Provided by: libusb-libusb-perl_0.09-2build6_amd64 

USB::LibUSB - Perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API.
use USB::LibUSB; # # simple program to list all devices on the USB # my $ctx = USB::LibUSB->init(); my @devices = $ctx->get_device_list(); for my $dev (@devices) { my $bus_number = $dev->get_bus_number(); my $device_address = $dev->get_device_address(); my $desc = $dev->get_device_descriptor(); my $idVendor = $desc->{idVendor}; my $idProduct = $desc->{idProduct}; printf("Bus %03d Device %03d: ID %04x:%04x\n", $bus_number, $device_address, $idVendor, $idProduct); } # # Synchronous bulk transfers # my $ctx = USB::LibUSB->init(); my $handle = $ctx->open_device_with_vid_pid(0x1111, 0x2222); $handle->set_auto_detach_kernel_driver(1); # Linux only # We want to use interface 0 $handle->claim_interface(0); $handle->bulk_transfer_write($endpoint, $data, $timeout); my $data = $handle->bulk_transfer_read($endpoint, $length, $timeout);
This module provides a Perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API. It provides access to most basic libusb functionality including read-out of device descriptors and synchronous device I/O. Staying as close as possible to the libusb-1.0 API, this module adds convenient error handling and additional high-level functionality (e.g. device discovery with vid, pid and serial number). Easy to build more functionality without knowing about XS.
Prerequisites Linux/UNIX This requires libusb (>= 1.0.17) development files and pkg-config installed. On Debian like Linux: $ apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config On Cygwin <> you need the pkg-config, libusb1.0-devel and libcrypt-devel packages. Windows On Windows you have to manually download the libusb binaries from <> and extract them somewhere. Assuming that the location of the extracted libusb folder is C:\Users\simon\libusb-1.0, you need to set the "USB_LIBUSB_INCLUDE" and "USB_LIBUSB_LIB" environment variables as follows: > SET USB_LIBUSB_INCLUDE=-IC:\Users\simon\libusb-1.0\include\libusb-1.0 > SET USB_LIBUSB_LIB=-lC:\Users\simon\libusb-1.0\MinGW64\dll\libusb-1.0.dll.a You will also need to add C:\Users\simon\libusb-1.0\MinGW64\dll to the Path environment variable. For StrawberryPerl, version 5.26 or newer is required (see <>). Driver Installation On Windows you need an additional driver to use a device with libusb. See the Windows <> section in the libusb wiki. Building USB::LibUSB The rest of the installation can be done by a CPAN client like cpanm: $ cpanm USB::LibUSB
Library initialization/deinitialization set_debug $ctx->set_debug(LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); init my $ctx = USB::LibUSB->init(); exit $ctx->exit(); last_retval my $retval = $ctx->last_retval(); Get return value of last called libusb function. Device handling and enumeration get_device_list my @device_list = $ctx->get_device_list(); Returned elements are USB::LibUSB::Device objects. get_bus_number my $bus_number = $dev->get_bus_number(); get_port_number my $port_number = $dev->get_port_number(); get_port_numbers my @port_numbers = $dev->get_port_numbers(); get_parent my $parent_dev = $dev->get_parent(); get_device_address my $address = $dev->get_device_address(); get_device_speed my $speed = $dev->get_device_speed(); get_max_packet_size my $size = $dev->get_max_packet_size($endpoint); get_max_iso_packet_size my $size = $dev->get_max_iso_packet_size($endpoint); ref_device $dev->ref_device(); unref_device $dev->unref_device(); open my $handle = $dev->open(); Return a USB::LibUSB::Device::Handle object. open_device_with_vid_pid my $handle = $ctx->open_device_with_vid_pid(0x1111, 0x2222); Return a USB::LibUSB::Device::Handle object. If the vid:pid combination is not unique, return the first device which is found. open_device_with_vid_pid_unique my $handle = $ctx->open_device_with_vid_pid_unique(0x1111, 0x2222); Like "open_device_with_vid_pid", but croak in case of multiple devices with this vid:pid combination. open_device_with_vid_pid_serial my $handle = $ctx->open_device_with_vid_pid_serial(0x0957, 0x0607, "MY47000419"); Like "open_device_with_vid_pid", but also requires a serial number. close $handle->close(); get_device my $dev = $handle->get_device(); get_configuration my $config = $handle->get_configuration(); set_configuration $handle->set_configuration($config); claim_interface $handle->claim_interface($interface_number); release_interface $handle->release_interface($interface_number); set_interface_alt_setting $handle->set_interface_alt_setting($interface_number, $alternate_setting); clear_halt $handle->clear_halt($endpoint); reset_device $handle->reset_device(); kernel_driver_active my $is_active = $handle->kernelt_driver_active($interface_number); detach_kernel_driver $handle->detach_kernel_driver($interface_number); attach_kernel_driver $handle->attach_kernel_driver($interface_number); set_auto_detach_kernel_driver $handle->set_auto_detach_kernel_driver($enable); Throws exception on Windows and Darwin. Miscellaneous libusb_has_capability my $has_cap = libusb_has_capability($capability); libusb_error_name my $error_name = libusb_error_name($error_code); libusb_get_version my $version_hash = libusb_get_version(); Return hashref $version_hash with the following keys: major minor micro nano rc libusb_setlocale my $rv = libusb_setlocale($locale); libusb_strerror my $strerror = libusb_strerror($error_code); USB descriptors All descriptors are returned as hash references. get_device_descriptor my $desc = $dev->get_device_descriptor(); Return hashref $desc with the following keys bLength bDescriptorType bcdUSB bDeviceClass bDeviceSubClass bDeviceProtocol bMaxPacketSize0 idVendor idProduct bcdDevice iManufacturer iProduct iSerialNumber bNumConfigurations All keys hold a scalar value. get_active_config_descriptor my $config = $dev->get_active_config_descriptor(); Return hashref $config with the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType wTotalLength bNumInterfaces bConfigurationValue iConfiguration bmAttributes MaxPower interface extra With the exception of interface, all values are scalars. interface holds an arrayref of bNumInterfaces interface descriptors. Each interface consists of an array of alternate settings. These are hashrefs with the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType bInterfaceNumber bAlternateSetting bNumEndpoints bInterfaceClass bInterfaceSubClass bInterfaceProtocol iInterface endpoint extra With the exception of endpoint, all values are scalars. endpoint holds an arrayref of endpoint descriptors. These are hashrefs with the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType bEndpointAddress bmAttributes wMaxPacketSize bInterval bRefresh bSynchAddress extra All values are scalars. If the endpoint supports USB 3.0 SuperSpeed, the hashref will contain an additional key "superspeed" which holds a SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion descriptor with the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType bMaxBurst bmAttributes wBytesPerInterval Example Dump $config with YAML::XS: use YAML::XS; print Dump($config); For a Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub: --- MaxPower: 0 bConfigurationValue: 1 bDescriptorType: 2 bLength: 9 bNumInterfaces: 1 bmAttributes: 224 extra: ~ iConfiguration: 0 interface: - - bAlternateSetting: 0 bDescriptorType: 4 bInterfaceClass: 9 bInterfaceNumber: 0 bInterfaceProtocol: 0 bInterfaceSubClass: 0 bLength: 9 bNumEndpoints: 1 endpoint: - bDescriptorType: 5 bEndpointAddress: 129 bInterval: 12 bLength: 7 bRefresh: 0 bSynchAddress: 0 bmAttributes: 3 extra: "\x060\0\0\x02\0" ss_endpoint_companion: bDescriptorType: 48 bLength: 6 bMaxBurst: 0 bmAttributes: 0 wBytesPerInterval: 2 wMaxPacketSize: 4 extra: ~ iInterface: 0 wTotalLength: 31 get_config_descriptor my $config = $dev->get_config_descriptor($config_index); Return config descriptor as hashref. get_config_descriptor_by_value my $config = $dev->get_config_descriptor_by_value($bConfigurationValue); Return config descriptor as hashref. get_bos_descriptor my $bos = $handle->get_bos_descriptor(); Return BOS descriptor as hashref with the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType wTotalLength bNumDeviceCaps dev_capability "dev_capability" holds an arrayref of BOS Device Capability descriptors. They have the following keys: bLength bDescriptorType bDevCapabilityType dev_capability_data Additional parsing of the capability data is performed if "bDevCapabilityType" has one of the following values: LIBUSB_BT_USB_2_0_EXTENSION The hashref will contain a key "usb_2_0_extension". LIBUSB_BT_SS_USB_DEVICE_CAPABILITY The hashref will contain a key "ss_usb_device_capability". LIBUSB_BT_CONTAINER_ID The hashref will contain a key "container_id". Example Dump $bos with YAML::XS: use YAML::XS; print Dump($bos); For a Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub: bDescriptorType: 15 bLength: 5 bNumDeviceCaps: 1 dev_capability: - bDescriptorType: 16 bDevCapabilityType: 3 bLength: 10 dev_capability_data: "\x02\b\0\x03\0\0\0" ss_usb_device_capability: bDescriptorType: 16 bDevCapabilityType: 3 bFunctionalitySupport: 3 bLength: 10 bU1DevExitLat: 0 bU2DevExitLat: 0 bmAttributes: 2 wSpeedSupported: 8 wTotalLength: 15 get_string_descriptor_ascii my $data = $handle->get_string_descriptor_ascii($desc_index, $length); get_descriptor my $data = $handle->get_descriptor($desc_type, $desc_index, $length); get_string_descriptor my $data = $handle->get_string_descriptor($desc_index, $langid, $length); Device hotplug event notification To be implemented. Asynchronous device I/O To be implemented. Polling and timing To be implemented. Synchronous device I/O control_transfer_write $handle->control_transfer_write($bmRequestType, $bRequest, $wValue, $wIndex, $data, $timeout); control_transfer_read my $data = $handle->control_transfer_read($bmRequestType, $bRequest, $wValue, $wIndex, $length, $timeout); bulk_tranfer_write my $transferred = $handle->bulk_transfer_write($endpoint, $data, $timeout); bulk_transfer_read my $data = $handle->bulk_transfer_read($endpoint, $length, $timeout); interrupt_transfer_write my $transferred = $handle->interrupt_transfer_write($endpoint, $data, $timeout); interrupt_transfer_read my $data = $handle->interrupt_transfer_read($endpoint, $length, $timeout);
Please report bugs at <>.
Feel free to contact us at the #labmeasurement channel on Freenode IRC.
Simon Reinhardt, <>
Copyright (C) 2017 by Simon Reinhardt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.