Provided by: libpappl-dev_1.2.1-1_amd64 bug


       pappl-client - pappl client functions


       Printer Application Framework (libpappl, "pkg-config --cflags --libs pappl")


       #include <pappl/pappl.h>

       typedef struct _pappl_client_s pappl_client_t;

       char *
       papplClientGetCSRFToken(pappl_client_t *client, char *buffer, size_t bufsize);

       char *
       papplClientGetCookie(pappl_client_t  *client,  const  char  *name,  char  *buffer,  size_t

       papplClientGetForm(pappl_client_t *client, cups_option_t **form);

       const char *
       papplClientGetHostName(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientGetHostPort(pappl_client_t *client);

       http_t *
       papplClientGetHTTP(pappl_client_t *client);

       pappl_job_t *
       papplClientGetJob(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientGetMethod(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientGetOperation(pappl_client_t *client);

       const char *
       papplClientGetOptions(pappl_client_t *client);

       pappl_printer_t *
       papplClientGetPrinter(pappl_client_t *client);

       ipp_t *
       papplClientGetRequest(pappl_client_t *client);

       ipp_t *
       papplClientGetResponse(pappl_client_t *client);

       pappl_system_t *
       papplClientGetSystem(pappl_client_t *client);

       const char *
       papplClientGetURI(pappl_client_t *client);

       const char *
       papplClientGetUsername(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientHTMLAuthorize(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientHTMLEscape(pappl_client_t *client, const char *s, size_t slen);

       papplClientHTMLFooter(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientHTMLHeader(pappl_client_t *client, const char *title, int refresh);

       papplClientHTMLPrintf(pappl_client_t *client, const char *format, ...);

       papplClientHTMLPuts(pappl_client_t *client, const char *s);

       papplClientHTMLStartForm(pappl_client_t *client, const char *action, bool multipart);

       papplClientIsAuthorized(pappl_client_t *client);

       papplClientRespond(pappl_client_t *client, http_status_t code, const char *content_coding,
       const char *type, time_t last_modified, size_t length);

       ipp_t *
       papplClientRespondIPP(pappl_client_t  *client,  ipp_status_t  status, const char *message,

       papplClientRespondRedirect(pappl_client_t *client, http_status_t code, const char *path);

       papplClientSetCookie(pappl_client_t *client, const char * name,  const  char  *value,  int

       papplClientValidateForm(pappl_client_t *client, int num_form, cups_option_t *form);


       The  PAPPL  client functions provide access to client connections.  Client connections and
       the life cycle of the pappl_client_t objects  are  managed  automatically  by  the  system
       object for the printer application.

       The  papplClientGet  functions  get the current values for various client-supplied request


       The papplClientRespond  function  starts  a  HTTP  response  to  a  client  request.   The
       papplClientHTMLHeader  and  papplClientHTMLFooter functions send standard HTML headers and
       footers   for   the   printer   application's   configured   web   interface   while   the
       papplClientHTMLEscape,        papplClientHTMLPrintf,        papplClientHTMLPuts,       and
       papplClientHTMLStartForm   functions   send   HTML   messages   or   strings.    Use   the
       papplClientGetHTTP  and  (CUPS)  httpWrite2  functions  to send arbitrary data in a client
       response.  Cookies can be included in web browser requests using the  papplClientSetCookie

       The  papplClientRespondIPP  function  starts an IPP response.  Use the various CUPS ippAdd
       functions to add attributes to the response message.

       The papplClientRespondRedirect function sends a redirection response to the client.


       PAPPL provides the papplClientGetCSRFToken,  papplClientGetForm,  papplClientHTMLStartForm
       and papplClientValidateForm functions to securely manage HTML forms.

       The  papplClientHTMLStartForm  function  starts  a HTML form and inserts a hidden variable
       containing a CSRF token that was generated by PAPPL from a  secure  session  key  that  is
       periodically   updated.   Upon  receipt  of  a  follow-up  form  submission  request,  the
       papplClientGetForm and papplClientValidateForm functions can be used to securely read  the
       form data (including any file attachments) and validate the hidden CSRF token.


       PAPPL  supports both user-based authentication using PAM modules and a simple cookie-based
       password authentication mechanism that is used to limit administrative access through  the
       web interface.

       The  papplHTMLAuthorize  function  authorizes  access  to  the  web  interface and handles
       displaying an authentication form on the client's web browser.  The return value indicates
       whether the client is authorized to access the web page.

       The  papplIsAuthorized  function  can  be  used to determine whether the current client is
       authorized to perform administrative operations and is normally only used for IPP clients.
       Local users are always authorized while remote users must provide credentials (typically a
       username and password) for access.  This function will return an HTTP status code that can
       be  provided  to  the  httpClientSendResponse  function.   The  value HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE
       indicates  that  authorization  is  granted  and  the  request   should   continue.    The
       papplGetUsername function can be used to obtain the authenticated user identity.


       Get a unique Cross-Site Request Forgery token string.

       char * papplClientGetCSRFToken (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           char *buffer,
           size_t bufsize

       This function generates and returns a unique Cross-Site Request Forgery token string to be
       used as the value of a hidden variable in all HTML forms sent in  the  response  and  then
       compared when validating the form data in the subsequent request.

       The  value  is based on the current system session key and client address in order to make
       replay attacks infeasible.

       5      Note: The papplClientHTMLStartForm function automatically adds the

       5      hidden CSRF variable, and the papplClientIsValidForm function

       5      validates the value.

       Get a cookie from the client.

       char * papplClientGetCookie (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *name,
           char *buffer,
           size_t bufsize

       This function gets a HTTP "cookie" value from the client request.  NULL is returned if  no
       cookie has been set by a prior request, or if the user has disabled or removed the cookie.

       Use the papplClientSetCookie function to set a cookie in a response to a request.

       5      Note: Cookies set with papplClientSetCookie will not be available to

       5      this function until the following request.

       Get form data from the web client.

       int  papplClientGetForm (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           cups_option_t **form

       For  HTTP  GET  requests,  the form data is collected from the request URI.  For HTTP POST
       requests, the form data is read from the client.

       The returned form values must be freed using the cupsFreeOptions function.

       5      Note: Because the form data is read from the client connection, this

       5      function can only be called once per request.

       Get the HTTP connection associated with a client object.

       http_t * papplClientGetHTTP (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the HTTP connection associated with the  client  and  is  used  when
       sending response data directly to the client using the CUPS httpXxx functions.

       Get the hostname from the client-supplied Host: field.

       const char * papplClientGetHostName (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This  function returns the hostname that was used in the request and should be used in any
       URLs or URIs that you generate.

       Get the port from the client-supplied Host: field.

       int  papplClientGetHostPort (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the port number that was used in the request and should be  used  in
       any URLs or URIs that you generate.

       Get the target job for an IPP request.

       pappl_job_t * papplClientGetJob (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This  function  returns the job associated with the current IPP request.  NULL is returned
       if the request does not target a job.

       Get the localization data for a client connection.

       pappl_loc_t * papplClientGetLoc (
           pappl_client_t *client

       Get a localized string for the client.

       const char * papplClientGetLocString (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *s

       Get the HTTP request method.

       http_state_t  papplClientGetMethod (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the HTTP request method that was used,  for  example  HTTP_STATE_GET
       for a GET request or HTTP_STATE_POST for a POST request.

       Get the IPP operation code.

       ipp_op_t  papplClientGetOperation (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the IPP operation code associated with the current IPP request.

       Get the options from the request URI.

       const char * papplClientGetOptions (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This  function  returns any options that were passed in the HTTP request URI.  The options
       are  the  characters  after  the  "?"  character,   for   example   a   request   URI   of
       "/mypage?name=value" will have an options string of "name=value".

       NULL is returned if the request URI did not contain any options.

       5      Note: HTTP GET form variables are normally accessed using the

       5      papplClientGetForm function.  This function should only be used when

       5      getting non-form data.

       Get the target printer for an IPP request.

       pappl_printer_t * papplClientGetPrinter (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This  function  returns  the  printer  associated  with  the current IPP request.  NULL is
       returned if the request does not target a printer.

       Get the IPP request message.

       ipp_t * papplClientGetRequest (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the attributes in the current IPP request, for  use  with  the  CUPS
       ippFindAttribute, ippFindNextAttribute, ippFirstAttribute, and ippNextAttribute functions.

       Get the IPP response message.

       ipp_t * papplClientGetResponse (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This  function  returns  the attributes in the current IPP response, for use with the CUPS
       ippAddXxx and ippSetXxx functions.  Use the  papplClientRespondIPP  function  to  set  the
       status code and message, if any.

       Get the containing system for the client.

       pappl_system_t * papplClientGetSystem (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the system object that contains the client.

       Get the HTTP request URI.

       const char * papplClientGetURI (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the URI that was sent in the current HTTP request.

       5      Note: Any options in the URI are removed and can be accessed separately

       5      using the papplClientGetOptions function.

       Get the authenticated username, if any.

       const char * papplClientGetUsername (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function returns the current authenticated username, if any.

       Handle authorization for the web interface.

       bool  papplClientHTMLAuthorize (
           pappl_client_t *client

       The  web  interface  supports both authentication against user accounts and authentication
       using a single administrative access password.   This  function  handles  the  details  of
       authentication   for  the  web  interface  based  on  the  system  authentication  service
       configuration = the "auth_service" argument to  papplSystemCreate  and  any  callback  set
       using papplSystemSetAuthCallback.

       5      Note: IPP operation callbacks needing to perform authorization should use

       5      the papplClientIsAuthorized function instead.

       Send a string to a web browser client.

       void papplClientHTMLEscape (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *s,
           size_t slen

       This  function  sends  the  specified string to the web browser client and escapes special
       characters as HTML entities as needed, for example "&" is sent as &amp;.

       Show the web interface footer.

       void papplClientHTMLFooter (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function sends the standard web interface footer  followed  by  a  trailing  0-length
       chunk  to  finish the current HTTP response.  Use the papplSystemSetFooterHTML function to
       add any custom HTML needed in the footer.

       Show the web interface header and title.

       void papplClientHTMLHeader (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *title,
           int refresh

       This function sends the standard  web  interface  header  and  title.   If  the  "refresh"
       argument is greater than zero, the page will automatically reload after that many seconds.

       Use  the  papplSystemAddLink  function  to add system-wide navigation links to the header.
       Similarly, use papplPrinterAddLink to add printer-specific links, which will appear in the
       web  interface  printer  if the system is not configured to support multiple printers (the
       PAPPL_SOPTIONS_MULTI_QUEUE option to papplSystemCreate).

       Show the web interface footer for printers.

       void papplClientHTMLPrinterFooter (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function sends the standard web interface footer for a printer followed by a trailing
       0-length  chunk  to  finish  the  current HTTP response.  Use the papplSystemSetFooterHTML
       function to add any custom HTML needed in the footer.

       Show the web interface header and title for printers.

       void papplClientHTMLPrinterHeader (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           pappl_printer_t *printer,
           const char *title,
           int refresh,
           const char *label,
           const char *path_or_url

       This function sends the standard web interface header and title for  a  printer.   If  the
       "refresh"  argument  is  greater  than zero, the page will automatically reload after that
       many seconds.

       If "label" and "path_or_url" are  non-NULL  strings,  an  additional  navigation  link  is
       included with the title header - this is typically used for an action button ("Change").

       Use  the  papplSystemAddLink  function  to add system-wide navigation links to the header.
       Similarly, use papplPrinterAddLink to add printer-specific links, which will appear in the
       web  interface  printer  if the system is not configured to support multiple printers (the
       PAPPL_SOPTIONS_MULTI_QUEUE option to papplSystemCreate).

       Send formatted text to the web browser client, escaping as needed.

       void papplClientHTMLPrintf (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *format,

       This function sends formatted text to the web browser client using printf-style formatting
       codes.   The  format  string  itself  is  not  escaped to allow for embedded HTML, however
       strings inserted using the '%c' or %s codes are escaped properly for HTML - "&" is sent as
       &amp;, etc.

       Send a HTML string to the web browser client.

       void papplClientHTMLPuts (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *s

       This function sends a HTML string to the client without performing any escaping of special

       Start a HTML form.

       void papplClientHTMLStartForm (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *action,
           bool multipart

       This function starts a HTML form with the specified "action" path and  includes  the  CSRF
       token as a hidden variable.  If the "multipart" argument is true, the form is annotated to
       support file attachments up to 2MiB in size.

       Determine whether a client is authorized for administrative requests.

       http_status_t  papplClientIsAuthorized (
           pappl_client_t *client

       This function determines whether a  client  is  authorized  to  submit  an  administrative

       The return value is HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE if access is authorized, HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN if
       access  is  not  allowed,  HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED  if  authorization  is  required,   or
       HTTP_STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED if the connection needs to be encrypted.  All of these values
       can be passed to the papplClientRespond function.

       Validate HTML form variables.

       bool  papplClientIsValidForm (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           int num_form,
           cups_option_t *form

       This function validates the contents of a HTML form using the CSRF  token  included  as  a
       hidden  variable.   When  sending  a  HTML  form  you  should use the papplClientStartForm
       function to start the HTML form and insert the CSRF token for later validation.

       5      Note: Callers are expected to validate all other form variables.

       Send a regular HTTP response.

       bool  papplClientRespond (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           http_status_t code,
           const char *content_encoding,
           const char *type,
           time_t last_modified,
           size_t length

       This function sends all of the required HTTP fields and  includes  standard  messages  for
       errors.  The following values for "code" are explicitly supported:

       •    HTTP_STATUS_OK: The request is successful.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST: The client submitted a bad request.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE: An authentication challenge is not needed.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: Authenticated but not allowed.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: The HTTP method is not supported for the given URI.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED: Not authenticated.

       •    HTTP_STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED: Redirects the client to a secure page.

       Use the papplClientRespondRedirect when you need to redirect the client to another page.

       Send an IPP response.

       ipp_t * papplClientRespondIPP (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           ipp_status_t status,
           const char *message,

       This  function  sets  the  return  status  for  an IPP request and returns the current IPP
       response message.  The "status" and "message" arguments replace any  existing  status-code
       and "status-message" attribute value that may be already present in the response.

       5      Note: You should call this function prior to adding any response

       5      attributes.

       Respond with an unsupported IPP attribute.

       void papplClientRespondIPPUnsupported (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           ipp_attribute_t *attr

       This  function returns a 'client-error-attributes-or-values-not-supported' status code and
       adds the specified attribute to the unsupported attributes group in the response.

       Respond with a redirect to another page.

       bool  papplClientRespondRedirect (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           http_status_t code,
           const char *path

       This function sends a HTTP response that redirects the client to another page or URL.  The
       most common "code" value to return is HTTP_STATUS_FOUND.

       Set a cookie for the web browser client.

       void papplClientSetCookie (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *name,
           const char *value,
           int expires

       This  function sets the value of a cookie for the client by updating the Set-Cookie header
       in the HTTP response that will be sent.  The "name" and "value" strings must contain  only
       valid  characters  for  a  cookie and its value as documented in RFC 6265, which basically
       means letters, numbers, "@", "-", ".", and "_".

       The "expires" argument specifies how long the cookie will remain active  in  seconds,  for
       example  3600  seconds  is one hour and 86400 seconds is one day.  If the value is zero or
       less, a "session" cookie is created instead which will expire as soon as the  web  browser
       is closed.

       Set the authenticated username, if any.

       void papplClientSetUsername (
           pappl_client_t *client,
           const char *username

       This function sets the current authenticated username, if any.


       pappl(1), pappl-client(3), pappl-device(3), pappl-job(3), pappl-log(3), pappl-mainline(3),
       pappl-makeresheader(1),     pappl-printer(3),     pappl-resource(3),      pappl-system(3),


       Copyright © 2019-2022 by Michael R Sweet.

       PAPPL  is  licensed  under  the Apache License Version 2.0 with an (optional) exception to
       allow linking against GPL2/LGPL2 software (like older versions of CUPS), so it can be used
       freely  in  any  project  you'd  like.  See the files "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" in the source
       distribution for more information.