Provided by: libcurl4-doc_7.88.1-8ubuntu1_all bug


       curl_url_get - extract a part from a URL


       #include <curl/curl.h>

       CURLUcode curl_url_get(CURLU *url,
                              CURLUPart what,
                              char **part,
                              unsigned int flags)


       Given  the  url  handle  of  an  already  parsed  URL, this function lets the user extract
       individual pieces from it.

       The what argument should be the particular part to  extract  (see  list  below)  and  part
       points  to  a  'char  *'  to  get  updated  to  point to a newly allocated string with the

       The flags argument is a bitmask with individual features.

       The returned part pointer must be freed with curl_free(3) after use.


       The flags argument is zero, one or more bits set in a bitmask.

              If the handle has no port stored, this option will make curl_url_get(3) return  the
              default port for the used scheme.

              If  the  handle  has no scheme stored, this option will make curl_url_get(3) return
              the default scheme instead of error.

              Instructs curl_url_get(3) to not return a port number if  it  matches  the  default
              port for the scheme.

              Asks  curl_url_get(3)  to  URL decode the contents before returning it. It will not
              attempt to decode the scheme, the port number or the full URL.

              The query component will also get plus-to-space conversion as a bonus when this bit
              is set.

              Note  that  this URL decoding is charset unaware and you will get a zero terminated
              string back with data that could be intended for a particular encoding.

              If there's any byte values lower than 32 in the decoded string, the  get  operation
              will return an error instead.

              If  set, will make curl_url_get(3) URL encode the host name part when a full URL is
              retrieved. If not set (default), libcurl returns the URL with the host  name  "raw"
              to  support IDN names to appear as-is. IDN host names are typically using non-ASCII
              bytes that otherwise will be percent-encoded.

              Note that even when not asking for URL encoding, the '%'  (byte  37)  will  be  URL
              encoded to make sure the host name remains valid.

              If  set and CURLU_URLENCODE is not set, and asked to retrieve the CURLUPART_HOST or
              CURLUPART_URL parts, libcurl returns the host name in its punycode  version  if  it
              contains any non-ASCII octets (and is an IDN name).

              If   libcurl   is  built  without  IDN  capabilities,  using  this  bit  will  make
              curl_url_get(3) return CURLUE_LACKS_IDN if the host name contains anything  outside
              the ASCII range.

              (Added in curl 7.88.0)


              When  asked  to  return  the full URL, curl_url_get(3) will return a normalized and
              possibly cleaned up version of what was previously parsed.

              Scheme cannot be URL decoded on get.




              The host name. If it is an IPv6 numeric address, the zone id will not be part of it
              but  is  provided  separately  in  CURLUPART_ZONEID.  IPv6  numerical addresses are
              returned within brackets ([]).

              If the host name is a numeric IPv6 address, this field might also be set.

              Port cannot be URL decoded on get.

              part will be '/' even if no path is supplied in the URL.

              The initial question mark that denotes  the  beginning  of  the  query  part  is  a
              delimiter only.  It is not part of the query contents.

              A  not-present  query  will  lead part to be set to NULL.  A zero-length query will
              lead part to be set to a zero-length string.

              The query part will also get pluses converted to space when asked to URL decode  on
              get with the CURLU_URLDECODE bit.



         CURLUcode rc;
         CURLU *url = curl_url();
         rc = curl_url_set(url, CURLUPART_URL, "", 0);
         if(!rc) {
           char *scheme;
           rc = curl_url_get(url, CURLUPART_SCHEME, &scheme, 0);
           if(!rc) {
             printf("the scheme is %s\n", scheme);


       Added in 7.62.0. CURLUPART_ZONEID was added in 7.65.0.


       Returns  a  CURLUcode error value, which is CURLUE_OK (0) if everything went fine. See the
       libcurl-errors(3) man page for the full list with descriptions.

       If this function returns an error, no URL part is returned.


       curl_url_cleanup(3), curl_url(3), curl_url_set(3), curl_url_dup(3),  curl_url_strerror(3),