noble (3) Catalyst::Test.3pm.gz

Catalyst::Test - Test Catalyst Applications
# Helper script/ # Tests use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp'; my $content = get('index.html'); # Content as string my $response = request('index.html'); # HTTP::Response object my($res, $c) = ctx_request('index.html'); # HTTP::Response & context object use HTTP::Request::Common; my $response = request POST '/foo', [ bar => 'baz', something => 'else' ]; # Run tests against a remote server CATALYST_SERVER='http://localhost:3000/' prove -r -l lib/ t/ use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp'; use Test::More tests => 1; ok( get('/foo') =~ /bar/ ); # mock virtual hosts use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp', { default_host => '' }; like( get('/whichhost'), qr/served by ); like( get( '/whichhost', { host => '' } ), qr/served by ); { local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = ''; like( get('/whichhost'), qr/served by ); }
This module allows you to make requests to a Catalyst application either without a server, by simulating the environment of an HTTP request using HTTP::Request::AsCGI or remotely if you define the CATALYST_SERVER environment variable. This module also adds a few Catalyst-specific testing methods as displayed in the method section. The get and request functions take either a URI or an HTTP::Request object.
While it used to be possible to inline a whole test app into a ".t" file for a distribution, this will no longer work. The convention is to place your Catalyst test apps into "t/lib" in your distribution. E.g.: "t/lib/", "t/lib/TestApp/Controller/", etc.. Multiple test apps can be used in this way. Then write your ".t" files like so: use strict; use warnings; use FindBin '$Bin'; use lib "$Bin/lib"; use Test::More tests => 6; use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
$content = get( ... ) Returns the content. my $content = get('foo/bar?test=1'); Note that this method doesn't follow redirects, so to test for a correctly redirecting page you'll need to use a combination of this method and the request method below: my $res = request('/'); # redirects to /y warn $res->header('location'); use URI; my $uri = URI->new($res->header('location')); is ( $uri->path , '/y'); my $content = get($uri->path); Note also that the content is returned as raw bytes, without any attempt to decode it into characters. $res = request( ... ); Returns an HTTP::Response object. Accepts an optional hashref for request header configuration; currently only supports setting 'host' value. my $res = request('foo/bar?test=1'); my $virtual_res = request('foo/bar?test=1', {host => ''}); Alternately, you can pass in an HTTP::Request::Common object to set arbitrary request headers. my $res = request(GET '/foo/bar', X-Foo => 'Bar', Authorization => 'Bearer JWT_HERE', ... ); ($res, $c) = ctx_request( ... ); Works exactly like request, except it also returns the Catalyst context object, $c. Note that this only works for local requests. action_ok($url [, $test_name ]) Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was successful. An optional second argument can be given to specify the name of the test. action_redirect($url [, $test_name ]) Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was a redirect. An optional second argument can be given to specify the name of the test. action_notfound($url [, $test_name ]) Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was not found. An optional second argument can be given to specify the name of the test. content_like( $url, $regexp [, $test_name ] ) Fetches the given URL and returns whether the content matches the regexp. An optional third argument can be given to specify the name of the test. contenttype_is($url, $type [, $test_name ]) Verify the given URL has a content type of $type and optionally specify a test name.
Catalyst, Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst, Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst, Test::More, HTTP::Request::Common
Catalyst Contributors, see
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.