Provided by: coop-computing-tools_9.9-2ubuntu3_amd64 bug


       makeflow - workflow engine for executing distributed workflows


       makeflow [options] <dagfile>


       Makeflow  is  a workflow engine for distributed computing. It accepts a specification of a
       large amount of work to be performed, and runs it on remote  machines  in  parallel  where
       possible.  In  addition,  Makeflow is fault-tolerant, so you can use it to coordinate very
       large tasks that may run for days or weeks in the face of failures. Makeflow  is  designed
       to be similar to Make, so if you can write a Makefile, then you can write a Makeflow.

       You  can  run  a  Makeflow  on your local machine to test it out. If you have a multi-core
       machine, then you can run multiple tasks simultaneously. If you have a Condor  pool  or  a
       Sun  Grid  Engine  batch  system,  then  you can send your jobs there to run. If you don't
       already have a batch system, Makeflow comes with a system called Work Queue that will  let
       you  distribute the load across any collection of machines, large or small.  Makeflow also
       supports execution in a Docker container, regardless of the batch system used.


       When makeflow is ran without arguments, it will attempt to execute the workflow  specified
       by the Makeflow dagfile using the local execution engine.

       -c, ----clean=<option>
              Clean  up:  remove  logfile  and  all  targets. If option is one of [intermediates,
              outputs, cache], only indicated files are removed.

       -f, --summary-log=<file>
              Write summary of workflow to file.

        -h, --help
              Show this help screen.

        -v, --version
              Show version string.

       -X, --chdir=<directory>
              Chdir to enable executing the Makefile in other directory.

        --argv <file>
              Use command line arguments from JSON file.

   Workflow Handling
        -a, --advertise
              Advertise the manager information to a catalog server.

       -l, --makeflow-log=<logfile>
              Use this file for the makeflow log. (default is X.makeflowlog)

       -L, --batch-log=<logfile>
              Use this file for the batch system log. (default is X.<type>log)

       -m, --email=<email>
              Email summary of workflow to address.

       -j, --max-local=<#>
              Max number of local jobs to run at once. (default is # of cores)

       -J, --max-remote=<#>
              Max number of remote jobs to run at once. (default is 1000 for -Twq, 100 otherwise)

        -R, --retry
              Automatically retry failed batch jobs up to 100 times.

       -r, --retry-count=<n>
              Automatically retry failed batch jobs up to n times.

        --local-cores <#>
              Max number of cores used for local execution.

        --local-memory <#>
              Max amount of memory used for local execution.

        --local-disk <#>
              Max amount of disk used for local execution.


   Batch Options
       -B, --batch-options=<options>
              Add these options to all batch submit files.

              Send all local environment variables in remote execution.

        --wait-for-files-upto <#>
              Wait for output files to be created upto this many seconds (e.g., to deal with  NFS

       -S, --submission-timeout=<timeout>
              Time to retry failed batch job submission. (default is 3600s)

       -T, --batch-type=<type>
              Batch  system  type:  local,  dryrun, condor, sge, pbs, torque, blue_waters, slurm,
              moab, cluster, wq, amazon, mesos. (default is local)

              Excludes resources at submission. (SLURM, TORQUE, and PBS)

              Excludes memory at submission. (SLURM)

        --batch-mem-type <type>
              Specify memory resource type. (SGE)

        --working-dir <dir|url>
              Working directory for batch system.

              Run task in sandbox using bash script and task directory.

              Set the job name based on the command.

   JSON/JX Options
              Interpret <dagfile> as a JSON format Makeflow.

        --jx  Evaluate JX expressions in <dagfile>. Implies --json.

        --jx-args <args>
              Read variable definitions from the JX file <args>.

        --jx-define <VAL=EXPR>
              Set the variable <VAL> to the JX expression <EXPR>.

        --jx-context <ctx>
              Deprecated. See '--jx-args'.

   Debugging Options
       -d, --debug=<subsystem>
              Enable debugging for this subsystem.

       -o, --debug-file=<file>
              Write debugging output to this file.  By  default,  debugging  is  sent  to  stderr
              (":stderr"). You may specify logs to be sent to stdout (":stdout") instead.

        --debug-rotate-max <byte>
              Rotate debug file once it reaches this size.

              Display runtime progress on stdout.

   WorkQueue Options
       -C, --catalog-server=<catalog>
              Set catalog server to <catalog>. Format: HOSTNAME:PORT

       -F, --wq-fast-abort=<#>
              WorkQueue fast abort multiplier. (default is deactivated)

       -M, ---N=<project-name>
              Set the project name to <project>.

       -p, --port=<port>
              Port number to use with WorkQueue. (default is 9123, 0=arbitrary)

       -Z, --port-file=<file>
              Select port at random and write it to this file.  (default is disabled)

       -P, --priority=<integer>
              Priority. Higher the value, higher the priority.

       -t, --wq-keepalive-timeout=<#>
              Work Queue keepalive timeout (default: 30s)

       -u, --wq-keepalive-interval=<#>
              Work Queue keepalive interval (default: 120s)

       -W, --wq-schedule=<mode>
              WorkQueue scheduling algorithm. (time|files|fcfs)

        password <pwfile>
              Password file for authenticating workers.

              Disable file caching (currently only Work Queue, default is false)

        --work-queue-preferred-connection <connection>
              Indicate  preferred  connection.  Chose  one  of  by_ip or by_hostname. (default is

   Monitor Options
        --monitor <dir>
              Enable the resource monitor, and write the monitor logs to <dir>

        --monitor-exe <file>
              Specify resource monitor executable.

              Enable monitor time series.                 (default is disabled)

              Enable monitoring of openened files.        (default is disabled)

        --monitor-interval <#>
              Set monitor interval to <#> seconds. (default 1 second)

        --monitor-log-fmt <fmt>
              Format for monitor logs. (default resource-rule-%06.6d, %d -> rule number)

              Monitor measures the task's current execution directory size.

        --allocation <waste>
              When monitoring is enabled, automatically assign  resource  allocations  to  tasks.
              Makeflow will try to minimize waste or maximize throughput.

   Umbrella Options
        --umbrella-binary <filepath>
              Umbrella binary for running every rule in a makeflow.

        --umbrella-log-prefix <filepath>
              Umbrella  log  file  prefix  for  running  every  rule  in  a makeflow. (default is

        --umbrella-mode <mode>
              Umbrella execution mode for running every rule in a makeflow. (default is local)

        --umbrella-spec <filepath>
              Umbrella spec for running every rule in a makeflow.

   Docker Support
        --docker <image>
               Run each task in the Docker container with this name.  The image will be  obtained
              via "docker pull" if it is not already available.

        --docker-tar <tar>
               Run  each  task in the Docker container given by this tar file.  The image will be
              uploaded via "docker load" on each execution site.

        --docker-opt <string>
              Specify options to be used in DSingularityocker execution.

   Singularity Support
        --singularity <image>
               Run each task in the Singularity container with this name.  The container will  be
              created from the passed in image.

        --singularity-opt <string>
              Specify options to be used in Singularity execution.

   Amazon Options
        --amazon-config <path>
               Path to Amazon EC2 configuration file generated by makeflow_ec2_setup.

   Amazon Lambda Options
        --lambda-config <path>
               Path to Amazon Lambda configuration file generated by makeflow_lambda_setup.

   Amazon Batch Options
        --amazon-batch-config <path>
               Path to Amazon Batch configuration file generated by makeflow_amazon_batch_setup.

        --amazon-batch-img <img>
               Specify image used for Amazon Batch execution.

   Mesos Options
        --mesos-master <hostname>
               Indicate the host name of preferred mesos manager.

        --mesos-path <filepath>
               Indicate the path to mesos python2 site-packages.

        --mesos-preload <library>
               Indicate the linking libraries for running mesos..

   Kubernetes Options
        --k8s-image <docker_image>
               Indicate the Docker image for running pods on Kubernetes cluster.

   Mountfile Support
        --mounts <mountfile>
              Use  this file as a mountlist. Every line of a mountfile can be used to specify the
              source and target of each input dependency in the format  of  target  source  (Note
              there should be a space between target and source.).

        --cache <cache_dir>
              Use this dir as the cache for file dependencies.

   Archiving Options
        --archive <>
              Archive    results    of    workflow    at   the   specified   path   (by   default
              /tmp/makeflow.archive.$UID) and use outputs of any archived  jobs  instead  of  re-
              executing job

        --archive-dir <path>
              Specify archive base directory.

        --archive-read <path>
              Only check to see if jobs have been cached and use outputs if it has been

        --archive-s3 <s3_bucket>
              Base S3 Bucket name

        --archive-s3-no-check <s3_bucket>
              Blind upload files to S3 bucket (No existence check in bucket).

        --s3-hostname <s3_hostname>
              Base S3 hostname. Used for AWS S3.

        --s3-keyid <s3_key_id>
              Access Key for cloud server. Used for AWS S3.

        --s3-secretkey <secret_key>
              Secret Key for cloud server. Used for AWS S3.

   VC3 Builder Options
              Enable VC3 Builder

        --vc3-exe <file>
              VC3 Builder executable location

        --vc3-log <file>
              VC3 Builder log name

        --vc3-options <string>
              VC3 Builder option string

   Other Options
        -A, --disable-afs-check
              Disable the check for AFS. (experts only)

        -z, --zero-length-error
              Force failure on zero-length output files.

       -g, --gc=<type>
              Enable garbage collection. (ref_cnt|on_demand|all)

        --gc-size <int>
              Set disk size to trigger GC. (on_demand only)

       -G, --gc-count=<int>
              Set number of files to trigger GC. (ref_cnt only)

        --wrapper <script>
               Wrap  all  commands  with  this script. Each rule's original recipe is appended to
              script or replaces the first occurrence of {} in script.

        --wrapper-input <file>
               Wrapper command requires this input file. This option may be specified  more  than
              once,  defining an array of inputs. Additionally, each job executing a recipe has a
              unique integer identifier that replaces occurrences %% in file.

        --wrapper-output <file>
               Wrapper command requires this output file. This option may be specified more  than
              once, defining an array of outputs. Additionally, each job executing a recipe has a
              unique integer identifier that replaces occurrences %% in file.

              Use Parrot to restrict access to the given inputs/outputs.

        --parrot-path <path>
              Path to parrot_run executable on the host system.

        --env-replace-path <path>
              Path to env_replace executable on the host system.

              Do not check for file existence before running.

              Disable saving failed nodes to directory for later analysis.

        --shared-fs <dir>
              Assume the given directory is a  shared  filesystem  accessible  at  all  execution

       -X, --change-directory=<dir>
              Change to <dir> prior to executing the workflow.

   MPI Options
        --mpi-cores <#>
              Number of cores each MPI worker uses.

        --mpi-memory <#>
              Amount of memory each MPI worker uses.

        --mpi-task-working-dir <path>
              Path to the MPI tasks working directory.


       When  the batch system is set to -T <dryrun>, Makeflow runs as usual but does not actually
       execute jobs or modify the system. This is useful to check that wrappers and substitutions
       are  applied  as  expected. In addition, Makeflow will write an equivalent shell script to
       the batch system log specified by -L <logfile>. This  script  will  run  the  commands  in
       serial  that  Makeflow would have run. This shell script format may be useful for archival
       purposes, since it does not depend on Makeflow.


       When cctools is built with --with-mpi-path=which mpicc` configuration, Makeflow can be ran
       as  an  MPI  program.  To do so, run Makeflow as an argument to BOLD(mpirun)/BOLD(mpiexec)
       and set BOLD(-T) PARAM(mpi) as a  Makeflow  option.   When  submitting  mpi,  request  one
       process  per  core.  Makeflow will count up how many processes each node given to MPI has,
       and use that as the core count for the worker on  that  node.  Makeflow  will  then  share
       memory   evenly   amongst  the  cores  on  the  node,  following  the  following  equation
       BOLD(worker_memory)    =    (BOLD(total_memory)     /     BOLD(total_logical_cores))     *
       BOLD(num_cores_for_worker).   To override Makeflow sharing memory equally, or setting per-
       worker cores value, use OPTION_ITEM('--mpi-cores) and .TP  '--mpi-memory'

       Tasks can also have their own sandbox. To specify the directory for tasks to create  their
       sandbox subdirectory in, use .TP  '--mpi-task-working-dir'


       The following environment variables will affect the execution of your Makeflow:

       This  corresponds  to  the -B <options> parameter and will pass extra batch options to the
       underlying execution engine.

       This corresponds to the -j <#> parameter and will set the maximum number  of  local  batch
       jobs.  If a -j <#> parameter is specified, the minimum of the argument and the environment
       variable is used.

       This corresponds to the -J <#> parameter and will set the maximum number  of  local  batch
       jobs.  If a -J <#> parameter is specified, the minimum of the argument and the environment
       variable is used.

       Note that variables defined in your Makeflow are exported to the environment.

       Inclusive low port in range used with -p 0.

       Inclusive high port in range used with -p 0.


       On success, returns zero.  On failure, returns non-zero.


       Run makeflow locally with debugging:

               makeflow -d all Makeflow

       Run makeflow on Condor will special requirements:

               makeflow -T condor -B "requirements = MachineGroup == 'ccl'" Makeflow

       Run makeflow with WorkQueue using named workers:

               makeflow -T wq -a -N Makeflow

       Create a directory containing all of  the  dependencies  required  to  run  the  specified

               makeflow -b bundle Makeflow


       The  Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of Notre Dame.
       This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  See the  file  COPYING
       for details.


Cooperative Computing Tools DocumentationMakeflow User Manualmakeflow(1)        makeflow_monitor(1)       makeflow_analyze(1)       makeflow_viz(1)
           makeflow_graph_log(1)    starch(1)    makeflow_ec2_setup(1)    makeflow_ec2_cleanup(1)