Provided by: muon-meson_0.2.0-1_amd64
NAME - a build system dsl
The meson dsl is a dynamically typed language, similar to other interpreted languages like python and ruby. All objects are immutable. Functions cannot be defined, only built-in functions are available. • STRUCTURE - overview of source and project layout • TYPES - information on all primitive types • SYNTAX - description of syntax and keywords
All meson projects must have a file called `` at the project root. This is the root build file. This file must have a call to the `project()` function as its first statement. Additional `` files may reside in any subdirectories of the project. These build files are then executed with the `subdir()` function.
The meson build system dsl contains most of the common types that would be expected: • booleans (written as `true` and `false`) • integers • strings • arrays • dictionaries Booleans Booleans are either `true` or `false`. OPERATORS • `and` - logical and • `or` - logical or • `not` - logical and Integers You can specify an integer literal using decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary. int_1 = 1 int_42 = 42 int_255 = 0xFF int_493 = 0o755 int_1365 = 0b10101010101 All common arithmetic operations are implemented for integers: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and modulo. OPERATORS • `*` - multiplication • `/` - integer division • `%` - modulo (remainder) • `+` - addition • `-` - subtraction • `==` - equal to • `!=` - not equal to • `<` - less than • `>` - greater than • `<=` - less than or equal to • `>=` - greater than or equal to Strings Strings in Meson are declared with single quotes. `` is the escape character. The full list of escape sequences is: • `\` Backslash • `'` Single quote • `a` Bell • `b` Backspace • `f` Formfeed • `n` Newline • `r` Carriage Return • `t` Horizontal Tab • `v` Vertical Tab • `ooo` Character with octal value ooo, up to 3 digits long • `xhh` Character with hex value hh • `uxxxx` Character with 16-bit hex value xxxx • `Uxxxxxxxx` Character with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx • `N{name}` Character named name in Unicode database Multi-line strings are surrounded by 3 consecutive quotes. These are raw strings that do not support the escape sequences listed above. Format strings are expressed by a placing leading `f` before the first opening quote. Inside of a format string, sequences of the form `@[a-z_]+@` will be substituted with the value of the matching variable. name = 'Alice' # prints "Hello Alice" message(f'Hello @name@') OPERATORS • `+` - concatenate two strings • `/` - concatenate two strings as if `join_paths()` was called • `[n]` - access the character at index `n` • `==` - equal to • `!=` - not equal to Arrays Arrays are delimited by brackets. An array can contain an arbitrary number of objects of any type. OPERATORS • `+` - If the rhs operand is an array, it will be joined to the lhs array. If it is a scalar, it will be appended to the lhs array. • `[n]` - access the object at index `n` • `<obj> in <array>` - check if object `obj` is in `array` • `<obj> in <array>` - check if object `obj` is not in `array` • `==` - equal to • `!=` - not equal to Dictionaries Dictionaries are delimited by curly braces. A dictionary can contain an arbitrary number of key: value pairs. Keys are required to be strings, but values can be objects of any type. Dictionaries are immutable and do not have a guaranteed order. OPERATORS • `+` - merge two dictionaries. In case of a conflicting key, the value from the rhs dictionary will be taken. • `[key]` - access the object with key `key` • `<key> in <dict>` - check if key `key` is in `dict` • `<key> not in <dict>` - check if key `key` is not in `dict` • `==` - equal to • `!=` - not equal to
A meson build file is composed of statements, which are terminated by newlines. Other than the statement-terminating newline, white space has no syntactic meaning. Comments A comment starts with the `#` character and extends until the end of the line. Variables A variable can contain a value of any type, and does not need to be predeclared. var1 = 'hello' var2 = 102 One important difference in how variables work in the dsl is that all objects are immutable. When you see an operation which appears like a mutation, actually a new object is created and assigned to the name. var1 = [1, 2, 3] var2 = var1 var2 += [4] # var2 is now [1, 2, 3, 4] # var1 is still [1, 2, 3] Function and method calls Builtin functions are called by their name followed by parenthesis containing optional, comma-separated arguments. Arguments are either positional or keyword. Keyword arguments are expressed using the keyword without quotes, followed by a colon. foo() foo('bar') foo('bar', baz: true) Method calls are expressed by a `.` followed by the same function call syntax as above.'baz', qux: false) For a complete list of functions and methods, please see `meson-reference(3)`. If statements Start an if statement with the `if` keyword followed by a boolean expression. Further conditions can be expressed using the `elif` keyword followed by a boolean expression. The `else` keyword can be used to handle the case when no conditions are matched. An if statement is terminated with the `endif` keyword. if conditon1 elif condition2 else condition3 endif Foreach statements To loop over values in an iterable, use the `foreach` keyword followed by a comma separated list of names to assign the values of the iterable to, a colon, and an iterable expression. Only arrays and dictionaries are iterable. A foreach statement is terminated with the `endforeach` keyword. Arrays have one value to assign to. foreach value : array foo(value) endforeach Dictionaries have one two values to assign to. foreach key, value : dictionary foo(key) bar(value) endforeach Inside a `foreach` block you may use the `break` and `continue` keywords. `break` exits the loop immediately. `continue` skips the rest of the current iteration.
meson-reference(3) meson(1) muon(1) 2023-06-18