Provided by: calibre_7.6.0+ds-1build1_all bug


       calibre - calibre

          calibre [options] [path_to_ebook or calibre url ...]

       Launch  the  main  calibre  Graphical  User  Interface  and  optionally  add the e-book at
       path_to_ebook to the database. You can  also  specify  calibre  URLs  to  perform  various
       different actions, than just adding books. For example:


       Will  open the book with id 1842 in the EPUB format from the library "test_library" in the
       calibre E-book viewer. Library names are the folder names of  the  libraries  with  spaces
       replaced  by  underscores.  A  full description of the various URL based actions is in the
       User Manual.

       Whenever you pass arguments to calibre that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments  in
       quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"


              Detach from the controlling terminal, if any (Linux only)

       --help, -h
              Erakutsi laguntza mezu hau eta irten

              Baztertu  gehigarri pertsonalizatuak, onuragarria calibre abiaraztea eragozten dion
              gehigarriren bat instalatu baduzu

              Ez ibili eguneratzeen bila

       --shutdown-running-calibre, -s
              calibre programaren  edozein  saio  edo  azpi-atal  martxan  baldin  balego,  honek
              geldituko  luke.  Ibili  kontuz  honekin  zeren eta calibre programaren atal batzuk
              martxan egongo balira bertan behera geratuko lirateke oharkabean.

              Hasi sistemaren erretilura minimizaturik

       --verbose, -v
              Ignored, do not use. Present only for legacy reasons

              Erakutsi programaren bertsioa zein den eta irten

              Erabili zehaztutako bidearen buruan dagoen liburutegia.


       Kovid Goyal


       Kovid Goyal