noble (3) Bio::Root::Utilities.3pm.gz

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       Bio::Root::Utilities - general-purpose utilities


   Object Creation
           # Using the supplied singleton object:
           use Bio::Root::Utilities qw(:obj);

           # Create an object manually:
           use Bio::Root::Utilities;
           my $util = Bio::Root::Utilities->new();

           $date_stamp = $Util->date_format('yyy-mm-dd');

           $clean = $Util->untaint($dirty);

           $compressed = $Util->compress('/home/me/myfile.txt')

           my ($mean, $stdev) = $Util->mean_stdev( @data );

           $Util->mail_authority("Something you should know about...");

           ...and a host of other methods. See below.


       Provides general-purpose utilities of potential interest to any Perl script.

       The ":obj" tag is a convenience that imports a $Util symbol into your namespace representing a
       Bio::Root::Utilities object. This saves you from creating your own Bio::Root::Utilities object via
       "Bio::Root::Utilities->new()" or from prefixing all method calls with "Bio::Root::Utilities", though feel
       free to do these things if desired.  Since there should normally not be a need for a script to have more
       than one Bio::Root::Utilities object, this module thus comes with it's own singleton.


       This module is included with the central Bioperl distribution:

       Follow the installation instructions included in the README file.


       Inherits from Bio::Root::Root, and uses Bio::Root::IO and Bio::Root::Exception.

       Relies on external executables for file compression/uncompression and sending mail. No paths to these are
       hard coded but are located as needed.

  - Bioperl Project Homepage


       This module was originally developed under the auspices of the Saccharomyces Genome Database:

AUTHOR Steve Chervitz

        Title     : date_format
        Usage     : $Util->date_format( [FMT], [DATE])
        Purpose   : -- Get a string containing the formatted date or time
                  :    taken when this routine is invoked.
                  : -- Provides a way to avoid using `date`.
                  : -- Provides an interface to localtime().
                  : -- Interconverts some date formats.
                  : (For additional functionality, use Date::Manip or
                  :  Date::DateCalc available from CPAN).
        Example   : $Util->date_format();
                  : $date = $Util->date_format('yyyy-mmm-dd', '11/22/92');
        Returns   : String (unless 'list' is provided as argument, see below)
                  :   'yyyy-mm-dd'  = 1996-05-03    # default format.
                  :   'yyyy-dd-mm'  = 1996-03-05
                  :   'yyyy-mmm-dd' = 1996-May-03
                  :   'd-m-y'       = 3-May-1996
                  :   'd m y'       = 3 May 1996
                  :   'dmy'         = 3may96
                  :   'mdy'         = May 3, 1996
                  :   'ymd'         = 96may3
                  :   'md'          = may3
                  :   'year'        = 1996
                  :   'hms'         = 23:01:59  # when not converting a format, 'hms' can be
                  :                             # tacked on to any of the above options
                  :                             # to add the time stamp: eg 'dmyhms'
                  :   'full' | 'unix' = UNIX-style date: Tue May  5 22:00:00 1998
                  :   'list'          = the contents of localtime(time) in an array.
        Argument  : (all are optional)
                  : FMT  = yyyy-mm-dd | yyyy-dd-mm | yyyy-mmm-dd |
                  :        mdy | ymd | md | d-m-y | hms | hm
                  :        ('hms' may be appended to any of these to
                  :        add a time stamp)
                  : DATE = String containing date to be converted.
                  :        Acceptable input formats:
                  :           12/1/97 (for 1 December 1997)
                  :           1997-12-01
                  :           1997-Dec-01
        Throws    :
        Comments  : If you don't care about formatting or using backticks, you can
                  : always use: $date = `date`;
                  : For more features, use, (which I should
                  : probably switch to...)

       See Also   : file_date(), month2num()

        Title      : month2num
        Purpose    : Converts a string containing a name of a month to integer
                   : representing the number of the month in the year.
        Example    : $Util->month2num("march");  # returns 3
        Argument   : The string argument must contain at least the first
                   : three characters of the month's name. Case insensitive.
        Throws     : Exception if the conversion fails.

        Title   : num2month
        Purpose : Does the opposite of month2num.
                : Converts a number into a string containing a name of a month.
        Example : $Util->num2month(3);  # returns 'Mar'
        Throws  : Exception if supplied number is out of range.

        Title     : compress
        Usage     : $Util->compress(full-path-filename);
                  : $Util->compress(<named parameters>);
        Purpose   : Compress a file.
        Example   : $Util->compress("/usr/people/me/data.txt");
                  : $Util->compress(-file=>"/usr/people/me/data.txt",
                  :                 -tmp=>1,
                  :                 -outfile=>"/usr/people/share/data.txt.gz",
                  :                 -exe=>"/usr/local/bin/fancyzip");
        Returns   : String containing full, absolute path to compressed file
        Argument  : Named parameters (case-insensitive):
                  :   -FILE => String (name of file to be compressed, full path).
                  :            If the supplied filename ends with '.gz' or '.Z',
                  :            that extension will be removed before attempting to compress.
                  : Optional:
                  :   -TMP  => boolean. If true, (or if user is not the owner of the file)
                  :            the file is compressed to a temp file. If false, file may be
                  :            clobbered with the compressed version (if using a utility like
                  :            gzip, which is the default)
                  :   -OUTFILE => String (name of the output compressed file, full path).
                  :   -EXE  => Name of executable for compression utility to use.
                  :            Will supersede those in @COMPRESSION_UTILS defined by
                  :            this module. If the absolute path to the executable is not provided,
                  :            it will be searched in the PATH env variable.
        Throws    : Exception if file cannot be compressed.
                  : If user is not owner of the file, generates a warning and compresses to
                  : a tmp file. To avoid this warning, use the -o file test operator
                  : and call this function with -TMP=>1.
        Comments  : Attempts to compress using utilities defined in the @COMPRESSION_UTILS
                  : defined by this module, in the order defined. The first utility that is
                  : found to be executable will be used. Any utility defined in optional -EXE param
                  : will be tested for executability first.
                  : To minimize security risks, the -EXE parameter value is untained using
                  : the untaint() method of this module (in 'relaxed' mode to permit path separators).

       See Also   : uncompress()

        Title     : uncompress
        Usage     : $Util->uncompress(full-path-filename);
                  : $Util->uncompress(<named parameters>);
        Purpose   : Uncompress a file.
        Example   : $Util->uncompress("/usr/people/me/data.txt");
                  : $Util->uncompress(-file=>"/usr/people/me/data.txt.gz",
                  :                   -tmp=>1,
                  :                   -outfile=>"/usr/people/share/data.txt",
                  :                   -exe=>"/usr/local/bin/fancyzip");
        Returns   : String containing full, absolute path to uncompressed file
        Argument  : Named parameters (case-insensitive):
                  :   -FILE => String (name of file to be uncompressed, full path).
                  :            If the supplied filename ends with '.gz' or '.Z',
                  :            that extension will be removed before attempting to uncompress.
                  : Optional:
                  :   -TMP  => boolean. If true, (or if user is not the owner of the file)
                  :            the file is uncompressed to a temp file. If false, file may be
                  :            clobbered with the uncompressed version (if using a utility like
                  :            gzip, which is the default)
                  :   -OUTFILE => String (name of the output uncompressed file, full path).
                  :   -EXE  => Name of executable for uncompression utility to use.
                  :            Will supersede those in @UNCOMPRESSION_UTILS defined by
                  :            this module. If the absolute path to the executable is not provided,
                  :            it will be searched in the PATH env variable.
        Throws    : Exception if file cannot be uncompressed.
                  : If user is not owner of the file, generates a warning and uncompresses to
                  : a tmp file. To avoid this warning, use the -o file test operator
                  : and call this function with -TMP=>1.
        Comments  : Attempts to uncompress using utilities defined in the @UNCOMPRESSION_UTILS
                  : defined by this module, in the order defined. The first utility that is
                  : found to be executable will be used. Any utility defined in optional -EXE param
                  : will be tested for executability first.
                  : To minimize security risks, the -EXE parameter value is untained using
                  : the untaint() method of this module (in 'relaxed' mode to permit path separators).

       See Also   : compress()

        Title    : file_date
        Usage    : $Util->file_date( filename [,date_format])
        Purpose  : Obtains the date of a given file.
                 : Provides flexible formatting via date_format().
        Returns  : String = date of the file as: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 1997-10-15)
        Argument : filename = string, full path name for file
                 : date_format = string, desired format for date (see date_format()).
                 :               Default = yyyy-mm-dd
        Thows    : Exception if no file is provided or does not exist.
        Comments : Uses the mtime field as obtained by stat().

        Title   : untaint
        Purpose : To remove nasty shell characters from untrusted data
                : and allow a script to run with the -T switch.
                : Potentially dangerous shell meta characters:  &;`'\"|*?!~<>^()[]{}$\n\r
                : Accept only the first block of contiguous characters:
                :  Default allowed chars = "-\w.', ()"
                :  If $relax is true  = "-\w.', ()\/=%:^<>*"
        Usage   : $Util->untaint($value, $relax)
        Returns : String containing the untained data.
        Argument: $value = string
                : $relax = boolean
            This general untaint() function may not be appropriate for every situation.
            To allow only a more restricted subset of special characters
            (for example, untainting a regular expression), then using a custom
            untainting mechanism would permit more control.

            Note that special trusted vars (like $0) require untainting.

        Title    : mean_stdev
        Usage    : ($mean, $stdev) = $Util->mean_stdev( @data )
        Purpose  : Calculates the mean and standard deviation given a list of numbers.
        Returns  : 2-element list (mean, stdev)
        Argument : list of numbers (ints or floats)
        Thows    : n/a

        Title    : count_files
        Purpose  : Counts the number of files/directories within a given directory.
                 : Also reports the number of text and binary files in the dir
                 : as well as names of these files and directories.
        Usage    : count_files(\%data)
                 :   $data{-DIR} is the directory to be analyzed. Default is ./
                 :   $data{-PRINT} = 0|1; if 1, prints results to STDOUT, (default=0).
        Argument : Hash reference (empty)
        Returns  : n/a;
                 : Modifies the hash ref passed in as the sole argument.
                 :  $$href{-TOTAL}            scalar
                 :  $$href{-NUM_TEXT_FILES}   scalar
                 :  $$href{-NUM_BINARY_FILES} scalar
                 :  $$href{-NUM_DIRS}         scalar
                 :  $$href{-T_FILE_NAMES}     array ref
                 :  $$href{-B_FILE_NAMES}     array ref
                 :  $$href{-DIRNAMES}         array ref

        Title   : file_info
        Purpose : Obtains a variety of date for a given file.
                : Provides an interface to Perl's stat().
        Status  : Under development. Not ready. Don't use!

        Title   : delete
        Purpose :

        Usage     : $object->create_filehandle(<named parameters>);
        Purpose   : Create a FileHandle object from a file or STDIN.
                  : Mainly used as a helper method by read() and get_newline().
        Example   : $data = $object->create_filehandle(-FILE =>'usr/people/me/data.txt')
        Argument  : Named parameters (case-insensitive):
                  :  (all optional)
                  :    -CLIENT  => object reference for the object submitting
                  :                the request. Default = $Util.
                  :    -FILE    => string (full path to file) or a reference
                  :                to a FileHandle object or typeglob. This is an
                  :                optional parameter (if not defined, STDIN is used).
        Returns   : Reference to a FileHandle object.
        Throws    : Exception if cannot open a supplied file or if supplied with a
                  : reference that is not a FileHandle ref.
        Comments  : If given a FileHandle reference, this method simply returns it.
                  : This method assumes the user wants to read ascii data. So, if
                  : the file is binary, it will be treated as a compressed (gzipped)
                  : file and access it using gzip -ce. The problem here is that not
                  : all binary files are necessarily compressed. Therefore,
                  : this method should probably have a -mode parameter to
                  : specify ascii or binary.

       See Also :  get_newline()

        Usage     : $object->get_newline(<named parameters>);
        Purpose   : Determine the character(s) used for newlines in a given file or
                  : input stream. Delegates to Bio::Root::Utilities::get_newline()
        Example   : $data = $object->get_newline(-CLIENT => $anObj,
                  :                                   -FILE =>'usr/people/me/data.txt')
        Argument  : Same arguemnts as for create_filehandle().
        Returns   : Reference to a FileHandle object.
        Throws    : Propagates any exceptions thrown by Bio::Root::Utilities::get_newline().

       See Also : taste_file(), create_filehandle()

        Usage     : $object->taste_file( <FileHandle> );
                  : Mainly a utility method for get_newline().
        Purpose   : Sample a filehandle to determine the character(s) used for a newline.
        Example   : $char = $Util->taste_file($FH)
        Argument  : Reference to a FileHandle object.
        Returns   : String containing an octal represenation of the newline character string.
                  :   Unix = "\012"  ("\n")
                  :   Win32 = "\012\015" ("\r\n")
                  :   Mac = "\015"  ("\r")
        Throws    : Exception if no input is read within $TIMEOUT_SECS seconds.
                  : Exception if argument is not FileHandle object reference.
                  : Warning if cannot determine neewline char(s).
        Comments  : Based on code submitted by Vicki Brown (

       See Also : get_newline()

        Usage     : $object->file_flavor( <filename> );
        Purpose   : Returns the 'flavor' of a given file (unix, dos, mac)
        Example   : print "$file has flavor: ", $Util->file_flavor($file);
        Argument  : filename = string, full path name for file
        Returns   : String describing flavor of file and handy info about line endings.
                  : One of these is returned:
                  :   unix (\n or 012 or ^J)
                  :   dos (\r\n or 015,012 or ^M^J)
                  :   mac (\r or 015 or ^M)
                  :   unknown
        Throws    : Exception if argument is not a file
                  : Propagates any exceptions thrown by Bio::Root::Utilities::get_newline().

       See Also : get_newline(),  taste_file()

        Title    : mail_authority
        Usage    : $Util->mail_authority( $message )
        Purpose  : Syntactic sugar to send email to $Bio::Root::Global::AUTHORITY

       See Also  : send_mail()

        Title    : authority
        Usage    : $Util->authority('');
        Purpose  : Set/get the email address that should be notified by mail_authority()

       See Also  : mail_authority()

        Title    : send_mail
        Usage    : $Util->send_mail( named_parameters )
        Purpose  : Provides an interface to mail or sendmail, if available
        Returns  : n/a
        Argument : Named parameters:  (case-insensitive)
                 :  -TO   => e-mail address to send to
                 :  -SUBJ => subject for message  (optional)
                 :  -MSG  => message to be sent   (optional)
                 :  -CC   => cc: e-mail address   (optional)
        Thows    : Exception if TO: address appears bad or is missing.
                 : Exception if mail cannot be sent.
        Comments : Based on  TomC's tip at:
                 : Using default 'From:' information.
                 :   sendmail options used:
                 :      -t: ignore the address given on the command line and
                 :          get To:address from the e-mail header.
                 :     -oi: prevents send_mail from ending the message if it
                 :          finds a period at the start of a line.

       See Also  : mail_authority()

        Title     : find_exe
        Usage     : $Util->find_exe(name);
        Purpose   : Locate an executable (for use in a system() call, e.g.))
        Example   : $Util->find_exe("gzip");
        Returns   : String containing executable that passes the -x test.
                    Returns undef if an executable of the supplied name cannot be found.
        Argument  : Name of executable to be found.
                  : Can be a full path. If supplied name is not executable, an executable
                  : of that name will be searched in all directories in the currently
                  : defined PATH environment variable.
        Throws    : No exceptions, but issues a warning if multiple paths are found
                  : for a given name. The first one is used.
        Comments  : TODO: Confirm functionality on all bioperl-supported platforms.
                    May get tripped up by variation in path separator character used
                    for splitting ENV{PATH}.
       See Also   :

        Title   : yes_reply()
        Usage   : $Util->yes_reply( [query_string]);
        Purpose : To test an STDIN input value for affirmation.
        Example : print +( $Util->yes_reply('Are you ok') ? "great!\n" : "sorry.\n" );
                : $Util->yes_reply('Continue') || die;
        Returns : Boolean, true (1) if input string begins with 'y' or 'Y'
        Argument: query_string = string to be used to prompt user (optional)
                : If not provided, 'Yes or no' will be used.
                : Question mark is automatically appended.

        Title   : request_data()
        Usage   : $Util->request_data( [value_name]);
        Purpose : To request data from a user to be entered via keyboard (STDIN).
        Example : $name = $Util->request_data('Name');
                : # User will see: % Enter Name:
        Returns : String, (data entered from keyboard, sans terminal newline.)
        Argument: value_name = string to be used to prompt user.
                : If not provided, 'data' will be used, (not very helpful).
                : Question mark is automatically appended.

        Title   : quit_reply
        Usage   :
        Purpose :

        Purpose : Checks the version of Perl used to invoke the script.
                : Aborts program if version is less than the given argument.
        Usage   : verify_version('5.000')