lunar (1) idiff.1.gz

idiff -- compare two images
Usage: idiff [options] image1 image2
This program is part of the OpenImageIO ( tool suite. Detailed documentation is available in pdf format with the OpenImageIO distribution.
--help Print help message --version Print version and exit -v Verbose status messages -q Quiet (minimal messages) -a Compare all subimages/miplevels Thresholding and comparison options -fail VAL Failure absolute difference threshold (default: 1e-06) -failrelative VAL Failure relative threshold (default: 0) -failpercent PERCENT Allow this percentage of failures (default: 0) -hardfail VAL Fail if any one pixel exceeds this error (default: inf) -allowfailures N OK for this number of pixels to fail by any amount (default: 0) -warn VAL Warning absolute difference threshold (default: 1e-06) -warnrelative VAL Warning relative threshold (default: 0) -warnpercent PERCENT Allow this percentage of warnings (default: 0) -hardwarn VAL Warn if any one pixel exceeds this error (default: inf) -p Perform perceptual (rather than numeric) comparison Difference image options -o FILENAME Output difference image -od Output image only if nonzero difference -abs Output image of absolute value, not signed difference -scale FACTOR Scale the output image by this factor (default: 1) 16 March 2023 idiff(1)