noble (3) Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Explanation::ArgumentValidation.3pm.gz

Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Explanation::ArgumentValidation - Argument validation
This document describes version 2.000.0 of Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Explanation::ArgumentValidation (from Perl distribution Perinci-CmdLine), released on 2021-12-19.
Argument validation is performed before passing the arguments to the function. It includes: making sure required arguments (arguments with "req" property set to true) are specified, the values of specified arguments conforms to the argument schema ("schema" property, described in Sah format), and argument relation rules (in "args_rels" property in the "args" function metadata property) are followed. Arguments will be checked against their schemas for all arguments that are specified by the user or have a default value/rules in their schema, e.g.: # argument specification # this argument has a default clause in its schema foo => { schema => ['str*', default=>'on'], ... } # this argument has a default-value rule clause in its schema mod => { schema => ['perl::modname*', 'x.perl.default_value_rules'=>['Perl::this_mod']], ... }
How to find out if an argument is set explicitly by the user or is getting a default value from the schema/argument specification? Use the special argument "-set_ARGNAME". How to get the original value on an argument sent by user before the argument is being coerced/filtered/given default value by the schema? Use the special argument "-orig_ARGNAME". How to get the default value of an argument from the schema/argument specifcation? Use the special argument "-default_ARGNAME". What's the difference between setting a default in the argument specification vs in the schema? There are two ways to set a default value. The first one is via the "default" property in argument specification: # in the function metadata property... args => { foo => { schema => 'str*', default => 'on', }, ... } This means, if user does not specify the argument: # via CLI % progname # via wrapped function call funcname() then the function will get a "foo" key in its %args automatically. As well as "-set_foo" set to false, "-default_foo" set to "on". We know (from "-set_foo") that "foo" gets its value from the default and not from the user explicitly setting it. Another way is by setting default value in the schema's "default" clause or "x.perl.default_value_rules" property (the latter allows dynamic default values): # in the function metadata property... args => { bar => { schema => ['str*', default=>'on'], ... }, baz => { schema => ['perl::modname*', 'x.perl.default_value_rules'=>['Perl::this_mod']], ... }, ... } This means that if the argument value is set to undefined value ("undef"), it will get set the default from schema during argument validation: # via CLI % progname --baz-json 'null' # via wrapped function call funcname(baz=>undef) Function will receive "bar" key in its %args set to "on", "baz" set to e.g. "Some::Module" instead of "undef". %args will also contain "-set_bar" (false), "-set_baz" (true), "-orig_baz" ("undef") as well as "-default_bar" ("on") and "-default_baz" ("Some::Module"). You can know from "-set_bar" that the argument is set by default value and not explicitly by user.
Please visit the project's homepage at <>.
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perlancar <>
To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub. Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via: % prove -l If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla plugin and/or Pod::Weaver::Plugin. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.
This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 by perlancar <>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website <> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. perl v5.36.0 Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Explanation::ArgumentValidation(3pm)