Provided by: libmojolicious-plugin-oauth2-perl_2.02-1_all bug


       Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 - Auth against OAuth2 APIs including OpenID Connect


   Example application
         use Mojolicious::Lite;

         plugin OAuth2 => {
           providers => {
             facebook => {
               key    => 'some-public-app-id',
               secret => $ENV{OAUTH2_FACEBOOK_SECRET},

         get '/connect' => sub {
           my $c         = shift;
           my %get_token = (redirect_uri => $c->url_for('connect')->userinfo(undef)->to_abs);

           return $c->oauth2->get_token_p(facebook => \%get_token)->then(sub {
             # Redirected to Facebook
             return unless my $provider_res = shift;

             # Token received
             $c->session(token => $provider_res->{access_token});
           })->catch(sub {
             $c->render('connect', error => shift);

       See "register" for more details about the configuration this plugin takes.

       Code using this plugin can perform offline testing, using the "mocked" provider:

         $app->plugin(OAuth2 => {mocked => {key => 42}});
         $app->routes->get('/profile' => sub {
           my $c = shift;

           state $mocked = $ENV{TEST_MOCKED} && 'mocked';
           return $c->oauth2->get_token_p($mocked || 'facebook')->then(sub {

       See Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2::Mock for more details.

   Connect button
       You can add a "connect link" to your template using the "oauth2.auth_url" helper. Example template:

         Click here to log in:
         <%= link_to 'Connect!', $c->oauth2->auth_url('facebook', scope => 'user_about_me email') %>


       This Mojolicious plugin allows you to easily authenticate against a OAuth2 <> or OpenID
       Connect <> provider. It includes configurations for a few popular providers,
       but you can add your own as well.

       See "register" for a full list of bundled providers.

       To support "OpenID Connect", the following optional modules must be installed manually:
       Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA and Mojo::JWT.  The modules can be installed with

         $ cpanm Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA Mojo::JWT


         $url = $c->oauth2->auth_url($provider_name => \%args);

       Returns a Mojo::URL object which contain the authorize URL. This is useful if you want to add the
       authorize URL as a link to your webpage instead of doing a redirect like "oauth2.get_token" does. %args
       is optional, but can contain:

       • host

         Useful if your provider uses different hosts for accessing different accounts.  The default is
         specified in the provider configuration.


       • authorize_query

         Either a hash-ref or an array-ref which can be used to give extra query params to the URL.


       • redirect_uri

         Useful if you want to go back to a different page than what you came from.  The default is:


       • scope

         Scope to ask for credentials to. Should be a space separated list.

       • state

         A string that will be sent to the identity provider. When the user returns from the identity provider,
         this exact same string will be carried with the user, as a GET parameter called "state" in the URL that
         the user will return to.

         $promise = $c->oauth2->get_refresh_token_p($provider_name => \%args);

       When Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 is being used in OpenID Connect mode this helper allows for a token to
       be refreshed by specifying a "refresh_token" in %args. Usage is similar to "oauth2.get_token_p".

         $promise = $c->oauth2->get_token_p($provider_name => \%args)
                      ->then(sub { my $provider_res = shift })
                      ->catch(sub { my $err = shift; });

       "oauth2.get_token_p" is used to either fetch an access token from an OAuth2 provider, handle errors or
       redirect to OAuth2 provider.  $err in the rejection handler holds a error description if something went
       wrong.  $provider_res is a hash-ref containing the access token from the OAauth2 provider or "undef" if
       this plugin performed a 302 redirect to the provider's connect website.

       In more detail, this method will do one of two things:

         When called from an action on your site, it will redirect you to the provider's "authorize_url". This
         site will probably have some sort of "Connect" and "Reject" button, allowing the visitor to either
         connect your site with his/her profile on the OAuth2 provider's page or not.

         The OAuth2 provider will redirect the user back to your site after clicking the "Connect" or "Reject"
         button. $provider_res will then contain a key "access_token" on "Connect" and a false value on

       The method takes these arguments: $provider_name need to match on of the provider names under
       "Configuration" or a custom provider defined when registering the plugin.

       %args can have:

       • host

         Useful if your provider uses different hosts for accessing different accounts.  The default is
         specified in the provider configuration.

       • redirect

         Set "redirect" to 0 to disable automatic redirect.

       • scope

         Scope to ask for credentials to. Should be a space separated list.

         $claims = $c->oauth2->jwt_decode($provider, sub { my $jwt = shift; ... });
         $claims = $c->oauth2->jwt_decode($provider);

       When Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 is being used in OpenID Connect mode this helper allows you to decode
       the response data encoded with the JWKS discovered from "well_known_url" configuration.

         $url = $c->oauth2->logout_url($provider_name => \%args);

       When Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 is being used in OpenID Connect mode this helper creates the url to
       redirect to end the session. The OpenID Connect Provider will redirect to the "post_logout_redirect_uri"
       provided in %args.  Additional keys for %args are "id_token_hint" and "state".

         $hash_ref = $c->oauth2->providers;

       This helper allow you to access the raw providers mapping, which looks something like this:

           facebook => {
             authorize_url => "",
             token_url     => "",
             key           => ...,
             secret        => ...,


         $hash_ref = $oauth2->providers;

       Holds a hash of provider information. See "oauth2.providers".


         $app->plugin(OAuth2 => \%provider_config);
         $app->plugin(OAuth2 => {providers => \%provider_config, proxy => 1, ua => Mojo::UserAgent->new});

       Will register this plugin in your application with a given %provider_config.  The keys in
       %provider_config are provider names and the values are configuration for each provider. Note that the
       value will be merged with the predefined providers below.

       Instead of just passing in %provider_config, it is possible to pass in a more complex config, with these

       • providers

         The %provider_config must be present under this key.

       • proxy

         Setting this to a true value will automatically detect proxy settings using "detect" in

       • ua

         A custom Mojo::UserAgent, in case you want to change proxy settings, timeouts or other attributes.

       Instead of just passing in %provider_config, it is possible to pass in a hash-ref "providers"
       (%provider_config) and "ua" (a custom Mojo::UserAgent object).

       Here is an example to add adddition information like "key" and "secret":

         $app->plugin(OAuth2 => {
           providers => {
             custom_provider => {
               key           => 'APP_ID',
               secret        => 'SECRET_KEY',
               authorize_url => '',
               token_url     => '',
             github => {
               key    => 'APP_ID',
               secret => 'SECRET_KEY',

       For OpenID Connect <>, "authorize_url" and "token_url" are configured from the
       "well_known_url" so these are replaced by the "well_known_url" key.

         $app->plugin(OAuth2 => {
           providers => {
             azure_ad => {
               key            => 'APP_ID',
               secret         => 'SECRET_KEY',
               well_known_url => '',

       To make it a bit easier the are already some predefined providers bundled with this plugin:


       Authentication for <> video site.


       Authentication for <>.


       Authentication for <> event site.

       See also <>.


       OAuth2 for Facebook's graph API, <>. You can find "key" (App ID) and "secret"
       (App Secret) from the app dashboard here: <>.

       See also <>.


       OAuth2 for Instagram API. You can find "key" (Client ID) and "secret" (Client Secret) from the app
       dashboard here: <>.

       See also <>.


       Authentication with Github.

       See also <>.


       OAuth2 for Google. You can find the "key" (CLIENT ID) and "secret" (CLIENT SECRET) from the app console
       here under "APIs & Auth" and "Credentials" in the menu at

       See also <>.


       OAuth2 for Vkontakte. You can find "key" (App ID) and "secret" (Secure key) from the app dashboard here:

       See also <>.


       Marcus Ramberg - ""

       Jan Henning Thorsen - ""


       This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.


       • <>

       • <>

       • <>

       • <>

       • <>