noble (3) Badger::Codecs.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbadger-perl_0.16-3_all bug


       Badger::Codecs - modules for encoding and decoding data


           # using class methods
           use Badger::Codecs;
           $encoded = Badger::Codecs->encode( base64 => $original );
           $decoded = Badger::Codecs->decode( base64 => $encoded );

           # creating a single codec object
           $codec   = Badger::Codecs->codec('base64');
           $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

           # creating a codecs collection
           $codecs  = Badger::Codecs->new(
               base   => ['My::Codec', 'Badger::Codec'],
               codecs => {
                   # most codec names are grokked automatigally from the
                   # base defined above - this hash is for any exceptions
                   wibble  => 'Ferret::Codec::Wibble',
                   frusset => 'Stoat::Codec::Frusset',

           # encode/decode via codecs collective
           $encoded = $codecs->encode( wibble => $original );
           $decoded = $codecs->decode( wibble => $encoded );

           # or via a specific codec
           $codec   = $codecs->codec('wibble');
           $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

           # importing a single codec
           use Badger::Codecs
               codec => 'url';

           # codec() returns a Badger::Codec::URL object
           $encoded = codec->encode($text);
           $decoded = codec->decode($encoded);

           # encode() and decode() are imported subroutines
           $encoded = encode($text);
           $decoded = decode($encoded);

           # import multiple codecs
           use Badger::Codecs
               codecs => 'base64 storable';

           # codec objects
           base64->encode(...);    base64->decode(...);
           storable->encode(...);  storable->decode(...);

           # imported subroutines
           encode_base64(...);     decode_base64(...);
           encode_storable(...);   decode_storable(...);

           # import a codec chain
           use Badger::Codecs
               codec => 'storable+base64';

           # as before, now both codecs are applied

           # multiple codecs with various options
           use Badger::Codecs
               codecs => {
                   link  => 'url+html',
                   str64 => 'storable+base64',

           # codec objects
           link->encode(...);      link->decode(...);
           str64->encode(...);     str64->decode(...);

           # subroutines
           encode_link(...);       decode_link(...);
           encode_str64(...);      decode_str64(...);

           # accessing codecs via Badger::Class
           use Badger::Class
               codec => 'base64';

           codec();    encode(...);    decode(...);

           use Badger::Class
               codecs => 'base64 storable';

           base64();   encode_base64(...);    decode_base64(...);
           storable(); encode_storable(...);  decode_storable(...);


       A codec is an object responsible for encoding and decoding data.  This module implements a codec manager
       to locate, load and instantiate codec objects.

   Using Codecs
       First you need to load the "Badger::Codecs" module.

           use Badger::Codecs;

       It can be used in regular OO style by first creating a "Badger::Codecs" object and then calling methods
       on it.

           my $codecs  = Badger::Codecs->new();
           my $codec   = $codecs->codec('url');
           my $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           my $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

       You can also call class methods directly.

           my $codec   = Badger::Codecs->codec('url');
           my $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           my $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

       Or like this:

           my $encoded = Badger::Codecs->encode(url => $original);
           my $decoded = Badger::Codecs->decode(url => $encoded);

       These examples are the equivalent of:

           use Badger::Codec::URL;
           my $codec   = Badger::Codec::URL->new;
           my $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           my $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

       "Badger::Codecs" will do its best to locate and load the correct codec module for you. It defines a
       module base path (containing "Badger::Codec" and "BadgerX::Codec" by default) to which the name of the
       requested codec is appended in various forms.

       It first tries the name exactly as specified.  If no corresponding codec module is found then it tries a
       capitalised version of the name, followed by an upper case version of the name.  So if you ask for a
       "foo" codec, then you'll get back a "Badger::Codec::foo", "Badger::Codec::Foo", "Badger::Codec::FOO" or
       an error will be thrown if none of these can be found.

       NOTE: the above paragaph is incorrect.  It now tries the capitalised version first to work around Apple's
       case-insensitive file system.  This is subject to change.

           my $codec = Badger::Codecs->code('url');
               # tries: Badger::Codec + url = Badger::Codec::url   # Nope
               # tries: Badger::Codec + Url = Badger::Codec::Url   # Nope
               # tries: Badger::Codec + URL = Badger::Codec::URL   # Yay!

   Chained Codecs
       Codecs can be chained together in sequence. Specify the names of the individual codes separated by "+"
       characters. Whitespace between the names and "+" is optional. The codec chain returned
       (Badger::Codec::Chain) behaves exactly like any other codec. The only difference being that it is apply
       several codecs in sequence.

           my $codec = Badger::Codecs->codec('storable+base64');
           $encoded = $codec->encode($data);       # encode storable then base64
           $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);    # decode base64 then storable

       Note that the decoding process for a chain happens in reverse order to ensure that a round trip between
       encode() and decode() returns the original unencoded data.

   Import Hooks
       The "codec" and "codecs" import hooks can be used to load and define codec subroutines into another

           package My::Module;

           use Badger::Codecs
               codec => 'base64';

       The "codec" import hook defines a "codec()" subroutine which returns a reference to a codec object.  It
       also defined "encode()" and "decode()" subroutines which are mapped to the codec.

           # using the codec reference
           $encoded = codec->encode($original);
           $decoded = codec->decode($encoded);

           # using the encode/decode subs
           $encoded = encode($original);
           $decoded = decode($encoded);

       The "codecs" import hook allows you to define several codecs at once. A subroutine is generated to
       reference each codec, along with encoding and decoding subroutines.

           use Badger::Codecs
               codecs => 'base64 storable';

           # codec objects
           $encoded = base64->encode($original);
           $decoded = base64->decode($encoded);
           $encoded = storable->encode($original);
           $decoded = storable->decode($encoded);

           # imported subroutines
           $encoded = encode_base64($original);
           $decoded = decode_base64($encoded);
           $encoded = encode_storable($original);
           $decoded = decode_storable($encoded);

       You can define alternate names for codecs by providing a reference to a hash array.

           use Badger::Codecs
               codecs => {
                   text => 'base64',
                   data => 'storable+base64',

           # codec objects
           $encoded = text->encode($original);
           $decoded = text->decode($encoded);
           $encoded = data->encode($original);
           $decoded = data->decode($encoded);

           # imported subroutines
           $encoded = encode_text($original);
           $decoded = decode_text($encoded);
           $encoded = encode_data($original);
           $decoded = decode_data($encoded);


       This subroutine can be used as a shortcut to the codec method.

           use Badger::Codecs 'Codec';

           my $yaml = Codec('YAML');
           print $yaml->encode($some_data);


       Constructor method to create a new "Badger::Codecs" object.

           my $codecs  = Badger::Codecs->new();
           my $encoded = $codecs->encode( url => $source );

       See "CONFIGURATION OPTIONS" for details of the configuration options that can be specified.

       The base() method can be used to set the base module path.  It can be called as an object or class

           # object method
           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new;
           $codecs->encode( Foo => $data );            # My::Codec::Foo

           # class method
           Badger::Codecs->encode( Foo => $data );     # My::Codec::Foo

       Multiple items can be specified as a list of arguments or by reference to a list.

           $codecs->base('Ferret::Codec', 'Stoat::Codec');
           $codecs->base(['Ferret::Codec', 'Stoat::Codec']);

       The codecs() method can be used to add specific codec mappings to the internal "codecs" lookup table.  It
       can be called as an object method or a class method.

           # object method
               wam => 'Ferret::Codec::Wam',
               bam => 'Stoat::Codec::Bam',
           my $codec = $codecs->codec('wam');          # Ferret::Codec::Wam

           # class method
               wam => 'Ferret::Codec::Wam',
               bam => 'Stoat::Codec::Bam',
           my $codec = Badger::Codecs->codec('bam');   # Stoat::Codec::Bam

   codec($type, %config)
       Creates and returns a "Badger::Codec" object for the specified $type.  Any additional arguments are
       forwarded to the codec's constructor method.

           my $codec   = Badger::Codecs->codec('storable');
           my $encoded = $codec->encode($original);
           my $decoded = $codec->decode($encoded);

       If the named codec cannot be found then an error is thrown.

   chain($type, %config)
       Creates a new Badger::Codec::Chain object to represent a chain of codecs.

   encode($type, $data)
       All-in-one method for encoding data via a particular codec.

           # class method
           Badger::Codecs->encode( url => $source );

           # object method
           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new();
           $codecs->encode( url => $source );

   decode($type, $data)
       All-in-one method for decoding data via a particular codec.

           # class method
           Badger::Codecs->decode( url => $encoded );

           # object method
           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new();
           $codecs->decode( url => $encoded );

       Loads a single codec identified by $name and exports the "codec", "encode" and "decode" functions into
       the $package namespace.

           package Your::Module;
           use Badger::Codecs;
           Badger::Codecs->export_code('Your::Module', 'base64');

           # base64() returns the codec

           # encode() and decode() are shortcuts

       An $alias can be provided which will be used instead of "codec" and appended to the names of the "encode"
       and "decode" functions.

           package Your::Module;
           use Badger::Codecs;
           Badger::Codecs->export_codec('Your::Module', 'base64', 'munger');

           # munged() returns the codec

           # encode_munger() and decode_munger() are shortcuts

       Loads and exports multiple codecs into $package. The codec $names can be specified as a a string of
       whitespace delimited codec names, a reference to a list of codec names, or a reference to a hash array
       mapping codec names to aliases (see export_codec()).

           Badger::Codecs->export_codecs('Your::Module', 'base64 storable');
           Badger::Codecs->export_codecs('Your::Module', ['base64', 'storable']);
           Badger::Codecs->export_codecs('Your::Module', {
               base64   => 'alias_for_base64',
               storable => 'alias_for_storage',

       Loads a codec module identified by the $name argument.  Returns the name of the module implementing the

           print Badger::Codecs->load('base64');       # Badger::Codec::Base64

       This is an internal method called by the base class Badger::Factory module when a codec is located and

       This is an internal method called by the base class Badger::Factory module when a cached codec object is

       This is an internal method called by the base class Badger::Factory module to return a final result for
       the requested code.  This method caches the codec object if no configuration arguments were provided.


       This option can be used to specify the name(s) of one or more modules which define a search path for
       codec modules. The default path contains "Badger::Codec" and "BadgerX::Codec".

           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new(
               path => 'My::Codec'
           my $codec = $codecs->codec('Foo');      # My::Codec::Foo

       Multiple paths can be specified using a reference to a list.

           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new(
               path => ['My::Codec', 'Badger::Codec'],
           my $codec = $codecs->codec('Bar');      # either My::Codec::Bar
                                                   # or Badger::Codec::Bar

       The "codecs" configuration option can be used to define specific codec mappings to bypass the automagical
       name grokking mechanism.

           my $codecs = Badger::Codecs->new(
               codecs => {
                   foo => 'Ferret::Codec::Foo',
                   bar => 'Stoat::Codec::Bar',
           my $codec = $codecs->codec('foo');      # Ferret::Codec::Foo


       Andy Wardley <>

       Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Andy Wardley. All rights reserved.

       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl