lunar (1) ra.1.gz

Provided by: argus-client_3.0.8.2-6.1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       ra - read argus(8) data.


       ra [raoptions] [-- filter-expression]


       Ra  reads  argus(8)  data  from either stdin, an argus-file, or from a remote data source,
       which can either be an argus-server, or a netflow data  server,  filters  the  records  it
       encounters  based  on  an optional filter-expression and either prints the contents of the
       argus(5) records that it encounters to stdout or appends them into an argus(5) datafile.


       -A  Print aggregate statistics for the input stream on termination.

       -b  Dump the compiled transaction-matching code to standard  output  and  stop.   This  is
           useful for debugging filter expressions.

       -c <char>
           Specify a delimiter character for output columns (default is ' ').

       -C <[host]:portnum> (deprecated)
           Specify  a  source  of  Netflow data. The optional host is the local interface address
           where Netflow Cisco records are going to be read.  If absent, then it is implied  that
           the   interface   address   is   AF_ANY.   This  option  is  deprecated  and  the  '-S
           cisco://address:port' is now the recommended option.

       -D <level>
           Print debug information corresponding to <level> to stderr,  if  program  compiled  to
           support  debug  printing.   As  the  level  increases,  so  does  the  amount of debug
           information ra(1) will print.  Values range from 1-8.

       -d  Toggle whether to run this program as a daemon.

       -e <regex>
           Match regular expression in flow user data fields.  Prepend the regex with either "s:"
           or  "d:"  to  limit the match to either the source or destination user data fields. At
           this time null bytes in the user data buffer terminate search.  Examples include:
              "^SSH-"           - Look for ssh connections on any port.
              "s:^GET"          - Look for HTTP GET requests in the source buffer.
              "d:^HTTP.*Unauth" - Find unauthorized http response.

           Depending on the regular expression library that the system supports, you will be able
           to match many types of binary, octal and hex expressions.  See regex.3, pcre.3 and the
           web for examples.

       -E <file>
           When using a filter expression at the end of the command, this option will cause ra(1)
           to append the records that are rejected by the filter into <file>

       -F <conffile>
           Use  <conffile>  as a source of configuration information.  The format of this file is
           identical to rarc(5).  The data read from <conffile> overrides any prior configuration

       -h  Print an explanation of all the arguments.

       -H  Abbreviate  numeric  metrics,  to  make reading large values easier.  Use the -p <num>
           option to specify the precision right of the decimal.

       -L <n>
           Specify how ra will print header labels for the output.
              Supported values are:
                 -1  Don't print header labels.
                  0  Print the header labels only once, as the beginning of output.
                > 0  Print the header labels every n lines of output.

       -M <mode [mode ...]>
           Provide addition mode operators.  These are generally specific to the
           individual ra* program, or a specific function. Available modes for ra()

              disa             - interpret DSCodepoints using the US DISA encodings
              dsrs=dsrlist     - process these dsrs
                 Where a dsrlist has the format:

                    Supported dsrs are:
                      trans    transport information, such as source id and seq number.
                      flow     flow key data (proto, saddr, sport, dir, daddr, dport)
                      time     time stamp fields (stime, ltime).
                      metric   basic ([s|d]bytes, [s|d]pkts, [s|d]rate, [s|d]load)
                      agr      aggregation stats (trans, avgdur, mindur, maxdur, stdev).
                      net      network objects (tcp, esp, rtp, icmp data).
                      vlan     VLAN tag data
                      mpls     MPLS label data
                      jitter   Jitter data ([s|d]jit, [s|d]intpkt)
                      ipattr   IP attributes ([s|d]ipid, [s|d]tos, [s|d]dsb, [s|d]ttl)
                      psize    packet size information
                      mac      MAC addresses (smac, dmac)
                      icmp     ICMP specific data (icmpmap, inode)
                      encaps   Flow encapsulation type indications
                      behavior Behavioral metrics and data
                      tadj     Time adjustment data
                      cor      Multi-probe correlation data
                      cocode   Country Codes
                      asn      Autonomous System Number data
                      suser    src user captured data bytes (suser)
                      duser    dst captured user data bytes (duser)

                 Examples are:
                    -M dsrs=time,flow,metric
                    -M dsrs=-suser,-duser

              label="regex"    - match flow label with regex(3) regular expression.
              man              - print management records
              noman            - do not print management records
              oui              - print oui labels in mac addresses

              printer="format" - specify printer formats for printing user data.
                 Supported formats are:
                      ascii      print user buffer as ascii string. use '.' for unprintable chars.
                      obfuscate  ascii printer with password obfuscation.
                      hex        print hex dump of user buffer on separate lines.
                      encode32   print user buffer as 32-bit chars.
                      encode64   print user buffer using 64-bit chars.

              poll             - successfully attach to remote data source and then exit
              rmon             - modify data to support unidiretional RMON stat reporting
              rtime:factor     - read data from a file, clocking records in as if they
                                 being read in realtime.  Factor provides an opportunity
                                 to specify a multiplication factor, enabling you to
                                 read records in a fraction of real time, slowing down
                                 reading considerably, or a factor of time, enabling
                                 controlled speedup of the reading rate.

              saslmech="mech"  - specify a mandatory SASL mech
              sql="select"     - use "select" as select clause in mysql calls when supported.
              TZ="tzset"       - specify a tzset(3) time zone specification
              uni              - generate unidirectional flow data
              xml              - print output in xml format.

           Illegal modes are not detectable by the standard library, and so unexpected results in
           command line parsing may occur if care is not taken with use of this option.

       -n  Modify  number  to  name  converstion.   This flag supports 4 states, specified by the
           modulus of the number of -n flags  set.   By  default  ra*  programs  do  not  provide
           hostname  lookups,  but  they  do  lookup  port and protocol names.  The first -n will
           suppress port number to service conversion, -nn will suppress translation of  protocol
           numbers  to  names (no lookups).  -nnn will return you to full conversion, translating
           hostnames, port and protocol names, and -nnnn will return you to the default behavior.
           Because  this  indicator  can  be  set  in  the .rarc file, multiple -n flags progress
           through the cycle.

       -N [io]<num>, [io]<start-end>, [io]<start+num>
           Process the first <num> records, the inclusive range <start - end>, or process <num  +
           1>  records  starting  at  index number <start>.  The optional 1st character indicates
           whether the specification is applied to the input or the output stream of records, the
           default  is input.  If applied to the input, these are the range of records that match
           the input filter.

       -p <digits>
           Print <digits> number of units of precision for floating point values.

       -q  Run in quiet mode. Configure Ra to not print out the contents of records.  This can be
           used  for  a number of maintenance tasks, where you would be interested in the outcome
           of a program, or its progress, say with the -D option,  without  printing  each  input

       -r [- | <[type:]file[::soffset[:eoffset]] ...>]
           Read  <type>  data from <files> in the order presented on the commandline. '-' denotes
           stdin.  Ra supports reading argus type data (default), cisco and ft,  flow-tools  type
           data.   If  you  want  to  read  a  set  of files and then, when done, read stdin, use
           multiple occurences of the -r option.   Ra  can  read  gzip(1),  bzip2(1),  xz(1)  and
           compress(1)  compressed  data  files.  Byte offset values allow the specification of a
           range of records within an uncompressed file.  Byte offsets must be aligned to  record
           boundaries. Valid record offsets can be obtained using +offset as an output field even
           from compressed files.

           Examples are:
              -r file1 file2              read argus records from file1, then file2.
              -r file::34876              read argus records starting at byte offset 34876
              -r file::34876:35846        read argus records starting at byte offset 34876 and ending at 35846
              -r cisco:file               read cisco netflow records from file
              -r ft:file                  read flow-tools based records

       -R <dir dir ...>
           Recursively  decend  the  directory  and  process  all  the  regular  files  that  are
           encountered.   The  function  does not decend to links, or directories that begin with
           '.'.  The feature, like the -r command, does not do any file type checking.

       -s <[-][[+[#]]field[:len[:format]] ...>
           Specify the fields to print.  ra.1 gets the field print  list  either  from  its  rarc
           configuration  files  or  from  the  command-line.   In  the  case  where  there is no
           configuration given ra.1 uses a  default  printing  field  list,  with  default  field
           lengths.  By specifying a space separated list of fields, this option provides a means
           to completely redefine the list from the command line.  Using  the  optional  '-'  and
           '+[#]' prepended to the field list, you can add or subtract fields from the configured
           list.  Field lengths are hard constraints, and field output  that  exceeds  the  field
           length  will be truncated, and a '*' will be inserted as the last character.  When you
           see this, add more to the length specification for that specific field.  Field lengths
           (len)  less  than  1,  are  not  permitted  and  will generate an error.  The optional
           'format' specification, uses sprintf.1 syntax to  format  the  value.   The  available
           fields to print are:

           srcid       argus source identifier.
           rank        Ordinal value of this output flow record i.e. sequence number.
           stime       record start time
           ltime       record last time.
           trans       aggregation record count.
           flgs        flow state flags seen in transaction.
           seq         argus sequence number.
           dur         record total duration.
           runtime     total  active flow run time.  This value is generated through aggregation,
                       and is the sum of the records duration.
           idle        time since the last packet activity.  This value is  useful  in  real-time
                       processing, and is the current time - last time.
           mean        average duration of aggregated records.
           stddev      standard deviation of aggregated duration times.
           sum         total accumulated durations of aggregated records.
           min         minimum duration of aggregated records.
           max         maximum duration of aggregated records.
           smac        source MAC addr.
           dmac        destination MAC addr.
           soui        oui portion of the source MAC addr.
           doui        oui portion of the destination MAC addr.
           saddr       source IP addr.
           daddr       destination IP addr.
           proto       transaction protocol.
           sport       source port number.
           dport       destination port number.
           stos        source TOS byte value.
           dtos        destination TOS byte value.
           sdsb        source diff serve byte value.
           ddsb        destination diff serve byte value.
           sco         source IP address country code.
           dco         destination IP address country code.
           sttl        src -> dst TTL value.
           dttl        dst -> src TTL value.
           shops       estimate of number of IP hops from src to this point.
           dhops       estimate of number of IP hops from dst to this point.
           sipid       source IP identifier.
           dipid       destination IP identifier.
           smpls       source MPLS identifier.
           dmpls       destination MPLS identifier.
           autoid      Auto generated identifier (mysql).
           sas         Src origin AS
           das         Dst origin AS
           ias         Intermediate origin AS, AS of ICMP generator
           cause       Argus  record  cause  code.   Valid values are Start, Status, Stop, Close,
           nstroke     Number of observed keystrokes.
           snstroke    Number of observed keystrokes from initiator (src) to target (dst).
           dnstroke    Number of observed keystrokes from target (dst) to initiator (src).
           pkts        total transaction packet count.
           spkts       src -> dst packet count.
           dpkts       dst -> src packet count.
           bytes       total transaction bytes.
           sbytes      src -> dst transaction bytes.
           dbytes      dst -> src transaction bytes.
           appbytes    total application bytes.
           sappbytes   src -> dst application bytes.
           dappbytes   dst -> src application bytes.
           pcr         producer consumer  ratio.
           load        bits per second.
           sload       source bits per second.
           dload       destination bits per second.
           loss        pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           sloss       source pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           dloss       destination pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           ploss       percent pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           psloss      percent source pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           pdloss      percent destination pkts retransmitted or dropped.
           retrans     pkts retransmitted.
           sretrans    source pkts retransmitted.
           dretrans    destination pkts retransmitted.
           pretrans    percent pkts retransmitted.
           psretrans   percent source pkts retransmitted.
           pdretrans   percent destination pkts retransmitted.
           sgap        source bytes missing in the data stream. Available after argus-3.0.4
           dgap        destination bytes missing in the data stream. Available after argus-3.0.4
           rate        pkts per second.
           srate       source pkts per second.
           drate       destination pkts per second.
           dir         direction of transaction
           sintpkt     source interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           sintdist    source interpacket arrival time distribution
           sintpktact  source active interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           sintdistact source active interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           sintpktidl  source idle interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           sintdistidl source idle interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           dintpkt     destination interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           dintdist    destination interpacket arrival time distribution
           dintpktact  destination active interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           dintdistact destination active interpacket arrival time distribution (mSec)
           dintpktidl  destination idle interpacket arrival time (mSec)
           dintdistidl destination idle interpacket arrival time distribution
           sjit        source jitter (mSec).
           sjitact     source active jitter (mSec).
           sjitidle    source idle jitter (mSec).
           djit        destination jitter (mSec).
           djitact     destination active jitter (mSec).
           djitidle    destination idle jitter (mSec).
           state       transaction state
           label       Metadata label.
           suser       source user data buffer.
           duser       destination user data buffer.
           swin        source TCP window advertisement.
           dwin        destination TCP window advertisement.
           svlan       source VLAN identifier.
           dvlan       destination VLAN identifier.
           svid        source VLAN identifier.
           dvid        destination VLAN identifier.
           svpri       source VLAN priority.
           dvpri       destination VLAN priority.
           srng        start time for the filter timerange.
           erng        end time for the filter timerange.
           stcpb       source TCP base sequence number
           dtcpb       destination TCP base sequence number
           tcprtt      TCP connection setup round-trip time, the sum of 'synack' and 'ackdat'.
           synack      TCP connection setup time, the  time  between  the  SYN  and  the  SYN_ACK
           ackdat      TCP  connection  setup  time,  the  time  between  the SYN_ACK and the ACK
           tcpopt      The TCP connection options  seen  at  initiation.   The  tcpopt  indicator
                       consists  of a fixed length field, that reports presence of any of the TCP
                       options that argus tracks The format is:

                        M            -  Maxiumum Segment Size
                         w           -  Window Scale
                          s          -  Selective ACK OK
                           S         -  Selective ACK
                            e        -  TCP Echo
                             E       -  TCP Echo Reply
                              T      -  TCP Timestamp
                               c     -  TCP CC
                                N    -  TCP CC New
                                 O   -  TCP CC Echo
                                  S  -  Source Explicit Congestion Notification
                                   D -  Destination Explicit Congestion Notification

           inode       ICMP intermediate node.
           offset      record byte offset in file or stream.
           smeansz     Mean of the flow packet size transmitted by the src (initiator).
           dmeansz     Mean of the flow packet size transmitted by the dst (target).

           spktsz      histogram for the src packet size distribution
           smaxsz      maximum packet size for traffic transmitted by the src.
           dpktsz      histogram for the dst packet size distribution
           dmaxsz      maximum packet size for traffic transmitted by the dst.
           sminsz      minimum packet size for traffic transmitted by the src.
           dminsz      minimum packet size for traffic transmitted by the dst.

           dminsz      minimum packet size for traffic transmitted by the dst.

           Examles are:
              -s saddr      print only the source address.
              -s -bytes     removes the bytes field from list.
              -s +2srcid    adds the source identifier as the 2nd field.
              -s spkts:18   prints src pkt count with a column width of 18.
              -s smpls      print the local mpls label in the flow.

       -S <[URI://][user[:pass]@]host[:portnum]>
           Specify a remote source of flow data.  Read flow data from  various  data  format  and
           transport strategies, using the URI format to indicate the type of flow data record of
           interest (argus-tcp, argus-udp, cisco, jflow, sflow) and the source, as a name  or  an
           addresss,  providing  an  option  user  and  password  for  protected access.  Use the
           optional ':portnum' to specify a port number other than the default; 561.

           Examles are:
              -S localhost                 request remote argus records from localhost, using default methods.
              -S user@localhost            request argus records from localhost, as 'user'.
              -S user:pass@localhost       request argus records from localhost, as 'user', with 'pass' password.
              -S         request via TCP argus records from, port 12345.
              -S argus://user@anubis       request argus records from anubis, via TCP port 561, as 'user'.
              -S argus-tcp://thoth:12345   request argus records via TCP from thoth, port 12345.
              -S argus-udp://set:12345     request argus records via UDP from set, port 12345.
              -S cisco://any:9996          read cisco netflow records from AF_ANY, on port 9996.
              -S jflow://     read jflow records sent to, on port 9898.
              -S sflow://localhost:6343    read sflow records sent to localhost interface, port 6343.

       -t <timerange>
           Specify the <time range> for matching argus(5) records. This option  supports  a  high
           degree  of flexibility in specifing explicit and relative time ranges with support for
           time field wildcarding.

           The syntax for the <time range> is:
              timeComparisonInd: [x]i | n | c    (default = i)
                x  negation   reverses the result of the time comparison
                i  intersects match records that were active during this time period
                n  includes   match records that start before and end after the period
                c  contained  match records that start and end during the period

              timeSpecification: [[[yyyy/]mm/]dd.]HH[:MM[:SS]]
                                   { + | - }%d{ymdHMS}

              where '*' can be used as a wildcard.

           Examples are:
              -t 14              specify the time range 2pm-3pm for today
              -t 15-23           specify the time range 3pm-11pm for today
              -t 2011            all records in the year 2011
              -t 2011/08         all records in Aug of the year 2011
              -t 2011/08-2011/10 all records in Aug, Sept, and Oct of the year 2011

              -t **.14           specify 2pm-3pm, every day this month
              -t 1270616652+2s   all records that span 10/04/07.01:04:12 EDT.
              -t 1999y1m23d10h   matches 10-11am on Jan, 23, 1999
              -t 10d*h*m15s      matches records that intersect the 15 sec,
                                 any minute, any hour, on the 10th of this month
              -t ****/11/23      all records in Nov 23rd, any year
              -t 23.11:10-14     11:10:00 - 2pm on the 23rd of this month
              -t -10m            matches 10 minutes before, to the present
              -t -1M+1d          matches the first day of the this month.
              -t -2h5m+5m        matches records that start before and end
                                 after the range starting 2 hours 5 minutes
                                 prior to the present, and lasting 5 minutes.

           Time is  compared  using  basic  intersection  operations.   A  record  iPntersects  a
           specified time range if there is any intersection between the time range of the record
           and the comparison time range.  This is the default behavior.  A record  includes  the
           comparison  time  range  if  the  intersection of the two ranges equals the comparison
           time, and a record is contained when the  intersection  equals  the  duration  of  the
           record.   The  comparison indicator is the first character of the range specification,
           without spaces.

           Examples are:
              -t n14:10:15-14:10:19  records include these 4s.
              -t c14:10-14:10:10     record starts and ends within these 10s.
              -t xi-5s+25s           record starts or ends 5 seconds earlier and
                                     20 seconds after 'now'.

       -T <secs>
           Read argus(5) from remote server for <secs> of time.

       -u  Print time values using Unix time format (seconds from the Epoch).

       -w <file> [filter-expression]
           Append matching data to <file>, in argus file format. An output-file of '-' directs ra
           to  write  the  argus(5) records to stdout, allowing for "chaining" ra* style commands
           together.  The optional filter-expression can be used to select specific output.

       -X  Resets all options to their default values and overrides the rarc file  contents  (Use
           as the first option.)

       -z  Modify  status  field  to  represent TCP state changes. The values of the status field
           when this is enabled are:
             's' - Syn Transmitted
             'S' - Syn Acknowledged
             'E' - TCP Established
             'f' - Fin Transmitted  (FIN Wait State 1)
             'F' - Fin Acknowledged (FIN Wait State 2)
             'R' - TCP Reset

       -Z <s|d|b>
           Modify status field to reprsent actual TCP flag values. <'s'rc | 'd'st | 'b'oth>.  The
           characters that can be present in the status field when this is enabled are:

             'F' - Fin
             'S' - Syn
             'R' - Reset
             'P' - Push
             'A' - Ack
             'U' - Urgent Pointer
             '7' - Undefined 7th bit set
             '8' - Undefined 8th bit set


       ra exits with one of the following values:

          0  Records matched condition, considering the options provided.

          1  No records matched the condition, or the source was not an argus stream.

        > 1  An error occurred.


       If  arguments  remain  after  option processing, the collection is interpreted as a single
       filter expression.  In order to indicate the end of arguments, a  '--'  (double  dash)  is
       required  before  the filter expression is added to the command line.  Historically, a '-'
       (single dash) was used to separate the filter expression from the  command  line  options,
       but newer versions of getopt.1 now require the '--' (double dash).

       The  filter  expression  specifies which argus(5) records will be selected for processing.
       If no expression is given, all records are selected, otherwise,  only  those  records  for
       which expression is `true' will be printed.

       The  syntax  is  very  similar  to  the  expression  syntax for tcpdump(1), as the tcpdump
       compiler was a starting point for the argus(5) filter expression compiler.   However,  the
       semantics  for  tcpdump(1)'s  packet  filter  expressions  are  different  when applied to
       transaction record filtering, so there are some major differences.

       When attached to a remote argus, ra will send the  filter  to  the  argus  process,  which
       compiles  the filter, and uses it to select which argus records will be transmitted to the
       ra application.  If you do not want to send a filter to  the  remote  argus,  prepend  the
       filter  with  the  keyword "local", to indicate that the filtering will be done within the
       local ra process.

       The expression consists of one or more primitives.  Primitives usually consist  of  an  id
       (name  or  number) preceded by one or more qualifiers.  There are three different kinds of

       type   qualifiers say what kind of thing the id name or number refers to.  Possible  types
              are  srcid,  encaps,  ether,  host, net, co, port, tos, ttl, ptks, bytes, appbytes,
              pcr, data, rate, load, loss, ploss, vid, vpri, and mid.

              E.g., `srcid isis`,  `encaps  gre',  `host  sphynx',  `net',  `port
              domain',  `ttl  1', 'ptks gt 2', 'ploss lt 5'.  If there is no type qualifier, host
              is assumed.

       dir    qualifiers specify a particular transfer direction to and/or from an id.   Possible
              directions  are src, dst, src or dst and src and dst.  E.g., `src sphynx', `dst net
    ', `src or dst port ftp', `src and dst tos 0x0a',  `src  or  dst  vid
              0x12`, `dst vpri 0x02` .  If there is no dir qualifier, src or dst is assumed.

       proto  qualifiers  restrict the match to a particular protocol.  Possible values are those
              specified in the /etc/protocols system file and a small number of extensions, (that
              should  be  defined  but aren't).  Specific extended values are 'ipv4', (to specify
              just ip version 4), in contrast to the defined proto  'ipv6'.   The  defined  proto
              'ip' reduces to the filter 'ipv4 or ipv6'.

              When  preceeded  by  ether,  the  protocol  names  and  numbers  that are valid are
              specified in ./include/ethernames.h.

       In addition to the above, there are some special `primitive' keywords  that  don't  follow
       the pattern: gateway, multicast, and broadcast.  All of these are described below.

       More complex filter expressions are built up by using the words and, or and not to combine
       primitives.  E.g., `host foo and not port ftp and not port  ftp-data'.   To  save  typing,
       identical  qualifier lists can be omitted.  E.g., `tcp dst port ftp or ftp-data or domain'
       is exactly the same as `tcp dst port ftp or tcp dst port ftp-data or tcp dst port domain'.

       Allowable primitives are:

       srcid argusid
              True if the argus identifier field in the Argus record is srcid, which may be an IP
              address, a name or a decimal/hexidecimal number.

       seq [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True  if  the  transport  sequence  number in the Argus record matches the sequence
              number expression.

       encaps type
              True if the encapsulation used by the flow in the Argus record includes  the  type.
              The list of valid encapsulation types is:
                 eth, mpls, 802q, llc, pppoe, isl, gre, erspan, ah, ipnip, ipnip6, hdlc, chdlc,
                 atm, sll, fddi, slip, arc, wlan, prism, avs, lrh, grh, teredo, udt, ipsec, juniper

       dst host host
              True if the IP destination field in the Argus record is host,
              which may be either an address or a name.

       src host host
              True if the IP source field in the Argus record is host.

       host host
              True if either the IP source or destination in the Argus record is host.
              Any of the above host expressions can be prepended with the keywords
              ip, arp, or rarp as in:
                   ip host host
              which is equivalent to:
                   ether proto ip and host host
              If  host  is  a name with multiple IP addresses, each address will be checked for a

       ether dst ehost
              True if the ethernet destination address is ehost.  Ehost may be either a name from
              /etc/ethers or a number (see ethers(3N) for numeric format).

       ether src ehost
              True if the ethernet source address is ehost.

       ether host ehost
              True if either the ethernet source or destination address is ehost.

       gateway host
              True  if  the  transaction  used  host  as a gateway.  I.e., the ethernet source or
              destination address was host but neither the IP source nor the IP  destination  was
              host.   Host  must  be a name and must be found in both /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers.
              (An equivalent expression is
                   ether host ehost and not host host
              which can be used with either names or numbers for host / ehost.)

       dst net cidr
              True if the IP destination address in the Argus record matches the cidr address.

       src net cidr
              True if the IP source address in the Argus record matches the cidr address.

       net cidr
              True if either the IP source or destination address in  the  Argus  record  matches
              cidr address.

       dst port port
              True  if the network transaction is IP based, using either the TCP or UDP transport
              protocols, and a destination port value of port.  The port can be  a  number  or  a
              name  as configured in the /etc/services file.(see tcp(4P) and udp(4P)).  If a name
              is used, both the protocol number and port number, are checked.   If  a  number  or
              ambiguous  name  is used, the port number is checked for both UDP and TCP protocols
              (e.g., dst port 513 will print both tcp/login traffic and udp/who traffic, and port
              domain  will  match  both  tcp/domain  and udp/domain traffic).  Port ranges can be
              specified using numeric values, such as port 53-215.

       src port port
              True if the network transaction has a source port value of port.

       port port
              True if either the source or destination port in the Argus record is port.  Any  of
              the above port expressions can be prepended with the keywords, tcp or udp, as in:
                   tcp src port port
              which matches only tcp connections.

       ip proto protocol
              True  if  the  Argus  record  is  an  ip  transaction (see ip(4P)) of protocol type
              protocol.  Protocol can  be  a  number  or  any  of  the  string  values  found  in

              True  if  the  network  transaction involved an ip multicast address.  By specifing
              ether multicast, you can select argus records that involve  an  ethernet  multicast

              True  if  the  network  transaction involved an ip broadcast address.  By specifing
              ether broadcast, you can select argus records that involve  an  ethernet  broadcast

       ether proto protocol
              True  if the Argus record is of ether type protocol.  Protocol can be a number or a
              name like ip, arp, or rarp.

       [src | dst] ttl [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the TTL in the Argus record equals number.

       [src | dst] tos [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the TOS in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] vid [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if th VLAN id in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] vpri [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the VLAN priority in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] mid [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the MPLS Label in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] pkts [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the packet count in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] bytes [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the byte count in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] appbytes [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the application byte count in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] rate [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the rate in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       [src | dst] load [gt | gte | lt | lte | eq] number
              True if the load in the Argus record (default) equals number.

       Ra filter expressions support primitives that are specific to flow states and can be  used
       to select flow records that were in these states at the time they were generated.  normal,
       wait, timeout, est or con

       Primitives that select flows that experienced fragmentation.  frag and fragonly

       Support for selecting flows that  used  multiple  pairs  of  MAC  addresses  during  their
       lifetime.  multipath

       Primitives  specific  to  TCP  flows are supported.  syn, synack, ecn, fin, finack, reset,
       retrans, outoforder and winshut

       Primitives specific to TCP options are supported.  tcpopt, mss, wscale, selackok,  selack,
       tcpecho, tcpechoreply, tcptimestamp, tcpcc, tcpccnew, tcpccecho, secn and decn

       Primitives specific to ICMP flows are supported.  echo, unreach, redirect and timexed

       For  some  primitives,  a  direction  qualifier  is  appropriate.   These are frag, reset,
       retrans, outoforder and winshut

       Primitives may be combined using:

              A parenthesized group of primitives and operators (parentheses are special  to  the
              Shell and must be escaped).

              Negation (`!' or `not').

              Concatenation (`and').

              Alternation (`or').

       Negation  has highest precedence.  Alternation and concatenation have equal precedence and
       associate left to right.  Note that  explicit  and  tokens,  not  juxtaposition,  are  now
       required for concatenation.

       If  an  identifier  is  given  without a keyword, the most recent keyword is assumed.  For
            not host sphynx and anubis
       is short for
            not host sphynx and host anubis
       which should not be confused with
            not ( host sphynx or anubis )

       Expression arguments can be passed to ra(1) as either a single  argument  or  as  multiple
       arguments,  whichever  is  more  convenient.   Generally, if the expression contains Shell
       metacharacters, it is easier to pass it as a single, quoted argument.  Multiple  arguments
       are concatenated with spaces before being parsed.

   Startup Processing
       Ra begins by searching for the configuration file .rarc first in the directory, $ARGUSHOME
       and then $HOME.  If a .rarc is found, all variables specified in the file are set.

       Ra then parses its command line options and set its internal variables accordingly.

       If a configuration file is specified on the command-line, using the "-f <confile>" option,
       the values in this .rarc formatted file superceed all other values.


       To report all TCP transactions from and to host '', reading transaction data
       from argus-file
              ra -r - tcp and host

       To  report  all  UDP  based  DNS  traffic,  reading  transaction  data  from  the   remote
              ra -S argus.server - udp port domain

       To  report  all UDP transactions seen by the remote argus.server on the port range 53-256,
       but not sending the filter to the remote argus process:
              ra -S argus.server - local udp port 53-256

       Create the argus-file icmp.log with all ICMP events involving the host nimrod, using  data
       from argus-file, but reading the transaction data from stdin:
              cat argus-file | ra -r - -w icmp.log - icmp and host nimrod

       Read an argus-file at twice normal speed.
              ra -r argus.file -M rtime:2


       The  following is a brief description of the default output of .B ra.  While this is by no
       means the 'preferred' set of data that one should generate, it represents a starting point
       for  using flow data in general.  This also looks pretty good on 80 column terminals.  The
       format is:
                time  flgs proto  shost  dir  daddr metrics state

           The format of the time field is specified by the .rarc file, using syntax supported by
           the  routine  strftime(3V).   The  default is '%T'.  Argus transactional data contains
           both starting and  ending  transaction  times,  with  precision  to  the  microsecond.
           However, ra by default prints out the 'stime' field, the records starting time.

           The  flgs indicator consists of a fixed length field. That reports various flow record
           and protocol identifiers, states and attributes.  The format is:

            T        -  Time Corrected/Adjusted
            N        -  Netflow Originated Data
             *       -  Multiple sub-IP encapsulations
             e       -  Ethernet encapsulated flow
             E       -  ERSPAN encapsulation
             M       -  Multiple mac addresses seen
             m       -  MPLS encapsulated flow
             l       -  LLC encapsulated flow
             v       -  802.1Q encapsulations/tags
             w       -  802.11 wireless encapsulation
             p       -  PPP over Enternet encapsulated flow
             i       -  ISL encapsulated flow
             G       -  GRE encapsulation
             a       -  AH encapsulation
             P       -  IP tunnel encapsulation
             6       -  IPv6 tunnel encapsulation
             H       -  HDLC encapsulation
             C       -  Cisco HDLC encapsulation
             A       -  ATM encapsulation
             S       -  SLL encapsulation
             F       -  FDDI encapsulation
             s       -  SLIP encapsulation
             R       -  ARCNET encapsulation
              I      -  ICMP events mapped to this flow
              U      -  ICMP Unreachable event mapped to this flow
              R      -  ICMP Redirect event mapped to this flow
              T      -  ICMP Time Exceeded mapped to this flow
               *     -  Both Src and Dst loss/retransmission
               s     -  Src loss/retransmissions
               d     -  Dst loss/retransmissions
               g     -  Gaps in sequence numbers were observed
               &     -  Both Src and Dst packet out of order
               i     -  Src packets out of order
               r     -  Dst packets out of order
                @    -  Both Src and Dst Window Closure
                S    -  Src TCP Window Closure
                D    -  Dst TCP Window Closure
                *    -  Silence suppression used by both src and dst (RTP)
                s    -  Silence suppression used by src
                d    -  Silence suppression used by dst
                 E   -  Both Src and Dst ECN
                 x   -  Src Explicit Congestion Notification
                 t   -  Dst ECN
                  V  -  Fragment overlap seen (if fragments seen)
                  f  -  Partial Fragment (if fragments seen)
                  F  -  Fragments seen
                   O  -  multiple IP options set
                   S  -  IP option Strict Source Route
                   L  -  IP option Loose Source Route
                   T  -  IP option Time Stamp
                   +  -  IP option Security
                   R  -  IP option Record Route
                   A  -  IP option Router Alert
                   U  -  unknown IP options set

           The proto field indicates the upper protocol used in the transaction.  This field will
           contain  the first 4 characters of the official name for the protocol used, as defined
           in RFC-1700,  and  configured  using  the  /etc/protocols  file.   Argus  attempts  to
           discovery  the  Realtime  Transport  Protocol  (rtp),  when it is being used.  When it
           encounters rtp, it will indicate its use in this field, with the string 'rtp'.  Use of
           the -n option, twice (-nn), will cause the actual protocol number to be displayed.

           The shost field is meant to convey the originator of the data in the flow.  This field
           is protocol dependent, and for IP protocols will contain the src IP address/name.  For
           TCP and UDP, the field will also contain the port number/name, separated by a period.

           The  'src'  is  generally the entity that first transmits a packet that is a part of a
           flow.  However, the assignment of 'src' and 'dst' semantics is somewhat complicated by
           the  notion  of  loss,  or half-duplex monitoring, especially when connection-oriented
           protocol , such as TCP, are reported.  In this case  the  'src'  is  the  entity  that
           initiated the flow.

          The  dir  field  will  have the direction of the transaction, as can be best determined
          from the datum, and is used to indicate which hosts are transmitting. For TCP, the  dir
          field  indicates  the  actual  source  of  the TCP connection, and the center character
          indicating the state of the transaction.
               -  - transaction was NORMAL
               |  - transaction was RESET
               o  - transaction TIMED OUT.
               ?  - direction of transaction is unknown.

           The daddr field is meant to convey the recipient of the data in the  flow.   Like  the
           shost  field,  this field is protocol dependent, and for IP protocols will contain the
           dst IP address/name, and optionally the DSAP.

           metrics represent the general sets of fields that reflect the activity  of  the  flow.
           In  the default output, there are 4 fields.  The first 2 are the packet counts and the
           last 2 are the byte counts for the specific transaction.  The fields are  paired  with
           the  previous  host  fields,  and  represent the packets transmitted by the respective

           The state field indicates the principle state  for  the  transaction  report,  and  is
           protocol  dependent.   For  all  the protocols, except ICMP, this field reports on the
           basic state of a transaction.

         REQ|INT (requested|initial)
           This indicates that this is the initial state report for a  transaction  and  is  seen
           only  when  the  argus-server  is  in  DETAIL  mode.  For TCP connections this is REQ,
           indicating that a connection is being requested.  For  the  connectionless  protocols,
           such as UDP, this is INT.

         ACC (accepted)
           This  indicates that a request/response condition has occurred, and that a transaction
           has been detected between two hosts.   For  TCP,  this  indicates  that  a  connection
           request  has  been  answered,  and the connection will be accepted.  This is only seen
           when the argus-server is in DETAIL mode.  For the connectionless protocols, this state
           indicates  that  there  has been a single packet exchange between two hosts, and could
           qualify as a request/response transaction.

         EST|CON (established|connected)
           This record type indicates that the reported  transaction  is  active,  and  has  been
           established  or  is  continuing.   This  should  be interpreted as a state report of a
           currently active transaction.  For TCP, the EST state is only seen in DETAIL mode, and
           indicates that the three way handshake has been completed for a connection.

         CLO (closed)
           TCP specific, this record type indicates that the TCP connection has closed normally.

         TIM (timeout)
           Activity  was not seen relating to this transaction, during the argus server's timeout
           period for this protocol.  This state is seen only when there  were  packets  recorded
           since the last report for this transaction.

       For  the  ICMP and ICMPv6 protocols, the state field displays specific aspects of the ICMP
       type.  ICMP state can have the values:

          ECO     Echo Request
          ECR     Echo Reply
          SRC     Source Quench
          RED     Redirect
          RTA     Router Advertisement
          RTS     Router Solicitation
          TXD     Time Exceeded
          PAR     Parameter Problem
          TST     Time Stamp Request
          TSR     Time Stamp Reply
          IRQ     Information Request
          IRR     Information Reply
          MAS     Mask Request
          MSR     Mask Reply
          URN     Unreachable network
          URH     Unreachable host
          URP     Unreachable port
          URF     Unreachable need fragmentation
          URS     Unreachable source failed
          URNU    Unreachable dst network unknown
          URHU    Unreachable dst host unknown
          URISO   Unreachable source host isolated
          URNPRO  Unreachable network administrative prohibited
          URHPRO  Unreachable host administrative prohibited
          URNTOS  Unreachable network TOS prohibited
          URHTOS  Unreachable host TOS prohibited
          URFIL   Unreachable administrative filter
          URPRE   Unreachable precedence violation
          URCUT   Unreachable precedence cutoff

          MRQ     Membership Query
          MHR     Membership Report
          NRS     Neighbor Discovery Router Solicit
          NRA     Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisement
          NNS     Neighbor Discovery Neighbor Solicit
          NNA     Neighbor Discovery Neighbor Advertisement
          PTB     Packet Too Big


       These examples show typical ra output, and demonstrates a number  of  variations  seen  in
       argus  data.   This  ra  output  was  generated  using  the  -n  option to suppress number

 Thu 12/29 06:40:32   S tcp   ->   CLO
       This is a normal tcp transaction to the telnet port on host   The  IP  Option
       strict source route was seen.

 Thu 12/29 06:40:32     tcp  <|   RST
       This tcp transaction from the smtp port of host was RESET.  In many cases this
       indicates that the transaction was rejected, however some os's will use RST  to  close  an
       active  TCP.   Use either the -z or -Zb options to specify exactly what conditions existed
       during the connection.

 Thu 12/29 03:39:05  M  igmp       <->       CON
       This is an igmp transaction state report, usually seen with MBONE traffic.  There was more
       than  one  source  and  destination  MAC  address  pair  used  to support the transaction,
       suggesting a possible routing loop.

 Thu 12/29 06:40:05 *   tcp  <-> TIM
       This is an X-windows transaction, that has TIMEDOUT.   Packets were  retransmitted  during
       the connection.

 Thu 12/29 07:42:09     udp   ->  INT
       This is an initial netbios UDP transaction state report, indicating that this is the first
       datagram encountered for this transaction.

 Thu 12/29 06:42:09     icmp       <->      ECO
       This example represents a "ping" of host, and its response.

 This next example shows the ra output of a complete TCP transaction, with the preceeding Arp  and
 DNS  requests,  while  reading  from a remote argus-server.   The '*' in the CLO report indicates
 that at least one TCP packet was retransmitted during the transaction.   The  hostnames  in  this
 example are ficticious.

 % ra -S argus-tcp://argus-server and host
 ra: Trying argus-server port 561
 ra: connected Argus Version 3.0
 Sat 12/03 15:29:38     arp     who-has  INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39     udp  <->    dns.qosient.53   INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39     arp     who-has      INT
 Sat 12/03 15:29:39 *   tcp   -> CLO

       Copyright (c) 2000-2016 QoSient. All rights reserved.


       Carter Bullard (




       rarc(5) argus(8)

       Postel,  Jon,  Internet  Protocol,  RFC 791, Network Information Center, SRI International,
       Menlo Park, Calif., May 1981.

       Postel, Jon, Internet Control Message Protocol, RFC 792, Network  Information  Center,  SRI
       International, Menlo Park, Calif., May 1981.

       Postel,  Jon,  Transmission  Control  Protocol,  RFC  793,  Network Information Center, SRI
       International, Menlo Park, Calif., May 1981.

       Postel,  Jon,  User  Datagram  Protocol,  RFC  768,   Network   Information   Center,   SRI
       International, Menlo Park, Calif., May 1980.

       McCanne, Steven, and Van Jacobson, The BSD Packet Filter: A New Architecture for User-level
       Capture, Lawrwnce  Berkeley  Laboratory,  One  Cyclotron  Road,  Berkeley,  Calif.,  94720,
       December 1992.