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       gen_statem - Generic state machine behavior.


       gen_statem  provides  a  generic  state  machine  behaviour that for new code replaces its
       predecessor gen_fsm since Erlang/OTP 20.0. The gen_fsm behaviour remains in OTP "as is".

       If you are new to gen_statem and want an overview of concepts and  operation  the  section
       gen_statem  Behaviour   located in the User's Guide  OTP Design Principles  is recommended
       to read before this reference manual, possibly  after  the  Description  section  you  are
       reading here.

       This  reference  manual  contains type descriptions generated from types in the gen_statem
       source code, so they are correct. However, the generated  descriptions  also  reflect  the
       type  hierarchy,  which  sometimes  makes  it  hard to get a good overview. If so, see the
       section gen_statem Behaviour  in the  OTP Design Principles  User's Guide.


         * This behavior appeared in Erlang/OTP 19.0.

            In OTP 19.1 a backwards incompatible change of the return  tuple  from  Module:init/1
           was made and the mandatory callback function Module:callback_mode/0 was introduced.

            In OTP 20.0  generic time-outs  were added.

            In OTP 22.1 time-out content update and explicit time-out cancel were added.

            In   OTP   22.3   the   possibility  to  change  the  callback  module  with  actions
           change_callback_module, push_callback_module and pop_callback_module, was added.

       gen_statem has got the same features that gen_fsm had and adds some really useful:

         * Co-located state code

         * Arbitrary term state

         * Event postponing

         * Self-generated events

         * State time-out

         * Multiple generic named time-outs

         * Absolute time-out time

         * Automatic state enter calls

            Reply from other state than the request, sys traceable

         * Multiple sys traceable replies

         * Changing the callback module

       Two callback modes are supported:

         * One for finite-state machines (gen_fsm like), which requires the state to be  an  atom
           and uses that state as the name of the current callback function.

         * One  that  allows the state to be any term and that uses one callback function for all

       The callback model(s) for gen_statem differs from the one for gen_fsm,  but  it  is  still
       fairly easy to  rewrite from  gen_fsm to gen_statem.

       A  generic  state  machine server process (gen_statem) implemented using this module has a
       standard set of interface functions and  includes  functionality  for  tracing  and  error
       reporting. It also fits into an OTP supervision tree. For more information, see OTP Design

       A gen_statem assumes all specific parts to be located in a  callback  module  exporting  a
       predefined  set  of  functions.  The  relationship  between the behavior functions and the
       callback functions is as follows:

       gen_statem module            Callback module
       -----------------            ---------------
       gen_statem:start_link -----> Module:init/1

       Server start or code change
                             -----> Module:callback_mode/0

       gen_statem:stop       -----> Module:terminate/3

       erlang:'!'            -----> Module:StateName/3

       -                     -----> Module:terminate/3

       -                     -----> Module:code_change/4

       Events are of different types, so the callback functions can know the origin of  an  event
       and how to respond.

       If  a  callback  function  fails or returns a bad value, the gen_statem terminates, unless
       otherwise stated. However, an exception of class throw is not regarded as an error but  as
       a valid return from all callback functions.

       The  state  callback for a specific state in a gen_statem is the callback function that is
       called for all events in this state. It is selected depending on which callback mode  that
       the callback module defines with the callback function Module:callback_mode/0.

       When  the  callback  mode is state_functions, the state must be an atom and is used as the
       state callback name; see Module:StateName/3. This co-locates all code for a specific state
       in  one  function as the gen_statem engine branches depending on state name. Note the fact
       that the callback function Module:terminate/3 makes the state name terminate  unusable  in
       this mode.

       When  the  callback mode is handle_event_function, the state can be any term and the state
       callback name is Module:handle_event/4. This makes it easy to branch depending on state or
       event  as you desire. Be careful about which events you handle in which states so that you
       do not accidentally postpone an event forever creating an infinite busy loop.

       When gen_statem receives a process message it is converted into an  event  and  the  state
       callback  is  called  with  the  event  as two arguments: type and content. When the state
       callback has processed the event it returns to gen_statem which does a  state  transition.
       If  this  state  transition is to a different state, that is: NextState =/= State, it is a
       state change.

       The state callback may return transition actions for  gen_statem  to  execute  during  the
       state transition, for example to reply to a gen_statem:call/2,3.

       One  of  the  possible transition actions is to postpone the current event. Then it is not
       retried in the current state. The gen_statem engine keeps a queue of events  divided  into
       the  postponed  events  and  the  events  still to process. After a state change the queue
       restarts with the postponed events.

       The gen_statem event queue model is sufficient to emulate the normal process message queue
       with  selective  receive.  Postponing an event corresponds to not matching it in a receive
       statement, and changing states corresponds to entering a new receive statement.

       The state callback can insert events using the transition actions next_event and  such  an
       event is inserted in the event queue as the next to call the state callback with. That is,
       as if it is the oldest incoming event. A dedicated event_type() internal can be  used  for
       such events making them impossible to mistake for external events.

       Inserting  an  event  replaces the trick of calling your own state handling functions that
       you often would have to resort to in, for example, gen_fsm to force processing an inserted
       event before others.

       The  gen_statem  engine  can  automatically  make a specialized call to the state callback
       whenever a new state is entered; see state_enter(). This is for writing code common to all
       state  entries.  Another  way  to  do  it  is  to  explicitly insert an event at the state
       transition, and/or to use a dedicated state transition function, but that is something you
       will have to remember at every state transition to the state(s) that need it.

       If  you  in  gen_statem, for example, postpone an event in one state and then call another
       state callback of yours, you have not done a state change and hence the postponed event is
       not retried, which is logical but can be confusing.

       For the details of a state transition, see type transition_option().

       A  gen_statem  handles system messages as described in sys. The sys module can be used for
       debugging a gen_statem.

       Notice that a gen_statem does not trap exit signals automatically, this must be explicitly
       initiated in the callback module (by calling process_flag(trap_exit, true).

       Unless  otherwise  stated,  all  functions in this module fail if the specified gen_statem
       does not exist or if bad arguments are specified.

       The gen_statem process can go into hibernation; see proc_lib:hibernate/3. It is done  when
       a  state  callback or Module:init/1 specifies hibernate in the returned Actions list. This
       feature can be useful to reclaim process heap memory while the server is  expected  to  be
       idle  for  a  long  time.  However,  use this feature with care, as hibernation can be too
       costly to use after every event; see erlang:hibernate/3.

       There  is  also  a  server  start  option  {hibernate_after,   Timeout}   for   start/3,4,
       start_monitor/3,4,  start_link/3,4  or enter_loop/4,5,6, that may be used to automatically
       hibernate the server.

       If the gen_statem process terminates, e.g. as a result  of  a  function  in  the  callback
       module  returning  {stop,Reason},  an  exit  signal  with  this  Reason  is sent to linked
       processes and ports. See  Processes in the Reference Manual for  details  regarding  error
       handling using exit signals.


       The  following  example  shows  a  simple  pushbutton  model  for  a  toggling  pushbutton
       implemented with callback mode state_functions. You can push the button and it replies  if
       it  went  on  or  off, and you can ask for a count of how many times it has been pushed to
       switch on.

       The following is the complete callback module file pushbutton.erl:



       name() -> pushbutton_statem. % The registered server name

       %% API.  This example uses a registered name name()
       %% and does not link to the caller.
       start() ->
           gen_statem:start({local,name()}, ?MODULE, [], []).
       push() ->
           gen_statem:call(name(), push).
       get_count() ->
           gen_statem:call(name(), get_count).
       stop() ->

       %% Mandatory callback functions
       terminate(_Reason, _State, _Data) ->
       code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
       init([]) ->
           %% Set the initial state + data.  Data is used only as a counter.
           State = off, Data = 0,
       callback_mode() -> state_functions.

       %%% state callback(s)

       off({call,From}, push, Data) ->
           %% Go to 'on', increment count and reply
           %% that the resulting status is 'on'
       off(EventType, EventContent, Data) ->
           handle_event(EventType, EventContent, Data).

       on({call,From}, push, Data) ->
           %% Go to 'off' and reply that the resulting status is 'off'
       on(EventType, EventContent, Data) ->
           handle_event(EventType, EventContent, Data).

       %% Handle events common to all states
       handle_event({call,From}, get_count, Data) ->
           %% Reply with the current count
       handle_event(_, _, Data) ->
           %% Ignore all other events

       The following is a shell session when running it:

       1> pushbutton:start().
       2> pushbutton:get_count().
       3> pushbutton:push().
       4> pushbutton:get_count().
       5> pushbutton:push().
       6> pushbutton:get_count().
       7> pushbutton:stop().
       8> pushbutton:push().
       ** exception exit: {noproc,{gen_statem,call,[pushbutton_statem,push,infinity]}}
            in function  gen:do_for_proc/2 (gen.erl, line 261)
            in call from gen_statem:call/3 (gen_statem.erl, line 386)

       To   compare   styles,   here   follows   the   same   example   using    callback    mode
       handle_event_function,  or  rather  the  code  to  replace  after  function  init/1 of the
       pushbutton.erl example file above:

       callback_mode() -> handle_event_function.

       %%% state callback(s)

       handle_event({call,From}, push, off, Data) ->
           %% Go to 'on', increment count and reply
           %% that the resulting status is 'on'
       handle_event({call,From}, push, on, Data) ->
           %% Go to 'off' and reply that the resulting status is 'off'
       %% Event handling common to all states
       handle_event({call,From}, get_count, State, Data) ->
           %% Reply with the current count
       handle_event(_, _, State, Data) ->
           %% Ignore all other events


       server_name() =
           {global, GlobalName :: term()} |
           {via, RegMod :: module(), Name :: term()} |
           {local, atom()}

              Name specification to use when starting a gen_statem server. See  start_link/3  and
              server_ref() below.

       server_ref() =
           pid() |
           (LocalName :: atom()) |
           {Name :: atom(), Node :: atom()} |
           {global, GlobalName :: term()} |
           {via, RegMod :: module(), ViaName :: term()}

              Server  specification  to  use  when addressing a gen_statem server. See call/2 and
              server_name() above.

              It can be:

                pid() | LocalName:
                  The gen_statem is locally registered.

                  The gen_statem is locally registered on another node.

                  The gen_statem is globally registered in global.

                  The gen_statem is registered in an alternative process registry.  The  registry
                  callback    module    RegMod    is   to   export   functions   register_name/2,
                  unregister_name/1, whereis_name/1, and send/2, which are  to  behave  like  the
                  corresponding functions in global. Thus, {via,global,GlobalName} is the same as

       start_opt() =
           {timeout, Time :: timeout()} |
           {spawn_opt, [proc_lib:start_spawn_option()]} |

              Options that can be used when starting a gen_statem server  through,  for  example,

       start_ret() = {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, term()}

              Return   value   from   the   start()  and  start_link()  functions,  for  example,

       start_mon_ret() =
           {ok, {pid(), reference()}} | ignore | {error, term()}

              Return value from the start_monitor() functions.

       enter_loop_opt() =
           {hibernate_after, HibernateAfterTimeout :: timeout()} |
           {debug, Dbgs :: [sys:debug_option()]}

              Options that can be used when starting a gen_statem server through, enter_loop/4-6.

                  HibernateAfterTimeout specifies that the gen_statem process awaits any  message
                  for  HibernateAfterTimeout  milliseconds  and  if  no  message is received, the
                  process goes into hibernation automatically (by calling proc_lib:hibernate/3).

                  For every entry in Dbgs, the corresponding function in sys is called.

       from() = {To :: pid(), Tag :: term()}

              Destination  to  use   when   replying   through,   for   example,   the   action()
              {reply,From,Reply} to a process that has called the gen_statem server using call/2.

       state() = state_name() | term()

              If  the  callback mode is handle_event_function, the state can be any term. After a
              state change (NextState =/= State), all postponed events are retried.

       state_name() = atom()

              If the callback mode is state_functions, the state must be an atom. After  a  state
              change (NextState =/= State), all postponed events are retried. Note that the state
              terminate is not possible to use since it would collide with the optional  callback
              function Module:terminate/3.

       data() = term()

              A  term  in  which  the state machine implementation is to store any server data it
              needs. The difference between this and the state() itself is that a change in  this
              data does not cause postponed events to be retried. Hence, if a change in this data
              would change the set of events that are handled, then that data item is to be  made
              a part of the state.

       event_type() =
           external_event_type() | timeout_event_type() | internal

              There are 3 categories of events: external, timeout, and internal.

              internal  events  can  only  be  generated  by the state machine itself through the
              transition action next_event.

       external_event_type() = {call, From :: from()} | cast | info

              External events are of 3 types: {call,From}, cast, or info.  Type  call  originates
              from  the  API  functions  call/2 and send_request/2. For calls, the event contains
              whom to reply to. Type cast originates from the  API  function  cast/2.  Type  info
              originates from regular process messages sent to the gen_statem.

       timeout_event_type() =
           timeout | {timeout, Name :: term()} | state_timeout

              There are 3 types of time-out events that the state machine can generate for itself
              with the corresponding timeout_action()s.

       callback_mode_result() =
           callback_mode() | [callback_mode() | state_enter()]

              This is the return type from Module:callback_mode/0 and selects callback  mode  and
              whether to do state enter calls, or not.

       callback_mode() = state_functions | handle_event_function

              The callback mode is selected with the return value from Module:callback_mode/0:

                  The  state  must  be  of type state_name() and one callback function per state,
                  that is, Module:StateName/3, is used.

                  The state can be any term and the callback  function  Module:handle_event/4  is
                  used for all states.

              The  function  Module:callback_mode/0 is called when starting the gen_statem, after
              code change and after  changing  the  callback  module  with  any  of  the  actions
              change_callback_module,  push_callback_module or pop_callback_module. The result is
              cached for subsequent calls to state callbacks.

       state_enter() = state_enter

              Whether the state machine should use state enter calls  or  not  is  selected  when
              starting  the  gen_statem  and  after  code  change  using  the  return  value from

              If Module:callback_mode/0 returns a list  containing  state_enter,  the  gen_statem
              engine  will, at every state change, call the state callback with arguments (enter,
              OldState, Data) or (enter, OldState, State, Data), depending on the callback  mode.
              This may look like an event but is really a call performed after the previous state
              callback returned and before any event is delivered to the new state callback.  See
              Module:StateName/3  and  Module:handle_event/4.  Such  a  call  can  be repeated by
              returning a repeat_state or repeat_state_and_data tuple from the state callback.

              If Module:callback_mode/0 does not return such a list, no  state  enter  calls  are

              If  Module:code_change/4  should  transform  the  state,  it is regarded as a state
              rename and not a state change, which will not cause a state enter call.

              Note that a state enter call will be done right before entering the  initial  state
              even  though  this actually is not a state change. In this case OldState =:= State,
              which cannot happen for a subsequent state change, but will happen  when  repeating
              the state enter call.

       transition_option() =
           postpone() |
           hibernate() |
           event_timeout() |
           generic_timeout() |

              Transition options can be set by actions and modify the state transition. The state
              transition takes place when the state callback has processed an event and  returns.
              Here are the sequence of steps for a state transition:

                * All  returned  actions  are  processed in order of appearance. In this step all
                  replies  generated  by  any  reply_action()  are  sent.   Other   actions   set
                  transition_option()s that come into play in subsequent steps.

                * If state enter calls are used, and either it is the initial state or one of the
                  callback results repeat_state_and_data or  repeat_state_and_data  is  used  the
                  gen_statem  engine  calls  the  current  state  callback with arguments (enter,
                  State, Data) or (enter, State, State, Data) (depending on  callback  mode)  and
                  when it returns starts again from the top of this sequence.

                  If  state  enter  calls  are  used, and the state changes the gen_statem engine
                  calls the new state callback with arguments (enter, OldState, Data) or  (enter,
                  OldState,  State, Data) (depending on callback mode) and when it returns starts
                  again from the top of this sequence.

                * If postpone() is true, the current event is postponed.

                * If this is a state change, the queue of incoming events is reset to start  with
                  the oldest postponed.

                * All  events stored with action() next_event are inserted to be processed before
                  previously queued events.

                * Time-out timers  event_timeout(),  generic_timeout()  and  state_timeout()  are
                  handled.  Time-outs  with zero time are guaranteed to be delivered to the state
                  machine before any external not yet received event so if there is such a  time-
                  out  requested, the corresponding time-out zero event is enqueued as the newest
                  received event; that is after  already  queued  events  such  as  inserted  and
                  postponed events.

                  Any  event  cancels  an  event_timeout()  so a zero time event time-out is only
                  generated if the event queue is empty.

                  A state change cancels a state_timeout() and any new transition option of  this
                  type  belongs to the new state, that is; a state_timeout() applies to the state
                  the state machine enters.

                * If there are enqueued events the state callback for the possibly new  state  is
                  called  with the oldest enqueued event, and we start again from the top of this

                * Otherwise the gen_statem goes into receive or hibernation  (if  hibernate()  is
                  true)  to  wait  for the next message. In hibernation the next non-system event
                  awakens the gen_statem,  or  rather  the  next  incoming  message  awakens  the
                  gen_statem,  but  if  it is a system event it goes right back into hibernation.
                  When a new message arrives the state callback is called with the  corresponding
                  event, and we start again from the top of this sequence.

       postpone() = boolean()

              If true, postpones the current event and retries it after a state change (NextState
              =/= State).

       hibernate() = boolean()

              If true, hibernates the gen_statem by  calling  proc_lib:hibernate/3  before  going
              into receive to wait for a new external event.

              If  there  are  enqueued  events  to  process when hibrnation is requested, this is
              optimized by  not  hibernating  but  instead  calling  erlang:garbage_collect/0  to
              simulate that the gen_statem entered hibernation and immediately got awakened by an
              enqueued event.

       event_timeout() = timeout() | integer()

              Starts a timer set by enter_action() timeout. When the timer expires  an  event  of
              event_type()  timeout  will be generated. See erlang:start_timer/4 for how Time and
              Options are interpreted. Future erlang:start_timer/4 Options will  not  necessarily
              be supported.

              Any event that arrives cancels this time-out. Note that a retried or inserted event
              counts as arrived. So does a state time-out zero event, if it was generated  before
              this time-out is requested.

              If Time is infinity, no timer is started, as it never would expire anyway.

              If  Time  is  relative and 0 no timer is actually started, instead the the time-out
              event is enqueued to ensure that it gets processed  before  any  not  yet  received
              external event, but after already queued events.

              Note that it is not possible nor needed to cancel this time-out, as it is cancelled
              automatically by any other event.

       generic_timeout() = timeout() | integer()

              Starts a timer set by enter_action() {timeout,Name}.  When  the  timer  expires  an
              event  of  event_type()  {timeout,Name} will be generated. See erlang:start_timer/4
              for how Time and Options are interpreted. Future erlang:start_timer/4 Options  will
              not necessarily be supported.

              If Time is infinity, no timer is started, as it never would expire anyway.

              If  Time  is  relative and 0 no timer is actually started, instead the the time-out
              event is enqueued to ensure that it gets processed  before  any  not  yet  received
              external event.

              Setting a timer with the same Name while it is running will restart it with the new
              time-out value. Therefore it is possible to cancel a specific time-out  by  setting
              it to infinity.

       state_timeout() = timeout() | integer()

              Starts a timer set by enter_action() state_timeout. When the timer expires an event
              of event_type() state_timeout will be generated. See erlang:start_timer/4  for  how
              Time  and  Options  are  interpreted.  Future erlang:start_timer/4 Options will not
              necessarily be supported.

              If Time is infinity, no timer is started, as it never would expire anyway.

              If Time is relative and 0 no timer is actually started, instead  the  the  time-out
              event  is  enqueued  to  ensure  that it gets processed before any not yet received
              external event.

              Setting this timer while it is running will restart it with the new time-out value.
              Therefore it is possible to cancel this time-out by setting it to infinity.

       timeout_option() = {abs, Abs :: boolean()}

              If  Abs  is true an absolute timer is started, and if it is false a relative, which
              is the default. See erlang:start_timer/4 for details.

       action() =
           postpone |
           {postpone, Postpone :: postpone()} |
            EventType :: event_type(),
            EventContent :: term()} |
           {change_callback_module, NewModule :: module()} |
           {push_callback_module, NewModule :: module()} |
           pop_callback_module |

              These transition actions can be invoked by returning them from the  state  callback
              when  it  is  called  with  an  event,  from  Module:init/1  or  by  giving them to

              Actions are executed in the containing list order.

              Actions that set  transition options  override any previous of the  same  type,  so
              the  last  in  the containing list wins. For example, the last postpone() overrides
              any previous postpone() in the list.

                  Sets the transition_option() postpone() for this state transition. This  action
                  is  ignored  when  returned  from  Module:init/1 or given to enter_loop/5,6, as
                  there is no event to postpone in those cases.

                  This action does  not  set  any  transition_option()  but  instead  stores  the
                  specified  EventType and EventContent for insertion after all actions have been

                  The stored events are inserted in the queue as the next to process  before  any
                  already  queued  events.  The order of these stored events is preserved, so the
                  first next_event in the containing list becomes the first to process.

                  An event of type internal is to be used when you want to  reliably  distinguish
                  an event inserted this way from any external event.

                  Changes  the  callback  module to NewModule which will be used when calling all
                  subsequent state callbacks.

                  The gen_statem engine will find out the callback mode of NewModule  by  calling
                  NewModule:callback_mode/0 before the next state callback.

                  Changing  the  callback module does not affect the state transition in any way,
                  it only changes which module  that  handles  the  events.  Be  aware  that  all
                  relevant   callback   functions  in  NewModule  such  as  the  state  callback,
                  NewModule:code_change/4,  NewModule:format_status/2  and  NewModule:terminate/3
                  must be able to handle the state and data from the old module.

                  Pushes  the current callback module to the top of an internal stack of callback
                  modules  and  changes  the  callback  module  to  NewModule.   Otherwise   like
                  {change_callback_module, NewModule} above.

                   Pops  the  top  module from the internal stack of callback modules and changes
                  the callback module to be the popped module. If the stack is empty  the  server
                  fails. Otherwise like {change_callback_module, NewModule} above.

       enter_action() =
           hibernate |
           {hibernate, Hibernate :: hibernate()} |
           timeout_action() |

              These  transition actions can be invoked by returning them from the state callback,
              from Module:init/1 or by giving them to enter_loop/5,6.

              Actions are executed in the containing list order.

              Actions that set transition options override any previous of the same type, so  the
              last  in  the containing list wins. For example, the last event_timeout() overrides
              any previous event_timeout() in the list.

                  Sets the transition_option() hibernate() for this state transition.

       timeout_action() =
           (Time :: event_timeout()) |
           {timeout, Time :: event_timeout(), EventContent :: term()} |
            Time :: event_timeout(),
            EventContent :: term(),
            Options :: timeout_option() | [timeout_option()]} |
           {{timeout, Name :: term()},
            Time :: generic_timeout(),
            EventContent :: term()} |
           {{timeout, Name :: term()},
            Time :: generic_timeout(),
            EventContent :: term(),
            Options :: timeout_option() | [timeout_option()]} |
            Time :: state_timeout(),
            EventContent :: term()} |
            Time :: state_timeout(),
            EventContent :: term(),
            Options :: timeout_option() | [timeout_option()]} |
           timeout_cancel_action() |

              These transition actions can be invoked by returning them from the state  callback,
              from Module:init/1 or by giving them to enter_loop/5,6.

              These time-out actions sets time-out transition options.

                  Short  for  {timeout,Time,Time},  that is, the time-out message is the time-out
                  time.  This  form  exists   to   make   the   state   callback   return   value
                  {next_state,NextState,NewData,Time} allowed like for gen_fsm.

                  Sets  the  transition_option()  event_timeout()  to  Time with EventContent and
                  time-out options Options.

                  Sets  the  transition_option()  generic_timeout()  to  Time   for   Name   with
                  EventContent and time-out options Options.

                  Sets  the  transition_option()  state_timeout()  to  Time with EventContent and
                  time-out options Options.

       timeout_cancel_action() =
           {timeout, cancel} |
           {{timeout, Name :: term()}, cancel} |
           {state_timeout, cancel}

              This is a shorter and clearer form of  timeout_action()  with Time = infinity which
              cancels a time-out.

       timeout_update_action() =
           {timeout, update, EventContent :: term()} |
           {{timeout, Name :: term()}, update, EventContent :: term()} |
           {state_timeout, update, EventContent :: term()}

              Updates a time-out with a new EventContent. See  timeout_action()  for how to start
              a time-out.

              If no time-out of the same type is active instead insert the  time-out  event  just
              like when starting a time-out with relative Time = 0.

       reply_action() = {reply, From :: from(), Reply :: term()}

              This transition action can be invoked by returning it from the state callback, from
              Module:init/1 or by giving it to enter_loop/5,6.

              It does not set any transition_option() but instead replies to a caller waiting for
              a  reply  in call/2. From must be the term from argument {call,From} in a call to a
              state callback.

              Note that using this action from Module:init/1 or enter_loop/5,6 would be weird  on
              the  border  of witchcraft since there has been no earlier call to a state callback
              in this server.

       init_result(StateType) = init_result(StateType, term())

       init_result(StateType, DataType) =
           {ok, State :: StateType, Data :: DataType} |
            State :: StateType,
            Data :: DataType,
            Actions :: [action()] | action()} |
           ignore |
           {stop, Reason :: term()}

              For a succesful initialization, State is the initial state() and Data  the  initial
              server data() of the gen_statem.

              The  Actions  are  executed  when  entering  the  first  state  just as for a state
              callback, except that the action postpone is forced to  false  since  there  is  no
              event to postpone.

              For  an  unsuccesful  initialization,  {stop,Reason}  or ignore should be used; see

       state_enter_result(State) = state_enter_result(State, term())

       state_enter_result(State, DataType) =
           {next_state, State, NewData :: DataType} |
           {next_state, State,
            NewData :: DataType,
            Actions :: [enter_action()] | enter_action()} |

              State is the current state and it cannot be changed since the  state  callback  was
              called with a state enter call.

                  The  gen_statem  does  a state transition to State, which has to be the current
                  state, sets NewData, and executes all Actions.

       event_handler_result(StateType) =
           event_handler_result(StateType, term())

       event_handler_result(StateType, DataType) =
           {next_state, NextState :: StateType, NewData :: DataType} |
            NextState :: StateType,
            NewData :: DataType,
            Actions :: [action()] | action()} |

              StateType is state_name() if  callback  mode  is  state_functions,  or  state()  if
              callback mode is handle_event_function.

                  The  gen_statem  does a state transition to NextState (which can be the same as
                  the current state), sets NewData, and executes all Actions.  If  NextState  =/=
                  CurrentState the state transition is a state change.

       state_callback_result(ActionType) =
           state_callback_result(ActionType, term())

       state_callback_result(ActionType, DataType) =
           {keep_state, NewData :: DataType} |
            NewData :: DataType,
            Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} |
           keep_state_and_data |
           {keep_state_and_data, Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} |
           {repeat_state, NewData :: DataType} |
            NewData :: DataType,
            Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} |
           repeat_state_and_data |
           {repeat_state_and_data, Actions :: [ActionType] | ActionType} |
           stop |
           {stop, Reason :: term()} |
           {stop, Reason :: term(), NewData :: DataType} |
            Reason :: term(),
            Replies :: [reply_action()] | reply_action()} |
            Reason :: term(),
            Replies :: [reply_action()] | reply_action(),
            NewData :: DataType}

              ActionType  is  enter_action()  if the state callback was called with a state enter
              call and action() if the state callback was called with an event.

                  The same as {next_state,CurrentState,NewData,Actions}.

                  The same as {keep_state,CurrentData,Actions}.

                  If the gen_statem runs  with  state  enter  calls,  the  state  enter  call  is
                  repeated,  see  type  transition_option(),  other than that repeat_state is the
                  same as keep_state.

                  The same as {repeat_state,CurrentData,Actions}.

                  Terminates  the  gen_statem  by  calling  Module:terminate/3  with  Reason  and
                  NewData,  if  specified.  An  exit  signal  with  this reason is sent to linked
                  processes and ports. The default Reason is normal.

                  Sends all Replies, then terminates the gen_statem by calling Module:terminate/3
                  with  Reason and NewData, if specified. An exit signal with this reason is sent
                  to linked processes and ports.

              All these terms are tuples or atoms and this  property  will  hold  in  any  future
              version of gen_statem.

       request_id() = term()

              A request handle, see send_request/2 for details.


       call(ServerRef :: server_ref(), Request :: term()) ->
               Reply :: term()

       call(ServerRef :: server_ref(),
            Request :: term(),
            Timeout ::
                timeout() |
                {clean_timeout, T :: timeout()} |
                {dirty_timeout, T :: timeout()}) ->
               Reply :: term()

              Makes  a  synchronous  call  to  the  gen_statem ServerRef by sending a request and
              waiting until its reply arrives. The  gen_statem  calls  the  state  callback  with
              event_type() {call,From} and event content Request.

              A  Reply  is generated when a state callback returns with {reply,From,Reply} as one
              action(), and that Reply becomes the return value of this function.

              Timeout is an integer > 0, which specifies how many  milliseconds  to  wait  for  a
              reply, or the atom infinity to wait indefinitely, which is the default. If no reply
              is received within the specified time, the function call fails.

              For Timeout < infinity, to avoid getting a late reply in the caller's inbox if  the
              caller  should catch exceptions, this function spawns a proxy process that does the
              call. A late reply gets delivered to the dead proxy process, hence gets  discarded.
              This is less efficient than using Timeout == infinity.

              Timeout  can also be a tuple {clean_timeout,T} or {dirty_timeout,T}, where T is the
              time-out time. {clean_timeout,T} works like just T described in the note above  and
              uses  a  proxy  process while {dirty_timeout,T} bypasses the proxy process which is
              more lightweight.

              If you combine catching exceptions from this  function  with  {dirty_timeout,T}  to
              avoid  that  the  calling process dies when the call times out, you will have to be
              prepared to handle a late reply. Note that there is an odd chance  to  get  a  late
              reply  even  with  {dirty_timeout,infinity} or infinity for example in the event of
              network problems. So why not just let the calling process die by not  catching  the

              The  call  can also fail, for example, if the gen_statem dies before or during this
              function call.

       cast(ServerRef :: server_ref(), Msg :: term()) -> ok

              Sends an asynchronous event to the gen_statem ServerRef and returns ok immediately,
              ignoring if the destination node or gen_statem does not exist. The gen_statem calls
              the state callback with event_type() cast and event content Msg.

       check_response(Msg :: term(), RequestId :: request_id()) ->
                         {reply, Reply :: term()} |
                         no_reply |
                         {error, {term(), server_ref()}}

              This function is used to check if a previously received  message,  for  example  by
              receive or handle_info/2, is a result of a request made with send_request/2. If Msg
              is a reply to the handle RequestId the result of the request is returned in  Reply.
              Otherwise  returns  no_reply and no cleanup is done, and thus the function shall be
              invoked repeatedly until a reply is returned.

              The  return  value  Reply  is  generated  when  a  state  callback   returns   with
              {reply,From,Reply} as one action(), and that Reply becomes the return value of this

              The function returns an error if the gen_statem dies before or during this request.

       enter_loop(Module :: module(),
                  Opts :: [enter_loop_opt()],
                  State :: state(),
                  Data :: data()) ->

              The same as enter_loop/6 with Actions = [] except that no server_name()  must  have
              been registered. This creates an anonymous server.

       enter_loop(Module :: module(),
                  Opts :: [enter_loop_opt()],
                  State :: state(),
                  Data :: data(),
                  Server_or_Actions :: server_name() | pid() | [action()]) ->

              If  Server_or_Actions  is  a  list(),  the  same  as  enter_loop/6  except  that no
              server_name() must have been  registered  and  Actions  =  Server_or_Actions.  This
              creates an anonymous server.

              Otherwise  the  same  as enter_loop/6 with Server = Server_or_Actions and Actions =

       enter_loop(Module :: module(),
                  Opts :: [enter_loop_opt()],
                  State :: state(),
                  Data :: data(),
                  Server :: server_name() | pid(),
                  Actions :: [action()] | action()) ->

              Makes the calling process become a gen_statem. Does not return, instead the calling
              process  enters  the  gen_statem  receive loop and becomes a gen_statem server. The
              process must have been started using one of the start functions  in  proc_lib.  The
              user  is responsible for any initialization of the process, including registering a
              name for it.

              This function is useful when a more complex initialization procedure is needed than
              the gen_statem behavior provides.

              Module, Opts have the same meaning as when calling start[_link|_monitor]/3,4.

              If   Server   is  self()  an  anonymous  server  is  created  just  as  when  using
              start[_link|_monitor]/3. If Server is a server_name() a  named  server  is  created
              just  as  when  using start[_link|_monitor]/4. However, the server_name() name must
              have been registered accordingly before this function is called.

              State, Data, and Actions  have  the  same  meanings  as  in  the  return  value  of
              Module:init/1.  Also,  the  callback module does not need to export a Module:init/1

              The function fails if the calling process was  not  started  by  a  proc_lib  start
              function, or if it is not registered according to server_name().

       receive_response(RequestId :: request_id()) ->
                           {reply, Reply :: term()} |
                           {error, {term(), server_ref()}}

       receive_response(RequestId :: request_id(), Timeout :: timeout()) ->
                           {reply, Reply :: term()} |
                           timeout |
                           {error, {term(), server_ref()}}

              This  function is used to receive for a reply of a request made with send_request/2
              to the gen_statem process. This function must be called from the same process  from
              which send_request/2 was made.

              Timeout  is  an  integer  greater  then  or  equal  to zero that specifies how many
              milliseconds to wait for an reply, or  the  atom  infinity  to  wait  indefinitely.
              Defaults  to  infinity.  If  no  reply  is  received within the specified time, the
              function returns timeout. Assuming that the server executes on  a  node  supporting
              aliases  (introduced  in  OTP  24)  no  response  will be received after a timeout.
              Otherwise, a garbage response might be received at a later time.

              The  return  value  Reply  is  generated  when  a  state  callback   returns   with
              {reply,From,Reply} as one action(), and that Reply becomes the return value of this

              The function returns an error if the gen_statem dies before or during this function

              The   difference   between   wait_response()   and   receive_response()   is   that
              receive_response() abandons the request at  timeout  so  that  a  potential  future
              response is ignored, while wait_response() does not.

       reply(Replies :: [reply_action()] | reply_action()) -> ok

       reply(From :: from(), Reply :: term()) -> ok

              This  function  can be used by a gen_statem to explicitly send a reply to a process
              that waits in call/2 when the reply cannot be defined in  the  return  value  of  a
              state callback.

              From  must  be the term from argument {call,From} to the state callback. A reply or
              multiple replies canalso be sent using one or several reply_action()s from a  state

              A reply sent with this function is not visible in sys debug output.

       send_request(ServerRef :: server_ref(), Request :: term()) ->
                       RequestId :: request_id()

              Sends a request to the gen_statem ServerRef and returns a handle RequestId.

              The   return  value  RequestId  shall  later  be  used  with  receive_response/1,2,
              wait_response/1,2, or check_response/2 to fetch the actual result of the request.

              The    call    gen_statem:wait_response(gen_statem:send_request(ServerRef,Request),
              Timeout)  can  be  seen  as  equivalent to gen_statem:call(Server,Request,Timeout),
              ignoring the error handling.

              The gen_statem calls the state callback with  event_type()  {call,From}  and  event
              content Request.

              A  Reply  is generated when a state callback returns with {reply,From,Reply} as one
              action(),  and  that  Reply  becomes  the  return  value  of  receive_response/1,2,
              wait_response/1,2, or check_response/2 function.

       start(Module :: module(), Args :: term(), Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

       start(ServerName :: server_name(),
             Module :: module(),
             Args :: term(),
             Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

              Creates  a  standalone gen_statem process according to OTP design principles (using
              proc_lib primitives). As it does not get linked to the calling process, this  start
              function cannot be used by a supervisor to start a child.

              For a description of arguments and return values, see start_link/3,4.

       start_link(Module :: module(),
                  Args :: term(),
                  Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

       start_link(ServerName :: server_name(),
                  Module :: module(),
                  Args :: term(),
                  Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

              Creates  a  gen_statem  process  according to OTP design principles (using proc_lib
              primitives) that is linked to the calling  process.  This  is  essential  when  the
              gen_statem must be part of a supervision tree so it gets linked to its supervisor.

              The  gen_statem  process  calls Module:init/1 to initialize the server. To ensure a
              synchronized startup procedure, start_link/3,4 does not return until  Module:init/1
              has returned.

              ServerName  specifies  the  server_name()  to  register  for the gen_statem. If the
              gen_statem is  started  with  start_link/3,  no  ServerName  is  provided  and  the
              gen_statem is not registered.

              Module is the name of the callback module.

              Args is an arbitrary term that is passed as the argument to Module:init/1.

                * If option {timeout,Time} is present in Opts, the gen_statem is allowed to spend
                  Time milliseconds initializing or it terminates and the start function  returns

                * If  option  {hibernate_after,HibernateAfterTimeout}  is present, the gen_statem
                  process awaits any message for HibernateAfterTimeout  milliseconds  and  if  no
                  message  is  received,  the  process  goes  into  hibernation automatically (by
                  calling proc_lib:hibernate/3).

                * If option {debug,Dbgs} is present in Opts, debugging through sys is activated.

                * If option {spawn_opt,SpawnOpts} is present in  Opts,  SpawnOpts  is  passed  as
                  option  list  to  erlang:spawn_opt/2,  which  is  used  to spawn the gen_statem

              Using spawn option monitor is not allowed, it causes this  function  to  fail  with
              reason badarg.

              If  the  gen_statem  is successfully created and initialized, this function returns
              {ok,Pid}, where Pid is the pid() of the gen_statem. If a process with the specified
              ServerName  exists  already,  this  function returns {error,{already_started,Pid}},
              where Pid is the pid() of that process.

              If Module:init/1 fails  with  Reason,  this  function  returns  {error,Reason}.  If
              Module:init/1  returns  {stop,Reason} or ignore, the process is terminated and this
              function returns {error,Reason} or ignore, respectively. An exit  signal  with  the
              same  Reason (or normal if Module:init/1 returns ignore) is set to linked processes
              and ports, including the process calling start_link/3,4.

       start_monitor(Module :: module(),
                     Args :: term(),
                     Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

       start_monitor(ServerName :: server_name(),
                     Module :: module(),
                     Args :: term(),
                     Opts :: [start_opt()]) ->

              Creates a standalone gen_statem process according to OTP design  principles  (using
              proc_lib primitives) and atomically sets up a monitor to the newly created process.
              As it does not get linked to the calling process, this  start  function  cannot  be
              used by a supervisor to start a child.

              For a description of arguments and return values, see start_link/3,4. Note that the
              return value on successful start  differs  from  start_link/3,4.  start_monitor/3,4
              will  return {ok,{Pid,Mon}} where Pid is the process identifier of the process, and
              Mon is a reference to the monitor set up to monitor the process. If  the  start  is
              not successful, the caller will be blocked until the DOWN message has been received
              and removed from the message queue.

       stop(ServerRef :: server_ref()) -> ok

              The same as stop(ServerRef, normal, infinity).

       stop(ServerRef :: server_ref(),
            Reason :: term(),
            Timeout :: timeout()) ->

              Orders the gen_statem ServerRef to exit with the specified Reason and waits for  it
              to terminate. The gen_statem calls Module:terminate/3 before exiting.

              This  function  returns  ok  if the server terminates with the expected reason. Any
              other reason than normal, shutdown, or {shutdown,Term} causes an error report to be
              issued  through logger(3erl). An exit signal with the same reason is sent to linked
              processes and ports. The default Reason is normal.

              Timeout is an integer > 0, which specifies how many milliseconds to  wait  for  the
              server  to  terminate,  or  the  atom  infinity  to  wait indefinitely. Defaults to
              infinity. If the server does not terminate within the  specified  time,  a  timeout
              exception is raised.

              If the process does not exist, a noproc exception is raised.

       wait_response(RequestId :: request_id()) ->
                        {reply, Reply :: term()} |
                        {error, {term(), server_ref()}}

       wait_response(RequestId :: request_id(), Timeout :: timeout()) ->
                        {reply, Reply :: term()} |
                        timeout |
                        {error, {term(), server_ref()}}

              This  function is used to wait for a reply of a request made with send_request/2 to
              the gen_statem process. This function must be called from  the  same  process  from
              which send_request/2 was made.

              Timeout  is  an  integer  greater  then  or  equal  to zero that specifies how many
              milliseconds to wait for an reply, or  the  atom  infinity  to  wait  indefinitely.
              Defaults  to  infinity.  If  no  reply  is  received within the specified time, the
              function returns timeout and no cleanup is done,  and  thus  the  function  can  be
              invoked repeatedly until a reply is returned.

              The   return   value  Reply  is  generated  when  a  state  callback  returns  with
              {reply,From,Reply} as one action(), and that Reply becomes the return value of this

              The function returns an error if the gen_statem dies before or during this function

              The   difference   between   receive_response()   and   wait_response()   is   that
              receive_response()  abandons  the  request  at  timeout  so that a potential future
              response is ignored, while wait_response() does not.


       The following functions are to be exported from a gen_statem callback module.


       Module:callback_mode() -> CallbackMode


                  CallbackMode = callback_mode() | [ callback_mode() | state_enter() ]

              This function is called by a gen_statem when it needs to find out the callback mode
              of  the  callback module. The value is cached by gen_statem for efficiency reasons,
              so this function is only called once after server start,  after  code  change,  and
              after  changing  the  callback  module,  but before the first state callback in the
              current callback module's code version is called. More occasions may  be  added  in
              future versions of gen_statem.

              Server  start  happens  either when Module:init/1 returns or when enter_loop/4-6 is
              called. Code change happens when Module:code_change/4  returns.  A  change  of  the
              callback  module  happens  when  a  state  callback  returns  any  of  the  actions
              change_callback_module, push_callback_module or pop_callback_module.

              The  CallbackMode  is  either   just   callback_mode()   or   a   list   containing
              callback_mode() and possibly the atom state_enter.

              If  this  function's  body  does  not  return an inline constant value the callback
              module is doing something strange.

       Module:code_change(OldVsn, OldState, OldData, Extra) -> Result


                 OldVsn = Vsn | {down,Vsn}
                  Vsn = term()
                 OldState = NewState = term()
                 Extra = term()
                 Result = {ok,NewState,NewData} | Reason
                  OldState = NewState = state()
                  OldData = NewData = data()
                 Reason = term()

              This callback is optional, so callback modules need not export  it.  If  a  release
              upgrade/downgrade  with  Change  = {advanced,Extra} specified in the .appup file is
              made when code_change/4 is not implemented the process will crash with exit  reason

              This  function  is  called  by a gen_statem when it is to update its internal state
              during   a   release   upgrade/downgrade,   that   is,   when    the    instruction
              {update,Module,Change,...},  where  Change  = {advanced,Extra}, is specified in the
              appup file. For more information, see OTP Design Principles.

              For an upgrade, OldVsn is Vsn, and for a downgrade, OldVsn is  {down,Vsn}.  Vsn  is
              defined  by  the vsn attribute(s) of the old version of the callback module Module.
              If no such attribute is defined, the version is the checksum of the Beam file.

              OldState and OldData is the internal state of the gen_statem.

              Extra is passed "as is" from the {advanced,Extra} part of the update instruction.

              If  successful,  the  function  must  return  the  updated  internal  state  in  an
              {ok,NewState,NewData} tuple.

              If  the function returns a failure Reason, the ongoing upgrade fails and rolls back
              to the old release. Note that Reason cannot be an {ok,_,_} tuple since that will be
              regarded  as  a {ok,NewState,NewData} tuple, and that a tuple matching {ok,_} is an
              also invalid failure Reason. It is recommended to use an atom as  Reason  since  it
              will be wrapped in an {error,Reason} tuple.

              Also  note  when  upgrading  a  gen_statem,  this  function  and hence the Change =
              {advanced,Extra} parameter in the appup file is  not  only  needed  to  update  the
              internal  state or to act on the Extra argument. It is also needed if an upgrade or
              downgrade should change callback mode, or else the callback  mode  after  the  code
              change will not be honoured, most probably causing a server crash.

              If    the   server   changes   callback   module   using   any   of   the   actions
              change_callback_module, push_callback_module or pop_callback_module, be aware  that
              it is always the current callback module that will get this callback call. That the
              current callback module handles the current state and  data  update  should  be  no
              surprise, but it must be able to handle even parts of the state and data that it is
              not familiar with, somehow.

              In the supervisor  child  specification  there  is  a  list  of  modules  which  is
              recommended  to  contain  only  the callback module. For a gen_statem with multiple
              callback modules there is no real need to list all of them,  it  may  not  even  be
              possible since the list could change after code upgrade. If this list would contain
              only the start callback module, as recommended, what is  important  is  to  upgrade
              that  module  whenever  a  synchronized  code replacement is done. Then the release
              handler concludes that an upgrade that upgrades that module needs to suspend,  code
              change,  and  resume any server whose child specification declares that it is using
              that  module.   And   again;   the   current   callback   module   will   get   the
              Module:code_change/4 call.

       Module:init(Args) -> Result(StateType)


                 Args = term()
                  Result(StateType) = init_result(StateType)

              Whenever  a  gen_statem  is  started  using  start_link/3,4,  start_monitor/3,4, or
              start/3,4,  this  function  is  called  by  the  new  process  to  initialize   the
              implementation state and server data.

              Args is the Args argument provided to that start function.

              Note  that  if  the gen_statem is started through proc_lib and enter_loop/4-6, this
              callback will never be called. Since this callback is not optional it can  in  that
              case be implemented as:

              -spec init(_) -> no_return().
              init(Args) -> erlang:error(not_implemented, [Args]).

       Module:format_status(Opt, [PDict,State,Data]) -> Status


                 Opt = normal | terminate
                 PDict = [{Key, Value}]
                  State = state()
                  Data = data()
                 Key = term()
                 Value = term()
                 Status = term()

              This  callback  is  optional,  so a callback module does not need to export it. The
              gen_statem module provides a default implementation of this function  that  returns

              If  this  callback  is  exported  but  fails,  to hide possibly sensitive data, the
              default function will instead return {State,Info}, where Info says nothing but  the
              fact that format_status/2 has crashed.

              This function is called by a gen_statem process when any of the following apply:

                   One  of sys:get_status/1,2 is invoked to get the gen_statem status. Opt is set
                  to the atom normal for this case.

                   The gen_statem terminates abnormally and logs an error. Opt is set to the atom
                  terminate for this case.

              This  function  is  useful  for  changing the form and appearance of the gen_statem
              status for these cases. A callback module wishing to change the  sys:get_status/1,2
              return  value  and  how  its  status  appears  in termination error logs exports an
              instance of format_status/2, which returns a term describing the current status  of
              the gen_statem.

              PDict is the current value of the process dictionary of the gen_statem.

              State is the internal state of the gen_statem.

              Data is the internal server data of the gen_statem.

              The  function  is to return Status, a term that contains the appropriate details of
              the current state and status of the gen_statem. There are no  restrictions  on  the
              form Status can take, but for the sys:get_status/1,2 case (when Opt is normal), the
              recommended form for the Status value is [{data, [{"State",  Term}]}],  where  Term
              provides relevant details of the gen_statem state. Following this recommendation is
              not required, but it makes the callback module status consistent with the  rest  of
              the sys:get_status/1,2 return value.

              One use for this function is to return compact alternative state representations to
              avoid having large state terms printed  in  log  files.  Another  use  is  to  hide
              sensitive data from being written to the error log.

       Module:StateName(enter, OldState, Data) -> StateEnterResult(StateName)
       Module:StateName(EventType, EventContent, Data) -> StateFunctionResult
       Module:handle_event(enter, OldState, State, Data) -> StateEnterResult(State)
       Module:handle_event(EventType, EventContent, State, Data) -> HandleEventResult


                  EventType = event_type()
                 EventContent = term()
                  State = state()
                  Data = NewData = data()
                  StateEnterResult(StateName) = state_enter_result(StateName)
                  StateFunctionResult = event_handler_result(state_name())
                  StateEnterResult(State) = state_enter_result(State)
                  HandleEventResult = event_handler_result(state())

              Whenever a gen_statem receives an event from call/2, cast/2, or as a normal process
              message, one of these functions is called. If  callback  mode  is  state_functions,
              Module:StateName/3    is    called,    and    if   it   is   handle_event_function,
              Module:handle_event/4 is called.

              If EventType is {call,From}, the caller waits for a reply. The reply  can  be  sent
              from  this or from any other state callback by returning with {reply,From,Reply} in
              Actions, in Replies, or by calling reply(From, Reply).

              If this function returns with a next state that does not match equal (=/=)  to  the
              current state, all postponed events are retried in the next state.

              The  only  difference between StateFunctionResult and HandleEventResult is that for
              StateFunctionResult the next state must be an atom, but for HandleEventResult there
              is no restriction on the next state.

              For  options  that  can  be  set  and  actions that can be done by gen_statem after
              returning from this function, see action().

              When the gen_statem runs with state enter calls, these functions  are  also  called
              with arguments (enter, OldState, ...) during every state change. In this case there
              are some restrictions on the actions  that  may  be  returned:  postpone()  is  not
              allowed  since a state enter call is not an event so there is no event to postpone,
              and {next_event,_,_} is not allowed since using state enter calls should not affect
              how  events  are  consumed  and  produced. You may also not change states from this
              call. Should you return {next_state,NextState, ...} with NextState  =/=  State  the
              gen_statem crashes. Note that it is actually allowed to use {repeat_state, NewData,
              ...} although it makes little sense since you immediately will be called again with
              a  new  state  enter  call  making  this just a weird way of looping, and there are
              better ways to loop in Erlang. If you do not update  NewData  and  have  some  loop
              termination    condition,   or   if   you   use   {repeat_state_and_data,   _}   or
              repeat_state_and_data  you  have  an  infinite  loop!  You  are  advised   to   use
              {keep_state,...},  {keep_state_and_data,_}  or  keep_state_and_data  since changing
              states from a state enter call is not possible anyway.

              Note the fact that you can use throw to return the result, which can be useful. For
              example  to  bail out with throw(keep_state_and_data) from deep within complex code
              that cannot return {next_state,State,Data} because State or Data is  no  longer  in

       Module:terminate(Reason, State, Data) -> Ignored


                 Reason = normal | shutdown | {shutdown,term()} | term()
                 State = state()
                 Data = data()
                 Ignored = term()

              This  callback  is optional, so callback modules need not export it. The gen_statem
              module provides a default implementation without cleanup.

              This function is called by a gen_statem when it is about to terminate. It is to  be
              the  opposite  of  Module:init/1 and do any necessary cleaning up. When it returns,
              the gen_statem terminates with Reason. The return value is ignored.

              Reason is a term denoting the stop reason and State is the internal  state  of  the

              Reason  depends  on  why  the  gen_statem  is terminating. If it is because another
              callback function has returned, a stop tuple {stop,Reason} in Actions,  Reason  has
              the  value  specified  in  that tuple. If it is because of a failure, Reason is the
              error reason.

              If the gen_statem is part of a supervision tree and is ordered by its supervisor to
              terminate,  this  function  is  called with Reason = shutdown if both the following
              conditions apply:

                * The gen_statem has been set to trap exit signals.

                * The shutdown strategy as defined in the supervisor's child specification is  an
                  integer time-out value, not brutal_kill.

              Even  if  the gen_statem is not part of a supervision tree, this function is called
              if it receives an 'EXIT' message from its parent. Reason is  the  same  as  in  the
              'EXIT' message.

              Otherwise, the gen_statem is immediately terminated.

              Notice  that  for  any  other reason than normal, shutdown, or {shutdown,Term}, the
              gen_statem is assumed to terminate because of an  error  and  an  error  report  is
              issued using logger(3erl).

              When  the  gen_statem process exits, an exit signal with the same reason is sent to
              linked processes and ports.


       gen_event(3erl),  gen_fsm(3erl),   gen_server(3erl),   proc_lib(3erl),   supervisor(3erl),