Provided by: sip-tools_6.7.7+dfsg-1_all 

sip-install - build and install the sip project
sip-install [options]
sip-install builds and installs a project.
-h, --help Display a help message. -V, --version Display the SIP version number. --quiet All progress messages are disabled. --verbose Verbose progress messages are enabled. --api-dir DIR A QScintilla .api file is created in DIR. --build-dir DIR DIR is created as a build directory in which all generated files will be created. This build directory is not removed after the build has been completed. By default a temporary build directory is created which is removed after the build has been completed. --concatenate N The generated code is split into N files. By default one file is generated for each C structure or C++ class. Specifying a low value of N can significantly speed up the build of large projects. --disable NAME The NAME bindings are disabled and will not be built. This option may be specified multiple times. It is only available if the project contains multiple sets of bindings. --disabled-feature TAG The TAG feature tag is disabled. This option may be specified multiple times. --enable NAME The NAME bindings are enabled and will be built. Any associated configuration tests that would normally be run to determine if the bindings should be built are suppressed. This option may be specified multiple times. It is only available if the project contains multiple sets of bindings. --debug A build with debugging symbols is performed. --no-docstrings The generation of docstrings that describe the signature of all functions, methods and constructors is disabled. --no-distinfo The creation of the .dist-info directory is disabled. --pep484-pyi The generation of Python type hints stub files is enabled. These files contain a description of a module's API that is compliant with PEP 484. --protected-is-public SIP can generate code to provide access to protected C++ functions from Python. On non-Windows platforms this code can be avoided if the protected keyword is redefined as public during compilation. This can result in a significant reduction in the size of a generated Python module. This option enables the redefinition of protected and is the default on all platforms except Windows. --no-protected-is-public This option disables the redefinition of protected to access protected C++ functions from Python and is the default on Windows. --scripts-dir DIR Any project scripts will be installed in DIR. If DIR is relative then it is taken as relative to the target directory. By default the directory containing the Python interpreter is used. --target-dir DIR The project will be installed in DIR. By default it is the site-packages directory of the Python installation. --tracing Debugging statements that trace the execution of the bindings are automatically generated. By default the statements are not generated. sip-install(1)