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RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket - Struct representing general RTCP packet headers as they are sent through the network.
#include <rtcppkt.h> Public Types enum Type { tSR = 200, tRR, tSDES, tBYE, tAPP, tFIR = 192, tNACK = 193, tXR } rtp.h cc++/rtp.h Public Member Functions uint32 getLength () const Get the packet length specified in its header, in octets and in host order. uint32 getSSRC () const Get the SSRC identifier specified in the packet header, in host order. Public Attributes RTCPFixedHeader fh Fixed RTCP header. union { SendReport SR RecvReport RR SDESChunk SDES BYEPacket BYE APPPacket APP NACKPacket NACK FIRPacket FIR } info Union for SR, RR, SDES, BYE and APP.
Detailed Description
Struct representing general RTCP packet headers as they are sent through the network. This struct consists of a fixed header, always at the beginning of any RTCP packet, and a union for all the RTCP packet types supported.
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::Type rtp.h cc++/rtp.h RTCP packet types. They are registered with IANA. Enumerator tSR Sender Report. tRR Receiver Report. tSDES Source DEScription. tBYE End of participation. tAPP APPlication specific. tFIR Full Intra-frame request. tNACK Negative ACK. tXR Extended Report.
Member Function Documentation
uint32 RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::getLength () const [inline] Get the packet length specified in its header, in octets and in host order. uint32 RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::getSSRC () const [inline] Get the SSRC identifier specified in the packet header, in host order.
Member Data Documentation
APPPacket RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::APP BYEPacket RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::BYE RTCPFixedHeader RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::fh Fixed RTCP header. FIRPacket RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::FIR union { ... } RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::info Union for SR, RR, SDES, BYE and APP. NACKPacket RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::NACK RecvReport RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::RR SDESChunk RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::SDES SendReport RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::SR
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