noble (3) AnyEvent.3pm.gz

Provided by: libanyevent-perl_7.170-2build6_amd64 bug


       AnyEvent - the DBI of event loop programming

       EV, Event, Glib, Tk, UV, Perl, Event::Lib, Irssi, rxvt-unicode, IO::Async, Qt, FLTK and POE are various
       supported event loops/environments.


          use AnyEvent;

          # if you prefer function calls, look at the AE manpage for
          # an alternative API.

          # file handle or descriptor readable
          my $w = AnyEvent->io (fh => $fh, poll => "r", cb => sub { ...  });

          # one-shot or repeating timers
          my $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => $seconds, cb => sub { ...  });
          my $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => $seconds, interval => $seconds, cb => ...);

          print AnyEvent->now;  # prints current event loop time
          print AnyEvent->time; # think Time::HiRes::time or simply CORE::time.

          # POSIX signal
          my $w = AnyEvent->signal (signal => "TERM", cb => sub { ... });

          # child process exit
          my $w = AnyEvent->child (pid => $pid, cb => sub {
             my ($pid, $status) = @_;

          # called when event loop idle (if applicable)
          my $w = AnyEvent->idle (cb => sub { ... });

          my $w = AnyEvent->condvar; # stores whether a condition was flagged
          $w->send; # wake up current and all future recv's
          $w->recv; # enters "main loop" till $condvar gets ->send
          # use a condvar in callback mode:
          $w->cb (sub { $_[0]->recv });


       This manpage is mainly a reference manual. If you are interested in a tutorial or some gentle
       introduction, have a look at the AnyEvent::Intro manpage.


       An FAQ document is available as AnyEvent::FAQ.

       There also is a mailinglist for discussing all things AnyEvent, and an IRC channel, too.

       See the AnyEvent project page at the Schmorpforge Ta-Sa Software Repository, at
       <>, for more info.


       Glib, POE, IO::Async, Event... CPAN offers event models by the dozen nowadays. So what is different about

       Executive Summary: AnyEvent is compatible, AnyEvent is free of policy and AnyEvent is small and

       First and foremost, AnyEvent is not an event model itself, it only interfaces to whatever event model the
       main program happens to use, in a pragmatic way. For event models and certain classes of immortals alike,
       the statement "there can only be one" is a bitter reality: In general, only one event loop can be active
       at the same time in a process. AnyEvent cannot change this, but it can hide the differences between those
       event loops.

       The goal of AnyEvent is to offer module authors the ability to do event programming (waiting for I/O or
       timer events) without subscribing to a religion, a way of living, and most importantly: without forcing
       your module users into the same thing by forcing them to use the same event model you use.

       For modules like POE or IO::Async (which is a total misnomer as it is actually doing all I/O
       synchronously...), using them in your module is like joining a cult: After you join, you are dependent on
       them and you cannot use anything else, as they are simply incompatible to everything that isn't them.
       What's worse, all the potential users of your module are also forced to use the same event loop you use.

       AnyEvent is different: AnyEvent + POE works fine. AnyEvent + Glib works fine. AnyEvent + Tk works fine
       etc. etc. but none of these work together with the rest: POE + EV? No go. Tk + Event? No go. Again: if
       your module uses one of those, every user of your module has to use it, too. But if your module uses
       AnyEvent, it works transparently with all event models it supports (including stuff like IO::Async, as
       long as those use one of the supported event loops. It is easy to add new event loops to AnyEvent, too,
       so it is future-proof).

       In addition to being free of having to use the one and only true event model, AnyEvent also is free of
       bloat and policy: with POE or similar modules, you get an enormous amount of code and strict rules you
       have to follow. AnyEvent, on the other hand, is lean and to the point, by only offering the functionality
       that is necessary, in as thin as a wrapper as technically possible.

       Of course, AnyEvent comes with a big (and fully optional!) toolbox of useful functionality, such as an
       asynchronous DNS resolver, 100% non-blocking connects (even with TLS/SSL, IPv6 and on broken platforms
       such as Windows) and lots of real-world knowledge and workarounds for platform bugs and differences.

       Now, if you do want lots of policy (this can arguably be somewhat useful) and you want to force your
       users to use the one and only event model, you should not use this module.


       AnyEvent provides a uniform interface to various event loops. This allows module authors to use event
       loop functionality without forcing module users to use a specific event loop implementation (since more
       than one event loop cannot coexist peacefully).

       The interface itself is vaguely similar, but not identical to the Event module.

       During the first call of any watcher-creation method, the module tries to detect the currently loaded
       event loop by probing whether one of the following modules is already loaded: EV, AnyEvent::Loop, Event,
       Glib, Tk, Event::Lib, Qt, POE. The first one found is used. If none are detected, the module tries to
       load the first four modules in the order given; but note that if EV is not available, the pure-perl
       AnyEvent::Loop should always work, so the other two are not normally tried.

       Because AnyEvent first checks for modules that are already loaded, loading an event model explicitly
       before first using AnyEvent will likely make that model the default. For example:

          use Tk;
          use AnyEvent;

          # .. AnyEvent will likely default to Tk

       The likely means that, if any module loads another event model and starts using it, all bets are off -
       this case should be very rare though, as very few modules hardcode event loops without announcing this
       very loudly.

       The pure-perl implementation of AnyEvent is called "AnyEvent::Loop". Like other event modules you can
       load it explicitly and enjoy the high availability of that event loop :)


       AnyEvent has the central concept of a watcher, which is an object that stores relevant data for each kind
       of event you are waiting for, such as the callback to call, the file handle to watch, etc.

       These watchers are normal Perl objects with normal Perl lifetime. After creating a watcher it will
       immediately "watch" for events and invoke the callback when the event occurs (of course, only when the
       event model is in control).

       Note that callbacks must not permanently change global variables potentially in use by the event loop
       (such as $_ or $[) and that callbacks must not "die". The former is good programming practice in Perl and
       the latter stems from the fact that exception handling differs widely between event loops.

       To disable a watcher you have to destroy it (e.g. by setting the variable you store it in to "undef" or
       otherwise deleting all references to it).

       All watchers are created by calling a method on the "AnyEvent" class.

       Many watchers either are used with "recursion" (repeating timers for example), or need to refer to their
       watcher object in other ways.

       One way to achieve that is this pattern:

          my $w; $w = AnyEvent->type (arg => value ..., cb => sub {
             # you can use $w here, for example to undef it
             undef $w;

       Note that "my $w; $w =" combination. This is necessary because in Perl, my variables are only visible
       after the statement in which they are declared.

          $w = AnyEvent->io (
             fh   => <filehandle_or_fileno>,
             poll => <"r" or "w">,
             cb   => <callback>,

       You can create an I/O watcher by calling the "AnyEvent->io" method with the following mandatory key-value
       pairs as arguments:

       "fh" is the Perl file handle (or a naked file descriptor) to watch for events (AnyEvent might or might
       not keep a reference to this file handle). Note that only file handles pointing to things for which non-
       blocking operation makes sense are allowed. This includes sockets, most character devices, pipes, fifos
       and so on, but not for example files or block devices.

       "poll" must be a string that is either "r" or "w", which creates a watcher waiting for "r"eadable or
       "w"ritable events, respectively.

       "cb" is the callback to invoke each time the file handle becomes ready.

       Although the callback might get passed parameters, their value and presence is undefined and you cannot
       rely on them. Portable AnyEvent callbacks cannot use arguments passed to I/O watcher callbacks.

       The I/O watcher might use the underlying file descriptor or a copy of it.  You must not close a file
       handle as long as any watcher is active on the underlying file descriptor.

       Some event loops issue spurious readiness notifications, so you should always use non-blocking calls when
       reading/writing from/to your file handles.

       Example: wait for readability of STDIN, then read a line and disable the watcher.

          my $w; $w = AnyEvent->io (fh => \*STDIN, poll => 'r', cb => sub {
             chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);
             warn "read: $input\n";
             undef $w;

          $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => <seconds>, cb => <callback>);

          $w = AnyEvent->timer (
             after    => <fractional_seconds>,
             interval => <fractional_seconds>,
             cb       => <callback>,

       You can create a time watcher by calling the "AnyEvent->timer" method with the following mandatory

       "after" specifies after how many seconds (fractional values are supported) the callback should be
       invoked. "cb" is the callback to invoke in that case.

       Although the callback might get passed parameters, their value and presence is undefined and you cannot
       rely on them. Portable AnyEvent callbacks cannot use arguments passed to time watcher callbacks.

       The callback will normally be invoked only once. If you specify another parameter, "interval", as a
       strictly positive number (> 0), then the callback will be invoked regularly at that interval (in
       fractional seconds) after the first invocation. If "interval" is specified with a false value, then it is
       treated as if it were not specified at all.

       The callback will be rescheduled before invoking the callback, but no attempt is made to avoid timer
       drift in most backends, so the interval is only approximate.

       Example: fire an event after 7.7 seconds.

          my $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => 7.7, cb => sub {
             warn "timeout\n";

          # to cancel the timer:
          undef $w;

       Example 2: fire an event after 0.5 seconds, then roughly every second.

          my $w = AnyEvent->timer (after => 0.5, interval => 1, cb => sub {
             warn "timeout\n";


       There are two ways to handle timers: based on real time (relative, "fire in 10 seconds") and based on
       wallclock time (absolute, "fire at 12 o'clock").

       While most event loops expect timers to specified in a relative way, they use absolute time internally.
       This makes a difference when your clock "jumps", for example, when ntp decides to set your clock
       backwards from the wrong date of 2014-01-01 to 2008-01-01, a watcher that is supposed to fire "after a
       second" might actually take six years to finally fire.

       AnyEvent cannot compensate for this. The only event loop that is conscious of these issues is EV, which
       offers both relative (ev_timer, based on true relative time) and absolute (ev_periodic, based on
       wallclock time) timers.

       AnyEvent always prefers relative timers, if available, matching the AnyEvent API.

       AnyEvent has two additional methods that return the "current time":

           This returns the "current wallclock time" as a fractional number of seconds since the Epoch (the same
           thing as "time" or "Time::HiRes::time" return, and the result is guaranteed to be compatible with

           It progresses independently of any event loop processing, i.e. each call will check the system clock,
           which usually gets updated frequently.

           This also returns the "current wallclock time", but unlike "time", above, this value might change
           only once per event loop iteration, depending on the event loop (most return the same time as "time",
           above). This is the time that AnyEvent's timers get scheduled against.

           In almost all cases (in all cases if you don't care), this is the function to call when you want to
           know the current time.

           This function is also often faster then "AnyEvent->time", and thus the preferred method if you want
           some timestamp (for example, AnyEvent::Handle uses this to update its activity timeouts).

           The rest of this section is only of relevance if you try to be very exact with your timing; you can
           skip it without a bad conscience.

           For a practical example of when these times differ, consider Event::Lib and EV and the following set-

           The event loop is running and has just invoked one of your callbacks at time=500 (assume no other
           callbacks delay processing). In your callback, you wait a second by executing "sleep 1" (blocking the
           process for a second) and then (at time=501) you create a relative timer that fires after three

           With Event::Lib, "AnyEvent->time" and "AnyEvent->now" will both return 501, because that is the
           current time, and the timer will be scheduled to fire at time=504 (501 + 3).

           With EV, "AnyEvent->time" returns 501 (as that is the current time), but "AnyEvent->now" returns 500,
           as that is the time the last event processing phase started. With EV, your timer gets scheduled to
           run at time=503 (500 + 3).

           In one sense, Event::Lib is more exact, as it uses the current time regardless of any delays
           introduced by event processing. However, most callbacks do not expect large delays in processing, so
           this causes a higher drift (and a lot more system calls to get the current time).

           In another sense, EV is more exact, as your timer will be scheduled at the same time, regardless of
           how long event processing actually took.

           In either case, if you care (and in most cases, you don't), then you can get whatever behaviour you
           want with any event loop, by taking the difference between "AnyEvent->time" and "AnyEvent->now" into

           Some event loops (such as EV or AnyEvent::Loop) cache the current time for each loop iteration (see
           the discussion of AnyEvent->now, above).

           When a callback runs for a long time (or when the process sleeps), then this "current" time will
           differ substantially from the real time, which might affect timers and time-outs.

           When this is the case, you can call this method, which will update the event loop's idea of "current

           A typical example would be a script in a web server (e.g. "mod_perl") - when mod_perl executes the
           script, then the event loop will have the wrong idea about the "current time" (being potentially far
           in the past, when the script ran the last time). In that case you should arrange a call to
           "AnyEvent->now_update" each time the web server process wakes up again (e.g. at the start of your
           script, or in a handler).

           Note that updating the time might cause some events to be handled.

          $w = AnyEvent->signal (signal => <uppercase_signal_name>, cb => <callback>);

       You can watch for signals using a signal watcher, "signal" is the signal name in uppercase and without
       any "SIG" prefix, "cb" is the Perl callback to be invoked whenever a signal occurs.

       Although the callback might get passed parameters, their value and presence is undefined and you cannot
       rely on them. Portable AnyEvent callbacks cannot use arguments passed to signal watcher callbacks.

       Multiple signal occurrences can be clumped together into one callback invocation, and callback invocation
       will be synchronous. Synchronous means that it might take a while until the signal gets handled by the
       process, but it is guaranteed not to interrupt any other callbacks.

       The main advantage of using these watchers is that you can share a signal between multiple watchers, and
       AnyEvent will ensure that signals will not interrupt your program at bad times.

       This watcher might use %SIG (depending on the event loop used), so programs overwriting those signals
       directly will likely not work correctly.

       Example: exit on SIGINT

          my $w = AnyEvent->signal (signal => "INT", cb => sub { exit 1 });

       Restart Behaviour

       While restart behaviour is up to the event loop implementation, most will not restart syscalls (that
       includes Async::Interrupt and AnyEvent's pure perl implementation).

       Safe/Unsafe Signals

       Perl signals can be either "safe" (synchronous to opcode handling) or "unsafe" (asynchronous) - the
       former might delay signal delivery indefinitely, the latter might corrupt your memory.

       AnyEvent signal handlers are, in addition, synchronous to the event loop, i.e. they will not interrupt
       your running perl program but will only be called as part of the normal event handling (just like timer,
       I/O etc.  callbacks, too).

       Signal Races, Delays and Workarounds

       Many event loops (e.g. Glib, Tk, Qt, IO::Async) do not support attaching callbacks to signals in a
       generic way, which is a pity, as you cannot do race-free signal handling in perl, requiring C libraries
       for this. AnyEvent will try to do its best, which means in some cases, signals will be delayed. The
       maximum time a signal might be delayed is 10 seconds by default, but can be overridden via
       section for details.

       All these problems can be avoided by installing the optional Async::Interrupt module, which works with
       most event loops. It will not work with inherently broken event loops such as Event or Event::Lib (and
       not with POE currently). For those, you just have to suffer the delays.

          $w = AnyEvent->child (pid => <process id>, cb => <callback>);

       You can also watch for a child process exit and catch its exit status.

       The child process is specified by the "pid" argument (on some backends, using 0 watches for any child
       process exit, on others this will croak). The watcher will be triggered only when the child process has
       finished and an exit status is available, not on any trace events (stopped/continued).

       The callback will be called with the pid and exit status (as returned by waitpid), so unlike other
       watcher types, you can rely on child watcher callback arguments.

       This watcher type works by installing a signal handler for "SIGCHLD", and since it cannot be shared,
       nothing else should use SIGCHLD or reap random child processes (waiting for specific child processes,
       e.g. inside "system", is just fine).

       There is a slight catch to child watchers, however: you usually start them after the child process was
       created, and this means the process could have exited already (and no SIGCHLD will be sent anymore).

       Not all event models handle this correctly (neither POE nor IO::Async do, see their AnyEvent::Impl
       manpages for details), but even for event models that do handle this correctly, they usually need to be
       loaded before the process exits (i.e. before you fork in the first place). AnyEvent's pure perl event
       loop handles all cases correctly regardless of when you start the watcher.

       This means you cannot create a child watcher as the very first thing in an AnyEvent program, you have to
       create at least one watcher before you "fork" the child (alternatively, you can call "AnyEvent::detect").

       As most event loops do not support waiting for child events, they will be emulated by AnyEvent in most
       cases, in which case the latency and race problems mentioned in the description of signal watchers apply.

       Example: fork a process and wait for it

          my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;

          # this forks and immediately calls exit in the child. this
          # normally has all sorts of bad consequences for your parent,
          # so take this as an example only. always fork and exec,
          # or call POSIX::_exit, in real code.
          my $pid = fork or exit 5;

          my $w = AnyEvent->child (
             pid => $pid,
             cb  => sub {
                my ($pid, $status) = @_;
                warn "pid $pid exited with status $status";

          # do something else, then wait for process exit

          $w = AnyEvent->idle (cb => <callback>);

       This will repeatedly invoke the callback after the process becomes idle, until either the watcher is
       destroyed or new events have been detected.

       Idle watchers are useful when there is a need to do something, but it is not so important (or wise) to do
       it instantly. The callback will be invoked only when there is "nothing better to do", which is usually
       defined as "all outstanding events have been handled and no new events have been detected". That means
       that idle watchers ideally get invoked when the event loop has just polled for new events but none have
       been detected. Instead of blocking to wait for more events, the idle watchers will be invoked.

       Unfortunately, most event loops do not really support idle watchers (only EV, Event and Glib do it in a
       usable fashion) - for the rest, AnyEvent will simply call the callback "from time to time".

       Example: read lines from STDIN, but only process them when the program is otherwise idle:

          my @lines; # read data
          my $idle_w;
          my $io_w = AnyEvent->io (fh => \*STDIN, poll => 'r', cb => sub {
             push @lines, scalar <STDIN>;

             # start an idle watcher, if not already done
             $idle_w ||= AnyEvent->idle (cb => sub {
                # handle only one line, when there are lines left
                if (my $line = shift @lines) {
                   print "handled when idle: $line";
                } else {
                   # otherwise disable the idle watcher again
                   undef $idle_w;

          $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

          $cv->send (<list>);
          my @res = $cv->recv;

       If you are familiar with some event loops you will know that all of them require you to run some blocking
       "loop", "run" or similar function that will actively watch for new events and call your callbacks.

       AnyEvent is slightly different: it expects somebody else to run the event loop and will only block when
       necessary (usually when told by the user).

       The tool to do that is called a "condition variable", so called because they represent a condition that
       must become true.

       Now is probably a good time to look at the examples further below.

       Condition variables can be created by calling the "AnyEvent->condvar" method, usually without arguments.
       The only argument pair allowed is "cb", which specifies a callback to be called when the condition
       variable becomes true, with the condition variable as the first argument (but not the results).

       After creation, the condition variable is "false" until it becomes "true" by calling the "send" method
       (or calling the condition variable as if it were a callback, read about the caveats in the description
       for the "->send" method).

       Since condition variables are the most complex part of the AnyEvent API, here are some different mental
       models of what they are - pick the ones you can connect to:

       •   Condition variables are like callbacks - you can call them (and pass them instead of callbacks).
           Unlike callbacks however, you can also wait for them to be called.

       •   Condition variables are signals - one side can emit or send them, the other side can wait for them,
           or install a handler that is called when the signal fires.

       •   Condition variables are like "Merge Points" - points in your program where you merge multiple
           independent results/control flows into one.

       •   Condition variables represent a transaction - functions that start some kind of transaction can
           return them, leaving the caller the choice between waiting in a blocking fashion, or setting a

       •   Condition variables represent future values, or promises to deliver some result, long before the
           result is available.

       Condition variables are very useful to signal that something has finished, for example, if you write a
       module that does asynchronous http requests, then a condition variable would be the ideal candidate to
       signal the availability of results. The user can either act when the callback is called or can
       synchronously "->recv" for the results.

       You can also use them to simulate traditional event loops - for example, you can block your main program
       until an event occurs - for example, you could "->recv" in your main program until the user clicks the
       Quit button of your app, which would "->send" the "quit" event.

       Note that condition variables recurse into the event loop - if you have two pieces of code that call
       "->recv" in a round-robin fashion, you lose. Therefore, condition variables are good to export to your
       caller, but you should avoid making a blocking wait yourself, at least in callbacks, as this asks for

       Condition variables are represented by hash refs in perl, and the keys used by AnyEvent itself are all
       named "_ae_XXX" to make subclassing easy (it is often useful to build your own transaction class on top
       of AnyEvent). To subclass, use "AnyEvent::CondVar" as base class and call its "new" method in your own
       "new" method.

       There are two "sides" to a condition variable - the "producer side" which eventually calls "-> send", and
       the "consumer side", which waits for the send to occur.

       Example: wait for a timer.

          # condition: "wait till the timer is fired"
          my $timer_fired = AnyEvent->condvar;

          # create the timer - we could wait for, say
          # a handle becomign ready, or even an
          # AnyEvent::HTTP request to finish, but
          # in this case, we simply use a timer:
          my $w = AnyEvent->timer (
             after => 1,
             cb    => sub { $timer_fired->send },

          # this "blocks" (while handling events) till the callback
          # calls ->send

       Example: wait for a timer, but take advantage of the fact that condition variables are also callable

          my $done = AnyEvent->condvar;
          my $delay = AnyEvent->timer (after => 5, cb => $done);

       Example: Imagine an API that returns a condvar and doesn't support callbacks. This is how you make a
       synchronous call, for example from the main program:

          use AnyEvent::CouchDB;


          my @info = $couchdb->info->recv;

       And this is how you would just set a callback to be called whenever the results are available:

          $couchdb->info->cb (sub {
             my @info = $_[0]->recv;


       These methods should only be used by the producing side, i.e. the code/module that eventually sends the
       signal. Note that it is also the producer side which creates the condvar in most cases, but it isn't
       uncommon for the consumer to create it as well.

       $cv->send (...)
           Flag the condition as ready - a running "->recv" and all further calls to "recv" will (eventually)
           return after this method has been called. If nobody is waiting the send will be remembered.

           If a callback has been set on the condition variable, it is called immediately from within send.

           Any arguments passed to the "send" call will be returned by all future "->recv" calls.

           Condition variables are overloaded so one can call them directly (as if they were a code reference).
           Calling them directly is the same as calling "send".

       $cv->croak ($error)
           Similar to send, but causes all calls to "->recv" to invoke "Carp::croak" with the given error

           This can be used to signal any errors to the condition variable user/consumer. Doing it this way
           instead of calling "croak" directly delays the error detection, but has the overwhelming advantage
           that it diagnoses the error at the place where the result is expected, and not deep in some event
           callback with no connection to the actual code causing the problem.

       $cv->begin ([group callback])
           These two methods can be used to combine many transactions/events into one. For example, a function
           that pings many hosts in parallel might want to use a condition variable for the whole process.

           Every call to "->begin" will increment a counter, and every call to "->end" will decrement it.  If
           the counter reaches 0 in "->end", the (last) callback passed to "begin" will be executed, passing the
           condvar as first argument. That callback is supposed to call "->send", but that is not required. If
           no group callback was set, "send" will be called without any arguments.

           You can think of "$cv->send" giving you an OR condition (one call sends), while "$cv->begin" and
           "$cv->end" giving you an AND condition (all "begin" calls must be "end"'ed before the condvar sends).

           Let's start with a simple example: you have two I/O watchers (for example, STDOUT and STDERR for a
           program), and you want to wait for both streams to close before activating a condvar:

              my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

              $cv->begin; # first watcher
              my $w1 = AnyEvent->io (fh => $fh1, cb => sub {
                 defined sysread $fh1, my $buf, 4096
                    or $cv->end;

              $cv->begin; # second watcher
              my $w2 = AnyEvent->io (fh => $fh2, cb => sub {
                 defined sysread $fh2, my $buf, 4096
                    or $cv->end;


           This works because for every event source (EOF on file handle), there is one call to "begin", so the
           condvar waits for all calls to "end" before sending.

           The ping example mentioned above is slightly more complicated, as the there are results to be passed
           back, and the number of tasks that are begun can potentially be zero:

              my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

              my %result;
              $cv->begin (sub { shift->send (\%result) });

              for my $host (@list_of_hosts) {
                 ping_host_then_call_callback $host, sub {
                    $result{$host} = ...;



              my $results = $cv->recv;

           This code fragment supposedly pings a number of hosts and calls "send" after results for all then
           have have been gathered - in any order. To achieve this, the code issues a call to "begin" when it
           starts each ping request and calls "end" when it has received some result for it. Since "begin" and
           "end" only maintain a counter, the order in which results arrive is not relevant.

           There is an additional bracketing call to "begin" and "end" outside the loop, which serves two
           important purposes: first, it sets the callback to be called once the counter reaches 0, and second,
           it ensures that "send" is called even when "no" hosts are being pinged (the loop doesn't execute

           This is the general pattern when you "fan out" into multiple (but potentially zero) subrequests: use
           an outer "begin"/"end" pair to set the callback and ensure "end" is called at least once, and then,
           for each subrequest you start, call "begin" and for each subrequest you finish, call "end".


       These methods should only be used by the consuming side, i.e. the code awaits the condition.

           Wait (blocking if necessary) until the "->send" or "->croak" methods have been called on $cv, while
           servicing other watchers normally.

           You can only wait once on a condition - additional calls are valid but will return immediately.

           If an error condition has been set by calling "->croak", then this function will call "croak".

           In list context, all parameters passed to "send" will be returned, in scalar context only the first
           one will be returned.

           Note that doing a blocking wait in a callback is not supported by any event loop, that is, recursive
           invocation of a blocking "->recv" is not allowed and the "recv" call will "croak" if such a condition
           is detected. This requirement can be dropped by relying on Coro::AnyEvent , which allows you to do a
           blocking "->recv" from any thread that doesn't run the event loop itself. Coro::AnyEvent is loaded
           automatically when Coro is used with AnyEvent, so code does not need to do anything special to take
           advantage of that: any code that would normally block your program because it calls "recv", be
           executed in an "async" thread instead without blocking other threads.

           Not all event models support a blocking wait - some die in that case (programs might want to do that
           to stay interactive), so if you are using this from a module, never require a blocking wait. Instead,
           let the caller decide whether the call will block or not (for example, by coupling condition
           variables with some kind of request results and supporting callbacks so the caller knows that getting
           the result will not block, while still supporting blocking waits if the caller so desires).

           You can ensure that "->recv" never blocks by setting a callback and only calling "->recv" from within
           that callback (or at a later time). This will work even when the event loop does not support blocking
           waits otherwise.

       $bool = $cv->ready
           Returns true when the condition is "true", i.e. whether "send" or "croak" have been called.

       $cb = $cv->cb ($cb->($cv))
           This is a mutator function that returns the callback set (or "undef" if not) and optionally replaces
           it before doing so.

           The callback will be called when the condition becomes "true", i.e. when "send" or "croak" are
           called, with the only argument being the condition variable itself. If the condition is already true,
           the callback is called immediately when it is set. Calling "recv" inside the callback or at any later
           time is guaranteed not to block.

           Additionally, when the callback is invoked, it is also removed from the condvar (reset to "undef"),
           so the condvar does not keep a reference to the callback after invocation.


       The following backend classes are part of the AnyEvent distribution (every class has its own manpage):

       Backends that are autoprobed when no other event loop can be found.
           EV is the preferred backend when no other event loop seems to be in use. If EV is not installed, then
           AnyEvent will fall back to its own pure-perl implementation, which is available everywhere as it
           comes with AnyEvent itself.

              AnyEvent::Impl::EV        based on EV (interface to libev, best choice).
              AnyEvent::Impl::Perl      pure-perl AnyEvent::Loop, fast and portable.

       Backends that are transparently being picked up when they are used.
           These will be used if they are already loaded when the first watcher is created, in which case it is
           assumed that the application is using them. This means that AnyEvent will automatically pick the
           right backend when the main program loads an event module before anything starts to create watchers.
           Nothing special needs to be done by the main program.

              AnyEvent::Impl::Event     based on Event, very stable, few glitches.
              AnyEvent::Impl::Glib      based on Glib, slow but very stable.
              AnyEvent::Impl::Tk        based on Tk, very broken.
              AnyEvent::Impl::UV        based on UV, innovated square wheels.
              AnyEvent::Impl::EventLib  based on Event::Lib, leaks memory and worse.
              AnyEvent::Impl::POE       based on POE, very slow, some limitations.
              AnyEvent::Impl::Irssi     used when running within irssi.
              AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync   based on IO::Async.
              AnyEvent::Impl::Cocoa     based on Cocoa::EventLoop.
              AnyEvent::Impl::FLTK      based on FLTK (fltk 2 binding).

       Backends with special needs.
           Qt requires the Qt::Application to be instantiated first, but will otherwise be picked up
           automatically. As long as the main program instantiates the application before any AnyEvent watchers
           are created, everything should just work.

              AnyEvent::Impl::Qt        based on Qt.

       Event loops that are indirectly supported via other backends.
           Some event loops can be supported via other modules:

           There is no direct support for WxWidgets (Wx) or Prima.

           WxWidgets has no support for watching file handles. However, you can use WxWidgets through the POE
           adaptor, as POE has a Wx backend that simply polls 20 times per second, which was considered to be
           too horrible to even consider for AnyEvent.

           Prima is not supported as nobody seems to be using it, but it has a POE backend, so it can be
           supported through POE.

           AnyEvent knows about both Prima and Wx, however, and will try to load POE when detecting them, in the
           hope that POE will pick them up, in which case everything will be automatic.

       Known event loops outside the AnyEvent distribution
           The following event loops or programs support AnyEvent by providing their own AnyEvent backend. They
           will be picked up automatically.

              urxvt::anyevent           available to rxvt-unicode extensions


       These are not normally required to use AnyEvent, but can be useful to write AnyEvent extension modules.

           Contains "undef" until the first watcher is being created, before the backend has been autodetected.

           Afterwards it contains the event model that is being used, which is the name of the Perl class
           implementing the model. This class is usually one of the "AnyEvent::Impl::xxx" modules, but can be
           any other class in the case AnyEvent has been extended at runtime (e.g. in rxvt-unicode it will be

           Returns $AnyEvent::MODEL, forcing autodetection of the event model if necessary. You should only call
           this function right before you would have created an AnyEvent watcher anyway, that is, as late as
           possible at runtime, and not e.g. during initialisation of your module.

           The effect of calling this function is as if a watcher had been created (specifically, actions that
           happen "when the first watcher is created" happen when calling detetc as well).

           If you need to do some initialisation before AnyEvent watchers are created, use "post_detect".

       $guard = AnyEvent::post_detect { BLOCK }
           Arranges for the code block to be executed as soon as the event model is autodetected (or immediately
           if that has already happened).

           The block will be executed after the actual backend has been detected ($AnyEvent::MODEL is set), so
           it is possible to do some initialisation only when AnyEvent is actually initialised - see the sources
           of AnyEvent::AIO to see how this is used.

           The most common usage is to create some global watchers, without forcing event module detection too
           early. For example, AnyEvent::AIO creates and installs the global IO::AIO watcher in a "post_detect"
           block to avoid autodetecting the event module at load time.

           If called in scalar or list context, then it creates and returns an object that automatically removes
           the callback again when it is destroyed (or "undef" when the hook was immediately executed). See
           AnyEvent::AIO for a case where this is useful.

           Example: Create a watcher for the IO::AIO module and store it in $WATCHER, but do so only do so after
           the event loop is initialised.

              our WATCHER;

              my $guard = AnyEvent::post_detect {
                 $WATCHER = AnyEvent->io (fh => IO::AIO::poll_fileno, poll => 'r', cb => \&IO::AIO::poll_cb);

              # the ||= is important in case post_detect immediately runs the block,
              # as to not clobber the newly-created watcher. assigning both watcher and
              # post_detect guard to the same variable has the advantage of users being
              # able to just C<undef $WATCHER> if the watcher causes them grief.

              $WATCHER ||= $guard;

           This is a lower level interface then "AnyEvent::post_detect" (the function). This variable is mainly
           useful for modules that can do something useful when AnyEvent is used and thus want to know when it
           is initialised, but do not need to even load it by default. This array provides the means to hook
           into AnyEvent passively, without loading it.

           Here is how it works: If there are any code references in this array (you can "push" to it before or
           after loading AnyEvent), then they will be called directly after the event loop has been chosen.

           You should check $AnyEvent::MODEL before adding to this array, though: if it is defined then the
           event loop has already been detected, and the array will be ignored.

           Best use "AnyEvent::post_detect { BLOCK }" when your application allows it, as it takes care of these

           Example: To load Coro::AnyEvent whenever Coro and AnyEvent are used together, you could put this into
           Coro (this is the actual code used by Coro to accomplish this):

              if (defined $AnyEvent::MODEL) {
                 # AnyEvent already initialised, so load Coro::AnyEvent
                 require Coro::AnyEvent;
              } else {
                 # AnyEvent not yet initialised, so make sure to load Coro::AnyEvent
                 # as soon as it is
                 push @AnyEvent::post_detect, sub { require Coro::AnyEvent };

       AnyEvent::postpone { BLOCK }
           Arranges for the block to be executed as soon as possible, but not before the call itself returns. In
           practise, the block will be executed just before the event loop polls for new events, or shortly

           This function never returns anything (to make the "return postpone { ...  }" idiom more useful.

           To understand the usefulness of this function, consider a function that asynchronously does something
           for you and returns some transaction object or guard to let you cancel the operation. For example,

              # start a connection attempt unless one is active
              $self->{connect_guard} ||= AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect "", 80, sub {
                 delete $self->{connect_guard};

           Imagine that this function could instantly call the callback, for example, because it detects an
           obvious error such as a negative port number. Invoking the callback before the function returns
           causes problems however: the callback will be called and will try to delete the guard object. But
           since the function hasn't returned yet, there is nothing to delete. When the function eventually
           returns it will assign the guard object to "$self->{connect_guard}", where it will likely never be
           deleted, so the program thinks it is still trying to connect.

           This is where "AnyEvent::postpone" should be used. Instead of calling the callback directly on error:

              $cb->(undef), return # signal error to callback, BAD!
                 if $some_error_condition;

           It should use "postpone":

              AnyEvent::postpone { $cb->(undef) }, return # signal error to callback, later
                 if $some_error_condition;

       AnyEvent::log $level, $msg[, @args]
           Log the given $msg at the given $level.

           If AnyEvent::Log is not loaded then this function makes a simple test to see whether the message will
           be logged. If the test succeeds it will load AnyEvent::Log and call "AnyEvent::Log::log" -
           consequently, look at the AnyEvent::Log documentation for details.

           If the test fails it will simply return. Right now this happens when a numerical loglevel is used and
           it is larger than the level specified via $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE}.

           If you want to sprinkle loads of logging calls around your code, consider creating a logger callback
           with the "AnyEvent::Log::logger" function, which can reduce typing, codesize and can reduce the
           logging overhead enormously.

       AnyEvent::fh_block $filehandle
       AnyEvent::fh_unblock $filehandle
           Sets blocking or non-blocking behaviour for the given filehandle.


       As a module author, you should "use AnyEvent" and call AnyEvent methods freely, but you should not load a
       specific event module or rely on it.

       Be careful when you create watchers in the module body - AnyEvent will decide which event module to use
       as soon as the first method is called, so by calling AnyEvent in your module body you force the user of
       your module to load the event module first.

       Never call "->recv" on a condition variable unless you know that the "->send" method has been called on
       it already. This is because it will stall the whole program, and the whole point of using events is to
       stay interactive.

       It is fine, however, to call "->recv" when the user of your module requests it (i.e. if you create a http
       request object ad have a method called "results" that returns the results, it may call "->recv" freely,
       as the user of your module knows what she is doing. Always).


       There will always be a single main program - the only place that should dictate which event model to use.

       If the program is not event-based, it need not do anything special, even when it depends on a module that
       uses an AnyEvent. If the program itself uses AnyEvent, but does not care which event loop is used, all it
       needs to do is "use AnyEvent". In either case, AnyEvent will choose the best available loop

       If the main program relies on a specific event model - for example, in Gtk2 programs you have to rely on
       the Glib module - you should load the event module before loading AnyEvent or any module that uses it:
       generally speaking, you should load it as early as possible. The reason is that modules might create
       watchers when they are loaded, and AnyEvent will decide on the event model to use as soon as it creates
       watchers, and it might choose the wrong one unless you load the correct one yourself.

       You can chose to use a pure-perl implementation by loading the "AnyEvent::Loop" module, which gives you
       similar behaviour everywhere, but letting AnyEvent chose the model is generally better.

       Sometimes (often for short test scripts, or even standalone programs who only want to use AnyEvent), you
       do not want to run a specific event loop.

       In that case, you can use a condition variable like this:


       This has the effect of entering the event loop and looping forever.

       Note that usually your program has some exit condition, in which case it is better to use the
       "traditional" approach of storing a condition variable somewhere, waiting for it, and sending it when the
       program should exit cleanly.


       The following is a non-exhaustive list of additional modules that use AnyEvent as a client and can
       therefore be mixed easily with other AnyEvent modules and other event loops in the same program. Some of
       the modules come as part of AnyEvent, the others are available via CPAN (see
       <*> for a longer non-exhaustive list), and the
       list is heavily biased towards modules of the AnyEvent author himself :)

       AnyEvent::Util (part of the AnyEvent distribution)
           Contains various utility functions that replace often-used blocking functions such as "inet_aton"
           with event/callback-based versions.

       AnyEvent::Socket (part of the AnyEvent distribution)
           Provides various utility functions for (internet protocol) sockets, addresses and name resolution.
           Also functions to create non-blocking tcp connections or tcp servers, with IPv6 and SRV record
           support and more.

       AnyEvent::Handle (part of the AnyEvent distribution)
           Provide read and write buffers, manages watchers for reads and writes, supports raw and formatted
           I/O, I/O queued and fully transparent and non-blocking SSL/TLS (via AnyEvent::TLS).

       AnyEvent::DNS (part of the AnyEvent distribution)
           Provides rich asynchronous DNS resolver capabilities.

       AnyEvent::HTTP, AnyEvent::IRC, AnyEvent::XMPP, AnyEvent::GPSD, AnyEvent::IGS, AnyEvent::FCP
           Implement event-based interfaces to the protocols of the same name (for the curious, IGS is the
           International Go Server and FCP is the Freenet Client Protocol).

       AnyEvent::AIO (part of the AnyEvent distribution)
           Truly asynchronous (as opposed to non-blocking) I/O, should be in the toolbox of every event
           programmer. AnyEvent::AIO transparently fuses IO::AIO and AnyEvent together, giving AnyEvent access
           to event-based file I/O, and much more.

       AnyEvent::Fork, AnyEvent::Fork::RPC, AnyEvent::Fork::Pool, AnyEvent::Fork::Remote
           These let you safely fork new subprocesses, either locally or remotely (e.g.v ia ssh), using some RPC
           protocol or not, without the limitations normally imposed by fork (AnyEvent works fine for example).
           Dynamically-resized worker pools are obviously included as well.

           And they are quite tiny and fast as well - "abusing" AnyEvent::Fork just to exec external programs
           can easily beat using "fork" and "exec" (or even "system") in most programs.

           AnyEvent is good for non-blocking stuff, but it can't detect file or path changes (e.g. "watch this
           directory for new files", "watch this file for changes"). The AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify module
           promises to do just that in a portbale fashion, supporting inotify on GNU/Linux and some weird,
           without doubt broken, stuff on OS X to monitor files. It can fall back to blocking scans at regular
           intervals transparently on other platforms, so it's about as portable as it gets.

           (I haven't used it myself, but it seems the biggest problem with it is it quite bad performance).

           Executes DBI requests asynchronously in a proxy process for you, notifying you in an event-based way
           when the operation is finished.

           The fastest ping in the west.

           Has special support for AnyEvent via Coro::AnyEvent, which allows you to simply invert the flow
           control - don't call us, we will call you:

              async {
                 Coro::AnyEvent::sleep 5; # creates a 5s timer and waits for it
                 print "5 seconds later!\n";

                 Coro::AnyEvent::readable *STDIN; # uses an I/O watcher
                 my $line = <STDIN>; # works for ttys

                 AnyEvent::HTTP::http_get "url", Coro::rouse_cb;
                 my ($body, $hdr) = Coro::rouse_wait;


       Starting with version 5.0, AnyEvent officially supports a second, much simpler, API that is designed to
       reduce the calling, typing and memory overhead by using function call syntax and a fixed number of

       See the AE manpage for details.


       In general, AnyEvent does not do any error handling - it relies on the caller to do that if required. The
       AnyEvent::Strict module (see also the "PERL_ANYEVENT_STRICT" environment variable, below) provides strict
       checking of all AnyEvent methods, however, which is highly useful during development.

       As for exception handling (i.e. runtime errors and exceptions thrown while executing a callback), this is
       not only highly event-loop specific, but also not in any way wrapped by this module, as this is the job
       of the main program.

       The pure perl event loop simply re-throws the exception (usually within "condvar->recv"), the Event and
       EV modules call "$Event/EV::DIED->()", Glib uses "install_exception_handler" and so on.


       AnyEvent supports a number of environment variables that tune the runtime behaviour. They are usually
       evaluated when AnyEvent is loaded, initialised, or a submodule that uses them is loaded. Many of them
       also cause AnyEvent to load additional modules - for example, "PERL_ANYEVENT_DEBUG_WRAP" causes the
       AnyEvent::Debug module to be loaded.

       All the environment variables documented here start with "PERL_ANYEVENT_", which is what AnyEvent
       considers its own namespace. Other modules are encouraged (but by no means required) to use
       "PERL_ANYEVENT_SUBMODULE" if they have registered the AnyEvent::Submodule namespace on CPAN, for any
       submodule. For example, AnyEvent::HTTP could be expected to use "PERL_ANYEVENT_HTTP_PROXY" (it should not
       access env variables starting with "AE_", see below).

       All variables can also be set via the "AE_" prefix, that is, instead of setting "PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE"
       you can also set "AE_VERBOSE". In case there is a clash btween anyevent and another program that uses
       "AE_something" you can set the corresponding "PERL_ANYEVENT_something" variable to the empty string, as
       those variables take precedence.

       When AnyEvent is first loaded, it copies all "AE_xxx" env variables to their "PERL_ANYEVENT_xxx"
       counterpart unless that variable already exists. If taint mode is on, then AnyEvent will remove all
       environment variables starting with "PERL_ANYEVENT_" from %ENV (or replace them with "undef" or the empty
       string, if the corresaponding "AE_" variable is set).

       The exact algorithm is currently:

          1. if taint mode enabled, delete all PERL_ANYEVENT_xyz variables from %ENV
          2. copy over AE_xyz to PERL_ANYEVENT_xyz unless the latter already exists
          3. if taint mode enabled, set all PERL_ANYEVENT_xyz variables to undef.

       This ensures that child processes will not see the "AE_" variables.

       The following environment variables are currently known to AnyEvent:

           By default, AnyEvent will log messages with loglevel 4 ("error") or higher (see AnyEvent::Log). You
           can set this environment variable to a numerical loglevel to make AnyEvent more (or less) talkative.

           If you want to do more than just set the global logging level you should have a look at
           "PERL_ANYEVENT_LOG", which allows much more complex specifications.

           When set to 0 ("off"), then no messages whatsoever will be logged with everything else at defaults.

           When set to 5 or higher ("warn"), AnyEvent warns about unexpected conditions, such as not being able
           to load the event model specified by "PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL", or a guard callback throwing an exception
           - this is the minimum recommended level for use during development.

           When set to 7 or higher (info), AnyEvent reports which event model it chooses.

           When set to 8 or higher (debug), then AnyEvent will report extra information on which optional
           modules it loads and how it implements certain features.

           Accepts rather complex logging specifications. For example, you could log all "debug" messages of
           some module to stderr, warnings and above to stderr, and errors and above to syslog, with:


           For the rather extensive details, see AnyEvent::Log.

           This variable is evaluated when AnyEvent (or AnyEvent::Log) is loaded, so will take effect even
           before AnyEvent has initialised itself.

           Note that specifying this environment variable causes the AnyEvent::Log module to be loaded, while
           "PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE" does not, so only using the latter saves a few hundred kB of memory unless a
           module explicitly needs the extra features of AnyEvent::Log.

           AnyEvent does not do much argument checking by default, as thorough argument checking is very costly.
           Setting this variable to a true value will cause AnyEvent to load "AnyEvent::Strict" and then to
           thoroughly check the arguments passed to most method calls. If it finds any problems, it will croak.

           In other words, enables "strict" mode.

           Unlike "use strict" (or its modern cousin, "use common::sense", it is definitely recommended to keep
           it off in production. Keeping "PERL_ANYEVENT_STRICT=1" in your environment while developing programs
           can be very useful, however.

           If this env variable is nonempty, then its contents will be interpreted by
           "AnyEvent::Socket::parse_hostport" and "AnyEvent::Debug::shell" (after replacing every occurrence of
           $$ by the process pid). The shell object is saved in $AnyEvent::Debug::SHELL.

           This happens when the first watcher is created.

           For example, to bind a debug shell on a unix domain socket in /tmp/debug<pid>.sock, you could use

              PERL_ANYEVENT_DEBUG_SHELL=/tmp/debug\$\$.sock perlprog
              # connect with e.g.: socat readline /tmp/debug123.sock

           Or to bind to tcp port 4545 on localhost:

              PERL_ANYEVENT_DEBUG_SHELL= perlprog
              # connect with e.g.: telnet localhost 4545

           Note that creating sockets in /tmp or on localhost is very unsafe on multiuser systems.

           Can be set to 0, 1 or 2 and enables wrapping of all watchers for debugging purposes. See
           "AnyEvent::Debug::wrap" for details.

           This can be used to specify the event model to be used by AnyEvent, before auto detection and
           -probing kicks in.

           It normally is a string consisting entirely of ASCII letters (e.g. "EV" or "IOAsync"). The string
           "AnyEvent::Impl::" gets prepended and the resulting module name is loaded and - if the load was
           successful - used as event model backend. If it fails to load then AnyEvent will proceed with auto
           detection and -probing.

           If the string ends with "::" instead (e.g. "AnyEvent::Impl::EV::") then nothing gets prepended and
           the module name is used as-is (hint: "::" at the end of a string designates a module name and quotes
           it appropriately).

           For example, to force the pure perl model (AnyEvent::Loop::Perl) you could start your program like

              PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL=Perl perl ...

           The current file I/O model - see AnyEvent::IO for more info.

           At the moment, only "Perl" (small, pure-perl, synchronous) and "IOAIO" (truly asynchronous) are
           supported. The default is "IOAIO" if AnyEvent::AIO can be loaded, otherwise it is "Perl".

           Used by both AnyEvent::DNS and AnyEvent::Socket to determine preferences for IPv4 or IPv6. The
           default is unspecified (and might change, or be the result of auto probing).

           Must be set to a comma-separated list of protocols or address families, current supported: "ipv4" and
           "ipv6". Only protocols mentioned will be used, and preference will be given to protocols mentioned
           earlier in the list.

           This variable can effectively be used for denial-of-service attacks against local programs (e.g. when
           setuid), although the impact is likely small, as the program has to handle connection and other
           failures anyways.

           Examples: "PERL_ANYEVENT_PROTOCOLS=ipv4,ipv6" - prefer IPv4 over IPv6, but support both and try to
           use both.  "PERL_ANYEVENT_PROTOCOLS=ipv4" - only support IPv4, never try to resolve or contact IPv6
           addresses. "PERL_ANYEVENT_PROTOCOLS=ipv6,ipv4" support either IPv4 or IPv6, but prefer IPv6 over

           This variable, if specified, overrides the /etc/hosts file used by
           AnyEvent::Socket"::resolve_sockaddr", i.e. hosts aliases will be read from that file instead.

           Used by AnyEvent::DNS to decide whether to use the EDNS0 extension for DNS. This extension is
           generally useful to reduce DNS traffic, especially when DNSSEC is involved, but some (broken)
           firewalls drop such DNS packets, which is why it is off by default.

           Setting this variable to 1 will cause AnyEvent::DNS to announce EDNS0 in its DNS requests.

           The maximum number of child processes that "AnyEvent::Util::fork_call" will create in parallel.

           The default value for the "max_outstanding" parameter for the default DNS resolver - this is the
           maximum number of parallel DNS requests that are sent to the DNS server.

           Perl has inherently racy signal handling (you can basically choose between losing signals and memory
           corruption) - pure perl event loops (including "AnyEvent::Loop", when "Async::Interrupt" isn't
           available) therefore have to poll regularly to avoid losing signals.

           Some event loops are racy, but don't poll regularly, and some event loops are written in C but are
           still racy. For those event loops, AnyEvent installs a timer that regularly wakes up the event loop.

           By default, the interval for this timer is 10 seconds, but you can override this delay with this
           environment variable (or by setting the $AnyEvent::MAX_SIGNAL_LATENCY variable before creating signal

           Lower values increase CPU (and energy) usage, higher values can introduce long delays when reaping
           children or waiting for signals.

           The AnyEvent::Async module, if available, will be used to avoid this polling (with most event loops).

           The absolute path to a resolv.conf-style file to use instead of /etc/resolv.conf (or the OS-specific
           configuration) in the default resolver, or the empty string to select the default configuration.

           When neither "ca_file" nor "ca_path" was specified during AnyEvent::TLS context creation, and either
           of these environment variables are nonempty, they will be used to specify CA certificate locations
           instead of a system-dependent default.

           When these are set to 1, then the respective modules are not loaded. Mostly good for testing AnyEvent


       This is an advanced topic that you do not normally need to use AnyEvent in a module. This section is only
       of use to event loop authors who want to provide AnyEvent compatibility.

       If you need to support another event library which isn't directly supported by AnyEvent, you can supply
       your own interface to it by pushing, before the first watcher gets created, the package name of the event
       module and the package name of the interface to use onto @AnyEvent::REGISTRY. You can do that before and
       even without loading AnyEvent, so it is reasonably cheap.


          push @AnyEvent::REGISTRY, [urxvt => urxvt::anyevent::];

       This tells AnyEvent to (literally) use the "urxvt::anyevent::" package/class when it finds the "urxvt"
       package/module is already loaded.

       When AnyEvent is loaded and asked to find a suitable event model, it will first check for the presence of
       urxvt by trying to "use" the "urxvt::anyevent" module.

       The class should provide implementations for all watcher types. See AnyEvent::Impl::EV (source code),
       AnyEvent::Impl::Glib (Source code) and so on for actual examples. Use "perldoc -m AnyEvent::Impl::Glib"
       to see the sources.

       If you don't provide "signal" and "child" watchers than AnyEvent will provide suitable (hopefully)

       The above example isn't fictitious, the rxvt-unicode (a.k.a. urxvt) terminal emulator uses the above line
       as-is. An interface isn't included in AnyEvent because it doesn't make sense outside the embedded
       interpreter inside rxvt-unicode, and it is updated and maintained as part of the rxvt-unicode

       rxvt-unicode also cheats a bit by not providing blocking access to condition variables: code blocking
       while waiting for a condition will "die". This still works with most modules/usages, and blocking calls
       must not be done in an interactive application, so it makes sense.


       The following program uses an I/O watcher to read data from STDIN, a timer to display a message once per
       second, and a condition variable to quit the program when the user enters quit:

          use AnyEvent;

          my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

          my $io_watcher = AnyEvent->io (
             fh   => \*STDIN,
             poll => 'r',
             cb   => sub {
                warn "io event <$_[0]>\n";   # will always output <r>
                chomp (my $input = <STDIN>); # read a line
                warn "read: $input\n";       # output what has been read
                $cv->send if $input =~ /^q/i; # quit program if /^q/i

          my $time_watcher = AnyEvent->timer (after => 1, interval => 1, cb => sub {
             warn "timeout\n"; # print 'timeout' at most every second

          $cv->recv; # wait until user enters /^q/i


       Consider the Net::FCP module. It features (among others) the following API calls, which are to freenet
       what HTTP GET requests are to http:

          my $data = $fcp->client_get ($url); # blocks

          my $transaction = $fcp->txn_client_get ($url); # does not block
          $transaction->cb ( sub { ... } ); # set optional result callback
          my $data = $transaction->result; # possibly blocks

       The "client_get" method works like "LWP::Simple::get": it requests the given URL and waits till the data
       has arrived. It is defined to be:

          sub client_get { $_[0]->txn_client_get ($_[1])->result }

       And in fact is automatically generated. This is the blocking API of Net::FCP, and it works as simple as
       in any other, similar, module.

       More complicated is "txn_client_get": It only creates a transaction (completion, result, ...) object and
       initiates the transaction.

          my $txn = bless { }, Net::FCP::Txn::;

       It also creates a condition variable that is used to signal the completion of the request:

          $txn->{finished} = AnyAvent->condvar;

       It then creates a socket in non-blocking mode.

          socket $txn->{fh}, ...;
          fcntl $txn->{fh}, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK;
          connect $txn->{fh}, ...
             and !$!{EWOULDBLOCK}
             and !$!{EINPROGRESS}
             and Carp::croak "unable to connect: $!\n";

       Then it creates a write-watcher which gets called whenever an error occurs or the connection succeeds:

          $txn->{w} = AnyEvent->io (fh => $txn->{fh}, poll => 'w', cb => sub { $txn->fh_ready_w });

       And returns this transaction object. The "fh_ready_w" callback gets called as soon as the event loop
       detects that the socket is ready for writing.

       The "fh_ready_w" method makes the socket blocking again, writes the request data and replaces the watcher
       by a read watcher (waiting for reply data). The actual code is more complicated, but that doesn't matter
       for this example:

          fcntl $txn->{fh}, F_SETFL, 0;
          syswrite $txn->{fh}, $txn->{request}
             or die "connection or write error";
          $txn->{w} = AnyEvent->io (fh => $txn->{fh}, poll => 'r', cb => sub { $txn->fh_ready_r });

       Again, "fh_ready_r" waits till all data has arrived, and then stores the result and signals any possible
       waiters that the request has finished:

          sysread $txn->{fh}, $txn->{buf}, length $txn->{$buf};

          if (end-of-file or data complete) {
            $txn->{result} = $txn->{buf};
            $txb->{cb}->($txn) of $txn->{cb}; # also call callback

       The "result" method, finally, just waits for the finished signal (if the request was already finished, it
       doesn't wait, of course, and returns the data:

          return $txn->{result};

       The actual code goes further and collects all errors ("die"s, exceptions) that occurred during request
       processing. The "result" method detects whether an exception as thrown (it is stored inside the $txn
       object) and just throws the exception, which means connection errors and other problems get reported to
       the code that tries to use the result, not in a random callback.

       All of this enables the following usage styles:

       1. Blocking:

          my $data = $fcp->client_get ($url);

       2. Blocking, but running in parallel:

          my @datas = map $_->result,
                         map $fcp->txn_client_get ($_),

       Both blocking examples work without the module user having to know anything about events.

       3a. Event-based in a main program, using any supported event module:

          use EV;

          $fcp->txn_client_get ($url)->cb (sub {
             my $txn = shift;
             my $data = $txn->result;


       3b. The module user could use AnyEvent, too:

          use AnyEvent;

          my $quit = AnyEvent->condvar;

          $fcp->txn_client_get ($url)->cb (sub {



       To give you an idea of the performance and overheads that AnyEvent adds over the event loops themselves
       and to give you an impression of the speed of various event loops I prepared some benchmarks.

       Here is a benchmark of various supported event models used natively and through AnyEvent. The benchmark
       creates a lot of timers (with a zero timeout) and I/O watchers (watching STDOUT, a pty, to become
       writable, which it is), lets them fire exactly once and destroys them again.

       Source code for this benchmark is found as eg/bench in the AnyEvent distribution. It uses the AE
       interface, which makes a real difference for the EV and Perl backends only.

       Explanation of the columns

       watcher is the number of event watchers created/destroyed. Since different event models feature vastly
       different performances, each event loop was given a number of watchers so that overall runtime is
       acceptable and similar between tested event loop (and keep them from crashing): Glib would probably take
       thousands of years if asked to process the same number of watchers as EV in this benchmark.

       bytes is the number of bytes (as measured by the resident set size, RSS) consumed by each watcher. This
       method of measuring captures both C and Perl-based overheads.

       create is the time, in microseconds (millionths of seconds), that it takes to create a single watcher.
       The callback is a closure shared between all watchers, to avoid adding memory overhead. That means
       closure creation and memory usage is not included in the figures.

       invoke is the time, in microseconds, used to invoke a simple callback. The callback simply counts down a
       Perl variable and after it was invoked "watcher" times, it would "->send" a condvar once to signal the
       end of this phase.

       destroy is the time, in microseconds, that it takes to destroy a single watcher.


                 name watchers bytes create invoke destroy comment
                EV/EV   100000   223   0.47   0.43    0.27 EV native interface
               EV/Any   100000   223   0.48   0.42    0.26 EV + AnyEvent watchers
         Coro::EV/Any   100000   223   0.47   0.42    0.26 coroutines + Coro::Signal
             Perl/Any   100000   431   2.70   0.74    0.92 pure perl implementation
          Event/Event    16000   516  31.16  31.84    0.82 Event native interface
            Event/Any    16000  1203  42.61  34.79    1.80 Event + AnyEvent watchers
          IOAsync/Any    16000  1911  41.92  27.45   16.81 via IO::Async::Loop::IO_Poll
          IOAsync/Any    16000  1726  40.69  26.37   15.25 via IO::Async::Loop::Epoll
             Glib/Any    16000  1118  89.00  12.57   51.17 quadratic behaviour
               Tk/Any     2000  1346  20.96  10.75    8.00 SEGV with >> 2000 watchers
              POE/Any     2000  6951 108.97 795.32   14.24 via POE::Loop::Event
              POE/Any     2000  6648  94.79 774.40  575.51 via POE::Loop::Select


       The benchmark does not measure scalability of the event loop very well. For example, a select-based event
       loop (such as the pure perl one) can never compete with an event loop that uses epoll when the number of
       file descriptors grows high. In this benchmark, all events become ready at the same time, so
       select/poll-based implementations get an unnatural speed boost.

       Also, note that the number of watchers usually has a nonlinear effect on overall speed, that is, creating
       twice as many watchers doesn't take twice the time - usually it takes longer. This puts event loops
       tested with a higher number of watchers at a disadvantage.

       To put the range of results into perspective, consider that on the benchmark machine, handling an event
       takes roughly 1600 CPU cycles with EV, 3100 CPU cycles with AnyEvent's pure perl loop and almost 3000000
       CPU cycles with POE.

       "EV" is the sole leader regarding speed and memory use, which are both maximal/minimal, respectively.
       When using the AE API there is zero overhead (when going through the AnyEvent API create is about 5-6
       times slower, with other times being equal, so still uses far less memory than any other event loop and
       is still faster than Event natively).

       The pure perl implementation is hit in a few sweet spots (both the constant timeout and the use of a
       single fd hit optimisations in the perl interpreter and the backend itself). Nevertheless this shows that
       it adds very little overhead in itself. Like any select-based backend its performance becomes really bad
       with lots of file descriptors (and few of them active), of course, but this was not subject of this

       The "Event" module has a relatively high setup and callback invocation cost, but overall scores in on the
       third place.

       "IO::Async" performs admirably well, about on par with "Event", even when using its pure perl backend.

       "Glib"'s memory usage is quite a bit higher, but it features a faster callback invocation and overall
       ends up in the same class as "Event". However, Glib scales extremely badly, doubling the number of
       watchers increases the processing time by more than a factor of four, making it completely unusable when
       using larger numbers of watchers (note that only a single file descriptor was used in the benchmark, so
       inefficiencies of "poll" do not account for this).

       The "Tk" adaptor works relatively well. The fact that it crashes with more than 2000 watchers is a big
       setback, however, as correctness takes precedence over speed. Nevertheless, its performance is
       surprising, as the file descriptor is dup()ed for each watcher. This shows that the dup() employed by
       some adaptors is not a big performance issue (it does incur a hidden memory cost inside the kernel which
       is not reflected in the figures above).

       "POE", regardless of underlying event loop (whether using its pure perl select-based backend or the Event
       module, the POE-EV backend couldn't be tested because it wasn't working) shows abysmal performance and
       memory usage with AnyEvent: Watchers use almost 30 times as much memory as EV watchers, and 10 times as
       much memory as Event (the high memory requirements are caused by requiring a session for each watcher).
       Watcher invocation speed is almost 900 times slower than with AnyEvent's pure perl implementation.

       The design of the POE adaptor class in AnyEvent can not really account for the performance issues,
       though, as session creation overhead is small compared to execution of the state machine, which is coded
       pretty optimally within AnyEvent::Impl::POE (and while everybody agrees that using multiple sessions is
       not a good approach, especially regarding memory usage, even the author of POE could not come up with a
       faster design).


       •   Using EV through AnyEvent is faster than any other event loop (even when used without AnyEvent), but
           most event loops have acceptable performance with or without AnyEvent.

       •   The overhead AnyEvent adds is usually much smaller than the overhead of the actual event loop, only
           with extremely fast event loops such as EV does AnyEvent add significant overhead.

       •   You should avoid POE like the plague if you want performance or reasonable memory usage.

       This benchmark actually benchmarks the event loop itself. It works by creating a number of "servers":
       each server consists of a socket pair, a timeout watcher that gets reset on activity (but never fires),
       and an I/O watcher waiting for input on one side of the socket. Each time the socket watcher reads a byte
       it will write that byte to a random other "server".

       The effect is that there will be a lot of I/O watchers, only part of which are active at any one point
       (so there is a constant number of active fds for each loop iteration, but which fds these are is random).
       The timeout is reset each time something is read because that reflects how most timeouts work (and puts
       extra pressure on the event loops).

       In this benchmark, we use 10000 socket pairs (20000 sockets), of which 100 (1%) are active. This mirrors
       the activity of large servers with many connections, most of which are idle at any one point in time.

       Source code for this benchmark is found as eg/bench2 in the AnyEvent distribution. It uses the AE
       interface, which makes a real difference for the EV and Perl backends only.

       Explanation of the columns

       sockets is the number of sockets, and twice the number of "servers" (as each server has a read and write
       socket end).

       create is the time it takes to create a socket pair (which is nontrivial) and two watchers: an I/O
       watcher and a timeout watcher.

       request, the most important value, is the time it takes to handle a single "request", that is, reading
       the token from the pipe and forwarding it to another server. This includes deleting the old timeout and
       creating a new one that moves the timeout into the future.


            name sockets create  request
              EV   20000  62.66     7.99
            Perl   20000  68.32    32.64
         IOAsync   20000 174.06   101.15 epoll
         IOAsync   20000 174.67   610.84 poll
           Event   20000 202.69   242.91
            Glib   20000 557.01  1689.52
             POE   20000 341.54 12086.32 uses POE::Loop::Event


       This benchmark does measure scalability and overall performance of the particular event loop.

       EV is again fastest. Since it is using epoll on my system, the setup time is relatively high, though.

       Perl surprisingly comes second. It is much faster than the C-based event loops Event and Glib.

       IO::Async performs very well when using its epoll backend, and still quite good compared to Glib when
       using its pure perl backend.

       Event suffers from high setup time as well (look at its code and you will understand why). Callback
       invocation also has a high overhead compared to the "$_->() for .."-style loop that the Perl event loop
       uses. Event uses select or poll in basically all documented configurations.

       Glib is hit hard by its quadratic behaviour w.r.t. many watchers. It clearly fails to perform with many
       filehandles or in busy servers.

       POE is still completely out of the picture, taking over 1000 times as long as EV, and over 100 times as
       long as the Perl implementation, even though it uses a C-based event loop in this case.


       •   The pure perl implementation performs extremely well.

       •   Avoid Glib or POE in large projects where performance matters.

       While event loops should scale (and select-based ones do not...) even to large servers, most programs we
       (or I :) actually write have only a few I/O watchers.

       In this benchmark, I use the same benchmark program as in the large server case, but it uses only eight
       "servers", of which three are active at any one time. This should reflect performance for a small server
       relatively well.

       The columns are identical to the previous table.


           name sockets create request
             EV      16  20.00    6.54
           Perl      16  25.75   12.62
          Event      16  81.27   35.86
           Glib      16  32.63   15.48
            POE      16 261.87  276.28 uses POE::Loop::Event


       The benchmark tries to test the performance of a typical small server. While knowing how various event
       loops perform is interesting, keep in mind that their overhead in this case is usually not as important,
       due to the small absolute number of watchers (that is, you need efficiency and speed most when you have
       lots of watchers, not when you only have a few of them).

       EV is again fastest.

       Perl again comes second. It is noticeably faster than the C-based event loops Event and Glib, although
       the difference is too small to really matter.

       POE also performs much better in this case, but is is still far behind the others.


       •   C-based event loops perform very well with small number of watchers, as the management overhead

       Recently I was told about the benchmark in the IO::Lambda manpage, which could be misinterpreted to make
       AnyEvent look bad. In fact, the benchmark simply compares IO::Lambda with POE, and IO::Lambda looks
       better (which shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody). As such, the benchmark is fine, and mostly shows
       that the AnyEvent backend from IO::Lambda isn't very optimal. But how would AnyEvent compare when used
       without the extra baggage? To explore this, I wrote the equivalent benchmark for AnyEvent.

       The benchmark itself creates an echo-server, and then, for 500 times, connects to the echo server, sends
       a line, waits for the reply, and then creates the next connection. This is a rather bad benchmark, as it
       doesn't test the efficiency of the framework or much non-blocking I/O, but it is a benchmark

          name                    runtime
          Lambda/select           0.330 sec
             + optimized          0.122 sec
          Lambda/AnyEvent         0.327 sec
             + optimized          0.138 sec
          Raw sockets/select      0.077 sec
          POE/select, components  0.662 sec
          POE/select, raw sockets 0.226 sec
          POE/select, optimized   0.404 sec

          AnyEvent/select/nb      0.085 sec
          AnyEvent/EV/nb          0.068 sec
             +state machine       0.134 sec

       The benchmark is also a bit unfair (my fault): the IO::Lambda/POE benchmarks actually make blocking
       connects and use 100% blocking I/O, defeating the purpose of an event-based solution. All of the newly
       written AnyEvent benchmarks use 100% non-blocking connects (using AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect and the
       asynchronous pure perl DNS resolver), so AnyEvent is at a disadvantage here, as non-blocking connects
       generally require a lot more bookkeeping and event handling than blocking connects (which involve a
       single syscall only).

       The last AnyEvent benchmark additionally uses AnyEvent::Handle, which offers similar expressive power as
       POE and IO::Lambda, using conventional Perl syntax. This means that both the echo server and the client
       are 100% non-blocking, further placing it at a disadvantage.

       As you can see, the AnyEvent + EV combination even beats the hand-optimised "raw sockets benchmark",
       while AnyEvent + its pure perl backend easily beats IO::Lambda and POE.

       And even the 100% non-blocking version written using the high-level (and slow :) AnyEvent::Handle
       abstraction beats both POE and IO::Lambda higher level ("unoptimised") abstractions by a large margin,
       even though it does all of DNS, tcp-connect and socket I/O in a non-blocking way.

       The two AnyEvent benchmarks programs can be found as eg/ and eg/ in the AnyEvent
       distribution, the remaining benchmarks are part of the IO::Lambda distribution and were used without any


       AnyEvent currently installs handlers for these signals:

           A handler for "SIGCHLD" is installed by AnyEvent's child watcher emulation for event loops that do
           not support them natively. Also, some event loops install a similar handler.

           Additionally, when AnyEvent is loaded and SIGCHLD is set to IGNORE, then AnyEvent will reset it to
           default, to avoid losing child exit statuses.

           A no-op handler is installed for "SIGPIPE" when $SIG{PIPE} is "undef" when AnyEvent gets loaded.

           The rationale for this is that AnyEvent users usually do not really depend on SIGPIPE delivery (which
           is purely an optimisation for shell use, or badly-written programs), but "SIGPIPE" can cause spurious
           and rare program exits as a lot of people do not expect "SIGPIPE" when writing to some random socket.

           The rationale for installing a no-op handler as opposed to ignoring it is that this way, the handler
           will be restored to defaults on exec.

           Feel free to install your own handler, or reset it to defaults.


       One of AnyEvent's main goals is to be 100% Pure-Perl(tm): only perl (and its built-in modules) are
       required to use it.

       That does not mean that AnyEvent won't take advantage of some additional modules if they are installed.

       This section explains which additional modules will be used, and how they affect AnyEvent's operation.

           This slightly arcane module is used to implement fast signal handling: To my knowledge, there is no
           way to do completely race-free and quick signal handling in pure perl. To ensure that signals still
           get delivered, AnyEvent will start an interval timer to wake up perl (and catch the signals) with
           some delay (default is 10 seconds, look for $AnyEvent::MAX_SIGNAL_LATENCY).

           If this module is available, then it will be used to implement signal catching, which means that
           signals will not be delayed, and the event loop will not be interrupted regularly, which is more
           efficient (and good for battery life on laptops).

           This affects not just the pure-perl event loop, but also other event loops that have no signal
           handling on their own (e.g. Glib, Tk, Qt).

           Some event loops (POE, Event, Event::Lib) offer signal watchers natively, and either employ their own
           workarounds (POE) or use AnyEvent's workaround (using $AnyEvent::MAX_SIGNAL_LATENCY). Installing
           Async::Interrupt does nothing for those backends.

       EV  This module isn't really "optional", as it is simply one of the backend event loops that AnyEvent can
           use. However, it is simply the best event loop available in terms of features, speed and stability:
           It supports the AnyEvent API optimally, implements all the watcher types in XS, does automatic timer
           adjustments even when no monotonic clock is available, can take avdantage of advanced kernel
           interfaces such as "epoll" and "kqueue", and is the fastest backend by far. You can even embed
           Glib/Gtk2 in it (or vice versa, see EV::Glib and Glib::EV).

           If you only use backends that rely on another event loop (e.g. "Tk"), then this module will do
           nothing for you.

           The guard module, when used, will be used to implement "AnyEvent::Util::guard". This speeds up guards
           considerably (and uses a lot less memory), but otherwise doesn't affect guard operation much. It is
           purely used for performance.

       JSON and JSON::XS
           One of these modules is required when you want to read or write JSON data via AnyEvent::Handle. JSON
           is also written in pure-perl, but can take advantage of the ultra-high-speed JSON::XS module when it
           is installed.

           Implementing TLS/SSL in Perl is certainly interesting, but not very worthwhile: If this module is
           installed, then AnyEvent::Handle (with the help of AnyEvent::TLS), gains the ability to do TLS/SSL.

           This module is part of perl since release 5.008. It will be used when the chosen event library does
           not come with a timing source of its own. The pure-perl event loop (AnyEvent::Loop) will additionally
           load it to try to use a monotonic clock for timing stability.

       AnyEvent::AIO (and IO::AIO)
           The default implementation of AnyEvent::IO is to do I/O synchronously, stopping programs while they
           access the disk, which is fine for a lot of programs.

           Installing AnyEvent::AIO (and its IO::AIO dependency) makes it switch to a true asynchronous
           implementation, so event processing can continue even while waiting for disk I/O.


       Most event libraries are not fork-safe. The ones who are usually are because they rely on inefficient but
       fork-safe "select" or "poll" calls - higher performance APIs such as BSD's kqueue or the dreaded Linux
       epoll are usually badly thought-out hacks that are incompatible with fork in one way or another. Only EV
       is fully fork-aware and ensures that you continue event-processing in both parent and child (or both, if
       you know what you are doing).

       This means that, in general, you cannot fork and do event processing in the child if the event library
       was initialised before the fork (which usually happens when the first AnyEvent watcher is created, or the
       library is loaded).

       If you have to fork, you must either do so before creating your first watcher OR you must not use
       AnyEvent at all in the child OR you must do something completely out of the scope of AnyEvent (see

       The problem of doing event processing in the parent and the child is much more complicated: even for
       backends that are fork-aware or fork-safe, their behaviour is not usually what you want: fork clones all
       watchers, that means all timers, I/O watchers etc. are active in both parent and child, which is almost
       never what you want. Using "exec" to start worker children from some kind of manage prrocess is usually
       preferred, because it is much easier and cleaner, at the expense of having to have another binary.

       In addition to logical problems with fork, there are also implementation problems. For example, on POSIX
       systems, you cannot fork at all in Perl code if a thread (I am talking of pthreads here) was ever created
       in the process, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. In general, using fork from Perl is difficult,
       and attempting to use fork without an exec to implement some kind of parallel processing is almost
       certainly doomed.

       To safely fork and exec, you should use a module such as Proc::FastSpawn that lets you safely fork and
       exec new processes.

       If you want to do multiprocessing using processes, you can look at the AnyEvent::Fork module (and some
       related modules such as AnyEvent::Fork::RPC, AnyEvent::Fork::Pool and AnyEvent::Fork::Remote). This
       module allows you to safely create subprocesses without any limitations - you can use X11 toolkits or
       AnyEvent in the children created by AnyEvent::Fork safely and without any special precautions.


       AnyEvent can be forced to load any event model via $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL}. While this cannot (to my
       knowledge) be used to execute arbitrary code or directly gain access, it can easily be used to make the
       program hang or malfunction in subtle ways, as AnyEvent watchers will not be active when the program uses
       a different event model than specified in the variable.

       You can make AnyEvent completely ignore this variable by deleting it before the first watcher gets
       created, e.g. with a "BEGIN" block:

          BEGIN { delete $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_MODEL} }

          use AnyEvent;

       Similar considerations apply to $ENV{PERL_ANYEVENT_VERBOSE}, as that can be used to probe what backend is
       used and gain other information (which is probably even less useful to an attacker than

       Note that AnyEvent will remove all environment variables starting with "PERL_ANYEVENT_" from %ENV when it
       is loaded while taint mode is enabled.


       Perl 5.8 has numerous memleaks that sometimes hit this module and are hard to work around. If you suffer
       from memleaks, first upgrade to Perl 5.10 and check whether the leaks still show up. (Perl 5.10.0 has
       other annoying memleaks, such as leaking on "map" and "grep" but it is usually not as pronounced).


       Tutorial/Introduction: AnyEvent::Intro.

       FAQ: AnyEvent::FAQ.

       Utility functions: AnyEvent::Util (misc. grab-bag), AnyEvent::Log (simply logging).

       Development/Debugging: AnyEvent::Strict (stricter checking), AnyEvent::Debug (interactive shell, watcher

       Supported event modules: AnyEvent::Loop, EV, EV::Glib, Glib::EV, Event, Glib::Event, Glib, Tk,
       Event::Lib, Qt, POE, FLTK, Cocoa::EventLoop, UV.

       Implementations: AnyEvent::Impl::EV, AnyEvent::Impl::Event, AnyEvent::Impl::Glib, AnyEvent::Impl::Tk,
       AnyEvent::Impl::Perl, AnyEvent::Impl::EventLib, AnyEvent::Impl::Qt, AnyEvent::Impl::POE,
       AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync, AnyEvent::Impl::Irssi, AnyEvent::Impl::FLTK, AnyEvent::Impl::Cocoa,

       Non-blocking handles, pipes, stream sockets, TCP clients and servers: AnyEvent::Handle, AnyEvent::Socket,

       Asynchronous File I/O: AnyEvent::IO.

       Asynchronous DNS: AnyEvent::DNS.

       Thread support: Coro, Coro::AnyEvent, Coro::EV, Coro::Event.

       Nontrivial usage examples: AnyEvent::GPSD, AnyEvent::IRC, AnyEvent::HTTP.


          Marc Lehmann <>