Provided by: libowfat-dev_0.32-4_amd64 bug


       dns_ip6 - look up IPv6 addresses


       #include <libowfat/dns.h>

       int dns_ip6(stralloc* out,stralloc* fqdn);


       dns_ip6  looks  up  16-byte IPv6 addresses for the fully-qualified domain name in fqdn. It
       puts the concatenation of the IPv6 addresses into out and returns 0. If  the  domain  does
       not exist in DNS, or has no IP addresses, out will be empty.

       dns_ip6  also  looks  up  4-byte  IPv4  addresses  and converts them into IPv4-mapped IPv6
       addresses (::ffff: to provide easy backwards compatibility for IPv6 applications.

       If dns_ip6 has trouble with the DNS lookup or runs out of memory, it returns  -1,  setting
       errno appropriately. It may or may not change out.

       If  fqdn  is  an IPv6 address, dns_ip6 puts that IP address into out without checking DNS.
       IPv4 addresses are also used directly without DNS lookup.


       dns_ip6_packet(3), dns_ip4(3), dns_name6(3)
