kinetic (3) PDF::Table.3pm.gz

Provided by: libpdf-table-perl_1.003-1_all bug


       PDF::Table - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::Builder (or PDF::API2)


       Rather than cluttering up the following documentation with (or PDF::API2) additions,
       wherever it refers to "PDF::Builder", understand that you can substitute "PDF::API2" to
       use that product instead.

        use PDF::Builder;
        use PDF::Table;

        my $pdftable = new PDF::Table;
        my $pdf = new PDF::Builder(-file => "table_of_lorem.pdf");
        my $page = $pdf->page();

        # some data to lay out
        my $some_data =[
           ["1 Lorem ipsum dolor",
           "Donec odio neque, faucibus vel",
           "consequat quis, tincidunt vel, felis."],
           ["Nulla euismod sem eget neque.",
           "Donec odio neque",
           "Sed eu velit."],
           # ... and so on

        $left_edge_of_table = 50;
        # build the table layout
        # note: ignoring return values array
            # required parameters
            'x' => $left_edge_of_table,
            'w' => 495,
            'y' => 500,
            'h' => 300,
            # some optional parameters
            'next_y'          => 750,
            'next_h'          => 500,
            'padding'         => 5,
            'padding_right'   => 10,
            'bg_color_odd'    => "gray",
            'bg_color_even'   => "lightblue", # cell bg color for even rows
            'max_word_length' => 50, # 50 between forced splits

        # do other stuff with $pdf

       For a complete working example or initial script look into distribution's 'examples'


       This class is a utility for use with the PDF::Builder (or PDF::API2, see note above)
       module from CPAN.  It can be used to display text data in a table layout within a PDF.
       The text data must be in a 2D array (such as returned by a DBI statement handle
       "fetchall_arrayref()" call).  PDF::Table will automatically add as many new pages as
       necessary to display all of the data.  Various layout properties, such as font, font size,
       cell padding, and background color can be specified for each column and/or for even/odd
       rows.  Also a (non)repeated header row with different layout properties can be specified.

       See the "METHODS" section for complete documentation of every parameter.


       Starting with version 1.000, several behaviors have changed (for the better, I believe).
       Nevertheless, there may be some users who prefer the old behaviors.  To keep everybody
       happy, it is possible to easily revert to the old behaviors.  Near the top of,
       look for a section labeled "COMPATIBILITY WITH OLDER VERSIONS". You can change settings
       here to match old behaviors:

       repeating headers
           The old default for the "repeat" setting for a header was '0' (do not repeat after a
           table has been split across a page). I believe that most users will want to
           automatically repeat a header row at the start of each table fragment, but you can
           change this behavior if you wish. Change $repeat_default from 1 to 0 to get the old
           behavior (or, explicitly give "repeat =" 0> in the header properties settings).

       which rows are 'odd' (and which are 'even')
           PDF::Table decided which rows were odd/even (background and foreground colors, etc) in
           an inconsistent manner, especially if a header was used (whether repeated or not).
           Now, the first data row (excluding headers) is "odd", and all rows after that
           alternate "even", "odd", etc., even across page breaks. If you want the old behavior,
           it can be requested. Change $oddeven_default from 1 to 0 to get the old behavior.

       default cell padding
           The old default for padding around the contents of a cell was 0. It is now 2pt. Change
           $padding_default from 2 to 0 to get the old behavior.

       behavior of borders
           The old behavior was calling both the frame around the table and the cell-divider
           rules as "border", and using the same settings for both. This has been changed to
           separate the two classes, with "border" referring to the outside framework, and
           "rules" referring to the dividers. Note that "rules" still inherit from "border", so
           an explicit definition of "rules => 0" (to hide interior rules) or another width (line
           weight) may still be needed to override the "border" setting for interior dividers.

   Maintaining compatibility
       Near the top of file, look for "my $compat_mode = 0;".  PDF::Table is shipped
       with a flag of 0 to use the new features of the library. If you have a pressing need to
       maintain compatibility with older versions of the library, you may change the value to 1.
       Note that a flag of 1 will break some of the t-tests, because of different padding
       defaults resulting in different text locations on the page.

   Run-time changes
       If you do not wish to change the PDF::Table code section to permanently change old-versus-
       new behavior, you can use the compatibility flag in the settings to temporarily change the
       variables listed above.

           compatibility => [ 0, 0, 0 ]

       will restore all behaviors to the old style, while

           compatibility => [ 1, 0, 2 ]

       will change only the designation of "odd/even" rows (element 1) to the old behavior, while
       leaving header repeat (element 0) and default padding (element 2) in the new behavior.


           my $pdf_table = new PDF::Table;
           my $pdf_table = PDF::Table->new();

           Creates a new instance of the class.

           There are no required parameters. You may pass $pdf, $page, $data, and %options; or
           can defer this until the table() method invocation (the usual technique).

           Reference to the new instance

           my ($final_page, $number_of_pages, $final_y) = table($pdf, $page, $data, %settings)

           Generates a multi-row, multi-column table into an existing PDF document, based on
           provided data set and settings.

               $pdf      - a PDF::Builder instance representing the document being created
               $page     - a PDF::Builder::Page instance representing the current page of
                           the document
               $data     - an ARRAY reference to a 2D data structure that will be used
                           to build the table
               %settings - HASH with geometry and formatting parameters

           For full %settings description see section "Table settings" below.

           This method will add more pages to the PDF instance as required, based on the
           formatting options and the amount of data.

           The return value is a 3 item list where

               $final_page - A PDF::Builder::Page instance that the table ends on
               $number_of_pages - The count of pages that the table spans
               $final_y - The Y coordinate of the table bottom, so that additional
                          content can be added on the same page ($final_page)

               my $pdf  = new PDF::Builder;
               my $page = $pdf->page();
               my $data = [
               my %settings = (
                   'x' => 10,
                   'w' => 570,
                   'y' => 220,
                   'h' => 180,

               my ($final_page, $number_of_pages, $final_y) =
                   $pdftable->table( $pdf, $page, $data, %options );

       Table settings

       Unless otherwise specified, all dimensional and geometry units used are measured in
       points. Line counts are not used anywhere.

       "Even" rows start with the first data (non-header) row. Think of this first row as number
       zero (an even number). Even rows alternate with odd rows.  The odd/even flag is not reset
       when a table is split across pages. If a table fragment ends on an odd row, the next
       fragment (on the next page), starting the next row, will start with an even row. If a row
       is split across pages, it will resume with the same odd/even setting as on the previous
       page. If you desire to have the old (previous) odd/even behavior, see "COMPATIBILITY".

       The name (key) of any table setting hash element may be given with or without a leading
       dash (hyphen). A leading dash is allowed for compatibility with older versions of
       PDF::Table, but is DEPRECATED! It is recommended that the dash be omitted in new code, and
       removed from old code before November 2022.

       Note: if you use a deprecated setting name, or a setting beginning with a hyphen '-',
       PDF::Table will update the settings list with the preferred name.  It does this by
       inserting the item using the preferred, non-hyphen name, and then deletes the deprecated
       one. Due to peculiarities in the way Perl copies arrays, hashes, and references; it is
       possible that your input settings hash may end up being modified! This normally will not
       be a cause for concern, but you should be aware of this behavior in case you wish to reuse
       all or part of a PDF::Table settings list (hash) for other purposes (or another table) --
       it may have been slightly modified.

       Note that any "Color specifier" is not limited to a name (e.g., 'black') or a 6-digit hex
       specification (e.g., '#3366CC'). See the PDF::Builder writeup on specifying colors for
       CMYK, L*a*b, HSV, and other methods.

       Mandatory global settings

       There are some mandatory parameters for setting table geometry and position on the first
       (initial) or only page of the table. It is up to you to tell PDF::Table where to start
       (upper left corner) the table, and its width and maximum height on this page.

       x - X coordinate of upper left corner of the table.
           The left edge of the sheet (media) is 0.  Note that this "X" will be used for any
           spillover of the table to additional page(s), so you cannot have spillover
           (continuation) rows starting at a different "X".

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 ≤ X < PageWidth"

           Default: No default value

               'x' => 10,

       y - Y coordinate of upper left corner of the table on the initial page.
           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < y < PageHeight" (depending on space
           availability when embedding a table)

           Default: No default value

               'y' => 327,

           Deprecated name: start_y (will go away in the future!)

       w - width of the table starting from "x".
           Note that this "width" will be used for any spillover of the table to additional
           page(s), so you cannot have spillover (continuation) rows with a different "width".

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < w < PageWidth - x"

           Default: No default value

               'w'  => 570,

           NOTE: If PDF::Table finds that the table width needs to be increased to accommodate
           the requested text and formatting, it will output a warning. This could lead to
           undesired results. Possible solutions to keep the table from being widened include:

               1) Increase table width (w)
               2) Decrease font size (font_size)
               3) Choose a narrower font
               4) Decrease "max_word_length" parameter, so long words are split into
                   shorter chunks
               5) Rotate media to landscape (if it is portrait)
               6) Use a larger (wider) media size

       h - Height of the table on the initial (current) page.
           Think of this as the maximum height (Y dimension) of the start of the table on this
           page. This would be the current "Y" location less any bottom margin. Normally you
           would let as much as possible fit on the page, but it's possible that you might want
           to split the table at an earlier point, to put more on the next (spill) page.

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < h < PageHeight - Current Y position"

           Default: No default value

               'h' => 250,

           Deprecated name: start_h (will go away in the future!)

       Optional settings

       These are settings which are not absolutely necessary, although their use may result in a
       much more pleasing appearance for the table. They all have a "reasonable" default (or
       inheritance from another setting).

       Optional Global Settings

       These settings apply only to the entire table, and cannot be used to specify cell, column,
       or row properties. A global setting may only occur once.

       next_h - Height of the table on any additional page.
           Think of this as the maximum height (Y dimension) of any overflow (spill) table
           portions on following pages.  It is highly recommended that you explicitly specify
           this setting as the full (body content) height of a page, rather than having
           PDF::Table try to figure out a good value and give a warning.

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < next_h < PageHeight - y"

           You need to leave a non-negative amount of space at the bottom of the page.

           Default: Media height * 80% (80% of the paper height) You will receive a warning if
           "next_h" is needed for a spill page and you did not provide it!

               'next_h'  => 700,

       next_y - Y coordinate of upper left corner of the table at any additional page.
           Think of this as the starting "Y" position of any overflow (spill or continuation)
           table portions on following pages.  It is highly recommended that you explicitly
           specify this setting to be at the top of the body content of a page, rather than
           having PDF::Table try to figure out a good value and give a warning.

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < next_y < PageHeight"

           Default: Media height * 90% (10% down from the top of the paper) You will receive a
           warning if "next_y" is needed for a spill page and you did not provide it!

               'next_y'  => 750,

       size - Specified column widths.
           The default behavior of PDF::Table is to calculate the width needed for each column,
           based on the longest word, content size, and optional minimum and maximum settings. As
           an alternative, you may give a string specifying the widths of all columns, one entry
           per column. An entry may be a fixed width (number and unit), or a relative width to be
           allocated from remaining space after the fixed width columns are removed from the
           table width.

           If no unit is given, 'pt' (big points, 1/72 inch) are assumed. If no number is given,
           '1' is assumed (not recommended, except for '*'). The following units are supported:

           pt - points (1/72 inch)
           in - inches (72 points)
           cm - centimeters (28.3 points)
           mm - millimeters (2.83 points)
           em - ems (width of 'M', depends on table default font)
           ex - exs (width of 'x', depends on table default font)

           These are all absolute (fixed) sizes. If using font-dependent units (ems and exs), be
           aware of the overall font and font-size in use by PDF::Table (default is normally 12pt

           There are also relative or allocatable sizes, specified with the unit '*'.  After all
           fixed-size columns have been processed, whatever table width that is left over will be
           distributed among the remaining (relative) columns proportional to the number for each
           column (e.g., 2* gets twice the width that * gets).

           Value: a string containing one entry per column

           Each entry is separated by one or more whitespaces (e.g., blanks). Numbers are
           unsigned (positive) and may be integers or real numbers (with decimal point). The unit
           follows immediately (no spaces between number and unit).  Note that any column minimum
           or maximum width settings will be ignored!

           Default: None. If not given, widths will be calculated for the columns.

               'size'  => '* 3.5in 1.7* 4cm',

       new_page_func - CODE reference to a function that returns a PDF::Builder::Page instance.
       See section "New Page Function Hook" below.
               'new_page_func'  => $code_ref,

       cell_render_hook - CODE reference to a function called with the current cell coordinates.
       See section "Cell Render Hook" below.
               'cell_render_hook'  => $code_ref,

       header_props - HASH reference to specific settings for the Header row of the table. See
       section "Header Row Properties" below.
               'header_props' => $hdr_props,

       row_props - HASH reference to specific settings for each row of the table. See section
       "Row Properties" below.
               'row_props' => $my_row_props,

       column_props - HASH reference to specific settings for each column of the table. See
       section "Column Properties" below.
               'column_props' => $col_props,

       cell_props - HASH reference to specific settings for each column of the table. See section
       "Cell Properties" below.
               'cell_props' => $cell_props,

       border_w - Width of table border lines.
       h_border_w - Width of horizontal border lines (top and bottom of the table). Overrides
       'border_w' value for horizontal usage. Note that if the table spills over onto following
       pages, only the very first top and very last bottom table border will be full width.
       Dividers on row boundaries will be 1pt wide ($border_w_default) solid lines, and where a
       row is divided within its content, a dashed (pattern $dashed_rule_default) 1pt wide line
       is used.
       v_border_w -  Width of vertical border lines. Overrides 'border_w' value for vertical
           Value: can be any positive number. When set to 0, it will disable border lines. This
           is the line thickness for drawing a border.

           Default: 1  ($border_w_default)

           The border is the outside frame around the table. It does not enter into table height
           or width calculations, so be sure to set your "x" and "w" settings to allow for the
           width of vertical borders, and your "y" or "next_y" and "h" or "next_h" settings to
           allow for the width (thickness or height) of the horizontal borders, especially if you
           make them more than a Point or two in thickness (line width).

               'border_w'     => 3,     # border width is 3
               'h_border_w'   => 1,     # horizontal borders will be 1, overriding 3
               'v_border_w'   => undef, # vertical borders will be 3, as it will
                                        # fall back to 'border_w'

           Note that both borders and rules overlay the exact boundary between two cells (i.e.,
           the centerline). That is, one half of a rule or border will overlay the adjoining
           cells. Rules do not expand the size of the table, although borders will (by a total of
           their thickness/width). If you set particularly thick (wide) rules, pay attention to
           adding some padding on the appropriate side(s), so that valuable content is not
           overlaid. For cells along the outer border, one half the width of a border will
           overlay the cell, so account for this in the padding specification.

           Deprecated names: border (now 'border_w'), horizontal_borders (now 'h_border_w'), and
           vertical_borders (now 'v_border_w'); will go away in the future!

       border_c -  Border color for all borders.
           Value: Color specifier as 'name' or '#rrggbb'

           Default: 'black' ($fg_color_default)

               'border_c' => 'red',

           Deprecated name: border_color (will go away in the future!)

           The same color is used for both the horizontal and vertical borders.

       Optional Cell, Column, Row, or Global Settings

       These settings can be specified to apply to the entire table, or more narrowly applied to
       the header row (in header_props hash), one or more rows (in row_props array), one or more
       columns (in column_props array), or one or more individual cells (in cell_props hash).

       If a setting is specified in more than one place, the order of precedence is as follows: a
       header property (header row only), followed by a cell property, followed by a column
       property, followed by a row property, followed by a global setting, and finally, any hard-
       coded default value (if required).

       A global setting may only occur once (although it may be overridden by cell, column, or
       row usage of the same setting).

       default_text - A string to use if no content (text) is defined for a cell.
           It is also used if a cell has exhausted its given text content, and has been split
           over a page break. This can happen if other cells in the row have much more text
           content than this cell. Therefore, it might be a good idea to _not_ use a default such
           as "no cell content", as this could be confusing to readers who have seen content for
           this cell on the previous page.

           Note that "max_word_length" splitting is _not_ applied to the default text, so be
           careful about using long words.

           If you want different effects for different rows, columns, or cells, you can override
           the global default setting. If you want (No content) for the first printout of a cell
           (split over two or more pages) and - for second and later printouts, you could leave
           the global default as '-' and simply give the cell the text "(No content)" (no longer
           really empty, but you get the idea). If you have some content for a cell, and want no
           further entry after it runs out of content, you could set "default_text" to no further
           entry, and so on.

           Value: any string (can be a blank ' ' or an empty string '').

           Default: '-'  ($empty_cell_text)

       max_word_length - Breaks long words
           It may be necessary to break up long words (like serial numbers, hashes, etc.) to fit
           within a column, by adding a space after every Nth symbol, unless a space (x20) is
           found already in the text.

           Note that this does not add a hyphen (dash)!  It merely ensures that there will be no
           runs of non-space characters longer than N characters, reducing the chance of forcing
           an overly wide column.

           Value: can be any positive integer number (character count)

           Default: 20

               'max_word_length' => 25,    # Will add a space after every 25 symbols
                                           # unless there is a natural break (space)

       padding - Padding applied to every cell
       padding_top    - top cell padding, overrides 'padding'
       padding_right  - right cell padding, overrides 'padding'
       padding_left   - left cell padding, overrides 'padding'
       padding_bottom - bottom padding, overrides 'padding'
           Value: can be any non-negative number (≥ 0)

           Default padding: 2.  ($padding_default)

           See "COMPATIBILITY" for returning to the old value of 0.

           Default padding_* 'padding'

               'padding'        => 5,     # all sides cell padding
               'padding_top'    => 8,     # top cell padding, overrides 'padding'
               'padding_right'  => 6,     # right cell padding, overrides 'padding'
               'padding_left'   => 2,     # left cell padding, overrides 'padding'
               'padding_bottom' => undef, # bottom padding will be 5, as it will fall
                                          # back to 'padding' value

       font - instance of PDF::Builder::Resource::Font defining the font to be used in the table
       (or a subsection of it).
           Value: can be any PDF::Builder::Resource::* type of font

           Default: 'Times' core font with latin1 encoding

               'font' => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "latin1"),

           CAUTION: Only TrueType and OpenType fonts (ttfont call) can make use of multibyte
           encodings such as 'utf8'. Errors will result if you attempt to use 'utf8', etc. with
           corefont, psfont, etc. font types! For these, you must only specify a single-byte

       font_size - Size of the font that will be used in the table (or a subsection of it).
           Value: can be any positive number

           Default: 12  ($font_size_default)

               'font_size' => 16,

       fg_color - Font color for all text.
       bg_color - Background color for all text.
           Value: Color specifier as 'name' or '#rrggbb' (or other suitable color specification

           Default: 'black' text on (transparent) background. In other words, there is no default
           background color. The exception is for any header row, where the default colors are
           "#000066" (dark blue, $h_fg_color_default) on "#FFFFAA" (light yellow,

               'fg_color'      => '#333333',

           Deprecated names: font_color, background_color (both will go away in the future!)

       fg_color_odd - Font color for odd rows (override "fg_color").
       fg_color_even - Font color for even rows (override "fg_color").
       bg_color_odd - Background color for odd rows (override "bg_color").
       bg_color_even - Background color for even rows (override "bg_color").
           Value: Color specifier as 'name' or '#rrggbb' (or other suitable color specification

               'fg_color_odd'  => 'purple',
               'fg_color_even' => '#00FF00',
               'bg_color_odd'  => 'gray',
               'bg_color_even' => 'lightblue',

           Deprecated names: font_color_odd, font_color_even, background_color_odd,
           background_color_even (all will go away in the future!)

           Note that *_color_odd/even usually make the most sense as global settings, although it
           is possible to use them within columns (see example), and even rows and
           cells, but not header rows.

       underline - Underline specifications for text in the table.
           Value: 'auto', integer of distance (below baseline), or arrayref of distance &
           thickness (more than one pair will provide multiple underlines).  Negative distance
           gives strike-through. "[]" ('none' also works for PDF::Builder) gives no underline.

           Note that it is unwise to underline all content in the table! It should be used
           selectively to emphasize important text, such as header content, or certain cells.
           Unfortunately, there is currently no way to turn underlining off and on within a cell.

           Default: none

           Deprecated name: font_underline (will go away in the future!)

       min_rh - Desired minimum row height.
           This setting will be honored only if "min_rh > font_size + padding_top +
           padding_bottom" (i.e., it is taller than the calculated minimum value).

           This setting doesn't usually make sense when used in a column_props or a cell_props,
           but it is possible to do, and may be useful in certain situations.

           Value: can be any positive number

           Default: "font_size + padding_top + padding_bottom"

               'min_rh' => 24,

           Deprecated name: row_height (will go away in the future!)

       justify - Alignment of text in a cell.
           Value: One of 'left', 'right', 'center'

           Default: 'left'

       min_w - Minimum width of this cell or column.
           PDF::Table will set a cell (and the column it's in) minimum width to fit the longest
           word (after splitting on "max_word_length") found in the text. This amount may be
           increased to "min_w". A column should be no narrower than its widest minimum width,
           but could be larger in order to fill out the table width.

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < min_w < w"

           Default: Auto calculated

           Note that "min_w" is usually used for a column_props to set the column minimum width.
           If used in a row_props, it will act as a global setting; if used in a cell_props, that
           will force the minimum width for the cell's column.

       max_w - Maximum width of this column.
           PDF::Table will set a cell (and the column it's in) maximum width to fit the total
           length of the text content. This will seldom be actually used, but "max_w" may be used
           to reduce this maximum. When columns are being widened in order to meet the desired
           table width, it will try to honor the maximum width setting and avoid adding any width
           to a column already at its maximum width (but this cannot be guaranteed).

           Value: can be any number satisfying "0 < min_w ≤ max_w < w"

           Default: Auto calculated

       rule_w - Width of table rule lines (internal table dividers).
       h_rule_w - Width of horizontal rules (bottom of a cell). Overrides 'rule_w' value for
       horizontal usage.
       v_rule_w -  Width of vertical rules (left side of a cell). Overrides 'rule_w' value for
       vertical usage.
           Value: can be any positive number. When set to 0, it will disable rules. This is the
           line thickness for drawing a rule.

           Default: 1  (corresponding border value)

           A rule is a line bordering a cell in the table. While it does not enter into table
           height or width calculations, be sure to set your "padding" settings to allow
           sufficient clearance of cell content, especially if you make the rules more than a
           Point or two in thickness (line width). Note that a cell only defines and draws its
           left and bottom rules -- the top rule is defined in the cell or row above, and the
           right rule is defined in the cell or column to the right of this one.

               'rule_w'     => 3,     # rule width is 3
               'h_rule_w'   => 1,     # horizontal rules will be 1, overriding 3
               'v_rule_w'   => undef, # vertical rules will be 3, as it will
                                      # fall back to 'rule_w'

           Note that both borders and rules overlay the exact boundary between two cells (i.e.,
           the centerline). That is, one half of a rule or border will overlay the adjoining
           cells. Rules do not expand the size of the table. If you set particularly thick (wide)
           rules, pay attention to adding some padding on the appropriate side(s), so that
           valuable content is not overlaid. For cells along the outer border, a border will be
           drawn instead of a rule.

           Cell rules inherit thickness and color from the border settings, so if you want no
           internal rules, you need to set

               'rule_w'     => 0,     # no rules

       rule_c -  Rule color for all rules.
       h_rule_c -  Rule color for horizontal (bottom) rules, overriding "rule_c" for this usage.
       v_rule_c -  Rule color for vertical (left) rules, overriding "rule_c" for this usage.
           Value: Color specifier as 'name' or '#rrggbb'

           Default: 'black' (corresponding border value)

               'rule_c' => 'red',

       New Page Function Hook

       new_page_func is a CODE reference to a function that returns a PDF::Builder::Page

       If used, the parameter '"new_page_func"' must be a function reference which, when
       executed, will create a new page and will return the object to the module.  For example,
       you can use it to put Page Title, Page Frame, Page Numbers and other content that you
       need.  Also if you need a different paper size and orientation than the default US-Letter,
       e.g., B2-Landscape, you can use this function ref to set it up for you. For more info
       about creating pages, refer to PDF::Builder PAGE METHODS Section.  Don't forget that your
       function must return a page object created with the PDF::Builder page() method. $code_ref
       can be something like "\&new_page".

           'new_page_func'  => $code_ref,

       The $code_ref may be an inline sub definition (as show below), or a regular named "sub"
       (e.g., 'new_page()') referenced as "\&new_page". The latter may be cleaner than inlining,
       if the routine is quite long.

       An example of reusing a saved PDF page as a template:

           my $pdf      = PDF::API2->new();
           my $template = PDF::API2->open('pdf/template.pdf');
           my $new_page_func = sub { return $pdf->import_page($template, 1); }

               new_page_func => $new_page_func,

       This will call a function to grab a copy of a template PDF's page 1 and insert it as the
       new last page of the PDF, as the starting point for the next overflow (continuation) page
       of the table, if needed. Note that the "$template->openpage(1)" call is unsuitable for
       this purpose, as it does not insert the page into the current PDF.

       You can also create a blank page and prefill it with desired content:

           my $pdf      = PDF::API2->new();
           my $new_page_func = sub {
               my $page = $pdf->page(); # so far, no difference from default behavior
               $page->mediaBox(...);  # set page size/orientation, etc.
               my $text = $page->text();
               # set font, placement, etc.
               $text->text(...);  # write header, footer, etc.
               return $page;

               new_page_func => $new_page_func,

       If "new_page_func" is not defined, PDF::Table will simply call "$pdf->page()" to generate
       a new, blank, "next" page.

       Note that this function is not called for the first page of a table. That one uses the
       current $page parameter passed to the "table()" call. It is only called when needed for
       overflow ("next_y" and "next_h") pages, where it replaces the $page parameter with a new
       page framework. You may want to consider using the same function to create your other
       (non-table) pages, assuming you want the same format (PDF content) across all pages of the

       Cell Render Hook

       cell_render_hook is a CODE reference to a function called with the current cell
       coordinates. If used, the parameter "cell_render_hook" must be a function reference. It is
       most useful for creating special items within a text block, such as a URL link inside of a
       cell.  The following example adds a link in the first column of each non-header row:

           'cell_render_hook'  => sub {
               my ($page, $first_row, $row, $col, $x, $y, $w, $h) = @_;

               # Do nothing except for first column (and not a header row)
               return unless ($col == 0);
               return if ($first_row);

               # Create link
               my $value = $list_of_vals[$row-1];
               my $url = "https://${hostname}/app/${value}";

               my $annot = $page->annotation();
               $annot->url( $url, -rect => [$x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h] );

       Header Row Properties

       If the 'header_props' parameter is used, it should be a hashref. Passing an empty HASH
       will trigger a header row initialized with Default values.  There is no 'data' variable
       for the content, because the module asumes that the first table row will become the header
       row. It will copy this row and put it on every new page if the 'repeat' parameter is set.

       repeat - Flag showing if header row should be repeated on every new page.
           Value: 0,1   1-Yes/True, 0-No/False

           Default: 1 ($repeat_default)

           See "COMPATIBILITY" if you wish to change it back to the old behavior of 0.

               my $hdr_props = {
                   'font'       => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "latin1"),
                   'font_size'  => 18,
                   'fg_color'   => '#004444',
                   'bg_color'   => 'yellow',
                   'repeat'     => 0,
                   'justify'    => 'center',

       Row Properties

       If the 'row_props' parameter is used, it should be an arrayref of hashrefs, with one
       hashref for each row of the table. The rows are counted from top to bottom, so the hash
       reference at $row_props[0] will hold properties for the first row (from top to bottom).
       If you DO NOT want to give properties for a row, but to give for another, just insert an
       empty hash reference into the array for the row that you want to skip. This will cause the
       counting to proceed as expected and the properties to be applied at the right rows.

       Each hashref can contain any of the keys shown below:


               my $row_props = [
                   # This is an empty hash to indicate default properties for first row
                   # the next hash will hold the properties for the second row from
                   # top to bottom.
                       'min_rh'    => 75,        # Minimum row height of 75
                       'justify'   => 'right',   # Right text alignment
                       'font'      => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica",
                                                     -encoding => "latin1"),
                       'font_size' => 10,
                       'fg_color'  => 'blue',
                       'bg_color'  => '#FFFF00',
                   # etc.

           There are no settings unique to rows. Do be aware of when "row 0" may refer to header
           row properties!

       Column Properties

       If the 'column_props' parameter is used, it should be an arrayref of hashrefs, with one
       hashref for each column of the table. The columns are counted from left to right, so the
       hash reference at $col_props[0] will hold properties for the first column (from left to
       right).  If you DO NOT want to give properties for a column, but to give for another, just
       insert an empty hash reference into the array for the column that you want to skip. This
       will cause the counting to proceed as expected and the properties to be applied at the
       right columns.

       Each hashref can contain any of the keys shown below:


               my $col_props = [
                   # This is an empty hash to indicate default properties for first col.
                   # the next hash will hold the properties for the second column from
                   # left to right.
                       'min_w'     => 100,       # Minimum column width of 100
                       'max_w'     => 150,       # Maximum column width of 150
                       'justify'   => 'right',   # Right text alignment
                       'font'      => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica",
                                                     -encoding => "latin1"),
                       'font_size' => 10,
                       'fg_color'  => 'blue',
                       'bg_color'  => '#FFFF00',
                   # etc.

           There are no settings unique to columns.

       NOTE: If 'min_w' and/or 'max_w' parameter is used in 'col_props', keep in mind that it may
       be overridden by the calculated minimum/maximum cell width so that the table can be
       created.  When this happens, a warning will be issued with some suggestions on what can be
       done.  In cases of a conflict between column formatting and odd/even row formatting,
       'col_props' will override odd/even.

       Cell Properties

       If the 'cell_props' parameter is used, it should be an arrayref with arrays of hashrefs
       (of the same dimension as the data array) with one hashref for each cell of the table.

       Each hashref can contain any of the keys shown below:

       colspan - Span this cell over multiple columns to the right.
           Value: can be any positive number less than the number of columns to the right of the
           current column

           Default: undef

           NOTE: If you want to have regular columns after a colspan, you have to provide "undef"
           for the columns that should be spanned

           NOTE: If you use "colspan" to span a column, but provide data for it, your table will
           be mangled: the spanned-but-data-provided-column will be rendered!  But, as HTML works
           the same way, we do not consider this a bug.


               # row0 col1 should span 2 cols:
               @data = ( [ 'r1c1', 'r1c2', 'r1c3' ], ['r2c1+',undef,'r2c3'] );
               # note: ignoring return values array
               $tab->table( $pdf, $page, \@data, %TestData::required,
                 'cell_props' => [
                     [{'colspan' => 2}]

       See the file "examples/" for detailed usage.


           my $cell_props = [
               [ # This array is for the first row (0).
                 # If header_props is defined, it will override these settings.
                   {    # Row 0 cell 0
                       'bg_color'  => '#AAAA00',
                       'fg_color'  => 'yellow',
                       'underline' => [ 2, 2 ],

                   # etc.
               [ # Row 1 (first data row, if header_props given)
                   {    # Row 1 cell 0
                       'bg_color' => '#CCCC00',
                       'fg_color' => 'blue',
                   {    # Row 1 cell 1
                       'bg_color' => '#BBBB00',
                       'fg_color' => 'red',
                   # etc.
               [ # Row 2
                   {    # Row 2 cell 0 span cell 1
                       'colspan' => 2
                   # etc.
               # etc.


           my $cell_props = [];
           $cell_props->[1][0] = {
               # Row 2 cell 1
               'bg_color' => '#CCCC00',
               'fg_color' => 'blue',

           my ($width_of_last_line, $ypos_of_last_line, $left_over_text) =
               text_block( $txt, $data, %settings)

           Utility method to create a block of text. The block may contain multiple paragraphs
           (input $data separated by implicit or explicit newlines "\n").  It is mainly used
           internally, but you can use it from outside for placing formatted text anywhere on the

           NOTE: This method will NOT add more pages to the PDF instance if the space is not
           enough to place the string inside the block.  Leftover text will be returned and has
           to be handled by the caller - i.e., add a new page and a new block with the leftover.

               $txt  - a PDF::Builder::Page::Text instance representing the text tool.
               $data - a string that will be placed inside the block, broken up into
                       lines that fit within the indicated width.
               %settings - HASH with geometry and formatting parameters. Note that
                           several parameters are mandatory.

           The return value is a 3 item list where

               $width_of_last_line - Width of last line in the block
               $final_y - The Y coordinate of the block bottom so that additional
                          content can be added after it
               $left_over_text - Text that did not fit in the provided box geometry.

               # PDF::Builder objects
               my $page = $pdf->page();
               my $txt  = $page->text();

               my %settings = (
                   # MANDATORY position and table size
                   'x' => 10,
                   'y' => 570,
                   'w' => 220,
                   'h' => 180,

                   # OPTIONAL PARAMETERS
                   'leading'  => $font_size*1.15 | $distance_between_lines,
                   'align'    => "left|right|center|justify|fulljustify",
                                   default: left
                   'max_word_length' => $optional_max_word_chars_between_splits
                                   default: 20
                   'parspace' => $optional_vertical_space_before_paragraph,
                                   default: 0 extra vertical space

                   # Only one of the following parameters can be given.
                   # They override each other, in the order given. C<hang> is the
                   # highest weight.
                   'hang'     => $optional_hanging_text_to_lead_a_paragraph,
                   'flindent' => $optional_indent_of_first_line,
                   'fpindent' => $optional_indent_of_first_paragraph,
                   'indent'   => $optional_indent_of_text_to_every_non_first_line,

               my ( $width_of_last_line, $final_y, $left_over_text ) =
                    $pdftable->text_block( $txt, $data, %settings );




       Daemmon Hughes


       Further development Versions 0.02 -- 0.11 - Desislav Kamenov

       Further development since Ver: 0.12 - Phil Perry

       Copyright (C) 2006 by Daemmon Hughes, portions Copyright 2004 Stone Environmental Inc.
       ( All Rights Reserved.

       Copyright (C) 2020-2021 by Phil M Perry.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of
       Perl 5 you may have available.  Note that Perl 5.10 is the minimum supported level.


       by Daemmon Hughes
           Much of the original development work on this module was sponsored by Stone
           Environmental Inc. (

           The text_block() method is a slightly modified copy of the one from Rick Measham's
           PDF::API2 tutorial at

       by Desislav Kamenov (@deskata on Twitter)
           The development of this module was supported by SEEBURGER AG ( till
           year 2007

           Thanks to my friends Krasimir Berov and Alex Kantchev for helpful tips and QA during
           development of versions 0.9.0 to 0.9.5

           Thanks to all GitHub contributors!


       PDF::Table is on GitHub. You are more than welcome to contribute!


       PDF::API2, PDF::Builder