
              messages. This is a particularly useful option to set when sending in messages as part  of  a  bug


       nuttcp_cmd nuttcpcmd
              The  path to the Nuttcp command on the system. If the nuttcp_cmd does not contain a '/' character,
              then the PATH of the bwctl environment will be searched to find the Nuttcp executable.


       nuttcp_port nuttcpport
              The port number(s) that Nuttcp receivers will use.  Currently, bwctld simply cycles  through  this
              range  linearly.   nuttcp_port  can  be  specified  as a single valid port number or as a range as
              low-high. The range must be specified as two valid port numbers with the '-' character  separating
              them.  Whitespace  is not allowed within the nuttcp_port. For example, "5001-5004" would be valid,
              but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This value should be set to a range because it can take a few minutes for a port  to  become  free
              after  a  test  has run. If the port is not free when the next test starts, the test will fail. If
              set to a range, the daemon will cycle through them when starting tests, decreasing the chance that
              a  port  will  still  be  open  when  the test starts. For best results, ensure that this range is
              different from that of iperf_port and thrulay_port.


       owamp_cmd owampcmd
              The path to the owping command on the system. If the owamp_cmd does not contain a  '/'  character,
              then the PATH of the bwctl environment will be searched to find the owping executable.


       owamp_server_cmd owampservercmd
              The  path  to  the  owampd  command  on the system. If the owamp_server_cmd does not contain a '/'
              character, then the PATH of the bwctl environment will be searched to find the owampd executable.


       owamp_port owampport
              The port number(s) that Owamp receivers will use.  Currently, bwctld simply  cycles  through  this
              range  linearly.  owamp_port must be specified as a range as low-high. The range must be specified
              as two valid port numbers with the '-' character separating them. Whitespace is not allowed within
              the owamp_port. For example, "5001-5004" would be valid, but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This  value  must  be  set to a range because it is used for both the Owamp communication and test


       peer_port 0 | lowport-highport
              Specify the port range that will be used on the local host for peer connections  to  other  bwctld
              servers.  These  connections  are  used to verify clock timing between the servers and to exchange
              test results. This is a required part of the protocol used by BWCTL to run  tests.  However,  this
              option  allows  system  administrators  to limit these connections to a specific port range, which
              should allow BWCTL to work in a firewall environment. This option can be specified  in  two  ways.
              First,  as  a  0,  which  would  indicate  that  bwctld  should  allow the system to pick the port
              (ephemeral). Second, as a range.  lowport must be a smaller value than highport and  both  numbers
              must be valid port values. (16-bit unsigned integer values)


       ping_cmd pingcmd
              The path to the ping command on the system. If the ping_cmd does not contain a '/' character, then
              the PATH of the bwctl environment will be searched to find the ping executable.


       ping6_cmd ping6cmd
              The path to the ping6 command on the system. If the ping6_cmd does not contain  a  '/'  character,
              then the PATH of the bwctl environment will be searched to find the ping6 executable.


       post_hook /path/to/script
              Specifies  a  script to run after each bwctl session has finished. These hooks can be used to save
              the results into a database, track usage or any number of other tasks. You  can  specify  as  many
              hooks as you want by including multiple post_hook entries.

       priority priority
              Syslog priority to log error messages.


              Disables  the  checks that disable bwctld if it is run with root permissions. There are legitimate
              reasons to run bwctld as root, but it is risky. Forcing this additional option will make  it  less
              likely root permissions are accidently used.


       src_node nodename:port
              Specify  the address and port on which bwctld will listen for requests.  nodename can be specified
              using a DNS name or using the textual representation of the address. It is  possible  to  set  the
              source  address  without setting the port by simply leaving off the ':' and port specification. If
              an IPv6 address is specified, note that the accepted format contains nodename in  square  brackets
              as: [fe80::fe9f:62d8]. This ensures the port number is distinct from the address specification.

                     nodename is wildcarded as any currently available address
                     port is 4823

       sync_fuzz syncfuzz
              This  value  is added to the NTP error estimates to increase the tolerance of bwctld to incomplete
              NTP configurations, or if the NTP system calls are not available. If NTP is unavailable to  bwctld
              it assumes the clock is accurate to within one second plus the value of sync_fuzz.  This option is
              specified as a floating point number in seconds. For example,  to  indicate  that  the  system  is
              synchronized within one second, you could specify this option as 1.0.

              Practically,  this option is used to determine the size of the time window buffer before and after
              each throughput test.


       test_port testport
              The port number(s) that receivers of all test types will use, unless otherwise set  using  one  of
              the other port variables.  Currently, bwctld simply cycles through this range linearly.  test_port
              must be specified as a range as low-high. The range must be specified as two  valid  port  numbers
              with  the  '-'  character  separating  them.  Whitespace  is not allowed within the test_port. For
              example, "5001-5004" would be valid, but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This value must be set to a range because it is used for both the  Owamp  communication  and  test


       thrulay_port thrulayport
              The  port number(s) that Thrulay receivers will use.  Currently, bwctld simply cycles through this
              range linearly.  thrulay_port can be specified as a single valid port number  or  as  a  range  as
              low-high.  The range must be specified as two valid port numbers with the '-' character separating
              them. Whitespace is not allowed within the thrulay_port. For example, "5001-5004" would be  valid,
              but "5001 - 5004" would be invalid.

              This  value  should  be set to a range because it can take a few minutes for a port to become free
              after a test has run. If the port is not free when the next test starts, the test  will  fail.  If
              set to a range, the daemon will cycle through them when starting tests, decreasing the chance that
              a port will still be open when the test starts. For  best  results,  ensure  that  this  range  is
              different from that of iperf_port and nuttcp_port.


       tracepath_cmd tracepathcmd
              The  path  to  the  tracepath  command  on the system. If the tracepath_cmd does not contain a '/'
              character, then the PATH of  the  bwctl  environment  will  be  searched  to  find  the  tracepath


       tracepath6_cmd tracepath6cmd
              The  path  to  the  tracepath6 command on the system. If the tracepath6_cmd does not contain a '/'
              character, then the PATH of the  bwctl  environment  will  be  searched  to  find  the  tracepath6


       traceroute_cmd traceroutecmd
              The  path  to  the  traceroute command on the system. If the traceroute_cmd does not contain a '/'
              character, then the PATH of the  bwctl  environment  will  be  searched  to  find  the  traceroute


       traceroute6_cmd traceroute6cmd
              The  path  to the traceroute6 command on the system. If the traceroute6_cmd does not contain a '/'
              character, then the PATH of the bwctl  environment  will  be  searched  to  find  the  traceroute6


       user user
              Specifies  the uid the bwctld process should run as. user can be specified using a valid user name
              on the system or by using -uid.  This option is only used if bwctld is started  as  root.  If  the
              given user has root permissions, the root_folly option must also be specified.


       var_dir vardir
              Directory path where the file will be placed.

                     Current directory


       bwctl(1),  bwctld(8),  bwctld.limits(5), bwctld.keys(5), and the web

       For details on Iperf3, see the web site.

       For details on Iperf, see the web site.

       For details on Nuttcp, see the web site.

       For details on Owamp, see the web site.


       This material is based in part on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No.
       ANI-0314723.  Any  opinions,  findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
       those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

                              $Date: 2008-10-09 12:27:47 -0400 (Thu, 09 Oct 2008) $               bwctld.conf(5)