lunar (1) nix3-profile-list.1.gz

nix profile list - list installed packages
nix profile list [option…]
• Show what packages are installed in the default profile: # nix profile list 0 flake:nixpkgs#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.spotify github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c23db78bbd474c4d0c5c3c551877523b4a50db06#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.spotify /nix/store/akpdsid105phbbvknjsdh7hl4v3fhjkr-spotify- 1 flake:nixpkgs#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.zoom-us github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c23db78bbd474c4d0c5c3c551877523b4a50db06#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.zoom-us /nix/store/89pmjmbih5qpi7accgacd17ybpgp4xfm-zoom-us-5.4.53350.1027 2 flake:blender-bin#packages.x86_64-linux.default github:edolstra/nix-warez/d09d7eea893dcb162e89bc67f6dc1ced14abfc27?dir=blender#packages.x86_64-linux.default /nix/store/zfgralhqjnam662kqsgq6isjw8lhrflz-blender-bin-2.91.0
This command shows what packages are currently installed in a profile. The output consists of one line per package, with the following fields: • An integer that can be used to unambiguously identify the package in invocations of nix profile remove and nix profile upgrade. • The original (“mutable”) flake reference and output attribute path used at installation time. • The immutable flake reference to which the mutable flake reference was resolved. • The store path(s) of the package.
• --profile path The profile to update. Common evaluation options: • --arg name expr Pass the value expr as the argument name to Nix functions. • --argstr name string Pass the string string as the argument name to Nix functions. • --eval-store store-url The Nix store to use for evaluations. • --impure Allow access to mutable paths and repositories. • --include / -I path Add path to the list of locations used to look up <...> file names. • --override-flake original-ref resolved-ref Override the flake registries, redirecting original-ref to resolved-ref. nix3-profile-list(1)