Provided by: sway-notification-center_0.7.3-1_amd64
swaync - Configuration file
Using a text editor with a JSON language server is recommended when editing the config file to be able to detect config errors positionX type: string default: right values: left, right, center description: Horizontal position of control center and notification window positionY type: string default: top values: top, bottom description: Vertical position of control center and notification window layer type: string default: top values: background, bottom, top, overlay description: Layer of control center window relative to normal windows. background is below all windows, overlay is above all windows. cssPriority type: string default: application values: application, user description: Which GTK priority to use when loading the default and user CSS files. Pick "user" to override XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/gtk.css control-center-margin-top type: integer default: 0 description: The margin (in pixels) at the top of the notification center. 0 to disable control-center-margin-bottom type: integer default: 0 description: The margin (in pixels) at the bottom of the notification center. 0 to disable control-center-margin-right type: integer default: 0 description: The margin (in pixels) at the right of the notification center. 0 to disable control-center-margin-left type: integer default: 0 description: The margin (in pixels) at the left of the notification center. 0 to disable timeout type: integer default: 10 description: The notification timeout for notifications with normal priority timeout-low type: integer default: 5 description: The notification timeout for notifications with low priority timeout-critical type: integer default: 0 description: The notification timeout for notifications with critical priority. 0 to disable notification-window-width type: integer default: 500 description: Width of the notification in pixels keyboard-shortcuts type: bool default: true description: If control center should use keyboard shortcuts image-visibility type: string default: always values: always, when-available, never description: An explanation about the purpose of this instance. transition-time type: integer default: 200 description: The notification animation duration. 0 to disable hide-on-clear type: bool default: false description: Hides the control center after pressing "Clear All" hide-on-action type: bool default: true description: Hides the control center when clicking on notification action fit-to-screen type: bool default: true description: Whether the control center should expand vertically to fill the screen control-center-height type: integer default: 500 description: The control centers height in pixels. This setting is ignored when fit-to-screen it set to "true" control-center-width type: integer default: 500 description: The control centers width in pixels notification-visibility type: object visibility object properties: state type: string optional: false default: enabled values: ignored, muted, transient, enabled description: The notification visibility state. app-name type: string optional: true description: The app-name. Uses Regex. summary type: string optional: true description: The summary of the notification. Uses Regex. body type: string optional: true description: The body of the notification. Uses Regex. urgency type: string optional: true default: Normal values: Low, Normal, Critical description: The urgency of the notification. category type: string optional: true description: Which category the notification belongs to. Uses Regex. description: Set the visibility of each incoming notification. If the notification doesn't include one of the properites, that property will be ignored. All properties (except for state) use regex. If all properties match the given notification, the notification will be follow the provided state. Only the first matching object will be used. example: { "notification-visibility": { "example-name": { "state": "The notification state", "app-name": "Notification app-name Regex", "summary": "Notification summary Regex", "body": "Notification body Regex", "urgency": "Low or Normal or Critical", "category": "Notification category Regex" } } } widgets type: array Default values: ["title", "dnd", "notifications"] Valid array values (see widget-config for more information): notifications required: true optional: false title optional: true dnd optional: true label optional: true mpris optional: true description: Which order and which widgets to display. If the "notifications" widget isn't specified, it will be placed at the bottom. multiple of same widget: Append a # with any value to the end of the widget name. Example: "title#TheMainTitle" example: { "widgets": [ "title", "dnd", "notifications" ] } widget-config type: object description: Configure specific widget properties. multiple of same widget: Append a # with any value to the end of the widget name. Example: "title#TheMainTitle" Widgets to customize: title type: object css class: widget-title properties: text: type: string optional: true default: "Notifications" description: The title of the widget clear-all-button: type: bool optional: true default: true description: Wether to display a "Clear All" button button-text: type: string optional: true default: "Clear All" description: "Clear All" button text description: The notification visibility state. dnd type: object css class: widget-dnd properties: text: type: string optional: true default: "Do Not Disturb" description: The title of the widget description: Control Center Do Not Disturb Widget. label type: object css class: widget-label properties: text: type: string optional: true default: "Label Text" description: The text content of the widget clear-all-button: type: integer optional: true default: 5 description: The maximum lines description: A generic widget that allows the user to add custom text. mpris type: object css classes: widget-mpris widget-mpris-player widget-mpris-title widget-mpris-subtitle properties: image-size: type: integer optional: true default: 96 description: The size of the album art. image-radius: type: integer optional: true default: 12 description: The border radius of the album art. description: A widget that displays multiple music players. example: { "widget-config": { "title": { "text": "Notifications", "clear-all-button": true, "button-text": "Clear All" }, "dnd": { "text": "Do Not Disturb" }, "label": { "max-lines": 5, "text": "Label Text" }, "mpris": { "image-size": 96, "image-radius": 12 } } }
script-fail-notify type: bool default: true description: Sends a notification if a script fails to run scripts type: object script object properties: exec type: string optional: false description: The script to run. Can also run regular shell commands. app-name type: string optional: true description: The app-name. Uses Regex. summary type: string optional: true description: The summary of the notification. Uses Regex. body type: string optional: true description: The body of the notification. Uses Regex. urgency type: string optional: true default: Normal values: Low, Normal, Critical description: The urgency of the notification. category type: string optional: true description: Which category the notification belongs to. Uses Regex. description: Which scripts to check and potentially run for every notification. If the notification doesn't include one of the properites, that property will be ignored. All properties (except for exec) use regex. If all properties match the given notification, the script will be run. Only the first matching script will be run. example: { "scripts": { "example-script": { "exec": "Your shell command or script here...", "app-name": "Notification app-name Regex", "summary": "Notification summary Regex", "body": "Notification body Regex", "urgency": "Low or Normal or Critical", "category": "Notification category Regex" } } } 2023-01-26 swaync(5)