noble (3) Tangence::Meta::Class.3pm.gz

"Tangence::Meta::Class" - structure representing one "Tangence" class
This data structure object stores information about one Tangence class. Once constructed and defined, such objects are immutable.
new $class = Tangence::Meta::Class->new( name => $name ) Returns a new instance representing the given name. define $class->define( %args ) Provides a definition for the class. methods => HASH events => HASH properties => HASH Optional HASH references containing metadata about methods, events and properties, as instances of Tangence::Meta::Method, Tangence::Meta::Event or Tangence::Meta::Property. superclasses => ARRAY Optional ARRAY reference containing superclasses as "Tangence::Meta::Class" references.
defined $defined = $class->defined Returns true if a definintion for the class has been provided using "define". name $name = $class->name Returns the name of the class perlname $perlname = $class->perlname Returns the perl name of the class. This will be the Tangence name, with dots replaced by double colons ("::"). direct_superclasses @superclasses = $class->direct_superclasses Return the direct superclasses in a list of "Tangence::Meta::Class" references. direct_methods $methods = $class->direct_methods Return the methods that this class directly defines (rather than inheriting from superclasses) as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Method instances. direct_events $events = $class->direct_events Return the events that this class directly defines (rather than inheriting from superclasses) as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Event instances. direct_properties $properties = $class->direct_properties Return the properties that this class directly defines (rather than inheriting from superclasses) as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Property instances.
The following accessors inspect the full inheritance tree of this class and all its superclasses superclasses @superclasses = $class->superclasses Return all the superclasses in a list of unique "Tangence::Meta::Class" references. methods $methods = $class->methods Return all the methods available to this class as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Method instances. method $method = $class->method( $name ) Return the named method as a Tangence::Meta::Method instance, or "undef" if no such method exists. events $events = $class->events Return all the events available to this class as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Event instances. event $event = $class->event( $name ) Return the named event as a Tangence::Meta::Event instance, or "undef" if no such event exists. properties $properties = $class->properties Return all the properties available to this class as a HASH reference mapping names to Tangence::Meta::Property instances. property $property = $class->property( $name ) Return the named property as a Tangence::Meta::Property instance, or "undef" if no such property exists.
Paul Evans <>