kinetic (3) VendorShell.3.gz

Provided by: libmotif-dev_2.3.8-3_amd64 bug


       VendorShell — The VendorShell widget class "VendorShell" "widget class" "VendorShell"


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       #include <X11/Shell.h>


       VendorShell  is a Motif widget class used as a supporting superclass for all shell classes
       that are visible to the window manager and that are not override  redirect.   It  contains
       resources  that describe the MWM-specific look and feel.  It also manages the MWM-specific
       communication needed by all VendorShell subclasses.  See the mwm reference page  for  more

       It is also responsible for managing toolTips. All XmPrimitive and XmGadget subclasses have
       an XmNtoolTipString resource. If XmNtoolTipEnable  is  True,  and  the  pointer  enters  a
       Primitive  or Gadget that has traversal enabled, and the XmNtoolTipString is not NULL, the
       XmNtoolTipString will be displayed according to the VendorShell resources for  controlling
       toolTips.  VendorShell  displays  the  XmNtooTipString  in an XmLabel that is a child of a
       transientShell. The name of the transientShell is TipShell, and the name of the XmLabel is
       TipLabel.   The  appearance  of the tip can be controlled by specifying resources on these

       If  an  application  uses  the  XmNmwmDecorations,  XmNmwmFunctions,  or   XmNmwmInputMode
       resource, it should include the file Xm/MwmUtil.h.

       Setting  XmNheight,  XmNwidth,  or  XmNborderWidth for either a VendorShell or its managed
       child usually sets that resource to the same value in both the parent and the child.  When
       an off-the-spot input method exists, the height and width of the shell may be greater than
       those of the managed child in order to  accommodate  the  input  method.   In  this  case,
       setting  XmNheight or XmNwidth for the shell does not necessarily set that resource to the
       same value in the managed child, and setting XmNheight or XmNwidth for the child does  not
       necessarily set that resource to the same value in the shell.

       For  the  managed  child  of  a  VendorShell,  regardless  of  the  value  of  the shell's
       XmNallowShellResize, setting XmNx or XmNy sets the corresponding resource  of  the  parent
       but  does  not  change  the  child's position relative to the parent.  XtGetValues for the
       child's XmNx or XmNy yields the value of the corresponding resource in the parent.  The  x
       and  y-coordinates of the child's upper left outside corner relative to the parent's upper
       left inside corner are both 0 (zero) minus the value of XmNborderWidth.

       Note that the Inter-Client  Communication  Conventions  Manual  (ICCCM)  allows  a  window
       manager to change or control the border width of a reparented top-level window.

       VendorShell holds the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait.

       VendorShell  inherits behavior, resources, and traits from the Core, Composite, Shell, and
       WMShell classes.

       The class pointer is vendorShellWidgetClass.

       The class name is VendorShell.

   New Resources
       The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the  programmer  to  specify
       data.  The  programmer  can  also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set
       attributes for this widget. To reference a subresource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults
       file,  remove  the  XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the
       defined values for a subresource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm prefix  and  use  the
       remaining  letters  (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between
       words).  The codes in the access column indicate if the given subresource can  be  set  at
       creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is
       not applicable (N/A).

       Composite(3),    Core(3),    mwm(1),    Shell(3),    WMShell(3),    XmActivateProtocol(3),
       XmActivateWMProtocol(3),       XmAddProtocolCallback(3),       XmAddWMProtocolCallback(3),
       XmAddProtocols(3),              XmAddWMProtocols(3),              XmDeactivateProtocol(3),
       XmDeactivateWMProtocol(3),   XmGetAtomName(3),   XmInternAtom(3),   XmIsMotifWMRunning(3),
       XmRemoveProtocolCallback(3),      XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback(3),     XmRemoveProtocols(3),
       XmRemoveWMProtocols(3), XmScreen(3), XmSetProtocolHooks(3), and XmSetWMProtocolHooks(3).
