noble (3) UR::Namespace::Command::Test::Run.3pm.gz

ur test run - run one or more test scripts
# run everything in a given namespace cd my_sandbox/TheNamespace ur test run --recurse # run only selected tests cd my_sandbox/TheNamespace ur test run My/Module.t Another/Module.t t/foo.t t/bar.t # run only tests which load the TheNamespace::DNA module cd my_sandbox/TheNamespace ur test run --cover TheNamespace/ # run only tests which cover the changes you have in Subversion cd my_sandbox/TheNamespace ur test run --cover-svn-changes # run 5 tests in parallel as jobs scheduled via LSF cd my_sandbox/TheNamespace ur test run --lsf --jobs 5
Runs a test harness around automated test cases, like "make test" in a make-oriented software distrbution, and similar to "prove" run in bulk. When run w/o parameters, it looks for "t" directory in the current working directory, and runs ALL tests under that directory.
--recurse Run all tests in the current directory, and in sub-directories. Without --recurse, it will first recursively search for directories named 't' under the current directory, and then recursively seatch for *.t files under those directories. --long Include "long" tests, which are otherwise skipped in test harness execution -v Be verbose, meaning that individual cases will appear instead of just a full-script summary --cover My/ Looks in a special sqlite database which is updated by the cron which runs tests, to find all tests which load My/ at some point before they exit. Only these tests will be run. * you will still need the --long flag to run long tests. * if you specify tests on the command-line, only tests in both lists will run * this can be specified multiple times --cover-TOOL-changes TOOL can be svn, svk, or cvs. The script will run either "svn status", "svk status", or "cvs -q up" on a parent directory with "GSC" in it, and get all of the changes in your perl_modules trunk. It will behave as though those modules were listed as individual --cover options. --lsf Tests should not be run locally, instead they are submitted as jobs to the LSF cluster with bsub. --lsf-params Parameters given to bsub when sceduling jobs. The default is "-q short -R select[type==LINUX64]" --jobs <number> This many tests should be run in parallel. If --lsf is also specified, then these parallel tests will be submitted as LSF jobs.
automatic remote execution for tests requiring a distinct hardware platform logging profiling and coverage metrics with each test