lunar (1) xtb.1.gz

Provided by: xtb_6.5.1-3_amd64 bug


       xtb - performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations, for version 6.0 and newer




       The xtb(1) program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying
       effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This
       implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and
       second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions
       (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA)
       parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent
       accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state
       calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are
       currently not implemented.

       The wide variety of input formats for the geometry are supported by using the mctc-lib.
       Supported formats are:

       •   Xmol/xyz files (xyz, log)

       •   Turbomole’s coord, riper’s periodic coord (tmol, coord)

       •   DFTB+ genFormat geometry inputs as cluster, supercell or fractional (gen)

       •   VASP’s POSCAR/CONTCAR input files (vasp, poscar, contcar)

       •   Protein Database files, only single files (pdb)

       •   Connection table files, molfile (mol) and structure data format (sdf)

       •   Gaussian’s external program input (ein)

       •   JSON input with qcschema_molecule or qcschema_input structure (json)

       •   FHI-AIMS' input files (

       •   Q-Chem molecule block inputs (qchem)

       For a full list visit:

       xtb(1) reads additionally .CHRG and .UHF files if present.


       xtb(1) gets its information from different sources. The one with highest priority is the
       commandline with all allowed flags and arguments described below. The secondary source is
       the xcontrol(7) system, which can in principle use as many input files as wished. The
       xcontrol(7) system is the successor of the set-block as present in version 5.8.2 and
       earlier. This implementation of xtb(1) reads the xcontrol(7) from two of three possible
       sources, the local xcontrol file or the FILE used to specify the geometry and the global
       configuration file found in the XTBPATH.


       -c, --chrg INT
           specify molecular charge as INT, overrides .CHRG file and xcontrol option

       -u, --uhf INT
           specify number of unpaired electrons as INT, overrides .UHF file and xcontrol option

       --gfn INT
           specify parametrisation of GFN-xTB (default = 2)

       --gfnff, --gff
           specify parametrisation of GFN-FF

       --oniom METHOD LIST
           use subtractive embedding via ONIOM method.  METHOD is given as inner:outer where
           inner can be orca, turbomole, gfn2, gfn1, or gfnff and outer can be gfn2, gfn1, or
           gfnff. The inner region is given as a comma separated indices directly in the
           commandline or in a file with each index on a separate line.

       --etemp REAL
           electronic temperature (default = 300K)

           calculate electrostatic potential on VdW-grid

           calculate STM image

       -a, --acc REAL
           accuracy for SCC calculation, lower is better (default = 1.0)

       --vparam FILE
           Parameter file for vTB calculation

       --xparam FILE
           Parameter file for xTB calculation (not used)

       --alpb SOLVENT [STATE]
           analytical linearized Poisson-Boltzmann (ALPB) model, available solvents are acetone,
           acetonitrile, aniline, benzaldehyde, benzene, ch2cl2, chcl3, cs2, dioxane, dmf, dmso,
           ether, ethylacetate, furane, hexandecane, hexane, methanol, nitromethane, octanol,
           woctanol, phenol, toluene, thf, water. The solvent input is not case-sensitive. The
           Gsolv reference state can be chosen as reference or bar1M (default).

       -g, --gbsa SOLVENT [STATE]
           generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface (SASA) model, available
           solvents are acetone, acetonitrile, benzene (only GFN1-xTB), CH2Cl2, CHCl3, CS2, DMF
           (only GFN2-xTB), DMSO, ether, H2O, methanol, n-hexane (only GFN2-xTB), THF and
           toluene. The solvent input is not case-sensitive. The Gsolv reference state can be
           chosen as reference or bar1M (default).

           shifts molecule to center of mass and transforms cartesian coordinates into the
           coordinate system of the principle axis (not affected by ‘isotopes’-file).

           requests printout of Mulliken population analysis

           requests printout of molden file

           requests dipole printout

           requests Wiberg bond order printout

           requests localization of orbitals

           requests FOD calculation

           You can only select one runtyp, only the first runtyp will be used from the program,
           use implemented composite runtyps to perform several operations at once.

       --scc, --sp
           performs a single point calculation

           performs calculation of ionisation potential. This needs the .param_ipea.xtb
           parameters and a GFN1 Hamiltonian.

           performs calculation of electron affinity. This needs the .param_ipea.xtb parameters
           and a GFN1 Hamiltonian.

           performs calculation of electron affinity and ionisation potential. This needs the
           .param_ipea.xtb parameters and a GFN1 Hamiltonian.

           performs calculation of Fukui indices.

           performs calculation of electrophilicity index. This needs the .param_ipea.xtb
           parameters and a GFN1 Hamiltonian.

           performs a gradient calculation

       -o, --opt [LEVEL]
           call ancopt(3) to perform a geometry optimization, levels from crude, sloppy, loose,
           normal (default), tight, verytight to extreme can be chosen

           perform a numerical hessian calculation on input geometry

       --ohess [LEVEL]
           perform a numerical hessian calculation on an ancopt(3) optimized geometry

       --bhess [LEVEL]
           perform a biased numerical hessian calculation on an ancopt(3) optimized geometry

           molecular dynamics simulation on start geometry

       --metadyn [int]
           meta dynamics simulation on start geometry, saving int snapshots of the trajectory to
           bias the simulation

           molecular dynamics simulation on ancopt(3) optimized geometry, a loose optimization
           level will be chosen

       --metaopt [LEVEL]
           call ancopt(3) to perform a geometry optimization, then try to find other minimas by
           meta dynamics

       --path [FILE]
           use meta dynamics to calculate a path from the input geometry to the given product


       --modef INT
           modefollowing algorithm.  INT specifies the mode that should be used for the

       -I, --input FILE
           use FILE as input source for xcontrol(7) instructions

       --namespace STRING
           give this xtb(1) run a namespace. All files, even temporary ones, will be named
           according to STRING (might not work everywhere).

           copies the xcontrol file at startup (default = true)

           restarts calculation from xtbrestart (default = true)

       -P, --parallel INT
           number of parallel processes

           performs automatic check of input and terminate

           write xtbout.json file

           print citation and terminate

           print license and terminate

       -v, --verbose
           be more verbose (not supported in every unit)

       -s, --silent
           clutter the screen less (not supported in every unit)

           reduce the amount of output and files written

           turns all warnings into hard errors

       -h, --help
           show help page


       xtb(1) accesses a path-like variable to determine the location of its parameter files, you
       have to provide the XTBPATH variable in the same syntax as the system PATH variable. If
       this variable is not set, xtb(1) will try to generate the XTBPATH from the deprecated
       XTBHOME variable. In case the XTBHOME variable is not set it will be generated from the
       HOME variable. So in principle storing the parameter files in the users home directory is
       suffient but might lead to come cluttering.

       Since the XTBHOME variable is deprecated with version 6.0 and newer xtb(1) will issue a
       warning if XTBHOME is not part of the XTBPATH since the XTBHOME variable is not used in
       production runs.


       xtb(1) accesses a number of local files in the current working directory and also writes
       some output in specific files. Note that not all input and output files allow the
       --namespace option.

           molecular charge as int

           Number of unpaired electrons as int

           contains restart information for MD, --namespace compatible.

           point charge input, format is real real real real [int]. The first real is used as
           partial charge, the next three entries are the cartesian coordinates and the last is
           an optional atom type. Note that the point charge input is not affected by a CMA
           transformation. Also parallel Hessian calculations will fail due to I/O errors when
           using point charge embedding.

           default input file in --copy mode, see xcontrol(7) for details, set by --input.

           contains restart information for SCC, --namespace compatible.

           contains Mulliken partial charges calculated in SCC

           contains Wiberg bond order calculated in SCC, --namespace compatible.

           total energy in Turbomole format

           geometry, energy and gradient in Turbomole format

           contains the (not mass weighted) cartesian Hessian, --namespace compatible., xtbopt.coord
           optimized geometry in the same format as the input geometry.

           distorted geometry if imaginary frequency was found

           contains all structures obtained in the geometry optimization with the respective
           energy in the comment line in a XMOL formatted trajectory

           trajectories from MD
           coordinate dump of MD

           FOD on a cube-type grid

           spindensity on a cube-type grid

           density on a cube-type grid

           MOs and occupation for visualisation and sTDA-xTB calculations

           gradient of the point charges

           ESP fake cosmo output

           ESP histogramm data

           Turbomole style vibrational spectrum data group

       g98.out, g98l.out, g98_canmode.out, g98_locmode.out
           g98 fake output with normal or local modes

           input for mode following

           protonated species

           centers of the localized molecular orbitals

           centers of the localized molecular orbitals

           number of recommended modes for mode following

       xtb_normalmodes, xtb_localmodes
           binary dump for mode following

           generated by successful MD

           generated after each successful xtb(1) run

           generated after failed SCC with printlevel=2


       xtb(1) can generate the two types of warnings, the first warning section is printed
       immediately after the normal banner at startup, summing up the evaluation of all input
       sources (commandline, xcontrol, xtbrc). To check this warnings exclusively before running
       an expensive calculation a input check is implemented via the --define flag. Please, study
       this warnings carefully!

       After xtb(1) has evaluated the all input sources it immediately enters the production
       mode. Severe errors will lead to an abnormal termination which is signalled by the
       printout to STDERR and a non-zero return value (usually 128). All non-fatal errors are
       summerized in the end of the calculation in one block, right bevor the timing analysis.

       To aid the user to fix the problems generating these warnings a brief summary of each
       warning with its respective string representation in the output will be shown here:

       ANCopt failed to converge the optimization
           geometry optimization has failed to converge in the given number optimization cycles.
           This is not neccessary a problem if only a small number of cycles was given for the
           optimization on purpose. All further calculations are done on the last geometry of the

       Hessian on incompletely optimized geometry!
           This warning will be issued twice, once before the Hessian, calculations starts (it
           would otherwise take some time before this this warning could be detected) and in the
           warning block in the end. The warning will be generated if the gradient norm on the
           given geometry is higher than a certain threshold.


           normal termination of xtb(1)

           Failure (termination via error stop generates 128 as return value)


       please report all bugs with an example input, --copy dump of internal settings and the
       used geometry, as well as the --verbose output to


       Main web site:


       Copyright (C) 2015-2018 S. Grimme. For non-commerical, academia use only.

                                            12/09/2022                                     XTB(1)