Provided by: librdf-query-perl_2.918-3ubuntu0.24.04.1_all bug


       RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement - Executable query plan for computed triples.


       This document describes RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement version 2.918.


       Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the RDF::Query::Plan

       "new ( @triple )"
       "execute ( $execution_context )"
           Returns a list of the three node objects that comprise the triple pattern this plan
           will return.

           Returns a RDF::Trine::Statement object representing the triple pattern this plan will

       "bf ()"
           Returns a string representing the state of the nodes of the triple (bound or free).

           Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return distinct results.

           Returns true if the pattern is guaranteed to return ordered results.

           Returns the string name of this plan node, suitable for use in serialization.

           Returns a list of scalar identifiers for the type of the content (children) nodes of
           this plan node. See RDF::Query::Plan for a list of the allowable identifiers.

           Returns the data for this plan node that corresponds to the values described by the
           signature returned by "plan_prototype".

       "graph ( $g )"


        Gregory Todd Williams <>